Sword of Defense

Chapter 39 Equivalent Exchange

Now Lei Jian is being invited by these enthusiastic refugees into the only well-preserved building here, that is, the abandoned military factory.

Thunder Sword observes the broken rubble around, and the people who use the floor as beds. Some of them are in good condition to have a cool mat or a broken sheet, but most of them are grass leaf vines or relatively soft dead branches.

Looking at their eyes, in order to entertain themselves, the refugees prepared some light soup, and some pieces of meat could be seen in it. Lei Jian looked at the people around them swallowing saliva and knew that this soup was nothing in their eyes. In fact, it was the best hospitality they could take out now. . And it seems that these refugees have not eaten for a while.

Lei Jian is very uncomfortable. Even so, they still have a shortcut to entertain themselves.

Lei Jian remembered the hero or rescue they mentioned before. Lei Jian was very ashamed. To be honest, he couldn't change anything about it, and he still wanted to see if he could get help from these people this time.

Although Lei Jian can't bear to disturb the fantasies of these people, Lei Jian has never been a person who knows how to comfort others. It is a feature of Lei Jian to directly express his thoughts.

"Everyone, can you listen to me say something that doesn't listen to me?"

Lei Jian's words make people who are excited to talk to each other a little strange.

"First of all, I'm not here to save you, and I don't have the ability to do this."

The cruel facts made these refugees temporarily unacceptable, and even some people cried in front of the thunder sword, and the scene became a little chaotic in an instant.

Lei Jian turned his head. He couldn't bear to look at all this and didn't want to face the weak side of human beings, nor did he want to face his incompetent self.

But at this time, a penetrating sound sounded all over the audience, and the noisy environment suddenly quieted down.

"What do you look like! As a human being, do you always expect to be saved by others? Where's your self-esteem!"

Thunder Sword followed the sound, a strong man whose muscles were not under Wang Sanjin, ** with his upper body and a newly dead wild boar on his shoulder. Lei Jian's attention was attracted by the steel bar in the hand of the strong man. Looking at the head of the steel bar being polished into a bright blade and the blood stains on the iron bar, Lei Jian could conclude how the wild boar died.

This guy is also very distinctive. A scar runs directly across the whole cheek from his right eye, and his eyes full of spirit make him look strong.

The man threw the 300 catties of wild boar on his shoulder directly on the ground. The disrepaired military factory was trembling, and Lei Jian was worried about whether it would be demolished by this big man.

The man then quickly walked to the crowd, and his sharp eyes made the most noisy people very ashamed.

"My name is Zhang Yu, a retired special forces soldier!" Zhang Yu stretched out his right hand.

The same is true of Lei Jian, saying, "I am Captain Lei Jian, who is directly under the Flying Tiger Special Warfare Army. It's nice to meet you."

Zhang Yu frowned and said, "Are you really the thunder sword that appears on the optical network program all day?"

Lei Jian smiled bitterly. The military knew a little about how many pages of his publicity, and then said, "If there is no one, it's me."

Zhang Yu had no mental fluctuation and said casually, "Is that thing at the door yours?"

Lei Jian nodded. Zhang Yu didn't give Lei Jian any room to speak, and then said, "I just took a brief look, and it seems that the big guy has received a lot of damage."

Lei Jian looked at Zhang Yu with some surprise. He didn't expect that there were still people who could understand mecha in this place, and Zhang Yu seemed to see Lei Jian's idea, and then said disdain: "I stayed in the army for a few years as a red dragon elite, majoring in aircraft warfare, aircraft, tanks and cannons. Which one can't I play? Although your big guy is a little complicated, the main structure is still similar.

Lei Jian's eyes on Zhang Yu have changed. This guy is a real talent. It seems a pity to stay here. The army is the real place for him.

It's pitiful that Lei Jian doesn't have time to say a word now. No, Zhang Yu continued to say, "It's impossible for you to take a fancy to us here. What difficulties have you encountered?"

Lei Jian was said to be a little ashamed, but that's the truth, and there is nothing to hide. He said directly, "It's true. I need to drive back to my army, but my propeller has been damaged and the fuel has been used up."

After sinking for a moment, Zhang Yu said a word that shocked everyone present: "Why should we help you!"

This sentence made Lei Jian speechless. At first, he really didn't think about it, and some people around Zhang Yu also pulled Zhang Yu's clothes and motioned not to do so, but Zhang Yu didn't think so. Now the earth is about to be chaotic. It can be said that no one can be in troubled times. Therefore, if you take away other people's things, you should also ask about the iron bars in your hand.

Lei Jian was silent. He knew that Zhang Yu was not the kind of person who could be fooled by the righteousness of the famous clan. From Zhang Yu's point of view, it was also understandable. Now Zhang Yu is obviously these hungry figures of refugee leaders, and he must be responsible for these people who don't even have enough to eat.

Although Zhang Yu can hunt prey like a hunter, his prey is limited, and his manpower is also limited. He can't support such a large crowd.

"Thunder sword, the carrier's grain reserve for a week." At this time, the words of sound and reason came.

Defender mecha has always been equipped with enough food reserves for drivers to eat for more than a week, bread, cans, vitamin drinks, etc., and they are all high-energy. This is still the time limit for the driver's high exercise. If you are an ordinary person, you can eat it for a month.

Now Lei Jian seems to have no choice but to say directly, "I guess you don't like money or something now."

Zhang Yu nodded with admiration. Now in this world, money is not as useful as a dried meat.

Lei Jian then said, "I have food here that can probably provide a person with food for a month, all of which are high energy."

Zhang Yu's eyes fluctuated, and Lei Jian knew that this was a performance of the other party's interest.

Zhang Yu inserted the iron bar in his hand into the cement floor, and the iron bar shook back and forth, moaning.

"We agree!"