Sword of Defense

Chapter 91 Fierce Battle with Zhang Yu

(Recommend the last update this week, please collect and ask for red tickets)

Lei Jian suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Yu, and Director Gao still did not move upstairs. For practical reasons, Zhang Yu still put his eyes back on Lei Jian.

"A long time ago, I was a lackey of the government like you." Zhang Yu's eyes looking at Lei Jian were full of disdain.

Lei Jian smiled indifferently, and what Zhang Yu said did not have any impact on Lei Jian.

"At least I won't cross the river and tear down the bridge against a person in distress."

Obviously, Lei Jian is still worried about Zhang Yu's extortion.

But Zhang Yu was also unmoved. He just said, "Only by paying can I be rewarded. What I get is what I deserve. Don't you think so?"

Lei Jian did not refute what Zhang Yu said. Indeed, although what Zhang Yu did at that time was a little unkind, he was just thinking about it for himself. In other words, what's wrong with such a person besides being a little selfish?

There is nothing to say between the two sides so far. Lei Jian has set the posture of fighting, and Zhang Yu is also ready to make a final effort.

Before he came, Su Yueye had given the final order. This action could only be successful but not failed. If he went back with his tail like this, Zhang Yu did not think that he would be forgiven by Su Yueye.

Anyway, there is a simple dead word before and after, so it's better to work hard!

Zhang Yu's aura changed in an instant, and Lei Jian became more and more serious.

The main purpose of Zhang Yu's previous was the explosion of Shalia's teeth, and now it is obviously impossible for Lei Jian to find a chance to break through, so if you want to continue to complete the task, it is essential to defeat Lei Jian.

There was no superfluous words, and Zhang Yu's body moved...

"First hand will win!"

Zhang Yu roared and seemed to cheer himself up, and then his right fist attacked the thunder sword like a hammer.

"Is this atmospheric work?"

The moment of Lei Jian raised the state of his whole body to the peak, and then struggled to avoid Zhang Yu's attack.

But the current state of Lei Jian is not good. Even if Zhang Yu's attack just now did not hit Lei Jian at all, Lei Jian still felt the hot pain in his chest that was wiped by Zhang Yu's fist.

Lei Jian knows that this is the reason for Qi. I have long heard that the orthodox special forces in Asia will use a special skill called atmospheric work, but Lei Jian has never seen it. This time, Lei Jian has fulfilled its previous wish, but it has experienced it in person with its own body.

Obviously, Zhang Yu did not show his full strength in the previous battle, but in this situation, Zhang Yu can no longer care about these things. It is the king's way to kill the thunder sword as soon as possible.

Lei Jian has always been specialized in mecha operation. Of course, it is much worse for real-life battles. Although Lei Jian's physical quality is also among the best among all soldiers, there is still a lot of gap with Zhang Yu, who has completely erupted out.

In the frontal confrontation, Lei Jian may not be Zhang Yu's opponent, but Lei Jian is not without his own chance of winning.

Since Zhang Yu was serious, the thunder sword would no longer hide it. Lei Jian's eyes then closed, but almost instantly opened it again. It seemed that the eyes full of data made Zhang Yu suddenly feel shocked.

Originally, Zhang Yu attacked like a storm, but at this time, in the eyes of Lei Jian, it was like slow motion in the movie, and he was effortlessly dodged by the Thunder Sword.

Although Lei Jian's computing ability is outstanding, Zhang Yu's combat ability is really against the sky. Although Lei Jian made a lot of counterattacks, it was counterattacked by Zhang Yu one by one. For a while, the two sides entered the stage of stalemate between you and me.

Zhang Yu's attack continued, pretended to be, and then quickly put his body into a state of rotation. A side kick with strength swept towards the thunder sword as quickly as a whip.

There was a green light in the eyes of the thunder sword. The expression of the thunder sword remained unchanged, and the body shifted slightly to the left. Although the action of the thunder sword completely avoided Zhang Yu's attack, Zhang Yu's strength attached to his leg mercilessly tore the clothes at the waist of the thunder sword completely.

Lei Jian immediately felt the coolness of his abdomen being blown by the wind, but Lei Jian had no time to care about such a thing now, because Zhang Yu's attack came again.

In the face of endless attacks, Lei Jian's heart is heavy. Judging from Zhang Yu's attack method, the other party has completely given up such as saving physical strength, and Zhang Yu has decided that he wants to break the net.


Lei Jian, who had been beaten like this, was very uncomfortable. He punched his chest, and the corners of Lei Jian's mouth overflowed with a trace of blood, but Lei Jian also took this opportunity to punch Zhang Yu's left side.

Zhang Yu and Lei Jian were damaged in this confrontation, but neither side meant to suspend.

The thunder sword wiped the blood stains on the corners of his mouth and quickly tore his broken top and threw it to the ground, while Zhang Yu spit out a mouthful of saliva full of blood, with one or two teeth in it, which was obviously the masterpiece of the thunder sword just now.

There is no time to give both sides a break. Although the two sides only had one fate and no deep hatred before, now the two men are their own masters and have to collide with blood and flesh again to make fist communication that only belongs to men.


Lei Jian shouted angrily, and then his right arm suddenly contracted and suddenly released like a spring, with too much impact, which was similar to attacking Zhang Yu.

What Lei Jian has learned is a very ordinary fighting skill. Although there is no profound way of fighting, it is the true meaning of combat in simplicity.

This attack seems simple, but Lei Jian found the only weakness of Zhang Yu's defense with his super computing ability, which is Zhang Yu's left knee.

Although Lei Jian did not know the reason, Zhang Yu deliberately protected his left knee in every attack and defense, and such a move did not escape the observation of Lei Jian.

Under the huge computing power of the thunder sword, the thunder sword can be sure that there must be some old wounds on Zhang Yu's left knee.

Although it is really disgusting to attack the enemy's weakness, if he fights with Zhang Yu openly, then Lei Jian feels that even he will laugh at his ignorance and innocence.

The attack of Lei Jian did not hesitate at all. Lei Jian's whole body was like a bullet, bending forward, turning his body shape into a streamlined type with the least resistance. It is precisely because of the action of the thunder sword that the movement speed of the thunder sword can be described as horror.

Zhang Yu's eyes have been observing the movements of the thunder sword, and this time the thunder sword did not hide its attack target. As Lei Jian thought, Zhang Yu was already a little panicked after seeing that his left knee had become a breakthrough for Lei Jian.

I have told Zhang Yu before that all his team members have died, so is Zhang Yu, who has been following his team members, been hurt at all?

That was obviously impossible. Zhang Yu lost all his comrades-in-arms in that sudden incident. Although he saved a life, he had lost all the parts below his left leg and knees.

Now Zhang Yu's left calf is completely a cheap prosthetic limb, and Zhang Yu can rely on a disabled body to fight against the thunder sword so far, but after all, Zhang Yu is not a dignitary person and can't buy a special limb that is almost exactly the same as the real body. With such a cheap foreign object, Zhang Yu His knee undoubtedly became Zhang Yu's biggest weakness.

Zhang Yu also deeply understands this, so Zhang Yu has always paid attention to protecting the large and leg connections of his left knee, but no matter how rigorous he did, under the super computing power of Lei Jian, all this is completely futile.

The thunder sword seemed to be laughing, because he seemed to see his hope of victory.

And Zhang Yu's face is not so good-looking. His weaknesses have been known, so his next battle will become more and more difficult.