Sword of Defense

Chapter 117 The dragon is so powerful

(It will be updated at 1 a.m. and 1 p.m. in the future.)

The sniper gun in his hand is specially made, and after soliciting Bai's opinion, something is also attached to the bullet, which is somewhat lethal to Onixia.

Moreover, now the phonetic is aimed at the parts that can greatly harm Orixia without causing any significant damage to Karentina.

That's Onixia's leg.

And Onixia is now busy dealing with the bullets in the sky, and Onixia is still a little contemptful at this moment, so she doesn't care that an unusual bullet has attacked her.

Suddenly, Onixia felt a tremor at the root of his thigh.

The attack of sound theory has been completely hit.

Onixia's face changed in an instant, allowing those bullets to attack her. Onikiia looked at the sound with a bad face.

The war angels are a little guilty. It is reasonable that the bullet just now should have been completely hit, but why does Onixia seem to be like nothing happened now?

But is that really the case?

The answer is no. The sudden attack of phonetic theory did hurt Onikeia, but there is a gap with the idea of phonetic theory.

After a careful look, he found that Onixia's thighs trembled a little, but it was not obvious.

A thin trace of blood flowed down from the root of Onixia's thigh.

"It's really dangerous."

In the face of such a situation, Onixia, who had been staring at the sound and reason, actually laughed.

"Maybe you don't know that my armor has changed compared with the white one. Can the life in the abyss be understood by the little white silver dragon?"

Onixia said in a terrible voice: "Danger is everywhere. I have already been interspersed with new armor at this seemingly weak protection point, but it's a little secretive."

Speaking of this, Onixia also lifted the short skirt covering the base of her thighs, and then everyone saw a short skirt armor worn on it, and there was a bullet hole on the smooth metal piece on the skirt armor, and the bullet shot by the theory just now was still hanging on it.

I took down this bullet indifferently and put it in my hand to play, suddenly! Onixia applied, held the bullet tightly in his hand with his right hand, and then threw it at the sound sense.

The speed of bullets flying out of Onixia's hand is not much slower than that of the phonological sniper rifle, and it seems to be more powerful.

The bullet with powerful power went forward and directly dispersed the machine gun bullet in front of him, and instantly came to the front of the sound and reason.

Even if it is phonetic, it can only slightly avoid the key points in this case.


The sound of a sharp weapon piercing into the body came from the body of sound and theory, but due to the timely avoidance of sound and theory, the bullet that was originally aimed at the forehead of sound and theory finally fell on the shoulder of sound and theory.

The sound and reason gasped, and then the connectedness of the injured shoulder to the brain were cut off, and then the mood began to stabilize.

Looking carefully, I found that a small hole was directly pierced on Yin Youyou's shoulder.

This is because of the special effect of the bullet. This bullet is specially manufactured for this situation. The highlight is the super penetration. If it is hit by this bullet, there will be a hole immediately, but it is the kind of complete penetration before and after. The lethality is sufficient, but it will not hurt life if it is not in a fatal position. Yes, and it's easy to cure.

The characteristics of this bullet make it sound and sense choose it.

It's just that I never thought that such a bullet would hit me.

The sound theory was injured, and Yin Yiyi and Yin Chuchu increased the output of firepower, but there seemed to be no obstacles to Onixia.

"Damn it!"

The thunder sword noticed the situation here and was very anxious. He immediately pulled out the beam dagger from behind him and ran out of an S-shaped walking posture directly.

Looking at the thunder sword approaching her side, Onixia directly ignored the sound and reason, and the thunder sword was the person she wanted to kill most.

"Human, no matter what you use ** my sister, I will let you return her to me completely!"

Onixia's face was ferocious, saying inexplicable words.

Onixia was not only talking with his mouth, but also chanting spells.

The death entanglement attached to the thunder sword is still tormenting the thunder sword, but the thunder sword relies on the sound that fits itself to break its pain.

Countless fireballs hit the thunder sword. Thunder sword's brain quickly analyzed the landing point of each fireball, constantly avoiding each fireball, and even the thunder sword had the opportunity to say a sentence.

"Listen, evil woman, everything about your sister is voluntary!"

Although I don't know what kind of heart Orixia has for his sister Bai, Lei Jian still can't recognize it and look back to mock.

Onixia obviously didn't hear what the thunder sword said. She just fired a fireball crazily and said angrily, "I'll take her away!"

Lei Jian said that he could not understand the principle of Onixia's thinking at all, but this did not affect the movement of Lei Jian at all.

Unconsciously, the thunder sword was close to Onixia. The beam sword in the hand of the thunder sword kept trembling. The thunder sword crossed its heart, and the beam dagger was tearing towards Onixia.

"That's stupid!"

Onixia sneered, and then jumped up from the same place, which was beyond the reach of the thunder sword as a human.

Onixia, who has a high advantage, can be said to be standing on the invincible plane and looking proudly at the thunder sword. Onikisia's face is like a noble and inviolable queen.

"After playing for so long, the game should be over!"

Onixia released the attack of Yin Yiyi and Yin Chuchu, a boundary blocker, in front of him, and then sang faintly.

Thunder Sword knows that Onixia is really playing this time. The previous fireballs are just small spells that Onixia can release. Now what Thunder Sword is going to face is real non-scientific horror.

Lei Jian knew what he had to do, but Lei Jian thought about it, and Lei Jian had no choice but to find that in the current situation, he really had nothing to do.


Faced with this situation, the powerless thunder sword can only put hope on Bai, who put it aside.

Bai is also seizing the time to draw the magic array. Looking at this situation, most of Bai's preparations have been completed, and it is estimated that it has come to the end.

And this is probably one of the reasons why Onixia is completely serious.

After all, the spells prepared by Bai are much more cumbersome than Onixia's. Although Onixia is also preparing something amazing, it is completed much faster than Bai.

How long is this? Now Onixia has completed the preparation for singing, and his eyes are getting worse and worse when he looks at Lei Jian.

"Is it done?"

Lei Jian's psychology suddenly ga Da, and then Onixia's action confirmed Lei Jian's idea.

"Go to hell, ants!"

In this gym, it seems that the angry voice of Onixia can be heard everywhere.

Quietly, the whole sports hall was like the light in the night went out, and all the light was lost in an instant.

If there is someone outside, he will be surprised to see that the spacious general gym is now covered with a group of dark clouds.

"Dark thunder!"

Onixia's voice seemed to be icy, but as Onixia's voice fell, a thunder appeared in an instant in the cloudy sky, which quickly split towards the thunder sword in the roaring sound.

"Nima, this is a trap!!!"

In the face of such a situation, there is no way for Lei Jian to think about it. For a while, Lei Jian could only stay where he was and wait to die!