Sword of Defense

Chapter 41 I Won't Go

Under the rotating blade, Shamen decided that everyone present would not escape from his magic palm. Even if Huang Changzhi can go out alive depends on his mood.

In a way, Shamen said that he was very happy to kill this human named Huang Changzhi. At that time, this hierarchical regime in Asia will be completely chaotic because of himself.

Shamen can imagine what will happen in such a chaotic Asian region when it suddenly suffers from Sharia's army.

Shamen's face was full of grim smiles, and now all he has to do is to clean up the only obstacle in front of him!

The air battle queen quickly reversed in the air. After making a difficult momentary fall, the air battle queen's feet landed, and then the air battle queen's legs squatted slightly. Some gas to relieve the pressure sprayed from the air battle queen's knees, and then the mechanical legs were like a pair of huge springs. Similarly, the propeller behind the air war queen also accelerated to the extreme in an instant.

Almost in an instant, the air battle queen flew quickly behind her, and then a metal monster ball full of blades suddenly appeared on the ground where the previous air battle queen stayed.

Shamen did not show any pity. The blade on the hedgehog-like mecha was spinning quickly, and the originally stable ground was cut into a pile of mud by Shamen in an instant.

Looking at the messy field that has been made by himself, Salmon is not satisfied at all, because compared with his speed, the Queen of Air War is really too fast. Shamen knows that if it goes on like this, he can only touch the other party's exhaust.

But this does not mean that all this is over. Salmon is not a rational person, which is fully revealed from the moment he did not hesitate to take action on his companions.

With a cruel smile, Shamen put his eyes aside to the war angels who could not breathe.

"It seems that we have forgotten some little playmates..."

Shamen's smile is crazy, and his intention is obvious.

Without any warning, Shamen, who had been chasing the queen of the air war, suddenly changed his direction and rushed to the people who were hiding behind him.

Shamen's first goal is Okuman. He was originally at peace with Okuman, and now he has completely torn his face with him. If there is any accident and let Okuman leave here alive, it is definitely a nightmare for him.

Shamen quickly rotated the blade on his mecha. Now Okuman is sitting with the rest of the people. If it goes well, Shamen will complete most of his goals.

But these are all based on the smooth development of everything, but Karentina will never allow this to happen.

Karentina's hands left a shadow on the operation keyboard of the air battle queen. The speed of the air battle queen was raised to the extreme by Karendina. In a blink of an eye, the air battle queen was blocked in front of the war sound angels. The speed gap between the air battle queen and the Shamen mecha can be seen.

In the face of such a situation, Salmon's mood became happier. Yes, there is no better result than now.

"Ah ha ha..."

Shamen laughed wildly. If everything goes well, he will end the farce. The great Lord Shamen will become the hero of Sharia. Lord Shamen will personally capture the Asian region, which symbolizes the strongest force on the earth. Everything, everything is from now on!

In Shamen's crazy mood, his mecha also accelerated by several percentage points, and the rotating blades are getting less and less away from the air battle queen, and the air war queen will be cut into pieces by Shamen.

Karentina also knew what kind of result she would suffer if she went on like this, but Karendina was not moved at all, but put her right hand on a green button.

That's the emergency escape button. When necessary, Karentina can rely on it to leave her cockpit instantly to save her life.

Shamen's attack is close at hand, and the war angels are also making their own efforts. Countless guns and ammunition are venting towards Shamen's mecha, but the damage of such gunpowder weapons to Shamen's mecha can simply be ignored.

"It's all over..."

Looking at the current situation, Okuman seems to feel that he has seen through everything. In the face of the upcoming death, Okuman looks so calm.

Yang Zhi looked at Director Gao with a wry smile, and the two of them never thought that their final ending would be here.

"It's nothing. We don't have much time..." Yang Zhi seemed to have aged several years in an instant.

Looking at his old friend, Director Gao smiled and then said, "I don't think this will be our final outcome. We still have a lot of things that haven't been done. Everything will not end so simply."

At the end of Director Gao's words, the blade on the Shamen mecha had been cut to the armor painting of the air battle queen, and most of the lines of the air battle queen had been scrapped.

Although the queen of the air battle made some resistance movements, such as stretching out her beam sword, these were futile. Under the fierce offensive of Sharma, all resistance was useless.

Karentina pressed the green button without hesitation. Although the situation may be worse next, Karentina has no choice now.

The air battle queen's cockpit was like a small Fetion, instantly separated from the air battle queen's fuselage, and then the air battle queen was cut into pieces by Salmon, and then burst into a ball of debris.


After finally getting rid of the trouble of the air battle queen, Salmon's heart is naturally extremely comfortable. Although the speed of the air battle queen is unparalleled, sometimes the battle is not so simple.

"That's stupid!"

Shamen gave such a comment on Karentina's action just now.

In Shamen's view, it is a completely wrong decision to let the Queen of Air War act as a shield to cover herself. Is it possible that after losing the Queen of Air War, will she also choose to retreat?

Of course, this is impossible. Shamen's hand did not stop at all, and then he would directly tear those vulnerable human beings. As for the escaped aircraft, Shamen did not care. Shamen believed that as long as he carried out the next action Then this aircraft will definitely fall into the net.

with a cruel smile, Shamen quickly rotated the blade of his mecha and rushed to the seemingly vulnerable human beings in front of him, and the following situation was as Sharon thought. Of course, Karentina would not let go of such a situation.

Karentina controls her aircraft, which is equipped with some small beam guns. Karentina is making her last efforts, although it seems to be useless.

Looking at Karentina's movements now, the war angels are anxious.

"Go away, leave us alone!"

It was futile to directly hit Shamen's mecha with one shot.

The sound theory is still making the final effort. She doesn't want Karentina to suffer anything, and she may die next, but so what? The war sound angel is a data soul. Even if the body dies, it will be resurrected on the war sound system at the same time. In a way, the war sound angel has got eternal life.

"Master, please..."

The war angel is making a final effort by relying on the communication channel with the air war queen, but everything has no effect.

"I can't give up anyone, you and the high directors, which can't be lost by Lei Jian!"

Yes, that's Karentina's reason. Everything is for the thunder sword. She can't see the sad expression of the thunder sword.