Sword of Defense

Chapter 54 I'm not his person

Lei Jian is now in a narrow tunnel. Because the space here is too small, Lei Jian can't completely stretch his body at all. That is to say, if there is a previous trap here, then Lei Jian can tell you responsibly that he absolutely has no way. Escape.

Maybe Liu Yan is a trap idiot. Now the thunder sword has walked nearly 100 meters, but there is still no abnormal situation.

Obviously, this idea is wrong, because from the previous photo frame, Liu Yan is definitely not a simple person.

"What a bitch!"

Although Lei Jian felt nothing, he gave Lei Jian an extremely painful broken arm. He did not expect or thought that he would one day suffer the pain of breaking his arm like Su Yueye, who was personally cut off his arm, and the initiator was still himself.


Lei Jian's eyes are full of crazy looks. If possible, Lei Jian may kill Liu Yan at the first sight.

But it seems that Thunder Sword does not have such a chance.

Even the longest tunnel will have an end, and now the thunder sword has come to an end, but now there is a black muzzle staring at his head.

"Good job, our hero!"

Lei Jian did not change his expression. Looking at the cold woman who stayed in front of him, Lei Jian finally suffoed a smile.

Now Lei Jian can't count the hatred of Liu Yan's broken arm. Lei Jian recognizes this guy in Liu Yan's hand.

Although it looks no different from an ordinary pistol, Lei Jian recognizes that this is the newly developed beam pistol, and the shooting speed is very fast. Lei Jian is not sure that he can escape from life at such a short distance.

And now Liu Yan doesn't seem to have the intention of killing herself. It seems that watching the change is the best choice.

"What? Don't talk?"

There was a slight sneer at the corners of Liu Yan's mouth.

Lei Jian looked at Liu Yan's gesture, slowly raised his one arm, and then said, "What can I say?"

Liu Yan looked at the shameless appearance of Lei Jian and cursed shamelessly in her heart, and then seemed to say helplessly, "Originally, our well water did not violate the river, why do you always have trouble with me?"


Lei Jian heard it and seemed that he was not the only one who came to assassinate Liu Yan.


Liu Yan snorted coldly and then said, "There were three people who were not afraid of death before you, but they don't have your good skills and your determination!"

After saying that, Liu Yan also looked at the broken arm of Lei Jian with a complicated look.

Lei Jian smiled indifferently, as if it was not his own arm at all.

Liu Yan didn't care about Lei Jian's expression, but said lightly, "Now can you give me an explanation?" It's rare for a person to see me alive.

"Because of Huang Changzhi."

Lei Jian's face is full of knowingly, and the performance of Lei Jian has always made Liu Yan very unhappy.

"You'd better say something nutritious!"

Liu Yan shook her arm, and the black hole muzzle changed its position back and forth on the body of the thunder sword.

These are not important. No matter where you hit, they are the same result.

"Don't you understand? We won't leave you as a disaster!"

Liu Yan seemed to listen to something funny, and then laughed and said, "Do you think I'm with Huang Changzhi?"


Lei Jian looked at Liu Yan with some surprise. Did he say that he had made a mistake at the beginning?

"But you don't look like a friend! ~”

In the end, Lei Jian came up with such an answer.

"But it's not necessarily the enemy!"

Liu Yan said firmly, and Lei Jian's eyes also changed.

"Tell your purpose!"

Lei Jian's hand has been put down, but Liu Yan doesn't care at all.

"I work for others, of course, not on your side, but we don't have any conflicts of interest for the time being."

Lei Jian was silent and then said, "Do you want to cooperate with us?"

Liu Yan showed a look like a smart man, and then slowly put down her gun.

At this time, Lei Jian was a little impressed by Liu Yan.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

Lei Jian's body approached Liu Yan in an instant, and his cold arm had touched Liu Yan's cheek.

It's just that Liu Yan doesn't feel any fear at all.

"You won't kill me, and you won't kill me!"

Liu Yan's words were very resolute, but he underestimated Lei Jian, who was never the kind of person who dealt cards according to common sense.

Of course, this is an exception, because Ding Ding has issued the deepest warning in Lei Jian's mind.

"Okay, I know..."

Lei Jian's impatient respondent Ding Ding Ding in his mind. Yes, if Lei Jian really kills Liu Yan, then all his cooperation plans with Ding Ding Ding will be stranded.

"I really don't know how this guy became the god of despair..."

Lei Jian said that she was powerless to complain. Indeed, according to Dingding's personality, it is the most appropriate for her to take on the position of guardian angel!

However, most of Lei Jian's thoughts can't escape Dingding's observation, but Dingding doesn't want to spend words on such things.

In the end, Lei Jian compromised. Lei Jian glanced around and finally found a sofa on the side. Then someone did it without the consent of any owner.

"Oh, you really have no demeanor."

Liu Yan put her hands on her chest and looked at Lei Jian's behavior, saying that it was difficult to accept.

But Lei Jian didn't seem to hear anything and said directly, "Now we can have a good talk about it before I regret not having this arm."

I don't know what it means to smile. Lei Jian didn't like the other party's eyes looking at his broken arm.

"It's not convenient for me to disclose who I work for, at least until I get the consent of my boss."

Liu Yan has sat beside Lei Jian and felt the seductive fragrance around her, but Lei Jian did not move at all.

"It's really conservative..."

Liu Yan's hands have been restlessly wiped on Lei Jian's body.

At this time, Yin Youyou, who had been immersed in the mind of the thunder sword, finally couldn't stand it. A trace of biological current was transmitted to the whole body of the thunder sword through the battle terminal on the hand of the thunder sword, although this degree could not pose any threat to the thunder sword.

But Liu Yan's body, who is now in zero-distance contact with Lei Jian, is also an ordinary person. Now Liu Yan only feels that her hands are numb, and then her whole body is the same. In a short time, Liu Yan is like being given an anesthetic injection and suddenly can't move.

"I think you should correct your position, woman!"

Lei Jian looked at Liu Yan very poorly. At this time, a trace of panic flashed in Liu Yan's eyes. Although it was well concealed, it was still completely captured by Lei Jian.

"What do you want to do?"

Liu Yan's voice is full of calmness.

Lei Jian smiled and stood up from the sofa, leaving only Liu Yan with a broken back.

"You're wrong!"

Lei Jian suddenly turned around and said with full eyes, "What do you want to do!"

Now, Liu Yan slowly feels that most of the paralysis all over her body has disappeared.

She struggled to get up from the sofa, and Liu Yan's eyes looking at Lei Jian were very complicated.

This man is hard to see clearly.

Sometimes, Liu Yan also has this feeling in Huang Changzhi, so Liu Yan always thinks that she seems to have been exposed in Huang Changzhi's eyes for a long time, but Liu Yan always thinks that this is not the case, because Huang Changzhi trusts himself too much, and many confidential things are only Huang Changzhi. I know it with Liu Yan.

"I want to talk to you about rectifying the Asian region."

After thinking nonsense, Liu Yan began to put forward the project she wanted to cooperate with.

It just makes Lei Jian puzzled. Literally, this seems to have a lot of benefits for him. Lei Jian doesn't think that the other party will give him such a big date for nothing.