Love of a rich family: reborn queen becomes a beautiful wife

End speech

Yesterday's idea is finally over, and today's idea is a little reluctant.

This book took five months from thinking to writing. It seems to be a little long, but it really flies.

I can only say... Ah, another book is over, and I have written three books one after another.

Unexpectedly, it will be collected from the moment of completion, from the first book to the third book without exception.

I don't know what other people's collections and comments are. I can only say that for me, it is more exciting than the number of words than the manuscript fee.

When I finished the last book, I didn't care about it because of the collection.

When this book is finished, it seems to be a little mature, knowing that this is the necessary process for every book.

However, this book is still not so satisfactory, even myself.

I always want to make progress, but one by one, I'm a little confused. Have I made progress? Where is the progress?

After being confused, he still continues to write, and the prototype of the story keeps appearing in his mind, thinking about writing it out and continuing to write it.

Although I don't know who will accompany me to the end, I have to go my own way after all. As written in the article, whether it is wonderful or not, I have to go on eventually, right?

Who makes me a person who is not greedy but really afraid of death?

PS: The next book is in progress and is still returning to the theme of online games. I don't know if the manuscript will be passed and whether it can be released smoothly next month. I can only say... See you next time, you guys.

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