Love of a rich family: reborn queen becomes a beautiful wife

017 photos taken

After having a midnight snack, the three went to the beach together for a while, and then returned to the top floor of the hotel to watch the night view. The two big men changed their swimming trunks and soaked directly in the open-air swimming pool, while Wen Shao'an lay lazily on the lounge chair and looked at the stars and the moon... Looking at the endless night sky.

Although they slept for most of the day, after two o'clock in the middle of the night, when the crowd almost dispersed, the three of them were finally tired.

I felt the footsteps slowly approaching. Without waiting for Wen Shao'an to open his eyes, he was already hanging in the air and being held in someone's still cold arms. Then it was Qin Minghao's joking voice: "I didn't expect it to be so late to make my sister-in-law fall asleep."

Qin Mingrui's deep voice is very close: "Then I'll go down with Shao'an first, and the second brother will rest early."

"Okay, see you tomorrow." Then there was a "plop" sound, and it seemed that Qin Minghao planned to swim for a while.

Qin Mingrui walked steadily. It seemed that when he walked to the front of the elevator, there was a messy sound of footsteps, and then "ding"... It seemed that he came to help press the elevator.

Wen Shao'an only felt that his heart was beating slowly, and the arm against his cheek gradually became warm.

The elevator descended very fast, but it was particularly slow at this time. Time seemed to stop. Wen Shao'an waited for a long time and did not hear the "ding" sound.

Qin Mingrui's voice sounded again: "Are you still pretending to sleep? You don't want to play for a long time, and then lie down and sleep without washing or grooming, right?

Suddenly, Wen Shao'an's face became faintly hot, and she opened her eyes slightly: "Since you know I'm pretending to be asleep, why don't put me down."

Qin Mingrui smiled and then carefully bent down, let her feet hit the ground and slowly helped her stand up.

Almost as soon as he stood firmly, Wen Shao'an couldn't wait to walk away from him and kept a distance of one meter before he breathed a sigh of relief. Although the soul in this body has lived for 30 years, it still can't change the old problem of women - it can't resist some small actions that can be called a good man.

If you trap yourself because of this, it will be a real tragedy.

Qin Mingrui was not satisfied with such a distance. He stretched out his hand around her waist and brought her over: "I want to do a full set of drama, my good wife."

Is it possible that Qin Minghao can investigate the camera in this elevator?

I thought so, but Wen Shao'an still didn't struggle honestly. He found a comfortable position and stood and said, "What should I do tomorrow? Do you want to show your love for a day?"

"No, be natural. Just be yourself. Leave the rest to me."


Although Qin Minghao played later than them, he got up not later. The two washed and dressed well in the room, and he came down and knocked on the door.

Wen Shao'an subconsciously turned his head and looked at Qin Mingrui. Qin Mingrui was wearing a watch calmly. Today, he was very casual, with a stand-up sweater on his upper body and a loose cropped trousers on his lower body. He didn't look like the third young master of the Qin family at all, but the watch was still shining and sharp, indicating his background.

She got up early and took the lead in taking care of herself. I don't know whether he was deliberately or unintentional. The two were dressed in the same color, and they stood together quite like their casual couple's clothes.

After everything was ready, Qin Mingrui took his wallet and mobile phone, pulled Wen Shao'an to the door and opened the door: "Good morning, second brother."

Seeing their clothes, Qin Minghao was stunned and whistled immediately: "I'm really envious of my second brother. One day I will take your sister-in-law to dress like this."

Qin Mingrui just smiled and pulled Wen Shao'an out and closed the door.

Qin Minghao did not feel embarrassed, but still said to himself, "Go, go down for breakfast first."

The breakfast was very rich, because Qin Minghao also brought the French to his table yesterday, so the two brothers ordered a lot of food for fear that others would think that their Qin family was too stingy.

Wen Shao'an didn't know French. After listening to it for a long time, she just smiled and said nothing. Later, a French girl sweetly spoke to her in English and chatted a few words.

Among those people, there was also a couple who seemed to be in love. They always ate two bites and said a few words to kiss. Finally, they simply had a French deep kiss in front of everyone. Others were coaxed, while Qin Minghao smiled meaningfully and looked at Qin Mingrui and Wen Shao'an, who had nothing to do.

Seeing his eyes, Wen Shao couldn't help but feel a little worried. He remembered what Qin Mingrui said yesterday to make a full set of plays... Wouldn't there be another tongue kiss?

Fortunately, Qin Mingrui was extremely calm. After breakfast, he consciously paid, and then his closest action was still holding hands with her, and then whispered in her ear from time to time.

And the market mentioned by Qin Minghao was nearby, and the group slowly walked there before nine o'clock.

The market, which occupies a large area, is very lively. From a distance, it is completely crowded and busy. Those French were not the first to come. They took the three of them through the crowd to the second floor of the less crowded market.

The first floor sells various essential oils, herbs, fruits, vegetables, flowers, fish and meat, just like the Chinese vegetable market. Although there are many people, they are not messy, but they are somewhat well organized.

The second floor is conducive to their foreign tourists to buy some local handicrafts as souvenirs.

After all, it is not a high-end place, and the things sold are not expensive and are truly of great commemorative value.

Wen Shao'an bought some accessories made of shells, and then chose this Tahitian scenery album to go back as a souvenir. Those French seem to come here to shop. They have to stop and pick everything they see, and then almost every stay can be fruitful.

The market is very large. When they finish shopping on the second floor and return to the first floor, most of the local residents who came as soon as possible have dispersed. So everyone strolled around the first floor. Wen Shao'an bought some essential oils, vanilla and coffee, and finally bought some Tahitian special fruits recommended on the Internet - Noli fruit.

Qin Mingrui had a faint smile on his face from beginning to end, only expressed his opinion in agreement with her purchase, and eagerly took all the big and small bags.

After taking things back to the hotel and having lunch together, the group took the ferry to Morea Island.

As Qin Mingrui said, Wen Shao'an didn't have to bother to do anything at all. He just needed to eat with a group of people. He took the initiative to do the rest. In the afternoon, when he did SPA with three French girls, he was envied that they were very loving.

Seeing that even the girl who showed her love from time to time even nodded and agreed. Wen Shao'an was surprised and a little red. Unexpectedly, in her opinion, the ordinary mode of getting along with each other was like this in the eyes of others. I really don't know whether to say whether she was too slow or Qin Mingrui was too good at showing off.

In the evening, I was dragged to go to a traditional music performance, participate in the flame party and the banquet of the local villagers, and the day was enriched.

The next day, Qin Minghao did not pull them any more, but continued to follow the French to surf.

The two swayed around the neighborhood, took a canoe to eat breakfast on the sea, went to the lagoon to feed sharks, and went to Pape to visit Notre Dame Cathedral. In the afternoon, I went to a large shopping mall to buy some high-end souvenirs, such as black pearls called "Moon's Manna", as well as traditional carvings, sunscreen, perfumes and so on.

I didn't eat dinner more seriously, but was filled with all kinds of delicious snacks.

And one of them is not young on the surface, the other is not young, and there is no one who can play with them. They returned to the hotel early at night. They are still walking to watch the performance and watching the night scene, and the day passes by.

In addition, the day I slept, the five days that sounded not short actually passed quickly. Wen Shao'an only felt that it was a little fun, and Qin Mingrui informed her that she would fly back early tomorrow morning.

Thinking of having to transfer to Tokyo, Wen Shao'an couldn't help thinking: "I won't go back. I'll just live in Tokyo and wait for the crew to start up, okay?"

Qin Mingrui refused without thinking about it: "No, after you go back to see your father and mother, you can fly to Tokyo."

"..." It's just two more flights. Wen Shao'an didn't bother to argue about this and began to pack up his things without saying anything.

Qin Minghao did not stay much and came back with them. After having fun these days, his spirit was obviously much higher. Even if he didn't sleep much, he was energetic.

The 18-hour journey is too long, and others are resting quietly. Wen Shao'an can only take out his mobile phone to read Weibo and watch the latest entertainment news.

Just when Wen Shao'an was a little tired but not sleepy, Qin Minghao suddenly leaned over and said, "What are you looking at?"

Wen Shao'an generously moved his mobile phone over: "Weibo."

Qin Minghao took a look with interest: "Oh, do you have any photos? Let's see where you all went."

Wen Shao'an took out a large pile of photos from his bag and handed them over: "Here, it's all here."

Qin Mingrui has been prepared for a long time. He rented a Polaroid camera in advance. When he met a pedestrian on the way, he asked him to take a group photo, and the rest of the time he took a single photo for her. In five days, there were hundreds of them, and she couldn't read them all by herself.

In exchange, Qin Minghao handed over his mobile phone: "We also took a lot of pictures. If you don't mind, you can take a look at the time."

It's better than endlessly looking through some meaningless microblogs. Wen Shao'an took over his mobile phone and opened the photo album marked in Tahiti. Most of the photos in it are captured and secretly taken by people from all angles, and the person who took the photo is obviously only Qin Minghao, because there is no photo with him in it.

And not all of them are Frenchmen. Most of them are passers-by, children playing in the distance, as well as all kinds of fish, aquatic plants, corals, and even a few sharks in the sea.

I can't see that he is the kind of person who is good at discovering beauty. Although he takes photos on his mobile phone, because of the excellent pixels, almost every photo is very clear and beautiful.

The most surprising thing is that there was really a sneak photo of her and Qin Mingrui on it, but on the day they went to the market together, near or far, the moment of the capture was very good, and there was no one that was unnatural and closed their eyes.

There is even one... Qin Mingrui took her hand and the other hand to give her messy hair. She naturally had to face him.

Qin Minghao showed her the photos he took secretly... What did he want to explain to her?