Love of a rich family: reborn queen becomes a beautiful wife

035 Sudden situation

And when Wen Shao'an stretched out his hand to hold it, the fans under the stage seemed to have made an appointment and made a breath, as if they were looking at her as if they were looking at some monster.

Wen Shao'an is curious that the gossip has been clarified. What do these people think of her? The prelude to the ending song that has been sung by her sounded.

was sung by her first. Wen Shao'an could only hold back the curiosity and uneasiness in her heart, let the lyrics go through her mind first, and then sing as soon as the prelude passed.

As the treble said, she can indeed sing live, and she can sing well.

This is also due to Wen Shao'an's good voice. As long as she tries her best to control it and then synthesize her previous experience of singing on the scene, the momentum will not lose to professional singers like Qiao Yuguang.

It seemed that she didn't expect that she could perform so well at the scene. Qiao Yuguang was stunned for a while, but after all, it was a person who had too much experience. As soon as she stopped, he could quickly pick it up.

The group of people under the stage looked like they had a grudge against her when she sang, and Qiao Yuguang immediately became intoxicated and made screams and slogans from time to time.

Wen Shao'an didn't know why the situation suddenly reversed. She only knew that when the song reached the middle ** part, Qiao Yuguang turned his head and looked at her affectionately. She had to gently turn her head and look at him.

In the eyes of others, she doesn't know what kind of emotion such a scene is. She only knows that if she can, she must not want to cooperate with Qiao Yuguang's hype like this.

But she finally cooperated, so what will happen next. Half of them blamed Qiao Yuguang for endlessly pulling her into gossip, and half of them complaining that she didn't know how to pretend to be a newcomer and ignored any action of Qiao Yuguang.

In her previous life, she has always been clean and has never had a close contact with any male artist. Even if she has, she is a group of male artists with very calm fans underneath.

Wen Shao'an, who had never suffered such treatment, was completely stunned when he was smashed by a mineral water bottle with half a bottle of water. He only heard the sudden song and the exclamation around him.

She reacted when she was hit by various mineral water bottles and the fruits and snacks brought by fans - she caused public indignation!

Qiao Yuguang was also stunned at first, and then when he wanted to take off his coat to block for Wen Shao'an, he saw that she subconsciously took a step back and dodged his more misleading action.

Then there was a thunder in the sky, and the pouring rain fell without any preparation.

The treble has been chatting with Sunny's female agent and didn't look at the stage. When the scene was completely chaotic, she turned her head and turned around. When she rushed to the stage regardless, Wen Shao'an had been drenched by the rain for a long time.

Today, Wen Shao'an's makeup is a makeup. As soon as he was drenched by the rain, his face suddenly became colorful. However, the group of people below did not hide because of the heavy rain, but continued to take out things and throw them up, while scolding words such as "bage", "shameless", "fox spirit" and so on, which are completely personal attacks.

For good, the treble wore an extra coat for fear of rain, so he immediately took a set on Wen Shao'an and took her off the stage.

After three minutes of chaos, the organizer did not send anyone to help, but let the host stop him because of Wen Shao'an's sudden departure: "How can you do this? The song hasn't been finished yet!"

The treble looked at her coldly, and then walked around her directly to the car without saying anything.

The babysitter car stopped by the roadside. As soon as Xiao Ke saw them, she immediately got out of the car with the umbrella she had just bought: "What's wrong with this?"

The treble first helped Wen Shao'an get on the car, then turned his head and said, "Xiao Ke, go and stop a taxi."

Although it was a rainy day, because it had just rained, Xiaoke stopped the taxi that was about to come here to see if there were any guests, and then took the treble and Wen Shao'an in and went straight back to the hotel.

After sitting in the car for a while, Wen Shao'an woke up and then took the paper towel from his hand and wiped it by himself.

"Shao'an, I'm sorry, I..." The treble stopped halfway through, and then sighed, "Are you all right?"

Wen Shao'an shook his head: "It's okay."

She is no longer a little girl, and how can she feel wronged by such a thing? It's just a slight pain in the place where she was hit, especially the heaviest nose.

The treble stopped talking again, and as soon as the brewing words were about to be said, they were interrupted by the sudden ringing bell.

As soon as I saw the caller of the mobile phone, the treble got angry. When she connected the phone, she was about to scold, but she hurriedly said a series of sorry and sorry, and her anger was also lost.

"We don't mind that, and you don't mind if we leave halfway. If you really want to care about it, we don't mind letting that group of fans learn the lesson they deserve!"

It was the person in charge of the organizer of this event and quickly responded: "Okay, okay, in fact, you are also surprised. Our activity has been successfully completed, and it will be like this today... Alas, we will solve it. Please apologize to Miss Wen Shao'an for us."

"Okay, I will. Thank you for your understanding. That's it. Goodbye." The treble hung up the phone rudely, but another call came in the next second.

Looking at her suppressed anger, Wen Shao'an almost wanted to laugh, but because the corners of his mouth were also a little hurt, he couldn't laugh as soon as he was a little curved.

This time, he is the producer of the idol drama. Probably Sunny's agent told him something specific. Although he is not here to apologize, his tone is also okay: "We are clear about the general situation... The responsibility is carried by Qiao Yuguang and those excited fans. You can go back first. Contact us again for publicity activities.

He was calm, and the treble also slowed down: "Okay, thank you for your understanding."

Finally, Sunny's agent's phone call, which is also a series of a series of apologies, and then the main topic: "Yuguang wants you to apologize for Shao'an instead of him. He is also responsible for the extreme behavior of fans. In addition, he will ask those fans to apologize to Shao'an. I hope Shao'an doesn't mind too much and can see them all Forgive them for the sake of the children.

"Well," the anger of the treble has long been almost dissipated because of the previous two phone calls, and now it is also very calm: "In addition, I hope that Yuguang can officially declare that he has nothing to do with us Shao'an. He doesn't care, but Shao'an already has a family. If because of this, Shao'an does not agree with his family, this Who can bear the responsibility? It's normal for couples to sing a couple' duet. If it continues to be unclear, Shao'an's mother-in-law will not want this play to be broadcast. This loss is not affordable for Yuguang, can it?

"Okay, we all understand this. I will report to the company, and then arrange for Yuguang to hold a media meeting to frankly explain his relationship with Shao'an. I will also gather those fans to make it clear to them that this kind of thing will never happen again.

The treble sighed: "Thank you for your understanding. I hope we can cooperate amicably next time."

There was a good sound over there, and then the treble hung up the phone with satisfaction.

Wen Shao'an was very happy to hear it. Seeing the treble, he quickly pretended to be serious and wiped the stains on his hair against the mirror. Those fans were really depressing. They even wore tomatoes. At first, she didn't see it clearly. She thought her head was bleeding so seriously.

Seeing that she hadn't finished wiping for a long time, the treble immediately pulled a tissue and came over with heart: "Shao'an, remember that you will never have such a experience when you become popular, so either quit now or mix it out a little."

How can she not understand such a simple truth? Wen Shao'an bit his lip and nodded after a moment: "Well, I know."