Love of a rich family: reborn queen becomes a beautiful wife

051 inexplicable change

Women are all creatures that are not good-mouthed.

It's like Wen Shao'an said that he wanted to go shopping and buy something new, but after two laps, he shouted that he was tired and sat in the coffee shop to rest. It's like Lin Zhizhi said that she wanted to blackmail Qin Mingrui regardless of her face, but she even secretly paid for a pair of shoes and a set of skin care products.

However, there is one thing that is said and done, that is, Qin Mingrui is really regarded as a free cooli, and you can put whatever you buy in his hand.

The three of them shook for half a night, and it was past ten o'clock, but Lin Zhizhi was still interested in asking: "Would you like to watch a night movie? It's just after watching it and you can go for a midnight snack.

Wen Shao'an doesn't care. Anyway, she hasn't received a work notice until now. I guess she can sleep all day tomorrow, but——

She looked at Qin Mingrui: "Is it okay not to go back now?"

Qin Mingrui shrugged his shoulders and said meaninglessly, "No, you can go to your place or my place at night, just to buy some daily necessities."

Before Wen Shao'an could speak, Lin Zhizhi said first, "This is easy to do. There is a big shopping mall in front of you. You can buy everything you want. It's very convenient."

"You can go shopping." Qin Mingrui readily agreed.

If you buy it, you can only use it this time. It's better to stay in a hotel... But seeing that both of them have begun to go to the mall, Wen Shao'an is too lazy to break the atmosphere. Anyway, the Qin family has more money than nothing, so there is no need to worry about wasting it.

Although they just want to buy some daily necessities, as soon as they saw this dazzling shelf, the two women couldn't help but want to buy everything.

When he finally came out, Qin Mingrui had several big bags of things in his hand.

For good, their car was parked nearby, put everything in the trunk and locked it, and then the three of them set out for the cinema.

Because it is summer, there are many people watching night movies, resulting in tickets for several popular movies being sold out, leaving only midnight tickets. Qin Mingrui looked at the two movies that still had tickets. After capturing one of the familiar names, he couldn't help but move, and then paid for three tickets.

After receiving the ticket, Lin Zhizhi couldn't help but say, "Huh? Isn't this produced by a Chinese film company? The heroine is Su Yiqing, who has passed away. Isn't it unlucky to watch this at night?

Wen Shao'an frowned as early as he saw the release of the film. Now he is even more confused when he sees Qin Mingrui buying tickets for this movie.

Qin Mingrui said casually, "It's okay. There are no tickets for other movies. Do you want to watch it?"

"'s okay." Lin Zhizhi stuck out her tongue and said, "It's just that Su Yiqing's acting skills are very good, and the Chinese movies are even more worth watching. I heard that it was supposed to be released in March, but it turned out to be because of her... Alas, what a pity."

It's really a pity, but it's not bad that she can still see her last movie in the cinema.

Wen Shao'an inserted and said, "Just look at this. It's more comfortable to have fewer people."

"Well, I'm going to buy coke and popcorn." Qin Mingrui had a sense of following the customs and squeezed into the crowd again and began to queue up.

"Hey..." Lin Zhizhi hit Wen Shao'an's arm and blinked and smiled meaningfully: "Didn't Qin Sanshao wear it by someone? Why are you so cooperative?"

Wen Shao'an did not cooperate with her and said as if he was outside the matter, "How do I know?"

In fact, she also feels very strange. Even if Qin Mingrui feels that it is not going well in the Qin family, there is no need to accompany them to be so crazy, right? Shouldn't you find that gentle and considerate girlfriend - Qi Xiaofei?

Or, has anything happened that she didn't know in her busy six months?

However, unless Qin Mingrui takes the initiative to tell her about such a question, she should not get the answer she wants, right?

Wen Shao'an smiled and smiled. Maybe she will be fine in a few days. She is also busy and he is busy. Each other's hearts will not be on each other, so there is no need to be puzzled.

After Qin Mingrui bought coke and popcorn, the movie is about to be broadcast and can start to enter. After the three went in the dark, they found that until the beginning of the film, there were only three rows of seats in the middle in the small projection hall, and some people sat scattered, almost all of which felt like a private venue.

Sure enough, the prosperity of the past will no longer be gone. This movie can still be released, but I'm afraid it's partly because of Chinese movies and other protagonists, and partly because of her fans. But no one will rush to the night stage to watch a movie that is no longer popular.

It's just such an unexpected thing, and now she doesn't bother to care about anything. What is more important now is whether Wen Shao'an can continue her wishes and achieve better and greater results.

This is a tragic film in the end. She has carefully read the script no less than ten times, and each scene in it has been familiar to a certain extent that she will not cry silently when she looks at it like Lin Zhizhi.

After the movie was over and the three went to the famous porridge shop for a midnight snack, Lin Zhizhi recovered.

"No, no, I have to go back to take good care of it for two days. This movie really hurts me." As soon as she came out of the porridge shop, Lin Zhizhi took her own things and waved to the two: "I'll go back first. Let's get together next time."

Without waiting for Wen Shao'an to say that he would see her off, Lin Zhizhi had stopped a taxi quickly and then left quickly.

Qin Mingrui also looked surprised, and then laughed and asked, "Where are you going? It's up to you."

Wen Shao'an thought for a moment and said, "Go to my place. At least it's a little popular."

The answer was not surprising. Qin Mingrui opened the door and asked her to get in the car first, then went around to the driver's seat and drove in the direction of her cabin.

Maybe she was a little overexcited all night. Wen Shao'an was so comfortable that she wanted to sleep as soon as her head touched the back of the chair, and then she really closed her eyes and fell asleep.

When Qin Mingrui found that she was asleep, he had parked the car in the parking lot. After pushing the door and getting out of the car, he found that something was wrong when he saw that she did not follow him. Looking at the person who was still sleeping lightly, Qin Mingrui couldn't help raising his eyebrows. Didn't she always wake up when she turned over? Why is it so... really too tired?

Qin Mingrui thought for a moment, then walked around to the co-pilot, gently opened the door, and then gently picked up the person.

It seems that you have lost weight again? Qin Mingrui looked at the person who was still sleeping in his arms. Did she become too fast or...

Close the door and lock it with difficulty. Fortunately, she hasn't woken her up yet, otherwise I'm afraid that the two of them will be embarrassed again. Qin Mingrui stabilized his posture and walked into the elevator a few steps to press the floor.

However, when he got upstairs, Qin Mingrui found a new problem - the key was in Wen Shao'an's bag, and he had to free his hand to find it.

Out of desperation, he could only call someone: "Shao'an, Shao'an wake up."

Wen Shao'an seemed to hear it, turned his head impatiently in his arms, rubbed it again and continued to sleep.

Unexpectedly sleeping so deeply, Qin Mingrui smiled helplessly. He had to go to the door and slowly put down the person, then let her lean on her shoulder first, and then free to find the key.

Maybe the movement this time is indeed a little big. Before Qin Mingrui found the key, the person lying on his shoulder made a move first.

"Well..." Wen Shao'an only felt a little tired of standing and subconsciously went down. When he realized that something was wrong, he suddenly woke up. At this time, Qin Mingrui was just afraid that she would fall down and hugged her waist tightly with his right hand, and then the two of them seemed to hug each other tightly.

After opening her eyes, there was a momentary. After a sound, Wen Shao'an realized her current situation. Most of her face suddenly turned red, and then she put her hands against Qin Mingrui's shoulder: "I woke up."

Qin Mingrui was slightly stunned, and then remembered to let go of his hand. He looked at Wen Shao'an, who lowered his eyes, and unconsciously opened his eyes: "Open the door."