Love of a rich family: reborn queen becomes a beautiful wife

082 is a common dilemma

Wen Shao'an's first thought after regaining consciousness was - fortunately, she didn't die again. The second idea is... how dirty it would be to be soaked in the flood for so long.

Just as she was so disgusted that she struggled to open her eyes and sit up, her body was held down, and a slightly hoarse voice sounded above: "Don't move, you have a high fever."

Although the voice was hoarse and unspeakable, Wen Shao'an was a little sad to find that she didn't have to open her eyes to see the man. She knew that he was Qin Mingrui.

With this relaxation, all the feelings have been revived. The whole body is weak, and there is a faint burning pain in the arms and legs. The most unbearable thing is the headache like being pressed by a big stone. The scorching on the forehead on the face can be clearly felt without touching it.

And Qin Mingrui's voice may not be better than her.

After Wen Shao'an lay down obediently and quietly, he still reluctantly opened his eyes after thinking about it. The purpose was indeed Qin Mingrui's face, which was obviously haggard, and he only wore a thin shirt, which seemed to have been soaked in rain for a long time, and now he has completely lost his original appearance.

Looking at the unnatural blush on his face, Wen Shao'an unconsciously asked, "Are you... all right?"

When she opened her mouth like this, she found that her own voice was also hoarse, and her throat was also very painful. As soon as she spoke, she felt like tearing her throat.

Qin Mingrui pulled the corners of his mouth and said, "I'm fine, but I don't have the strength. My mobile phone was washed away by the water again, so I can only wait for rescue to come to us."

I guess he also has a fever, right? It's heavy rain and heavy water. I don't know how long it's been. Although it doesn't rain anymore, the temperature can't be high in the evening. It's strange that he wears so little that he doesn't have a fever.

Wen Shao'an moved his finger and found that his suit was taken off and covered her body, instead of being washed away by water.

Although she knew that such behavior was only a gentlemanly politeness for Qin Mingrui, there was still a trace of sadness in her heart. She lived for 30 years, and no one treated her like this except the short warmth that Mingyuan gave when she was a child.

This is also the main reason why she always wants to avoid Qin Mingrui. A person who has longed for warmth since she was a child, even if she knows it is wrong, as long as there is a trace of warmth, she will devote herself into it without hesitation.


"Don't talk. Have a good rest. If you have anything to say, let's talk later."

Wen Shao'an looked at Qin Mingrui, who rarely showed a soft color. His hand on his lips was really hot. I don't know how many degrees he had a high fever. Although that touch was only for a moment, it was undeniable that she had a brief heart palpitation at that moment, and it seemed that some things had developed in an uncontrollable direction.

I didn't know that her mood was so complicated at this moment. Qin Mingrui slowly lay down, wrapped her around her arms, and held her slightly closer. His hoarse voice was close to his ear: "If you don't mind, lie down like this for a while. It may be colder later."

How could she not mind... Wen Shao'an smiled bitterly, but she couldn't move or dared to move. She is really reluctant to let go of the overstretched warmth.

Although they are dizzy, painful and heavy, it seems that they really work to warm each other. In addition, they are on a desolate beach, surrounded by incomparable silence. Without thinking about it for too long, Wen Shao'an seemed to sink into a dream.

When she woke up again, she did not change the scene, and the rescue still did not come. The dark day indicated that she might have slept for less than half an hour.

The reason why they woke up so quickly is that even if they were hugging together, even if they could still feel that their foreheads were still hot, Wen Shao'an still couldn't help feeling cold all over his body, and finally even trembled in Qin Mingrui's arms.

Qin Mingrui didn't fall asleep at all. She quickly noticed it as soon as she shook it. She raised her hand and touched it. After finding that her whole body was really cold, she hesitated and put her other hand around her waist, making her whole body close to her body, and pulled the suit slightly to block the slow cold. Wind.

But his situation is not much better. Even so, he can't make Wen Shao'an better.

Qin Mingrui frowned tightly and held Wen Shao'an's hands and rubbed them up, trying to transmit a little heat to her.

But Wen Shao'an's situation is really bad. It's just a little cold at first, but it's very cold later. At first, she could still feel her heartbeat faster for Qin Mingrui's behavior, and then she completely lost consciousness. She only knew how to approach the heat source and unconsciously kept saying a word - cold.

Fortunately, Qin Mingrui's body was still hot, and the heat gradually spread to Wen Shao'an's body, which made her look a little better, but she was still trembling.

Qin Mingrui slightly loosened his eyebrows, lowered his eyes and looked at Wen Shao'an, who was a little confused with his eyes closed, and couldn't help sighing. He will come to the rescue at the moment he sees the news, and jump down without hesitation when he sees her falling into the water... It's all based on his heart and irrational. Although he knew that he would always think of her inexplicably during this period of time, her smile, her calmness, her intimateness, and even harsh accusations against him would be remembered from time to time, but he never really proved what kind of feelings he had for her. However, this time, it was dramatic that he didn't want to know and knew clearly.

But... Qin Mingrui couldn't help lowering his head against her forehead. This man seemed to be determined not to give him any chance again. She had always wanted to escape from him and never thought about staying.

It seemed to be natural. His lips gently pressed down and rubbed against her lips. However, one was slightly hot and the other was extremely cold. After touching each other, Wen Shao'an almost subconsciously wrapped his hands around him as if he were drunk before, and then pulled Qin Mingrui towards him.

Every time she was not awake, she took the initiative. Qin Mingrui smiled helplessly and ate tofu again without much entanglement.

And it turned out that his response was not wrong. Wen Shao'an's previously cool body gradually became warm and his breath was no longer so disordered. However, this recovery also made Wen Shao'an's mind gradually become clear. After realizing that she refused, Qin Mingrui did not dare to go too much and let go of her lips and tongue.

"You..." Wen Shao'an can clearly feel the changes in the body, not only returning to the temperature, and although it is still weak, it is another kind of slightly comfortable paralysis, and there is also some subtle satisfaction.

Qin Mingrui didn't bother to make excuses any more. He directly lowered his head and pecked her lips: "That's what it means... Do you understand?"

"..." Can she not understand? Wen Shao'an turned his eyes slightly, and his hands were still a little rejected.

Feeling her obvious rejection, Qin Mingrui's face suddenly became gloomy, and then raised his head to open the distance between them, but did not say anything, but still hugged her in a protective posture.

And the rescue ship that had been searching finally found them ten minutes later, breaking such an awkward and silent atmosphere.

Gao Yin and Qin Minghao also came together. Seeing that the two of them were obviously stunned, they immediately supported one person and cooperated with the rescue staff to help Wen Shao'an and Qin Mingrui on the boat.

At the moment of leaving Qin Mingrui's arms, Wen Shao'an only felt that his whole body suddenly cooled down, followed by an indescribable loss.

It was not until the treble wrapped her in a thick coat, and then directly took the thin blanket from nowhere that the coldness on her body was no longer so obvious. The treble hugged her tightly, touched her forehead, and asked with concern, "How are you, Shao'an? Is there anything uncomfortable besides fever?"

Wen Shao'an quietly glanced at Qin Mingrui, who seemed to have closed his eyes and fell asleep, and then shook his head: "No. Sister Yin, can I go to bed first?

"Sleep." The treble was obviously relieved and said with relief, "When you wake up, just sleep at ease."

It will be really good when she wakes up... And how should she get along with Qin Mingrui?

Wen Shao'an smiled silently and fell into warmth and didn't want to think about it anymore.