Love of a rich family: reborn queen becomes a beautiful wife

117 Prepare to open a restaurant

And Wen Shao'an also came back at the right time. The good record has helped her raise the lyrics and songs of all the songs in the new album, and the shooting of the MV has also been planned. Even anyone who was invited to shoot together has already set a trip with someone. Of course, Gao Yin had communicated with them about finding Ji Zheyan for a long time, so he also left a song.

It doesn't mean that Ji Zheyan can shoot the MV, but the treble feels that he and Wen Shao'an are very suitable when they stand together without talking, thinking that the feeling of shooting the MV should be good, so I want to try it with him.

This time, there are still Fengqing's joining to write lyrics and music, but I can't find time to sing with her, so I wrote two more songs, and the style is not the same.

Although other songs are not written with the help of the masters of the singing world, they are all the works of gold medal lyricist and composers of excellent record companies. They have helped Feng Qing and Mu Yu, the two great record queens, write songs and compose songs many times. They have won Golden Melody Awards many times, and then they have slowly reached the current unavailable in the singing world. Shaking status.

To put it bluntly, excellent records will be so good for Wen Shao'an, just because Huafeng Entertainment wants to support her, trying to prove that even if Ling Qiuyu withdraws from the circle, the company can still have one talent one after another. Although without Ling Qiuyu and Zhou Yu, the great god, only Wen Shao'an, a female artist, is indeed more well-known and has a bright future. Naturally, you have to praise such a person, instead of just picking a new person to start.

has recorded a new album on a good record, and this time Wen Shao'an is familiar with it. Although she hasn't changed many staff for nearly a year, it doesn't prevent her from directly finding a recording studio specially assigned to her for good records. Coincidentally, the recording engineer this time was the same as the last one. Seeing her greeting very kindly, he did not feel strange at all, as if the two of them had only met yesterday.

However, even people with professional background and good singing skills are not so easy to open their voices again after having not opened their voices for more than half a year. Therefore, after a hard recording for a day, Wen Shao'an could only be regarded as opening his voice, and half of the song failed to record the finished product.

The recording engineer was not impatient, but smiled as if he was used to it: "Remember to protect your voice these days, because it may be so hard every day."

But she didn't have such a problem when she first recorded the song last year... Wen Shao sighed in peace and nodded with a smile on her face: "Okay, please."

As soon as he opened the door, Wen Shao'an met the treble that was about to pick her up.

"Are you leaving? Let's go." The treble calmly took two steps back and waited for her to come out side by side with her.

The silence along the way made Wen Shao feel at ease. Every time she doesn't speak on the high-pitched road, it means that what she wants to say must wait until she gets on the bus, and it must be not simple. Thinking of this, Wen Shao'an couldn't help looking sideways at her and didn't notice anything wrong for a long time before he was relieved.

Now everything has just stabilized, and she doesn't want to suddenly change again.

And she guessed correctly. As soon as she got on the car, the mysterious driver got out of the car and smoked a cigarette before coming up, and then closed and locked the doors and windows of the car.

"What's wrong? Isn't it a bad thing?" Wen Shao'an asked with a frown.

The treble shook his head, and then said with a smile, "Shao'an, you should be quite rich now, right?"

"?" Wen Shao'an looked at her questioningly: "It should be, what's wrong?"

"Uh..." The treble paused, and then asked bravely, "Then do you plan to open a restaurant?"

"Eh?" Wen Shao'an was more hesitant, but he still shook his head honestly: "I don't have that idea or energy for the time being."

"Cough." It was not very disappointing to hear the treble of the answer. I just coughed twice and said as if nothing had happened, "In this case, aren't you going to invest in my restaurant? Give you shares, you don't have to take care of them, I'll take care of everything!"

Wen Shao'an gave her a strange look and immediately laughed: "Why don't you say it directly if you want me to invest? I don't have energy or time, but I still have money. And instead of depreciating money in the bank, it's better to invest something. So, how much difference do you have?

After getting this answer, the treble breathed a sigh of relief and opened the window to let the driver get on the car. After the car drove on the road, she smiled and said, "I have asked a law firm to help me prepare the contract. Now I'm going to have a look. If there is no problem, I can sign it."

"..." Wen Shao'an looked at her helplessly: "It seems that you are sure that I will definitely agree, right?"

The treble nodded happily: "Yes, you are so good and kind, why don't you agree?"

The more familiar the two are, the more cheeky they get along with each other. Wen Shao'an is not the first time to see it. At present, he only laughed and shook his head, and then turned the topic to the topic: "Why did you suddenly think of opening a restaurant? I haven't heard you mention it before. It won't be impulsive, will it?"

Although many artists or agents in the circle will find a sideline for themselves, and then use the popularity of artists to make a reputation, they will not worry about poor business after that. But she has too many ups and downs and hasn't given a good impression. Now she wants to make money by opening a restaurant with her so-called fame, which is really a little whimsic.

When the topic returned to seriousness, the treble also restrained his smile and became serious: "Of course not. I've been thinking about it since you planned to open that brand store, especially in the first half of the year, but you were a little miserable at that time, and I can't say it. I didn't want to make money under your name, I just want to open a restaurant. Of course... Since I have decided to open it, I am fully prepared."

Speaking of this, she smiled lightly again: "You should have heard of 1983 Island Restaurant, right?"

Wen Shao'an nodded. Not only had she heard of it, but she had been there in her last life.

"Then you should know that that restaurant is only authorized to a branch in City B for the time being, and nothing else is available, right?" Gao Yin smiled and said, "It's also a coincidence that I attended the reunion of our university during the Spring Festival and accidentally learned that a classmate worked in the company of this restaurant and specialized in joining this area. He said that it's not that the company doesn't want to authorize, but just doesn't want to authorize unfamiliar people. If it's an old classmate like me, it's okay. So I immediately thought about it. At that time, there were still some financial problems. My classmate said that he could give me a year, and next year he would probably authorize others to open a branch in City A.

"So..." It's November now, and the promise will expire two months away, so the treble will face her with a request at the beginning. Wen Shao'an nodded thoughtfully and then said, "That's good. I can invest with confidence."

After all, it is a very well-known restaurant, and because there is only one branch in the country at present, many people think that they can go to a restaurant that can increase their value. The economic development of City A is no less than that of City B, and it can be said that it is a little more than City B. Naturally, rich people will not be less than City B. It can avoid the trouble of running around. I believe that after this restaurant opens, there will be no need to publicize the business.

The treble smiled and said, "You have to believe me. Even if everyone in the world wants to cheat you, I will never do it."

Indeed. Wen Shao'an smiled from the bottom of his heart: "Well, I know."

And now that the two sides have reached an agreement, the next step is to go to the law firm without any twists and turns. After all, no matter how you look at it, this is a business that only makes no loss, and Wen Shao'an only needs to invest a little effort and receives a lot of dividends at the end of the year, so that fools will not be willing to sign a contract to buy shares.

After signing the contract, both of them rushed to the store address they had chosen for a long time.

The treble has indeed expected that as long as she opens her mouth, Wen Shao'an will definitely agree, so the store has already begun to decorate. Now that the contract has been signed and the company in charge of the 1983 Island Restaurant should be able to finish the decoration, and then send the long-hired personnel to B City for training, which can be officially opened by the end of the year.


After finishing the business of the restaurant, Wen Shao'an was in a surprisingly good mood when he thought that he had a stable source of income.

And maybe it has something to do with the mood, and the next recording will become extremely smooth. Although I still practiced with my voice for another day, I was allowed to officially record songs on the third day.

She still takes a more soothing and lyrical slow song style. She does not hurt her voice when singing, but it is difficult to grasp the emotions in the lyrics and control the accuracy of the tone. So even if her voice is open and she will be satisfied with the recording engineer, it will still take a whole day to successfully record a song, sometimes even about two days.

So Wen Shao'an didn't completely record all the new songs until half a month later, and then entered the shooting of MV and promotional posters.

The shooting task is relatively easy. Except for the occasional time to change the scene, as long as it is in the same place, basically an extra night shift at the end of the day, you can shoot the MV of two songs.

The final shooting was with Ji Zheyan. Because it was a more important title song, the director also wanted to shoot more comprehensively, so it took two days to officially end the work.

For good, Ji Zheyan has just finished shooting a film, and the next play has not yet been completed. He is rushing to the publicity announcements of some TV programs, so it is okay to come out in two days. Even after the shooting, he was not in a hurry to go back, but returned to City A with Wen Shao'an, and then invited her to dinner with the treble.

Wen Shao'an's next play is to join the group the day after tomorrow, and she can rest for a day the next day, so she happily went there and was ready to go back later.

It's just that Ji Zheyan is really a complete newcomer. He doesn't know how to pay attention to hiding when looking for a place to eat. He only knows what he thinks is delicious and then he wants to take them to eat.

As a result, he was photographed, and he took two steps away to answer the phone, and then talked and laughed with Wen Shao'an in the advanced restaurant.

When the flash was on, in fact, the three of them found it very much, but the reporter was obviously professional. After the secret shooting, he immediately drove away, and the treble didn't even have time to remember the license plate number.

Ji Zheyan looked at the treble at a loss, and then at Wen Shao'an: "What should I do? Isn't there going to be gossip again?"

"..." Wen Shao'an sighed: "It's just a rumor. Anyway, I'm divorced now, and you don't have a girlfriend. What are you afraid of?"

"Ah?" Seeing her reaction so plain, Ji Zheyan was obviously shocked.

Wen Shao'an shrugged his shoulders, "What the hell? Go in. I'm a little hungry."

"Ah?" Ji Zheyan's eyes widened and saw her push the door into the restaurant. After a moment, he followed with a helpless smile.