Love of a rich family: reborn queen becomes a beautiful wife

123 Valentine's Day Dinner

Although Chen Yiqing said that he would give her time and would not eagerly ask for her to answer, Wen Shao'an was still a little embarrassed when he saw him again the next day.

After all, it's a person who has known for less than two days. Even if he feels good about him, it's not the feeling of being moved, but just the kind of friend who feels close.

Fortunately, there is Li Xueer, a person with a lively atmosphere. In addition, Chen Yiqing did not put pressure on her and still get along with each other. It seems that the person who said that word yesterday is not him at all. Therefore, Wen Shao'an was only a little embarrassed when he was just above, and then he didn't think so much about it.

It seems that she will definitely be busy after releasing the new album. The company kindly gave her a few days off and did not take some miscellaneous work for her. Therefore, Wen Shao'an tried his best to accompany Li Xueer everywhere to play, and because Li Xueer's physical strength was not very good, she could basically sit down for half a day, so that she didn't walk much in a few days, just like she was on vacation without being too tired.

and Chen Yiqing have also completely entered the friend mode. Occasionally, they send text messages and make phone calls, and Weibo and WeChat have also added followers and friends. Li Xueer also knew what she was embarrass about, so she didn't interfere with them any more, but completely regarded these days as if she came to A City for a holiday.

Knowing that Wen Shao'an will be busy from the 14th, Li Xueer first regretted that Wen Shao'an and Chen Yiqing could not have a meal together on Valentine's Day, then sighed that she had no one to date, and finally decisively returned the room and booked a ticket back to Taiwan on the 13th.

For Wen Shao'an, the year is spent in the crew, and Valentine's Day work is not a big deal.

In the early morning of the 14th, Wen Shao'an was dug up from the quilt by the treble, then hastily washed and changed his clothes, and then rushed to the scene of the album's debut signing. In fact, this day is all about adventure. Although Wen Shao'an has released two albums before, he didn't take it so seriously and had a signing party. So no one can determine how many people will come to the scene, and how many people will buy and queue up for her to sign on the spot. If there are only a few... it means that her new album has failed from the first step, and there seems to be no need to continue.

Wen Shao'an's mood is not heavy. If she fails this time, the media will define her a title that is not suitable for development in the singing world, which will not affect her development in the entertainment industry. And the company will be disappointed and lose, so she doesn't have to take that responsibility. By the way, she is really not suitable for singing and ask the company to stop investing in her.

And the treble is a little nervous, because any agent prefers to bring artists to develop in many aspects... and make more money. After all, after her full-time agent, she began to officially pay dividends from Wen Shao'an's income instead of getting a little dead salary. Maybe it's just a little money for Wen Shao'an, but it's a lot of money for her.

But fortunately, Wen Shao'an has accumulated a lot of popularity in the past four years. Coupled with the disturbance of various topics last year, she not only added a lot of black fans, but also attracted more attention than before.

She will sing live at the signing party, so even if some people don't want to pay for the album, someone will come to see her real person and listen to her live scene.

When the staff were still preparing at eight o'clock, the mall was already full of people. If you can't squeeze around the scene, you will go upstairs. I don't know how spectacular it is at a glance. In addition to the invited media, there were also other news received, because there were no restrictions on entering the media reporters who came to the live signing meeting.

So no matter how many albums can be sold at the signing meeting, at least this face will be earned back, and then after the following hard publicity, it should have a better effect. Of course, the happiest person is still the treble. Wen Shao'an is still a newcomer to the music industry and can have this kind of response. If the album songs are also very popular, it will definitely be even more amazing in the future. Then Wen Shao'an's income will be more and more, and her... naturally will not be less.

pulled Wen Shao'an, who was ready to sing on the stage, and patted her on the back cautiously: "You have to perform well, but don't be too nervous even if there are too many people."

Wen Shao'an glanced at the mall. There were indeed many people. She didn't have such support until she began to be popular. Unexpectedly, after last year's ups ups and downs, she can still be welcomed by many people, which is really a little unexpected.

"Well, I will." She is not nervous. Her gains and losses have always been heavy, so most of the time she can perform well as usual. Because of this, even if she was not born in the class, her acting skills would not be much worse than others.

Because of the large number of people, the company has also temporarily negotiated with the scene, allowing Wen Shao'an to add two lyrical main songs in addition to singing the album's main song. The main purpose is to make use of new songs, and then make the people who participate in the signing party not only fans, but also expand to the crowd of onlookers.

Wen Shao'an's sense of the scene has always been good, and it is the same this time. Moreover, her songs are all lyric slow songs. You don't have to worry about unstable breath without dancing. Naturally, it can be very stable. Although it doesn't attract everyone at the beginning, it can at least make fans excited and keep screaming - which has made her very satisfied.

And singing a few more songs is really different. There have been only a lot of onlookers, and there are not many people when they stop singing and start signing. The three-hour signing meeting had to be extended because there were still people waiting in line.

For good, after she sang those three songs, she sent her temporary food. Although she ate a little in a hurry, it also kept her until the signing and sale was officially over, and all the people in line left reluctantly.

And she was not free in the afternoon, so she could only eat a hamburger and drink some juice in the nanny's car, and then hurried to the TV station to record the live broadcast of the song. Then in the evening, I will go to the radio to participate in the singing program, which is also directly broadcast live. Although it may not help the sales volume of the first launch, it can eventually be a little helpful for the subsequent sales results.

But she was so busy that she didn't have time to have a serious meal all day.

The treble originally said that she would have a good meal as a celebration after everything was over, but when Wen Shao'an was interviewed by the radio to promote the new album, she was called back to the company for a meeting. And when she comes back after the meeting, Wen Shao'an has probably gone back to wash and sleep, so she can only give up.

After a day of fatigue, Wen Shao'an didn't want to toss around anything alone, so he was going to find a stall near his community to eat.

But before she came downstairs and called the driver to drive over, she was shocked by the oncoming person: "Huh? Why are you here?"

Chen Yiqing, who came here for no reason at all, came here with a smile: "I followed your agent on Weibo and saw that she complained that she had been busy for a day and knew that you were here through your text message, so I wanted to come and treat you to dinner."

She did reply to him a few text messages in her spare time and slightly mentioned what she was busy with, but she didn't expect that he would come here specially to wait for her to dinner, and it was not unintentional to come because she saw the tweeted microblog.

Although sometimes it is better than intention, such intention can really touch people's hearts.

Wen Shao'an couldn't help laughing: "In fact, you don't have to come here specially..."

It's just that he came here so hard that Wen Shao'an couldn't refuse, so she asked the driver to drive the babysitter back to the company, and she followed Chen Yiqing to have a midnight snack.

Chen Yiqing obviously knows how to avoid secret shooting than Ji Zheyan, an artist. Although it is the most atmospheric to go to the stalls to eat at this time, he still thoughtfully drove around the old city for a long time, and finally stopped in front of an old shop in a remote Wen Shao'an that he had never been to.

Wen Shao'an was shocked by the scene in front of him as soon as he got out of the car. It was completely an old house in the 1980s. Maybe it will be demolished in the next two years, and now he is just lingering. Although she had lived in an orphanage, she had never been to such a place because she stepped into the entertainment industry too early.

"A friend's shop is for our old friends, so you don't have to worry about reporters taking pictures." Chen Yiqing locked the car and walked to her with a smile. "And it tastes very good. I believe you will be very satisfied."

He said that delicious food is naturally not bad. Wen Shao'an recovered from the shock and regained his gentle smile: "Really? Then I'll look forward to it."