Love of a rich family: reborn queen becomes a beautiful wife

127 old love and new love

As soon as he flew back from Paris, Wen Shao'an found Qin Mingrui and made a direct dinner on the 1983 island.

Anyway, now she doesn't have to care too much about being secretly photographed or anything, and she doesn't have to worry about being known by Qin Minghao that the two of them are still broken and then trouble her. Since you have to choose a place, you naturally choose your own. It can not only save money, but also more convenient to avoid some gossip.

Although she didn't know what to say to Qin Mingrui, she contacted her on impulse, and it was impossible to regret it again. So when the time came, Wen Shao'an could only arrive at the restaurant on time, and then sat in the box specially reserved for her to wait.

Qin Mingrui was also a very punctual person. Almost as soon as she sat down, he pushed the door in.

I didn't look carefully last time, but now I look at it again... Sure enough, I was much thinner than before, and the whole person exuded a cold resistance from the inside out. It was not until I saw her that I restrained a little and smiled reluctantly.

"I heard from the eldest brother that you were in Paris the other day?" Qin Mingrui opened the chair and sat down as if nothing had happened, as if they had never seen each other for a long time.

Wen Shao'an also nodded to his words: "Yes, so my sister-in-law... No, my sister-in-law told me."

Qin Mingrui looked at her unexpectedly, with a smile in his eyes, and then he seemed to think of something, and his eyes suddenly became dark again.

Because he is not so repulsive to Qin Mingjing and Qiu Xin, he has not been able to change his words smoothly. Realizing that she was wrong and in front of Qin Mingrui, Wen Shao'an couldn't help blushing.

However, Qin Mingrui's reaction was very cold. He just shook his head slightly and gave no unnecessary explanation, and he didn't care too much about her blush.

Originally, I thought that since I had called someone over, I would ask the whole thing clearly. But I didn't expect that one or two sentences seemed to have been finished, and there was a feeling that he wouldn't say anything without her opening her mouth first?

Wen Shao'an frowned and had no desire to eat while saying that he didn't even want to open the menu.

After hesitating for a moment, he sighed and said, "Take good care of yourself. I have something to do and leave first. In addition, what do you want to eat? I have already told them to record it on my account.

After saying that, she got up and smiled politely at him, and then turned to open the door and left.

And Qin Mingrui did not make a sound to stay, but just sat silently watching her open and close the door. His eyes turned slightly, leaving only a bitter smile, and then he did not move for a long time.

On Wen Shao'an's side, it was not until she pushed the door of the restaurant and took a breath of cold wind on her face before she suddenly realized that she was angry. The reason for her anger was that Qin Mingrui had solved Qin Minghao, but he still did not mention that he wanted to get back together with her.

That is to say, the feeling of forgetting her efforts during this period, and even thinking that she may have transferred her feelings to Chen Yiqing, is all her illusion.

She has never forgotten Qin Mingrui, and she can't give him up decisively as she thinks.

All kinds of emotions surged up in my heart, and after getting on the bus, I couldn't help but erupt.

First, tears flowed unconsciously, and then Wen Shao'an leaned on the back of the chair as if he was out of strength. She thought about many results in advance, and thought that he would show his goodwill, apologize, or ask for warmth with concern... Only she never thought that he would be so cold, and even if she left like this, she would not be moved, let alone retain him.

It seems that it is indeed time to put an end to this relationship. If he doesn't care, then she doesn't have to always be sad about it. Whether it's a new person to replace or live alone, the world has always been like this, and it's not impossible to live without anyone.

I don't know how long he stayed like this. It was not until the sound of knocking on the window sounded in his ear that Wen Shao'an remembered to sit up and then subconsciously raised his hand to wipe his face, only to find that the tears that had just flowed were now there was no trace at all.

It seems that she was still not sad enough to shed such tears and dry so quickly.

It hooked the arc of a wry smile without a trace, and when he turned his head and looked out of the window, it had returned to normal.

"Eh?" Seeing the close face, Wen Shao'an quickly opened the window: "Do you also come to eat?"

"Is the car locked?" Chen Yiqing did not answer the rhetorical question, and it was still such an inexplicable question.

Wen Shao'an didn't react, but he still subconsciously replied, "No, what's wrong?"

"Oh." Chen Yiqing nodded, and then simply went around to the other side and opened the door to sit on the co-pilot. "I didn't drive out. Can you give me a ride?"

"Ah?" Do people like him also go out without driving? Wen Shao'an was stunned and then smiled helplessly: "Okay, I'm just fine."

Anyway, I'm still alone when I go back, and then I will think endlessly. It's better to take this opportunity to go for a ride and go back later to wash and sleep.

However, how could Chen Yiqing just ask her to send him home? When Wen Shao'an drove the car from the alley to the main road, he turned his head and was about to ask where his house was, he reached out and handed over a black brocade box: "Late birthday gift, I hope you like it."

"Eh?" Wen Shao'an was surprised again. She almost couldn't control the steering wheel and hit the roadside railing. After finally stabilizing the route of the car, she took the brocade box with one hand: "Thank you... In fact, you don't have to spend so much money, but thank you for always thinking about it."

Chen Yiqing didn't care about her politeness, but stretched out his hand to help her open the brocade box: "Just a few days ago, when I was on a business trip in New York, I went to the mall over there. I thought this watch was quite suitable for you, so I didn't hesitate to buy it. It's just now that I'm worried about whether you like it or not. It seems a little late.

Watch? Wen Shao'an looked down hesitantly, and the elegant but gorgeous silver suddenly came into view. Although it was not as expensive as the black and bulky watch she wore now, it was obviously more suitable for her.

After all, this is a women's watch, not a women's watch changed from men's.

Wen Shao'an sighed secretly, then closed the brocade box with one hand and put on a satisfied smile: "Yes, it's beautiful. I like it very much."

Chen Yiqing breathed a sigh of relief and said gladly, "It's okay. I thought I was going to go to New York to exchange for something else."

Being amused by his straightforwardness, Wen Shao'an simply parked the car on the roadside, then took off the previous watch in front of him, put on the silver watch he gave him, and then shook it in front of his eyes: "How's it going? It's quite suitable for me, right?"

In fact, her situation is not much better than Qin Mingrui. Although there is a treble bothering to help her supplement nutrition, she still lost a circle, and even her wrist is much thinner. And the women's small watch looks even more slender on her wrist, which is also unexpectedly well matched.

Chen Yiqing frowned: "You should eat more. Such a small watch is still loose."

Wen Shao'an just smiled and then restarted the car. "Although artists have to control their diet, nutrition is absolutely indispensable, but they have been a little busy recently. They will be fine after a while."

"How is that possible?" Chen Yiqing obviously didn't believe it, "I've only heard that artists will get busier and busier, and I've never heard that they will get more and more idle."

Indeed... Wen Shao'an laughed helplessly: "Well, I will try my best to eat more."

Chen Yiqing nodded with satisfaction: "Well, I wanted to invite you to dinner, but it seems that you have just come out of the restaurant. Can you take me to the last time?"

Last time? Wen Shao'an was stunned and then remembered, "Oh, is it the restaurant opened by your friend?"

Just in the right direction, Wen Shao'an quickly turned the steering wheel to another lane and turned right. "You're really in time. If you say it later, you will have to take another wrong road."

Will he say that he has always been looking at the road? Chen Yiqing smiled and didn't make a superfluous explanation.

Ten minutes later, the car stopped steadily in front of the old house.

Chen Yiqing untied his seat belt and was about to turn his head to say goodbye. When Wen Shao'an had pulled the door and got out of the car, he tilted his head and smiled brightly at him: "I happened that I didn't eat. I'll treat you this time."