Love of a rich family: reborn queen becomes a beautiful wife

165 dramatic remake

is also a coincidence. When the company considered whether to sign Cindy, a famous star talk show in B City invited Wen Shao'an, and it will be broadcast in early June, which can be regarded as a way to publicize the drama broadcast at the end of June with Jing Qian - it will last forever.

Generally, this kind of talk show does not ask too private questions, and most of them review the experience and hardship of debut, as well as the feeling and change of becoming famous. Sometimes it also involves a little childhood, so that people can understand that artists are also ordinary people before their debut, and they will pay the same price for their achievements today.

The treble pushed her to talk more about the journey from the supporting role, and even if she is used to being the protagonist in the TV series, not all the dramas can be popular after shooting and broadcasting smoothly. Even if it is indirectly compared with Fang Xindi, who is about to debut, in any case, Wen Shao'an, who is a professional class, should have more capital than Fang Xindi, who is a model. If Fang Xindi's acting career is too smooth, it will cause all kinds of doubts. And Wen Shao'an said in advance that he would not help, so he would doubt the unspoken rules, which is a complete threshold for Fang Xindi. If he can pass, it may be ordinary. If he can't pass, he won't be too good in the entertainment industry.

Wen Shao'an herself is also very clear. What is difficult for her is that she was a child... Although it has not been seen that this body has changed for more than three years, this kind of program will make many acquaintances see the situation, and if she says a wrong sentence, it may be questioned. After all, I don't know how many people are staring at her every move at all times, and a little mistake will be magnified.

It is definitely not feasible to go to the Wen family to understand. After all, unless this daughter's character is really bad, how can she ignore it so well? It seems that whether there is her daughter or not is the same.

The treble may not know her so well. In the past three years, she has only said that she has changed a little and has not shown strangeness.

So there is only one candidate - it is easier to fool and unconditionally believe that Lin Zhizhi, who also knows her very well.

However, Wen Shao'an absolutely dared not confess to Lin Zhizhi about this. He could only turn around and suddenly become old, and then keep guiding her to tell all the special and interesting past events in the past. And even if she has a good memory, on the safe hand, she went to buy a tape pen and hid it in her pocket, intending to write it down when she goes back.

But before the program, Wen Shao'an found that she was too worried. This kind of program is generally more formal, and she will discuss with the artist's agent in advance what to say and what not to say. The photos and events of childhood are also provided by them.

Then you have to look at everyone's acting skills and show that you don't know that you will be surprised.

With such a prior arrangement, the recording process of the program is very smooth. Moreover, Wen Shao'an is more suitable for this kind of talk show. If she is too happy, she can't keep up with the topic. If she is teased, she can't help but want to go back. If she is too difficult, she will simply keep silent. Only with this kind of modem, just like sitting down and having a cup of tea together can she stay in good condition.

In fact, there was not a lot of work that suddenly appeared in the second half of the month. It took four days to go to Paris to shoot autumn and winter promotional videos and pictorials, and it took a day to record this talk show. Other large and small magazine shooting and interviews also took a week. On June 1st, Wen Shao'an also has no time to take care of the new play, because he has to start publicity activities in major cities for a long time.

It was also because of this publicity campaign that Wen Shao'an once again saw Yu Mingzheng, whom he had not seen for a long time.

I have to say that it is really a wise move to change his signature to Huafeng. After playing a soy sauce among his sister and brother, Andy directly gave him a script for a small production TV series, and he played the male protagonist. Although Yu Mingzheng almost became a hero in three or four years of a dream, it was also almost. This time it was his real hero. Even if it is a small production, the director and screenwriter are not very famous, and the script is not very good, but it is also his first time to be the protagonist, and he is in a very good mood.

I heard that the play is now in a period of early warming up on the Internet, and the response is good. There are already many loyal fans before the film is released. Of course, Yu Mingzheng, the leading actor, also jumped into the audience's sight because of his good face. Regardless of the play, he can add a lot of nymphomaniac fans with the stills and posters of the publicity period, which is not bad.

This time, the long life is equivalent to making a wedding dress for the protagonist's play. This play is good and can highlight Yu Ming's words. I believe that the play will also become remarkable from plainness. And the road after Yu Mingzheng will definitely be much better.

It is also because of this that the original makeup photo of a dream of three or four years was also turned out. Because it was too aesthetic and too vague, many people raised their curiosity. However, the play was still suspended after two twists and turns, which made them very sorry and depressed, and some people even proposed to reshoot it. After all, the two protagonists Wen Shao'an and Yu Mingzheng, who were not very good at the beginning, are now well known. If it is a good drama and there are such good actors, they will definitely be loved by the public, and the ratings and income will not be small.

In other words, in the words of passers-by, it is such a business that obviously knows that it will not lose money, why is there no one to do it?

At first, when the treble talked to her about this, Wen Shao'an just smiled and felt that it should be impossible for Qi Jinnan to turn up another three-four-year script to remake. Although it is said that there are only three times, it is not that you have to regret it after three times.

But he is also a little hesitant. After all, Qi Jinnan is a smart person. It's strange that he doesn't know such a big movement on the Internet, and it's even more strange that he won't use it.

It seems that in order to fulfill her speculation, as soon as the long-term publicity was over and the film of Yu Mingzheng's play was released, Qi Jinnan actually went straight to Huafeng Entertainment Company.

Because the sitcom had decided to join the group at the end of June, so Wen Shao'an received a lot of notices at the end of the publicity. When she learned the news that Qi Jinnan had come, she still hurried back to the company with the treble from the advertising set to discuss the so-called event.

And almost as soon as she stepped into the company's reception room, Wen Shao'an heard the five familiar words - one dream for three or four years. It seems that her guess and the rumors during this period are true. Qi Jinnan is really planning to remake the play.

After staying at the door for two seconds, she saw Qi Jinnan turn around and smile: "Long time no see, Miss Gao, Shao'an."


When everyone came and sat in this huge reception room, Qi Jinnan also showed his intention frankly as several people expected: "I believe you all know that three or four years of dreams have been discussed on the Internet recently. Moreover, it is my regret that the play has not been filmed twice, and it should also be the regret of the two actors present. Therefore, this time we plan to comply with public opinion, pick up the script again, reorganize the previous work team, and repay so many people's expectations for this play with the shooting of the original team.


Several people in the reception room couldn't help looking at each other, while the boss Ke Aiwen looked like an old god. It seemed that he just came to watch on the surface and did not express any opinions.

After a long time, Wen Shao'an picked the key question: "Does the original team mean that in addition to me and Ming Zheng, Liu Shiqing and Zhao Yongjie will also return?"

Qi Jinnan nodded with a smile: "Yes, Shiqing has made a low-key comeback some time ago, and Zhao Yongjie has also been confirmed by the road guide. I hope you can also think about it and make a decision not to disappoint the public.

To put it bluntly... To put it bluntly, their best choice is to agree. After all, that is the most in line with public opinion, and it will also make the play popular, and they will naturally increase their popularity again.

While the two were still considering not speaking, Qi Jinnan added: "Of course, with the current achievements of the two, the remuneration will also rise accordingly. After all, there is a very stable investor this time. He only asked for the original team to play, and the remuneration will be easy to talk about.