Dark Frenzy

Chapter 54 Mysterious Youth!

When you deliberately do something, whether passive or active, there is no doubt that anyone will fall into a role. At this time, you will be deeply immersed in it, not difficult to extricate yourself, but you will definitely form a mentality of being fascinated by the authorities!

Whether it is warm or Yu Tianguang, even Liang Yongbin, who is pale, has made such a mistake. Liang Yongbin's self-righteousness and arrogance are the lifeblood of his failure, and Luo Qingming just grasped this point. As the saying goes, hitting snakes seven inches is the truth. Luo Qingming's counterattack was seamless, which made Liang Yongbin speechless. He snorted coldly and stared at Luo Qingming with a soft face. I was speechless for a moment.

"Ha ha. What a fang-toothed boy. Although his words are a little extreme, they are a little popular. At the door, an old man in a light blue gown said with a smile.

Liang Yongbin's face immediately calmed down, which can be said to be sad and happy. This person is the old dean of the School of Economics and Management and his immediate superior. His appearance is undoubtedly to help him relieve the siege. Although it is hard to say how he will be punished after the event, at least he will not be too embarrassed to come down in front of the students. At that moment, he squeezed out a smile on his face and said:

"Old Dean, why are you here?"

"I'm in a hurry, come down and walk. But I didn't expect to encounter such a scene of confrontation between teachers and students, hehe.

The old dean said something. He walked in slowly.

When Luo Qingming heard Liang Yongbin call the old man to be the old dean, he also understood it in an instant. If nothing unexpected happens, this person should be the dean of the School of Economics and Management, which is equivalent to the 'micro-service private patrol'. At present, Luo Qingming and several people standing also greeted the old dean. They are recalcited and arrogant. It is arrogant, but there must be some etiquette, and on this occasion, it is not the time for them to continue to suppress Liang Yongbin. The old dean's words are obviously to round up the situation. If they can't even hear this stubble, they are hopeless. If the "deadness" still pursues Liang Yongbin, it will seem too boring.

The old dean said a few irrelevant polite words. Looking at Luo Qingming's eyes, he was also a little funny. When he passed by Wenxin, he actually stared at the other party fiercely. He muttered something in his ear. He saw a bitter face and a widowed expression, half dead. Subsequently, these students and Liang Yongbin were sent away.

Several people went back to the dormitory together. Luo Qingming and Yu Tianguang also tacitly did not ask this guy. In the evening, Wang Wei was said to have been dragged out for dinner by two high school friends who were also nerds, and only Luo Qingming and three others were left in the dormitory.

said with a warm and distressed face:

"I confess. The old dean is said to be a good friend of my grandfather, named Feng Tianyuan, who is a famous antique in the whole science and engineering university. I don't know anything else. He said let me be honest, otherwise I will wait for him to go home after the Spring Festival and be stewed with pork vermicelli.

Luo Qingming and Yu Tianguang smiled and said nothing. After a moment of silence, Luo Qingming opened his mouth first and said:

"This Liang Yongbin is not a fuel-efficient lamp, you'd better be careful in the future. The gun is easy to avoid and the dark arrow is difficult to prevent. He should be the kind of person who is sinister and cunning.

Warmth simply gave Luo Qingming's wise eyes a full score in his heart. He is indeed a tiger. For people like Liang Yongbin, they can actually see through his essence at a glance, but there are still so many lost female lambs on the road that need to be saved by themselves! Of course, at least Wenxin won't talk about his relationship with Liang Yongbin now. One by one, he doesn't want to come in with his grievances, at least not now.

"Big guys get together. Under the same roof, it's fate. I, Luo Qingming, don't say many useless words. When we get together in the future, I don't want anyone to be a little insincere. Of course, everyone has privacy, but I don't want to impress brotherhood because of something unnecessary. I want to fool around, but this is only my first plan. I want to build my own underground dynasty, a financial aircraft carrier. Of course, the region, the current goal is only the black province, and in the near future will be the whole northeast and even the whole China.

Luo Qingming's words aroused the deep thought of warmth and Yu Tianguang. Although they were surprised by Luo Qingming's boldness and ambition, what moved them most was Luo Qingming's honesty, which moved them quite moved them. Although they were also fraternally, no one was a fool. Who would be calm about the little Jiujiu in his heart. Say it for no reason? Luo Qingming's ability to say these words was indeed a little unexpected, but it also proved that Luo Qingming's sincerity and his lack of selfishness at all.

"Warm, I won't say more, a prodigal son, the second ancestor. Grandpa has several dilapidated hospitals in the south, and he has some family background. Enough to fool around. Since Qingming has reached this point, I will also tell the truth. Indeed, I also have this direction, but after all, I was defeated by you. However, Lao Wen is absolutely balanced. Although I have not been together for a few days, I know that you are definitely not an ordinary person. I believe in my vision, and I also believe that Brother, that's right."

Luo Qingming nodded heavily and looked into his warm eyes, and there were some unknown things.

"I'm the simplest, haha. An idle person, the three of us are also predestined, all for the same purpose, but my purpose is very simple, that's all, I won't say more, even I went to college to build some of my own forces in the school, but when I heard what Qingming said to Wei Zhongxian that day, I Understand that things are not as easy as I thought. In this case, good birds choose trees to live in. In the future, I, Yu Tianguang, will also follow you. Qingming, don't let me down, haha.

Yu Tianguang smiled cheerfully, and Luo Qingming also smiled. He just likes the straightforward relationship of Northeast men. What did he say? Hid it made his feelings alive, didn't he?

Luo Qingming's eyes stood up and his face became a little serious.

"Since you have also expressed your position, I won't say anything useless. Just work hard in the same direction. Now that school has started, if nothing unexpected happens, I will completely focus on my studies during this period. Contrary to Tianguang's purpose, I want to go to college well. Of course, there are still some things to do, but I will focus on my studies, otherwise I will not choose the School of Economics and Management. It will depend on you at that time."

For Luo Qingming's words, I couldn't help frowning and joked:

"Qingming, you stinky boy, you have been vaccinated now. It seems that you, the shopkeeper, will be fixed in the future."

Luo Qingming laughed and scolded, "Don't shake your hands, at least there are not so many things to do now."

"But serious, Qingming, what's your next step?" Yu Tianguang also returned to say seriously.

"I have planned to start extending to the School of Economics and Management to recruit some useful people who can fight, smart and sensible. You need to build a think tank by yourself and remember that there are not many people, as long as they are useful. At least compared with these veteran forces in the college, we can't weaken morale. You can deal with this at your discretion. I believe you can handle it well. The most important thing for us now is the lack of a force. Although it is a group of people who have stabilized Qingpi for the time being, the most important thing is to know their own and know their enemy in the college, and the group of hooligans under Qingpi will never go with the college students in these colleges, so we have to work hard inside the college. As for Wenxin, you are responsible for those who are usually bullied or arrogant and have not joined several other forces. I want to have my own manpower in the shortest time.

Luo Qingming said in an orderly manner.

"Then we should have a name, right? A little domineering, a little scary." Warmly touched his nose and muttered.

"Yes, Qingming, we can't have an 'nameless', can we? At least you can't give it to those people in morale.

"Then call it - 'Zhou Sha'! A little red of the desperate sand, the killing of the immortals, the sand of the cinnabar.

Luo Qingming thought for a moment and said that even he did not expect that Zhusha would not become the name of his underground forces a few years later, but it was even more frightening. Desperate to kill the sand with a little red! As soon as the sand comes out, someone will splash blood five steps and never make mistakes!

Everything was finalized. Wenxin and Yu Tianguang both looked at Luo Qingming and seemed to feel that something was missing. The two said with one voice, "Then what are you doing?"

Luo Qingming smiled. Of course, I am a five-good young man and a college student that everyone claims to be.

"Grass!" You are sinister!"

Luo Qingming was despised by the two people for a while, and finally became hungry and went downstairs together to solve the problem of food and clothing. Three people eliminated a large number of buffets. After that, he parted ways. Yu Tianguang said that he would go back to the dormitory at ease, while warmth was an excuse to go to the high school alumni of the Harbin Working Conference, but his purpose is worth delving into.

It's getting dark, but Luo Qingming is still a little worried about Li Shumin. After all, the other party has just been rescued. In any case, there are some shadow obstacles in his heart. Luo Qingming knows this. May I ask who will be good after a night of kidnapping?

The other party should still be sleeping at this time, right? After getting through Li Shumin's phone, the other party was indeed a little sleepy, but when they heard that it was Luo Qingming, they immediately became much more sober. The two agreed to meet at the 'Blue Crystal' cafe half an hour later. Hanging up the phone, just as Luo Qingming put the phone in his arms, a Land Rover with a speed of more than 200 yards per hour rushed towards him.