very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 005 Amazing Discovery

Volume 1 The first appearance of power 005. Amazing discovery "Ah, another test, didn't you just take the test last week..." "That's right, I haven't read yet..." The students below began to complain.

The students have a good relationship with this newly graduated math teacher, so they dare to express their dissatisfaction in class.

"Ha ha, okay, hurry up, just forty minutes. You've wasted three minutes just now. If there's anything else you haven't finished, just keep talking. I'll curl up later."

Zhao Ying said with a smile.

Although she is not much bigger than the students, she still made her eat these students to death.

"Alas!" Everyone stopped complaining. They quickly packed up the books on the table, took out grid rulers and ballpoint pens, and a pile of sketch paper.

Yang Ming slowly put away the algebra book in front of him, but his mind was figuring out whether he could cheat for a while and copy the score higher.

In fact, Yang Ming also knows that cheating in this kind of exam is useless. Although the score can be higher, when it comes to the college entrance examination, the possibility of copying others will basically become zero! However, Yang Ming raised his score at this time to make Yang's father happy. As for the college entrance examination, there are still several months left. Let's talk about it then! The paper was handed out. Looking at the test paper with the smell of ink in front of him, Yang Ming really had no way to start.

The first question doesn't work, trigonometric function cos? This cos Yang Ming knows it, because it reads more like Hussein (Saddam Hussein) who was killed by the United States. I don't know what Yang Ming means.

Yang Ming habitually takes out the glasses box from his pocket, which is his cheating tool, which can only be used when playing billiards or taking exams.

After taking it out, he found that the glasses had been smashed by the yellow hair.

Damn it, don't let me see you next time! If I meet you again, I will cut off your JJ and hang it on the TV tower! Yang Ming scolded secretly.

Yang Ming is a typical poor student in the class. In order not to let him influence others, the teacher placed him on a separate table near the back door at the end of the classroom.

Zhang Bin, who sits in front of Yang Ming, actually doesn't learn much, but it's much better than Yang Ming. At least every time he can get on the passing line, Yang Ming can't do a single question.

The relationship between Zhang Bin and Yang Ming is not bad. In the past, Yang Ming wore glasses to copy him. After Zhang Bin finished it, he put the paper aside for him to see. Now without glasses, Yang Ming can't see no matter how good his eyes are.

Originally, Yang Ming wanted to give up, but suddenly he remembered that the old man gave him a pair of contact lenses, and he couldn't help thinking of being a dead horse doctor.

Yang Ming took out the small box of contact lenses from his pocket... "Yang Ming, what are you doing!" Zhao Ying was invigilating the exam and walked to Yang Ming. When she saw Yang Ming sneakingly taking something out of his pocket, she thought he was going to cheat and immediately scolded.

If it were another teacher, she might turn a blind eye to Yang Ming, but Zhao Ying, who teaches mathematics, has just graduated from normal this year. Yang Ming is the first batch of students she led, and she is also very responsible.

And she has never discriminated against Yang Ming because he is a poor student.

She has also read Yang Ming's file before, the first prize of the National Mathematics Olympiad in the second year of junior high school. This kind of impressive achievement is impossible for ordinary students to achieve.

Intuition told her that Yang Ming used to be a good student and a very smart student. He must have degenerated him because of something.

Zhao Ying also wanted to talk to Yang Ming in her spare time. After all, the two were not many years old, and it was relatively easy to communicate. However, Yang Ming often saw the end of the dragon, and Zhao Ying looked for him several times but did not find him.

Yang Ming was shocked and almost threw the contact lens box on the ground with a shiver.

Looking up, he saw Zhao Ying staring at him and quickly and carefully said, "Mr. Zhao."

"What are you holding in your hand?" Zhao Ying pointed to what was in Yang Ming's hand and asked.

"This one?" Yang Ming handed the glasses box to Zhao Ying and said, "Glasses!" Zhao Ying took the small box and opened it. It was indeed a pair of contact lenses, and then returned it to Yang Ming: "Take a pair of glasses to make it so mysterious! Hurry up and answer the paper!" Got it."

Yang Ming took the glasses box and nodded.

Zhao Ying is Yang Ming's favorite of all teachers. She is young and beautiful.

The most important thing is that she doesn't look at herself like other teachers, but always asks herself if she understands and questions that she doesn't know can be asked at any time.

This is also the reason why Yang Ming was the first to take out a math book when he just thought of learning.

He felt that he was most sorry for his father, followed by Mr. Zhao Ying.

Yang Ming has an indescribable feeling about Zhao Ying. Do you like it? Admiration? Or worship? His feelings for Chen Mengyan can be set as likes, but what about Zhao Ying? Yang Ming can't figure it out. He has had several spring dreams that Zhao Ying! No wonder Zhao Ying's hotter figure than Chen Mengyan, with a strong chest and a well-proportioned small waist is exactly the sexual fantasy object of an adolescent boy like Yang Ming! Compared with Zhao Ying, although Chen Mengyan doesn't give up at all, she is less mature and charming, and more of the girl's youth.

Yang Ming shook his head, left these dirty thoughts behind, and picked up a pair of contact lenses marked with L.

Yang Ming knows that this represents the meaning of the left eye even if he is no longer uneducated.

This is the first time for Yang Ming to play with contact lenses, which are more than twice as expensive as ordinary glasses. He has seen others wear them before, and at this time, he also wore the mirror on his eyes in a way.

After wearing both pieces, Yang Ming blinked his eyes and felt good, without any discomfort.

I thought it was a garbage stall, but now it seems that the old man hasn't fooled him.

I don't know whether the degree is appropriate or not. Yang Ming raised his head and glanced at Zhang Bin's desk.

At this time, Zhang Bin had already answered the multiple-choice questions on the first paper, and put it in the corner of the table to facilitate Yang Ming's plagiarism.

Can't you see clearly? Yang Ming complained in his heart.

What's the difference between this and not wearing glasses? Yang Ming looked forward hard and wanted to see the handwriting written on Zhang Bin's paper.

Suddenly, something strange happened! Yang Ming only felt that there was a flower in front of him, just like the autofocus function of the fool's camera. The words on the paper seemed to be getting closer and bigger, and Yang Ming actually saw it clearly!