very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 114 Mr. Liu

Volume 1 The first appearance of power 114. Mr. Liu and Yang Ming quickly took over the "B brief analysis of jade knowledge" and looked over the publication date.

The first edition in 1988, the second edition in 1997, and the thirty-sixth printing in 2007.

This book is even earlier than my age! Yang Ming was born in the 90s. This book is two years older than Yang Ming! Ha ha, aren't you surprised that this book is a little too old? The old gentleman smiled when he saw Yang Ming.

"Um, yes, this book is two years older than me. Isn't it out of date?" Yang Ming said the doubts in his heart.

"Ap out of date? Knowledge is not outdated!" The old gentleman shook his head and said, "You young people always like to buy some of the latest books!" Yes, it's right for you to buy new fashion books, but knowledge is not necessarily the same! For example, the most commonly used addition and subtraction operation in our lives! This is the knowledge invented by our ancestors thousands of years ago. Can you say it is outdated? For another example, are the Tang poems and Song poems we read outdated? Knowledge is not outdated. Let's take this book as an example. Look, it has been reprinted for the thirty-sixth time, which proves its value!" Yang Ming nodded. Yes, he really benefited a lot. He not only learned a lot about the evaluation of the value of jade from the old gentleman, but also found a textbook suitable for him.

Yang Ming was very happy: "Old sir, thank you. I know. I will try my best to learn the knowledge in this book!" Well, I wanted to tell you more, but I have something to do today. I have to go first.

This is my business card. Call me if you don't understand! It's rare that there are still young people who like to learn knowledge so much!" The old gentleman took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Yang Ming.

Yang Ming is a little ashamed. If you say it, why do you like to study?

I learned these places in order to make money! However, he still took the business card handed over by the old gentleman with very respectful hands.

The business card is very simple, with only one name and one phone, without any job title or anything.

It can be seen that this should be a personal business card.

People who distribute this kind of business card to others are generally great people in some industries and no longer disdain fame and fortune.

Liu Weishan, Yang Ming has never heard of this name.

But he estimates that Mr. Liu must be an expert in the jade industry! After saying goodbye to Liu Weishan, Yang Ming and Lan Ling looked around the bookstore for a while. Yang Ming casually read books about qigong and special functions for a while.

The content above is very superficial and has nothing to do with perspective at all. It is Lan Ling's sixth sense, which is mentioned in many books, but the explanation is also very general: the ancient Greek scientist and philosopher Aristotle thought it a long time ago.

People have five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.

However, many people in life believe that there is still "intuition" or "sixth sense".

Especial for women.

Does the "sixth sense" exist or not? Scientists have not been able to give us a definite answer so far.

Shit, what kind of explanation is this! Yang Ming was a little depressed after reading it.

Put the book back.

It seems that it is better to find some special websites to understand these things in detail, and the books in the bookstore are not very professional.

"Lan Ling."

Yang Ming turned around and found that Lan Ling was missing.

Where did this girl go? It is very difficult to find someone in the bookstore, because the bookshelves block people's sight and can't see the people behind the bookshelf at all! Of course.

This is only for ordinary people. This kind of occlusion is invalid for Yang Ming! Yang Ming's eyes are simply a perspective telescope. Who can compare with this? Yang Ming directly used the power.

Immediately found Lan Ling standing behind a bookshelf not far away, concentriously reading.

Yang Ming immediately walked over.

It seems that Lan Ling was very involved in it and didn't notice Yang Ming's appearance behind her.

"Lan Ling, what are you looking at? So fascinated!" Yang Ming patted her little ass.

"Ah!" Lan Ling was shocked and found that it was Yang Ming who was relieved: "You scared me to death!" Ga?" Yang Ming couldn't help but be stunned when he saw the book in Lan Ling's hand, "Popularization of the Life Knowledge of Newlyweds". Shit, this girl is really funny! Yang Ming, you see, we haven't tried several positions and postures mentioned in this book. How about we try it at night? Lan Ling pointed to the hand-drawn illustrations on the book and said.

After hearing this, Yang Ming quickly looked around. Fortunately, no one was there! Lan Ling, just make a sound. It's not good for others to hear it!" Yang Ming reminded.

"What's the matter? Don't they do this when they go home? Besides, isn't this book just for people to see? Lan Ling asked strangely.

Yang Ming is ashamed. Is this girl really ignorant or intentional? It's too pure.

"These are the privacy between two people, which is not easy for others to know!" Yang Ming explained.

"Oh, then I won't talk about it!" Lan Ling nodded: "How about we buy this book back?" Buy it?" Yang Ming didn't want to see the strange look of Miss Payee.

shook his head and said, "Forget it, it's just some theoretical knowledge. There is no reference. Let's go back and watch a live-action movie!" A live-action movie? Okay, okay, will you watch it in the evening? Lan Ling asked.

"Um, let's talk about it later."

Yang Mingxin said, is there a place to download it here? After leaving the bookstore, Yang Ming and Lan Ling found a snack bar.

Before leaving just now, the two of them tossed around in the hotel and digested all the lunches. In addition, after visiting the bookstore for a long time, they were already hungry.

Crossing the bridge rice noodles are one of the most famous snacks in Yunnan! When you arrive in Yunnan, if you don't taste the cross-bridge rice noodles, it's really a waste of time! Yang Ming has never eaten rice noodles, so he naturally wants to try it.

Lan Ling doesn't matter. She is a standard local. She often eats it, but she also loves it very much.

Two people ordered a large portion, which is the advantage of the couple coming out for dinner together.

A large serving is cheaper than two small servings, and there is one more meat and two more vegetables.

There is only one kind of meat and three kinds of vegetables in the small portion, while the large portion has three kinds of meat and five kinds of vegetables.

If Yang Ming and Zhang Bin came out for dinner together, it would naturally be impossible to eat a pot! But unlike Lan Ling, the two KISS also kissed and did it. Yang Ming didn't even dislike Lan Ling's "pee", let alone drooling! It was delicious for two people to eat. Lan Ling had big eyes and a small stomach. Before eating, he said that he could eat half of it.

But after a few bites, I hugged him.

The rest will be eliminated by Yang Ming.

This rice noodle is authentic, and the chili is delicious enough, so Yang Ming is not reluctant to eat it.

"Eat slowly!" Lan Ling smiled and handed Yang Ming a napkin: "Wipe the sweat!" Yang Ming took the napkin and looked up to see Lan Ling's eyes full of tenderness and love, which was very useful in his heart.

It turns out that the feeling of two people together is like this! Although Yang Ming and Chen Mengyan were often together before, there was a layer of window paper between the two that was not broken, so both of them were a little covered and implicit, which was another feeling! Thinking of Chen Mengyan, Yang Ming began to feel sad again.

Lan Ling, he can't abandon her at all.

This elf-like girl, it's too late for Yang Ming to love her. How can he not want her! But the key question is what should Chen Mengyan do? Let's not say whether she can accept Lan Ling or not, this "heart-wort" problem is enough to fuck! Yang Ming shook his head and tried not to think about these unpleasant things.

He has always believed that there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, and it counts one step at a time.

But how to put it, maybe the god of luck cares for him, and Yang Ming's luck is not so good.

(Fishman: It's natural for the protagonist to be lucky. If the supporting role is lucky, wouldn't it usurp the throne?) Lan Ling, why do you think this cross-bridge rice noodles are called cross-bridge rice noodles? Yang Ming put the remaining half of the meat sauce into the rice noodle pot and was ready to clean it together.

"Ha ha, I also asked my grandmother this question when I was a child! What she told me was that there was a scholar who studied hard in a lakeside hut in order to get his fame.

His wife delivers food to the scholar every day, but every meal is already cold in the hands of the scholar. Later, the smart wife thought of a way to cook chicken soup and rice noodles every day. Because the thick chicken oil has the effect of keeping warm, the scholar can eat hot rice, and then it gradually spread, because his wife has to cross the bridge every day Rice, so it's called cross-bridge rice noodles.

After Lan Ling finished speaking, he looked at the rice noodles in front of him, and his eyes seemed to be a little confused...