very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 209 Shining Debut

Volume 2 The Age of Chasing the United States 209. Yang Ming, who appeared on the stage like a world-class figure, facing the audience, and then suddenly stretched out his hand, took off the hat on his head and threw it to the audience, causing a crazy rush.

Then, the scarf and coat were also thrown down by Yang Ming. Just as the whole audience was boiling, Yang Ming suddenly shouted, "The sky is loud, and I'm shining on the stage!" Suddenly, there was another burst of applause and whistles under the stage. Of course, there were mixed praises and criticisms.

Some people disdain Yang Ming's grandstanding behavior.

I think he is making a show.

But most students still think that Yang Ming's appearance is very gorgeous and unique! Bringing highlights and new ideas to the boring college life.

When Ren Jianren saw Yang Ming's performance, he was almost smoky. What on earth is this guy going to do? Before he waited for the fight, Ren Jianren shouted coldly, "Yang Ming, have you finished? After that, you can start, right?" Everything goes without saying anything. I'll give you a couplet!" With that, Yang Ming turned around and showed a pair of couplets on his back. He wrote: Punch Nanshan Nursing Home and kick Beihai Kindergarten.

Horizontally on the buttocks: brick-breaking martial arts.

It immediately attracted a sigh and snickering under the stage.

And Ren Jianren's face turned green after seeing it! Is this obviously to classify yourself in nursing homes and kindergartens? Does it mean that you are not as old, weak, sick or disabled? What other brick-breaking martial arts? It's obvious that it's useless to laugh at your own kung fu! Just as he was about to refute, he heard Yang Ming say first, "What do you want to compare?" How to compare? Of course, it's better than taekwondo!" After hearing this, Ren Jianren said dissatisfiedly, "Since you are here, don't you know this truth?" That's not the difference!" Yang Ming shook his head repeatedly after hearing this.

Looking at Ren Jianren's inexplicable, Yang Ming said slowly, "If you are better than taekwondo, I have to bow down and admit defeat!" What do you mean?" Ren Jianren was stunned: "Don't you want to compare? Do you want to go back on your word?" No, no!" Yang Ming waved his hand and said, "You said it's better than taekwondo, but I don't even know the most basic rules of Thai boxing. Isn't it just to lose? It's better not to compare. Hurry up and admit defeat! It saves visual impact on everyone.

Do you think so?" Yes, he's right. Isn't this bullying? They don't know anything about taekwondo at all. What can they compare with you!" That's right.

Unfair! It's so unfair!" No comparison, it's glorious to lose, and it's dirty to win!" The people under the stage complained one after another. Of course, there were Zhang Bin and Tian Donghua.

Including Wang Zhitao, he did not have a good impression of this taekwondo club, and also mobilized the whole class to support Yang Ming.

Sun Zhiwei, as the monitor of Yang Ming, originally hated Yang Ming very much.

But now Yang Ming represents not only Yang Ming himself, but also Computer Class 082, and even the whole freshman group! Therefore, it was difficult for him to stop his classmates from cheering for Yang Ming, so he had to sit aside with his breath.

I hope Ren Jianren can teach Yang Ming a lesson.

"Then how do you compare!" Ren Jianren blushed for a while, and it was not easy to attack.

Yang Ming is reasonable. He doesn't know taekwondo in the first place.

Aren't you beating other people's weaknesses with your own strengths! Let's fight freely!" Yang Ming said, "It's not limited to any rules."

Free fight? Ren Jianren was stunned.

Then I thought of it.

That's good, then I can beat you with taekwondo! Ren Jianren was most afraid of Yang Ming saying rules such as not using taekwondo moves.

In that way, you will be a little tied to your hands and feet.

Now that there are no rules, you can play your strengths! He didn't think that Yang Ming could do taekwondo at all before, so he simply didn't want to ask Yang Ming anything. So after Yang Ming said the rules, Ren Jianren felt that it was no different from what he had imagined before, so he nodded and agreed: "Okay! If so, I will use taekwondo. You can do whatever moves you want.

Ren Jianren's words attracted a sigh from the stage, which was extremely shameless. He used his own strengths and others were casual.

Is this a one-sided game? However, Yang Ming didn't think so and asked carelessly, "What tricks can I use?" Yes! Whatever you want!" Ren Jianren said to himself, why is your boy so ink? Hurry up and let me beat you up! " Well, can I use the trick?" Yang Ming asked.

"Damn it! It's none of my business with your unique tricks. Are you ready? Ren Jianren asked impatiently.

"Don't you want to ask me what my unique trick is?" Yang Ming continued to speak slowly.

"You fucking...!!" Ren Jianren almost ran away, but he still endured patience and said, "Then what's your unique trick?" Ha!" Yang Ming turned around and then pointed to Ren Jianren behind him and said, "This is my tactic!" Ren Jianren was so angry that his face turned green, and there was blue smoke in his nostrils! It turns out that this boy is deliberately trying to humiliate me! What *** punches Nanshan Nursing Home and kicks Beihai Kindergarten? Do you think I'm a nursing home and kindergarten? ***, let's see how I beat you to cry for a while!" Can we start now?" Ren Jianren said coldly.

"All that, I'm here to let you know yourself and your enemy, and win every battle!" Yang Ming said.

"I don't have to know my enemy, I can beat you."

As Ren Jianren said, he got up and made a good posture and was ready to attack.

"What are you going to do?" Yang Ming suddenly asked.

"Isn't it the beginning of the test?" Ren Jianren was stunned.

"Wait, I have to warm up.

You've warmed up before, but I'm not hot yet.

Yang Ming said and began to jump up like a boxer: "You don't want me to warm up, do you? Do you want to bully people?" You're hot!" Ren Jianren was going to be angry after hearing this. Aren't you kidding me? So he relaxed his tense nerves and watched Yang Ming warm up there.

After about five or six minutes, Yang Ming was sweating profusely, and Ren Jianren finally couldn't help it: "Are you hot?" All right."

Yang Ming nodded and stopped the warm-up.

Ren Jianren just wanted to prepare to attack, but he heard Yang Ming say, "Wait, I just sweated after exercising for a long time, and now it's a little cold."

"Why do you have so many things!" Ren Jianren said angrily and abruptly stopped the attack.

"You don't want me to catch a cold, do you? Are you scheing? Do whatever it takes to win for yourself? Yang Ming asked in disguise for surprise.

"Five me! Then do whatever you want to do!" Ren Jianren is a little helpless. What on earth is this guy going to do? It's not deliberately procrastinating, is it?" Where's my coat?" Yang Ming looked around the stage and threw his coat down when he came on the stage just now.

"Here it is!" Zhang Bin took Yang Ming's coat and ran to the stage quickly.

Yang Ming took over the coat and asked in a low voice, "Are you ready?" Be careful. As we said before, it's in the big pocket on the left.

Zhang Bin nodded and said.

After Yang Ming put his coat on his body and then fastened the button again, he nodded to Ren Jianren and said, "It's time to start!" Ren Jianren breathed a sigh of relief, ***, you are finally done! Ren Jianren jumped to the center of the field and was ready to start attacking.

But he didn't expect Yang Ming to say in astonishment, "What are you going to do?" What are you doing? Naturally, it's a test?" Ren Jianren asked rhetorically.

"Before the taekwondo test, don't both sides have to bow and salute first? You are the president of the Taekwondo club. You don't know this common sense, do you? Yang Ming said strangely.


Ren Jianren had no choice but to stop the trend of his attack, but his lungs were about to turn into balloons.

Owesome, you boy, just fool me. I'll see how long you can drag it off. You'll look good later! Ren Jianren gave a respect to Yang Ming very stiffly, and Yang Ming also gave a respect to him.

"Are you all right now? It's okay. I'm going to attack?" Ren Jianren did not dare to attack directly this time, but asked tentatively.

He has been made two heads big by Yang Ming.

"Um, let me think about it?" Yang Ming pretended to hesitate and snickered in his heart.

Seeing that you are a sports student who went to college, it's not good to come to study! But I was a good student when I was in junior high school! There is a text from Zuo Zhuan called Cao Yu's Argument, in which there is a very classic saying: one drum, then decline, three exhaustion.

Look at what you look like now, you are exhausted! In fact, Yang Ming doesn't need to do this at all. Now Yang Ming, even if Ren Jianren's momentum is high, Yang Ming also has a hundred ways to kill him in an instant.