very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 211 What's on your mind

Volume 2 The era of chasing beauty 211. "In fact, this is very simple, brick-breaking martial arts? This is an old saying, from... Anyway, it comes from the mouth of an ancient celebrity, so I did this to promote traditional Chinese ancient culture!" Yang Ming said with great eloquence.

Brick-breaking martial arts is actually an Internet buzzword, and it has only appeared for a few years.

But these reporters don't care so much. They can remember what Yang Ming says. As for whether they need to modify it when they go back, it's someone else's business. They are only responsible for the interview.

"May I ask Yang Ming, have you ever thought that you can defeat the president of the Taekwondo Club? Why do you have so much courage?" Reporter B asked.

"Ha, do you still need to ask? I've already said that it's not that I'm too strong, but that my opponent is too weak! So, it's natural for him to lose to my subordinates!" Yang Ming said.

"Yang Ming, aren't you afraid that they will continue to challenge you afterwards?" Reporter C asked.

"What are you afraid of? I'm not afraid to praise Haikou. They will practice for another ten years! Their heads are not rivals of bricks!" Yang Ming laughed and said.

The reporters are speechless. Isn't this nonsense? How can the head be the opponent of the bricks? Not to mention ten years of practice, even if you practice for 20 years, you have to lie on the ground.

I asked Yang Ming some questions again. Yang Ming was talking nonsense and didn't say anything useful.

But everyone is also full. This kind of lace news doesn't need too much authenticity. Everyone is completely happy to watch.

........................Recently, our novel girl number one.

Xiao Mengyan has always been troubled by her worries.

Especially seeing that the relationship between Zhao Sisi and Zhang Bindi has progressed by leaps and bounds, both of them will be so good that they will go together. Chen Mengyan is very uncomfortable.

Until one day, Zhao Sisi blushed and said to Chen Mengyan that Zhang Bin was going to invite her to western food in the evening, but it seemed that she would stay outside for the night... Zhao Sisi was a little uncertain whether to go or not, so she found Chen Mengyan to discuss it.

Chen Mengyan can't say anything about this kind of thing. She just reminded her that it was all girls who suffered losses in the end.

Think about it. If you really plan to be with Zhang Bin in the future, it's okay to go.

So, Xiao Mengyan's mind came like this.

During the period when two people were in the third year of high school.

Although he has not yet established a clear relationship with Yang, Yang Ming always tampered with her and even asked her to help him solve the matter... Moreover, after that, he wanted to invite himself to his house... But what about now? After going to college.

Although I have clearly established a relationship with Yang, and my feelings have gone a step further, my physical language is much less.

Chen Mengyan is not that kind of casual girl, but she can still accept the intimacy between lovers.

And I'm looking forward to it.

I heard from Zhao Sisi that Zhang Bin had already kissed her by taking the opportunity to watch a movie.

Chen Mengyan asked Zhao Sisi what it was like to kiss? Zhao Sisi said strangely, "It feels wonderful... Mengyan, it's not that you and Yang Ming haven't kissed each other.

Why do you still ask me? Chen Mengyan had to smile bitterly.

myself and Yang Ming.

It's true that the kiss hasn't been received! Although Chen Mengyan has always been clean, now she has decided to be Yang Mingdi's girlfriend.

That means that she completely accepted Yang Ming physically and mentally.

Chen Mengyan is not an antique and does not reject the passionate kisses between lovers, but Yang Ming does not cross the thunder pool half a step! As a girl, Chen Mengyan can't be too active, can she? Now, Chen Mengyan heard that Zhao Sisi and Zhang Bin have developed to the point of going to open a room. How can she not be disappointed? By the way, Yang Ming and I have been together much longer than them, but now, there seems to be no substantial progress between the two! In fact, I also like Zhang Bin very much. He also said that he would marry me in the future.

Zhao Sisi said very seriously, "Moreover, I have also met his father, and his father is still very satisfied with me.

I think it doesn't matter if this kind of thing is sooner or later.

What's more, we have seen each other for a long time, but we haven't reached the last step..." After listening to Zhao Sisi's words, Chen Mengyan felt even more uncomfortable.

Can't your body attract Yang Ming so much? Chen Mengyan is not a fool. She can usually see other people doing things when they are in love on some forums on the Internet.

Even if the two people don't have the last step of the relationship, they usually kiss and caress... But now, Yang Ming is like a pervert from high school to a decent gentleman. How can he not let Chen Mengyan! After Zhao Sisi left, Chen Mengyan was a little absent-minded and looked at similar emotional posts in Maopu's community.

"Men are lustful animals, and they will all need it. If your husband or boyfriend always respects you, then you should be careful. He may have an affair..." Looking at the content of this post, Chen Mengyan had a headache... She frowned and turned off the web page and computer, and then decided to get up on campus. Take a walk and calm down alone.

........................In the dormitory, Yang Ming is giving Zhang Bin a staff hairstyle.

"Yang Ming, what do you think of my head shape?" Zhang Bin looked at the mirror and messed with it from time to time.

"Not bad, but I said, it's not the first time you've dated Zhao Sisi. Do you need to do this?" Yang Ming asked puzzledly.

"Today's meaning is different. It is likely that I will take Zhao Sisi in one fell swoop!" Zhang Bin said with a smile.

"Damn it, it's still one move. Don't lift it!" Yang Ming scolded.

"Ha, it's impossible. I'm even ready for Viagra!" Zhang Bin said, "Would you like to share some with you?" Shit, I don't need it. I'm born strong.

Yang Ming is telling the truth. He and Lan Ling have been working longer and longer, which is a very incredible thing.

Theoretically, the time for everyone to persist with the same partner** is basically certain, and there will not be too much deviation.

But Yang Ming is getting longer and longer. For this reason, Yang Ming also checked on the Internet and did not find examples similar to himself, so he had to give up.

After Zhang Bin left, Yang Ming himself was not interesting, so he wanted to call Chen Mengyan and ask her what she was doing.

Yang Ming thinks that he and Chen Mengyan should go further? The reason why Yang Ming didn't ask Chen Mengyan for anything else was that he had Lan Ling, and the second reason that he thought that he had been repeatedly rejected in high school. He didn't want Chen Mengyan to feel that he was with her for those things, so there was no progress except holding hands.

Just as I was about to call Chen Mengyan, my phone rang.

Yang Ming picked it up and saw that it was actually called by Lan Ling! Is it possible that this little girl wants it again? Yang Ming just went to her place yesterday!" Hello? Lan Ling, what can I do for you?" Yang Ming answered the phone.

"..." There was a silence over there, and then Lan Ling's voice came: "Yang Ming..." "Lan Ling, what's wrong with you?" Yang Ming was stunned. Lan Ling was originally happy all day long. Why does today's voice sound very sad?" Yang Ming, are you free? Lan Ling asked quietly.

"Yes, what's the matter?" Yang Ming asked urgently.

"Will you go out with me? I...miss you..." Lan Ling hesitated and said.

"Empt, I'll come to you?" Yang Ming felt that something was wrong with Lan Ling, but there was something wrong, and now he can't notice it.

"Um, I'll wait for you at the gate of the community."

Lan Ling whispered.

Hang up the phone, and Yang Ming hurried to the family area of Songjiang University of Technology.

Intuition tells him that something must have happened to Lan Ling! Yang Ming's dormitory building is not far from the family area. In addition, he ran there, so Lan Ling just arrived, and he also arrived.

"Ling Ling, what's wrong with you today? Why is it so weird?" After seeing Lan Ling, Yang Ming quickly asked.

"Yang Ming..." After Lan Ling saw Yang Ming, his eyes turned red and he rushed directly into Yang Ming's arms. Tears fell down: "Yang Ming... I don't want to leave you..." "What's the matter, Ling Ling, no one asked you to leave?" Yang Ming patted Lan Ling on the shoulder and comforted, "You are my little baby. How can I be willing to let you leave? We will be together for the rest of our lives!" Yang Ming... I won't see you in the future... I don't want to go..." Lan Ling cried and said intermittently.

At the same time, Lan Ling was not the only one who shed tears for Yang Ming.

Chen Mengyan was not in a good mood. When she saw the close couple on the campus, she felt very irritable, so she strolled to the employee's family area.

There are all places for teachers to move. Relatively speaking, there are not so many couples in love.

However, when she passed near the school's family area, she saw a figure that she was most familiar with!