very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 237 Yang Ming's Means

Volume 2 The Age of Chasing the United States 237. Yang Ming's means Yang Ming naturally knows the content of Sun Jie's text message, even if he doesn't use his farsighted ability.

Because the person who saw Sun Jie with his own eyes has won.

Sun Jie looked up at Yang Ming and found that he was also looking at herself, so she nodded slightly to him and tilted her mouth to the door.

Yang Ming nodded involuntary.

"Yang Li, the person who sent me the money is here. I'll go out for a while."

Sun Jie stood up as she spoke.

"I'll go out and have a look. So much money should be a big bag!" Yang Ming also stood up as if he wanted to help.

"Shall I take a look for you?" When Yang Dahai saw Yang Ming get up, he also wanted to help.

How can Yang Ming let him go, so he quickly said, "Dad, you sit here. In case the kidnapper comes back, there will be a care."

"That's right, then be careful!" Yang Dahai nodded.

"Well, what should I say if the kidnapper calls later?" Yang Li didn't doubt anything else. She was just worried about the kidnappers.

"Say that the money is ready and ask him where to meet!" Sun Jie ordered.

"Oh, okay!" Yang Li nodded.'s

Yang Ming followed Sun Jie and walked quickly in the direction of the door.


walked, Sun Jie whispered, "I'm good at it."

"I know."

Yang Ming nodded.

"Do you know?" Sun Jie asked back.

"You smiled when you received the text message."

Naturally, Yang Ming can't be said to have seen the ground by himself.

I went out of the door.

Sun Jie looked around and finally focused on a blue Buick business car with a Donghai license plate: "That's my car."

Yang Ming also knew this for a long time, but he couldn't say it. He came to the business car with Sun Jie.

To be on the safe, Yang Ming looked around again and deliberately expanded the scope of vision.

It seems that this group of kidnappers are not professional. Only the person who has just been arrested is responsible for monitoring.

When he got on the business car, Yang Ming saw that the back seat of the car had been removed, because there was a highlighted reflective film outside, and he couldn't see the situation inside at all.

The cap is being thrown there with his hands and feet tied at this moment.

A bearded man in black sitting by the door nodded to Sun Jie and said, "Miss."

"Did you ask him what?" Sun Jie asked.

"The young lady didn't tell me, and I haven't asked yet."

The beard shook his head.

"Who let you come?" Yang Ming got into the car carelessly, sat in the back seat, looked at the cap and asked.

"Humph!" The cap snorted coldly and said, "You should let me go quickly. If Brother Xiong can't contact me later, he will tear up the ticket!" Who is Brother Xiong? Yang Ming scolded a fool in his heart. This man simply didn't make a move! IQ is very problematic!" How do you know Brother Xiong? The cap was shocked and opened its mouth wide in surprise! Yang Ming didn't know whether to laugh or cry after hearing this. He was really completely defeated by this guy! I really don't know what Brother Xiong, the leader of the kidnappers, thought. He sent such a second cake to be an investigator.

Even Sun Jie and Big Beard.

I can't help laughing.

"You told me yourself."

Yang Ming shook his head and said.

"Myself? When?" Obviously, the cap hasn't noticed that he had just spilled the beans.

"Why did you kidnap Yang Dashan?" Yang Ming did not continue to pester him with this problem.

"Do you think I'll tell you?" The cap asked rhetorical.

Yang Ming is very happy! Listening to this guy's words, it is obvious that he said, "Do you think I'll tell you?" Instead of "I don't know."

The difference is big! The first one is that I know, but I won't say it.

Second, you may know, but you may not know.

Now that he knows it, it's easy to do.

Yang Ming turned his head to Sun Jie and said, "Let him speak. I think your people should have a way, right?" Sun Jie nodded. These people were all retired by some special forces or mercenaries.

I have a good command of interrogation confessions.

Then he ordered, "Let him speak."

"No problem."

The beard nodded.

Yang Ming didn't want Sun Jie to see the bloody picture, so he said, "Let's go down and wait for a while."

"What? Afraid of seeing a scene that is too bloody? After getting out of the car, Sun Jie made fun of Yang Ming.

Yang Ming did not say anything, but took out a cigarette from his pocket, reached out to the front door, took out the cigarette lighter, lit the cigarette, and took a deep breath of the howling in the car. After Yang Ming exhaled a puff of smoke.

Then he smiled at Sun Jie and said, "Do you think I will be afraid?" Sun Jie saw the video of Yang Ming beating Liu Xiaosheng, the driver of Yun, and knew that Yang Ming was a serious violent person.

I'm definitely not afraid of blood.

The reason why she said that just now is a complete joke.

Yang Ming is very ruffian leaning against the car. Anyway, this is a dead corner.

I'm not afraid that my parents will see it.

As for Sun Jie, he doesn't have to deliberately show anything in front of her.

Ten minutes later, the bearded opened the door.

"How's it going?" Sun Jie asked quickly.

"This boy is so tough that he doesn't say how to fight."

The beard sighed and shook his head.

Yang Ming had expected this result for a long time. Although this cap is very stupid, he is very arrogant and a straightforward person. It is not so easy for him to give in.

Moreover, it is estimated that the boss named Brother Xiong is also a tough character. If this cap reveals something, there will be no good fruit to eat when you go back.

"I'll go and have a look."

Yang Ming shook his head and shook the car.

But the beard obviously showed a disdainful look. He retired from a Vietnamese mercenary and couldn't let this guy talk! He doesn't believe that Yang Ming has any other way.

At the beginning, the set of beard forced to make a confession on the battlefield was almost used once, such as Chang'e running to the moon, helicopters and so on, and even his own unique stunt "Journey with the Whistle Moon" were used. This guy biting him as if I didn't say anything, and it looked like you

But he also knows that now he is working for the Sun family, and Yang Ming is a friend of the young lady. There are some things that can only be thought about and can't be said.

Yang Ming couldn't see the suspicion on his face, but he didn't care. He got into the car and saw a bloody cap lying on the ground.

"I won't say it!" Seeing that another person came over, he immediately stared at Yang Ming.

Oh, is it up to you? Yang Ming took a look at the cap.

As a killer, it is necessary to learn some special means to force a confession.

In many cases, before killing a person, you have to ask something from his mouth.

Therefore, Fang Tian also taught Yang Ming a lot of ways to force confessions.

These means are different from the common means used by special forces. The means of beard are purely to destroy other people's bodies through some violent means, and much of Yang Ming's learning is to make life worse than death by stimulating some acupuncture points.

Yang Ming walked over and pressed a acupuncture point on the cap.

Suddenly, an indescribable feeling of crispness spread all over the cap, like tens of thousands of ants crawling around on him, giving the cap a feeling of rolling back and forth! It's just that his hands and feet were tied behind him and fixed to the back door of the car, making him unable to move.

But the sad cry made Yang Ming feel a chill! This is the first time that the means learned from Fang Tian have been used on real people, but Yang Ming has no doubt about the credibility of these moves.

These are all Fang Tian's unique skills. Although not many people can do it, they have been tested by the king of killers in all generations! You...kill...I...Let's do it! I... just... is... no... say..." The cap is already so uncomfortable that I can't even speak clearly, but my backbone is still very hard.

Even the beard looking aside couldn't help but be stunned! Yang Ming didn't do anything. This cap was even more miserable than when he was played "Journey with the Whistle Moon" just now! Depending on the situation, Yang Ming's methods are much more powerful than his own! It was also at this time that the bearded really admired Yang Ming! This is an ake! Move gently twice, this man can't stand it anymore! On the contrary, Sun Jie was very surprised. She couldn't figure out that Yang Ming still had these two times. However, the current situation is not suitable for inquiry.

The cap's face is getting worse and worse. Yang Ming also knows that although it is not fatal to press his acupuncture point, if it takes too long, it will also be life-threatening.

It's just that this guy's mouth is a little too hard, isn't it? Why don't you say it? Suddenly, Yang Ming "heard" the sound of the cap! But the cap didn't open its mouth!