very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 448 Conditional Reflection

Volume 2 The Age of Chasing the United States 448. Conditioned reflex "Don't talk about him!" When Zhou Jiajia heard the young man call Yang Ming a dead pig, she said with an unhappy face.

"Ha, why don't you talk about it? Does it hurt this little white face so much?" The young man said and walked over.

I want to pat Yang Ming's face with my hand.

Although Yang Ming is drunk.

He is not even sober, but as a strictly trained killer.

Yang Ming is still a little alert in his heart. If someone wants to be bad for himself.

Yang Ming can still react quickly.

Yang Ming is indeed drunk now, but he can still instinctively sense the danger when Yang Ming feels the wind on his face.

Suddenly, he suddenly stretched out his hand.

Suddenly hit the young man in the face.

With a crisp "pop", the young man's left face was swollen and tall! Yang Ming also woke up a little.

Human potential is infinite. In an instant, Yang Ming's reason defeated the alcoholic paralysis in the body.

Yang Ming tried to open his eyes, but found that there was nothing he could do.

Yang Ming can still control the large muscle, but the subtle local nerves of the face like the eyelids.

Yang Ming is out of control.


What surprised Yang Ming was that although he closed his eyes, he could see everything in front of him clearly! It's like when you open your eyes! By the way, Yang Ming suddenly remembered.

Your own eyes have a perspective function, that is to say, you can see what's outside through your eyelids, which is also a kind of power! I can see the young man in front of me clearly.

Yang Ming is even more handy when he starts to fight.

He***, want to sneak up while I'm drunk? I'll slap you to death! The young man didn't think that Yang Ming, who was like a dead pig just now, could suddenly burst out, and he was unprepared.

He was caught off guard and embarrassed.

Before he could figure out what was going on, he was hit on by Yang Ming and couldn't get up.

Another young man saw his companion being beaten.

Suddenly, he was so anxious that he picked up a board by the roadside and was about to pat Yang Ming's head.

Although Yang Ming closed his eyes like a drunken fist, he saw it clearly! Moreover, it surprised Yang Ming.

After you close your eyes.

You can not only see the things in front of you, but also see the things behind you! In other words, Yang Mingdi's eyes have now completely turned into a 360-degree wide angle, and he can see every corner behind him! This is a situation that has never happened before... Or, he has never tried it himself. After all, it is impossible for Yang Ming to close his eyes when he has nothing to do, except when he goes to bed at night.

But when he was sleeping, Yang Ming didn't want to use the power at all! This discovery immediately surprised Yang Ming, it seems.

Indeed, as I expected, this glasses not only has three functions: perspective, hyperopia and night vision, but it also has other functions, but I didn't find it! For example, if you see what other people think clearly, you have never figured it out, but today it's because of a mistake.

Let Yang Ming discover another very awesome function of glasses! 360 degrees wide angle! This is quite useful, especially when you are in the killer industry. When you close your eyes, you won't be afraid that someone will sneak up! In other words, when I was in the college entrance examination, I was still worried about whether I would be distributed to the first table and affect my cheating. If I had known the function of glasses earlier.

When the time comes, close your eyes.

You can see it in all directions! However, sometimes.

The saying that happiness makes sorrow is very reasonable.

Yang Ming was shocked by the discovery of an important new function of the power, which caused a pause in the movement.

This pause is not good.

The back of Yang Ming's head was immediately patted by the board in the hand of the young man who came up from behind! In the past, when he went out to fool around in society, Yang Ming had also been patted on the head with things such as slabs and bricks, and his head and shell was not so hard.

But after drinking today, my head was a little confused.

If you are hit by this board again, you will feel even more dizzy.

It's just that Yang Ming's will is much tougher than that of ordinary people.

Before he fell down, he still struggled to resist and kicked him.

In the middle of the man's lower abdomen, he kicked him four or five meters away.

Hit a Santana car parked on the roadside not far away.

The young man's head hit the windshield of Santana.

broke the windshield... and Yang Ming.

After knowing the danger alert contact.

Continue to fall faintly.


The clapper was not very heavy. Yang Ming fell to the ground most of the reason because of the alcohol attack in his body.

But Zhou Jiajia didn't know.

I thought Yang Ming was photographed by this young man.

Immediately scared out of his mind.

Subconsciously hugged Yang Ming: "Yang Ming.

What's wrong with you? Wake up..." Yang Ming didn't wake up this time.


Deep in Yang Mingdi's heart.

The hostility to Zhou Jiajia has been slowly lifted... It's just that he doesn't know yet. At least this time, he didn't get up reflexively and beat Zhou Jiajia.

Looking at Yang Ming's expressionless face without any reaction, Zhou Jiajia was a little at a loss.

I don't know where the strength comes from.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he carried Yang Ming up from the ground, hurried to the roadside, and reached out to stop a taxi passing here.

Seeing Zhou Jiajia, it took a lot of effort for a girl to carry a man on her back, and the taxi driver quickly got out of the car to help her open the back door.

Get in the car and ask, "Drink too much?" No... I was beaten by two bad guys with a board.


Go to the nearest hospital..." Zhou Jiajia shook her head anxiously and said.

"Ah? Have you been beaten? Do you need to call the police?" The taxi driver asked subconsciously.

"What kind of police should I call? Let's go to the hospital first.

Hurry up..." Zhou Jiajia said urgently.

"Okay..." The taxi driver looked at Zhou Jiajia's pitiful look.

also aroused compassion.

lian, quickly started the car: "Go to the People's Hospital?" Well, the sooner the better..." Zhou Jiajia said.


Got it, I'll be there soon.

Sit down.

I'm going to drive fast..." The taxi driver said, and the car rushed out like a rocket.

Fortunately, there are not many cars at night.

There was no barrier along the way, and it didn't take long to arrive at the First People's Hospital of Songjiang City.

Before Zhou Jiajia paid the car, she picked up Yang Ming and ran to the emergency room. As she ran, she said to herself, "Yang Ming... You can't be fine..." The voice was full of crying... The taxi driver looked at Zhou Jiajia's distant back and couldn't help squealing.

The little girl looked weakly.

How can you carry a man on your back? Still running so fast? It's incredible! Zhou Jiajia didn't think about whether she could carry Yang Ming's problem at all. So what if she can't carry it? Isn't it also on your back now? Zhou Jiajia is thinking about it now.

Hurry up and find someone to treat Yang Ming... "D doctor, doctor, please take a look at it for me.

How's he doing?" Entered the hospital.

Zhou Jiajia saw a man in a white coat.

quickly blocked in front of him and said.

"Little girl, don't worry.

I'm not a doctor... I'm a pharmacy, if you see a doctor.

Go there to register first..." Bai Dax explained kindly.

"Ah? Registration... Yes, it's necessary to register. I'm going now. Thank you!" Zhou Jiajia just remembered that she had to register to see a doctor in the hospital.

He hurriedly thanked him, and then picked up Yang Ming and ran to register.

"Little girl, are you so tired?

You put him on the chair on the side first.

You just need to register..." The white coat didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"No way.

I have to look at him at any time..." Zhou Jiajia shook her head firmly.

"You are so kind to your boyfriend..." The white coat was not forced.

said with a sigh.

"Uh..." Zhou Jiajia blushed.

However, he was immediately worried and occupied by the boundless worry. Some people said that Yang Ming was his boyfriend.

I should have been happy, but I was not in the mood to be happy.

Fortunately, there is no registered person in the evening.

Zhou Jiajia paid directly to get an emergency number.

He quickly ran to the emergency room with Yang Ming on his back.

" Doctor... Please save him..." He rushed into the emergency room.

Zhou Jiajia shouted to the doctor inside.

"Don't be nervous.

Let's talk about what happened to the patient first?" The doctor in the emergency room stood up and greeted him.

began to take a good looked at Yang Ming.

"He fainted..." Zhou Jiajia said.

"You drink too much, don't you?" The doctor frowned and said, "Little girl, are you too nervous? The patient just drank too much, didn't he?" Not the ground.

No, he was patted on the head!" Zhou Jiajia said urgently, "Doctor, please take a closer look..." "What? Did you get slapped by the board? Where did you take the photo?" The doctor asked quickly.