very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 462 Zhiyun asks for help

Volume II The Age of Chasing Beauty 462. Zhi Yun asked for help, "Mr. Wang, I'm also trying to make more money for the company..." Su said with a bitter face.

In fact, his original intention was indeed the same. In order to make Wang Xifan pay more attention to his ability, he privately decided to sell the car to several powerful bosses in the city and made a lot of friends, but he didn't expect Wang Xifan to be so angry... Su roughly couldn't figure out why. What about it? How troublesome it is to sell the car to other places. You have to drive out of the city to deliver the goods at the place designated by the other party. It may be detained by the toll station and it is not safe. What if you are hacked? How safe the delivery in this city is. You don't have to worry about anything. If you drive the car, you can take the money and leave directly. Things in the future have nothing to do with yourself. You don't have to worry about any procedures.

Moreover, these buyers have a little name in the local area, and they are not afraid of being blackmailed in the transaction. After all, they all know it, and no one will do that kind of thing.

"For the company? I think they gave you personal benefits, right? No wonder Wang Xifan would think so, and anyone would think so.

Otherwise, why didn't Su roughly do it according to his own requirements? I... I really didn't take the benefits..." Su was a little anxious: "Bro-in-law, we are all a family. Can I do that kind of thing that damages the interests of the company?" Humph, relatives..." Wang Xifan sighed: "How many companies have closed down and their own people are going to get the card, and they have fattened their own pockets and lost the interests of the company!" I... brother-in-law, you have to speak according to your conscience. Since the day I did it in the company, I have always been thinking about the interests of the company!" Sue said roughly.

"Humph!" Wang Xifan snorted coldly, "Don't say it's useless! They didn't know your real identity when they came into contact with them, did they?" I don't know.

They all know that my nickname is Maozi..." Su roughly said quickly.

"Didn't you ask your way?" Wang Xifan asked.

"I said I came from Fujian."

Su said roughly.

"Well, you can hide during this period, don't show up!" Wang Xifan said coldly.

"Ah?" Su was stunned: "It's not that serious, is it?" It's not serious, so what's serious?" Wang Xifan scolded, "You are really a *** pig's head! It will cause me trouble!" Is this a paid vacation..." Su roughly asked carefully.

"Bullshit! Do you still want to get paid? Get out of here and stay at home. The benefits you get these days are enough for you to squander. If it weren't for your brother-in-law's sake, I would have sent you directly to the bureau!" Wang Xifan waved his hand and said impatiently.

"Bro-in-law, what do you mean? I really didn't get any benefits!" Su is in a hurry.

"All right, stop talking, let's go.

I'm tired of seeing you now!" Wang Xifan scolded.

"Ap, you can do it! You are really good!" Su roughly said three lines.

Turn around and go out.

Wang Xifan was shocked when he heard the three "line" words of Su roughly, and quickly shouted, "Wait!" This is roughly.

Damn it, don't jump over the wall in a hurry and make something wrong with yourself! Is there anything else? Mr. Wang?" Su said with a very angry expression.

"Wait, I'll write you a note. You can go to the finance office to get 10,000 yuan and spend it first. If it's not enough, call me again!" Wang Xifan sighed and said.

I thought, now I can only settle down this guy first.


Su roughly didn't even say thank you this time.


He is also very angry during this period.

I tried my best to work for the company, but in the end it was this kind of treatment... 10,000 yuan, hehe.

Although it doesn't look small, compared with what I made, it's simply a beggar! Although Su doesn't know the cost of those smuggled cars, he is not stupid. The price of hundreds of thousands of yuan is definitely indispensable! It should be said to be a profiteering! Otherwise, it is impossible for so many people to try the law to engage in this high-risk industry! Su roughly sneered in his heart. Can you send me to the bureau? You are exhausted! Do you dare? I'm afraid that if I get into the bureau, I can't hide these things from you. Let's see who's big! Don't say that I didn't take any benefits, even if I take any benefits, it's at most an economic crime, and what about you? Smuggling! That's a terrible job! Su roughly didn't say much. He picked up Wang Xifan's approval on the table and walked out of the office.

He is very chilling now. In the end, he has come to such an end... But what can he say? The company belongs to the Wang family. What does it have to do with yourself? What are relatives? Didn't you say that you were fired? Su roughly went to the finance room to get 10,000 yuan and returned home... Wang Xifan's heart was also very irritable. Does this Su have no brain? I have shipped all the goods to this city. Isn't it looking for trouble for myself? It seems that it's going to stop recently. I originally wanted to find Song Hang to take a batch of goods, but now it doesn't work. Let's talk about it after the New Year. Wang Xifan scolded a few words, and then called his friend and asked him to help me keep an eye on the news. As soon as the wind blows,

........................The next morning, Yang Ming received a phone call from Zhang Bin and went downstairs. Yesterday, he made an appointment to go to school together today. Zhang Bin drove to pick him up.

Yang Ming got into the back seat of the car, because Zhao Sisi was already sitting in the co-pilot's seat.

"Go to pick up Chen Mengyan?" Zhang Bin asked.

"Um, I'll call her and tell her to go downstairs."

Yang Ming nodded.

After receiving Chen Mengyan, the three rushed to school.

After New Year's Day, it is not far from the final exam.

Unlike high school, there are other monthly and midterm exams in college. Every semester is a final exam.

These days, it is also the time for the highest attendance in each classroom.

Because the teachers of each subject are drawing questions for students. Anyway, the college curriculum is like this. Even if you don't study for a semester, as long as you figure out the questions drawn by the teachers of each subject before the final exam, the exam results will certainly not be low.

Yang Ming doesn't care. He continues to use his own powers during the exam, and it's difficult to get a low score.

However, Yang Ming still walked into the classroom with books like others.

It's still necessary to make a show, otherwise you haven't studied for a semester, and if you get a high score in the exam, everyone will think you are cheating.

So in order not to cause unnecessary trouble, Yang Ming seriously took the textbook and made a record.

Wang Zhitao did not appear in front of Yang Ming and Zhou Jiajia today. After all, Wang Zhitao also has to take the final exam.

Although Wang Zhitao doesn't care about this, you can't pass the exam and can't get a diploma! During the break, Zhou Jiajia whispered to Yang Ming, "Yang Ming... I'm sorry that day... My mother has been by my side since I got home. I can't text you, which makes you worry..." "It's okay..." Yang Ming is a little puzzled. If you are with your mother, it doesn't affect the text message, right It's just that Zhou Jiajia's family affairs have nothing to do with Yang Ming, and Yang Ming didn't ask much.

"At the way, if my mother comes to you, don't be angry..." Zhou Jiajia hesitated and said with a red face.

"Your mother is looking for me? What is she looking for me for? Yang Ming said strangely.

"She...she thought we had that kind of relationship..." Zhou Jiajia bit her lip and said.

"What's the relationship?" Yang Ming didn't understand, but he didn't blame him. He didn't think of having any super friendship with Zhou Jiajia at all.

"It's... boyfriend and girlfriend..." Zhou Jiajia said.

"Ah? Does your mother think so? Yang Ming was stunned.

"Probably... If my mother comes to you, you don't have to pay attention to her..." Zhou Jiajia told her.

"Well, there is nothing in the first place. She is blindly suspicious of something!" Yang Ming laughed indifferently.

Zhou Jiajia moved her lips and wanted to say something, but she didn't say it in the end.

........................At noon, Yang Ming was about to call Chen Mengyan to have dinner with her, but Lin Zhiyun's call came in first.

"Hello?" Yang Ming answered the phone without hesitation: "Zh Yun, what's the matter?" Yang Ming... I... I have to trouble you again..." Lin Zhiyun said in a trembling voice.

"What's going on? Zhiyun?? What's the matter?" Lin Zhiyun's words made Yang Ming a little puzzled, but Yang Ming also felt that it would not be a trivial matter, otherwise Lin Zhiyun would not have been so gaffe.

"Zh Yun, what's wrong?" Yang Ming comforted, "Don't worry, tell me where you are?" I'm at school..." Lin Zhiyun said.

"School?" Yang Ming was stunned: "Is someone bullying you at school?"