very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 583 Coincidence

"What do you mean? Just say whether my daughter can be cured or not. Come on, don't you tell me so much just to get more money? Come on, it's fine with any amount of money, as long as you can cure my daughter!" Zhou's mother has obviously lost her mind and became extremely excited.

"Madam, that's not what we mean. It's not a matter of money or not, but the risk of surgery..." The doctor explained.

"What's the risk?" Zhou's mother said urgently, "How much can it cost without risk?" Yang Ming couldn't stand it when he heard it. He couldn't help interrupting her: "Auntie! Can you wake up? Do you think it's all right if you have money? Can you listen to the doctor finish it!" After being yelled at by Yang Ming, Zhou's mother also woke up a lot, and she couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed about her behavior just now: "I'm sorry, doctor, it's my impulse, so you tell me..." The doctor nodded. He watched a lot of all kinds of family members every day, and he didn't care. "Because the position of the injured bullet is relatively special, we can't guarantee that the bullet will be taken out without harming the brain nerves.

^^ First release gentleman's hall ^^ Therefore, this operation is very risky, and we can only carry it after the family's signature.

"Ah!" Zhou's mother was shocked and said, "What will happen if the nerves are destroyed?" It's hard to say. The nerves in the brain are amazing, and each one has a different effect.

\\\\ If a nerve is destroyed.

There may be quadriplegic or blindness, facial paralysis, and unclear speech, which are more likely to affect intelligence.

The doctor explained.

"Is there no other way?" Zhou's mother asked quickly.

"Even Professor Zhong Hanlin, the best brain doctor in China, can't fully guarantee that there is no risk..." The doctor said with some embarrassment.

"Then if I invite him here, can I reduce some risks?" Zhou's mother said quickly.

=The first issue of the gentleman's hall = "Yes, but as soon as possible.

If you can invite Mr. Zhong, that's natural! But I'm afraid that the injured person's condition is unstable and won't last long.

The doctor said.

"Okay! I know. No matter how much it costs, I will invite Dr. Zhong Hanlin.

Zhou's mother said repeatedly.

"However, I still have to say it in advance.

Mr. Zhong is very busy, and now he is in Beijing. He can't be hired with a lot of money. How many rich businessmen can't hire Mr. Zhong if they want to.

The doctor gave a tactful reminder.

"Ah! What should I do?" Zhou's mother has a lot of money, but after listening to the doctor's words, she doesn't know what to do: "So do you know Dr. Zhong well? Can you help me get in touch?" I know Mr. Zhong, but Mr. Zhong doesn't know me!" The doctor laughed at himself, "Forgive me for what I can do.

**** However, I heard that Professor Liu Weishan and Professor Zhong Hanlin of Songjiang University of Engineering are private classmates and have a very good relationship. The last time Mr. Zhong came to Songjiang, it was accompanied by Professor Liu.

If you have a wide range of connections in Songjiang.

You can try to contact Professor Liu Weishan to see if he can help you..." What?! Yang Ming was stunned and didn't expect it to be so coincidental.

Liu Weishan, isn't he his godfather! Then I don't know either..." Zhou's mother's business is in the East China Sea.

^^ First release Jun Zi Tang ^^ In Songjiang, except for Wang Xifan, a relatively heavyweight figure, I don't know anyone anymore! Doctor, auntie, please wait a moment. I have something to do.

Yang Ming heard that his godfather knew Zhong Hanlin and did not dare to delay, so he hurriedly prepared to call for verification.

"If you have something to do, just do it. Don't delay me!" Originally, Zhou's mother was upset enough to hear her daughter's news, but now she is worried about inviting Dr. Zhong Hanlin.

Yang Ming is still causing trouble (she thinks Yang Ming is causing trouble), so he said impatiently, "The doctor wants to treat Jiajia's injury. What's the use of waiting for you!" I'll call my godfather and see if there's anything I can do!" At this time, Yang Ming was too lazy to argue with Zhou's mother.

=Junzi Tang's first post = "Who is your godfather?" Zhou's mother asked rhetorical.

Yang Ming waved his hand and made a gesture later, because the phone was connected.


I'm Yang Ming.

Yang Ming said to the phone.

"Yang Ming.

What's the matter with finding your godfather? It's almost the Spring Festival, and I don't want to say that my godfather will come and have a look!" Liu Weishan's cheerful laughter came over the phone.


I'm looking for you this time. There is a very important thing to ask you.

Yang Ming quickly said the business, because Zhou Jiajia's matter was not delayed.

=gentleman's first post = "What's the matter? Tell me about it!" As soon as Liu Weishan heard that there was something serious, he also became serious.

"Godfather, do you know Dr. Zhong Hanlin?" Yang Ming asked.

"Hanlin, I know you. What's wrong? Suddenly asked this?" Liu Weishan asked.

"Well, a friend of mine has a head injury and wants to ask him for an operation. I heard that Dr. Zhong has a good relationship with you, so I called to ask."

Yang Ming explained.

"Oh, I know."

Liu Weishan pondered and said, "It's no problem for me to find Hanlin, but the Spring Festival is coming soon. If it's not something important, it's not easy for me to bother him. After all, he is also an old man like me.

^^ Gentleman's first post ^^ What does your friend have to do with you?" Relationship... Well, it's a very good kind."

Yang Ming said, "If you can cure her, at all costs..." "Okay, I'll contact Zhong Hanlin for you."

Liu Weishan didn't say much, because he already understood that this person must be very important to Yang Ming.

"Thank you, godfather."

Yang Ming hung up the phone with a smile.

"My godfather said he would help contact Dr. Zhong. It shouldn't be a big problem!" After hanging up the phone, Yang Ming said to the suspicious doctor and Zhou's mother.

=Junzi Tang's first hair = "Who is your godfather?" Zhou's mother looked at Yang Ming strangely and asked.

"My godfather is Liu Weishan!" Yang Ming said, "It's really a coincidence, otherwise there's really no way for a while!" It's really a coincidence!" The doctor also sighed, "Madam, your daughter is really lucky. If you can invite Mr. Zhong to do the operation in person, it will be at least 50% higher!" Yang Ming, I'm sorry to bother your godfather this time..." Zhou's mother is also very grateful at this moment. It's the first time to talk to Yang Ming so politely.

Before long, Liu Weishan called back. It turned out that Zhong Hanlin was not in Beijing, but in his hometown in Heilongjiang to prepare for the Spring Festival. Heilongjiang is a neighboring province from Songjiang, which is relatively close, and it is only an hour away by plane.

=Junzitang's first post=And when Zhong Hanlin heard that it was Liu Weishan's matter, he naturally agreed, and immediately booked a half-hour ticket. He wanted to come to Songjiang in a while.

After hearing the news, Yang Ming and Zhou's mother were very happy, and the doctor was also relieved and said, "To be honest, if Mr. Zhong doesn't come, we are really not sure to do this operation!" Shall we go to the airport to pick up Dr. Zhong now? Zhou's mother was worried about her daughter's safety, so she was naturally anxious to pick up the doctor here.

"Let's take our car."

Xia Xue said, "The police car is at the door. You can hurry up and save some time."

Yang Ming thought it was right. He also wanted to ask the hospital to send an ambulance to pick up Dr. Zhong, because this kind of special vehicle could not be restricted by traffic rules.

Of course, the police car is the same, so when Yang Ming heard Xia Xue's initiative, he nodded and readily agreed.

After the research of the task force, it is basically determined that Wang Xifan's confession is true, but the amount of black gold is still not so clear.

Wang Xifan also belongs to that kind of fox-like figure. The account book records the price and batch of the purchase, and the price of the shipment is not reflected on it.

And there are a variety of smuggled goods, from cars to electronic products, scattered. It is not so easy to estimate the shipping price of each batch.

However, after preliminary calculation, the number is still about the same. After all, Wang Xifan, who smuggled some drugs and other prohibited items, did not account at all.

And the money was secretly transferred by Wang Xifan.

However, whether Huang Youcai was involved in smuggling or not has become the focus of the task force's investigation.

Xia Xue did not see Huang Youcai participate in the whole process of the incident with her own eyes. Although Yang Ming saw it, he did not want to say anything more.

After all, Huang Youcai, a mad dog, is difficult to deal with. Since he had told the fact that his leg was disabled at that time, if Huang Youcai was really caught by the police, it is hard to guarantee that he will not talk about it! Therefore, Yang Ming simply pretended not to know, and waited for a period of time to calm down before cooking Huang Youcai in person.