very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 587 If you love her, trust her

587 If you love her, you will believe that she has been asking for a monthly ticket for a long time. Yang Ming woke up from his melancholy and looked at the familiar decoration in the room with thousands of thoughts.

Sometimes, Yang Ming can confidently admit his playful heart, but sometimes he feels that he should not be so playful.

People are always contradictory. If you get some, you have to lose some.

Yang Ming stood up and shook his head helplessly.

Lan Ling, don't you have any restrictions on finding other girls? In many cases, Yang Ming blamed his flower heart on the inexplicable heart. He comforted himself that the reason why he had become like this was entirely because his heart was doing it! However, only Yang Ming knew in his heart that this was just an excuse he used to cover up.

When he had no heart, Yang Ming was moved by Chen Mengyan and Zhao Ying at the same time, and there was a Su Ya in his heart at that time! Ouch!" Yang Ming sighed and came to the bedroom where he had spent countless **s with Lan Ling. Sitting in the big **, he only felt a little bored, and his eyes glanced at everything in the room with boredom. Unconsciously, he used the power of perspective.

It's not Yang Ming's intention to use the power, which is completely unintentional.

Just as Yang Ming's eyes scanned the drawer of the desk, he was attracted by a contract and appraisal paper inside.

Yang Ming went to the desk, opened the drawer, took out the contract and appraisal, glanced a few times, and began to lock his eyebrows! This appraisal is a copy of the evaluation report on the value of jade. The original did not appear in the drawer and I don't know where it is.

Of course, if it is an ordinary appraisal, Yang Ming may not be very interested, but the jade photo on this appraisal is exactly the part that Yang Ming lost in Tengchong and later transferred to the hand of Yunguangdu! Yang Ming was afraid that he had misread it, but he checked it carefully for a long time.

I found that the emerald in this photo was indeed the one I lost at that time.

Yang Ming immediately fell into meditation.

How could this thing be in Lan Ling's room? With doubts, Yang Ming opened the contract.

\\\\\\\\\\\\Yang Ming is right.

This is indeed a contract for the transfer of jade, and the buyer is Yunguangdu.

It seems that it also responded to Yang Ming's previous guess that this jadeite is indeed the lost piece.

And the transferor of the jade land, but his name is Cao Jian.

Cao Jian? Who is this? Yang Ming looked a little puzzled.

Cao Jian, Cao Jian, "Blue"? Because it was a contract found here in Lan Ling, Yang Ming couldn't help thinking that the so-called Cao Jian was Lan Ling's surname "Blue"! Could it be that Lan Ling stole his jade and sold it to Yunguangdu? Yang Ming immediately wanted to scratch himself with this idea.

How can I have such an idea? Will Lan Ling steal his own things? It's ridiculous! Yang Ming shook his head and dispelled the idea in an instant.

From the beginning to now, Lan Ling has not shown a greedy girl, and even Yang Ming said that he would give this jade to Lan Ling.

She didn't agree. How could she go back to steal? Moreover, Yang Ming is very clear about Lan Ling's ability, that is, prediction! Although it is not possible to predict certain things in detail, you can at least guess whether it is good or bad! So if Lan Ling wants to get rich, he can buy a lottery ticket or just bet a few stones by himself to achieve this goal. Do you need to steal jade? Moreover, the current relationship between myself and Lan Ling belongs to the whole.

Lan Ling can be said to be indispensable.

without Lan Ling, Yang Ming's heart will be ruined! Lan Ling asked for money, but maybe he didn't give it to her? Does she still steal jade? What's more, what makes Yang Ming incredible is that this document was definitely not in this room before, because Yang Ming thoroughly explored the room after Lan Ling left! Well, even if I was not careful at that time.

But in Lanling, Yunnan, he came back with himself.

Does she have jade on her body? I don't know yet? See you at night.

There is no place to hide jade at all, not to mention Yang Ming's perspective eyes! Moreover, Yang Ming was puzzled that even if Lan Ling wanted to steal it, she would never sell the jade to a buyer in a city. Not to mention that, she actually signed a name related to her surname on the contract! Isn't this revealing your identity? I think there is no such stupid person in the world at all, and Lan Ling is very strange. How can she make such a low-level mistake? Could it be... Yang Ming's heart moved, and he couldn't believe what he thought! But the facts are in front of him, and he can't help but believe it! That is, it seems that someone is deliberately destroying their relationship with Lan Lingdi! Everything this has done seems to be a trap, waiting for you to take the bait and make yourself misunderstand Lan Ling, thus triggering the contradiction between the two people! I have to say that Yang Ming has grown up rapidly during this period, and he has considered problems much more carefully than before, and can consider problems from many different angles.

\\\\\\\\\\\\Lan Ling was brought back from Yunnan, and the jadeite was lost in Yunnan. Now the jadeite actually appears in Songjiang, and this jadeite transfer book is actually placed in Lanling's drawer.

So what does this mean? Is Lan Ling a thief? Yang Ming shook his head.

What is the purpose of this person? It can be said that if Lan Ling is just a plaything of his own or a little lover, it is not known whether he succeeds in this move! But now, there are many secrets between myself and Lan Ling that are not for outsiders. It seems foolish to use this trick to provoke the relationship between myself and Lan Ling! This person doesn't know anything about his heart, and he doesn't know Lan Ling's indisputable character.

However, I have to say that he is quite good at this move.

If it were someone else, they would have been furious, right? Are you ready to break up with your lover? Yang Ming turned over the document, then threw it back into the drawer, pressed the temple and fell into meditation.

Someone wants to deal with themselves? Or doesn't this person want to be with Lan Ling? Everything is an unsolved mystery.

Yang Ming is not used to this feeling. This feeling of hostility and ego makes him feel uneasy.

**JunZitang.coM** During this period of time, Yang Ming has been used to being strong and getting used to the feeling of mastering everything.

However, this potential enemy made Yang Ming a little annoyed.

I checked the rest of the room, and there was nothing suspicious. It seemed that the person who came just put down the document in the room and left.

But who is this person? What is the purpose? When Yang Ming opened the door with the key just now, he found that the door lock was intact.

And the window has not been opened. How did this person get in? Could it be.

He has the key!? Yang Ming made a bold assumption.

is not right. Only myself and Liu Weishan should have the keys to this room.

If you want to say that Liu Weishan did this, you won't believe it even if you kill Yang Ming.

Everything has become confusing.

However, Yang Ming can confirm that this is by no means done by Lan Ling, because if you love her, you have to trust her, right? After shaking his head, Yang Ming decided to leave this matter behind first.

At present, it seems.

This matter is not a direct threat to itself.

Sow discord? No matter what his purpose is, just don't be fooled.

If he dares to stand up and provoke, Yang Ming is not afraid of him! This is exactly what Yang Ming wants.

Yang Ming adjusted his mood. Xiao Qing had already taken a shower. Yang Ming didn't want her to see that she was upset about this matter.

"I've washed it. Are you going to wash it too?" Xiao Qing came over with a bath towel and said softly.


Yang Ming nodded, although he took a shower at Wang Xifan's base.

But later it was a fight and a thief.

It's also covered in ashes.

Looking at Xiao Qing Miaoman's body, Yang Ming's desire was also teased.

"Let's wash together later..." Yang Ming smiled badly and rushed to Xiao Qing... Yang Ming told his parents that he lived here with Liu Weishan yesterday, so the second old man did not doubt it.

**JunZitang.coM** Because the Spring Festival is approaching, Yang Ming can't stay at Liu Weishan's house for too long, so he has to regretfully say goodbye to his godfather and Zhong Hanlin's family.

Zhong Hanlin patted Yang Ming on the shoulder with a deep meaning and said, "Little nephew Yang, we are very close.

Keep in touch in the future.

"Don't worry.

Uncle Zhong.

I will go to Beijing to see you with my godfather when I have time.

Yang Ming nodded.

On the contrary, Xiao Xiaozhong has a good relationship with Yang Ming because of the hand Yang Ming showed yesterday.

I'm reluctant to ask Yang Ming to go.

But others speak lightly, so they have to shut up.

Out of Liu Weishan's home, Yang Ming took a taxi and went to the Municipal People's Hospital first.

Because he was worried about Zhou Jiajia's situation, Yang Ming was worried if he didn't take a look at it.

Zhou Jiajia lay quietly in the hospital**, with a very quiet expression.

However, the brain waves are very weak and not very active.

It only shows that Zhou Jiajia's life is not in danger for the time being, but it's hard to say when she wakes up.

As long as the operation Zhong Hanlin has been completed, the rest is conditioning and recuperation, and other doctors can also do it.

At this moment, in addition to Zhou's mother, there was also a middle-aged man standing in the ward. When he saw Yang Ming coming in, he gently glanced at Yang Ming, and then said, "Are you Yang Ming?" Yang Ming nodded, looked at the middle-aged man, and then at Zhou's mother. It was not difficult to guess the identity of this man. It should be Zhou Jiajia's father.

But he politely asked, "Are you?" I'm Zhou Jiajia's father, Zhou Tianxiang.

The man's tone is very majestic, but it doesn't have any sense of color.

Unlike Zhou's mother, the contempt and disdain in her tone are revealed.

Yang Ming's guess is not wrong. This person is Zhou Jiajia's father.

Yang Ming looked at the man in front of him, invisibly with a kind of superior domineering, but not arrogant.

How to put it, this feeling is a little similar to Sun San.


^^ Yezi^ Youyou's first hair ^^" Yang Ming also nodded neither humble nor arrogant. During this period of time, Yang Ming has experienced many things, and there is nothing to be nervous about on such an occasion.

"Let's talk about it."

Zhou Tianxiang looked at **'s daughter with some pity, and then turned around and said to Yang Ming.

"Of course."

Yang Ming nodded: "Where are you going?" Just outside."

Zhou Tianxiang pointed to the outside and said.

Zhou Jiajia's ward is a luxurious intensive care ward, which is divided into two rooms inside and outside. Inside is the patient's ward, and outside is a small hall for family members.

"How's Zhou Jiajia?" Yang Ming asked as he walked.

Zhou Tianxiang took a look at Yang Ming and was surprised. Ordinary students were always very restrained when they walked with other people's parents, not to mention taking the initiative to speak. Seeing that Yang Ming was so relaxed and comfortable, Zhou Tianxiang also sighed that Yang Ming was calm.

Especially the long-term cultivated momentum in myself.

Yang Ming didn't realize it! " I'm out of danger for the time being, but I don't know when I can wake up.

Zhou Tianxiang is also a parent.

Speaking of her daughter, her expression on her face changed involuntarily.

Yang Ming nodded.

I know that it is the best result now. As for when Zhou Jiajia wakes up, it depends on her creation.

"Tay it, Yang Ming, the relationship between you and my daughter."

Zhou Tianxiang received a phone call from Zhou's mother yesterday, saying that his daughter was injured and rushed back by plane. He had just arrived this morning.

As a step off the plane, Zhou's mother kept complaining about Yang Ming.

But while complaining, he told Zhou Tianxiang what he thought yesterday.

is about what to do if your daughter can't wake up.

Hearing that Zhou Tianxiang frowned. Now it is not clear what the relationship between Yang Ming and his daughter is, so he is in a hurry to mess up the mandarin duck spectrum. It's really a woman's opinion.

"Uncle Zhou, Zhou Jiajia and I are junior high school classmates, and now we are college classmates. As for whether there is anything else to do with it.

That's a good friend.

^^The first leaf `Youyou^^" Yang Ming pondered for a moment.

can only be explained in this way.

"Oh? However, I heard from Jiajia's mother that you and Jiajia are lovers?" Zhou Tianxiang cheated.

"Love relationship?" Yang Ming was stunned and then smiled and said, "Is she talking about Wang Zhitao?" Before that."

Zhou Tianxiang waved his hand: "I don't like to beat around the bush. Jiajia's pleading with Wang Zhitao is completely for you, right? In the end, it's also for you to block a shot, right? Humph, Yang Ming, you really disappoint me.

I didn't expect my daughter to be such an irresponsible man! Don't worry.

I didn't want you to be responsible for Jiajia, even if Jiajia can't wake up.

I'm not going to let her rely on you!" The police have told Zhou Tianxiang and Zhou's mother about these things, so Zhou Tianxiang still knows the general situation, but the relationship between Yang Ming and Zhou Jiajia is also half speculated and half blackmailed.

"Uncle Zhou's words are not good."

Yang Ming was not angry, and Zhou Tianxiang was right. If he was really Zhou Jiajia's boyfriend, it was really irresponsible.

But he is really not: "Zhou Jiajia and I just have a good classmate relationship. How to say... Anyway, it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, but as for taking care of Zhou Jiajia, if you don't say I will do it."

Zhou Tianxiang looked at Yang Ming for a long time, and then said, "So, is my daughter self-indulsed?" Of course, you can say that I have hindsight.

Yang Ming shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

"Okay, it's up to you.

But young man, I hope what you said today is true. If I find that you are perfunctory to me, then you will bear the consequences.

Although Zhou Tianxiang thinks that Yang Ming did not lie, his heart is separated from his stomach. Who can be sure? If you can't say it, you will scare Yang Ming.

Are the consequences at your own risk? Yang Ming's heart is funny. Who have he ever been afraid of? However, Yang Ming didn't say much. He nodded and got up and left the ward.

Zhou Jiajia's parents are the kind of landlords with a lot of money, so Yang Ming didn't mention any questions about medical expenses at all. It was unnecessary.

\\\\\\\\\\\\ After research and discussion, Huang Youcai was listed as a wanted target.

All kinds of evidence show that it is unlikely that Huang Youcai did not participate in the smuggling site.

Because of Huang Youcai's administrative position in Wang's Group, it is easy to investigate. Many people in the group claim that Huang You is Wang Xifan's personal secretary. He usually does not manage the affairs of the group much, and most of the affairs are handled by Vice President Guo.

Therefore, Huang Youcai's identity is about to come out immediately. This guy is likely to be Wang Xifan's helping arm for smuggling. Moreover, the more Wang Xifan wants to remove Huang Youcai from the case, the more the police think that there is a problem with Huang Youcai.

You can't protect yourself now. Do you still have time to refute other people's innocence? Well, even if you don't want to implicate others, why don't you give Guo Jianchao an excuse? Why don't you stare at Huang Youcai? Moreover, as the context of the case gradually became clear, Huang Youcai's role in it gradually surfaced.

Especially in the matter of Su's murder, Wang Xifan's testimony has many contradictions, so the police unanimously determined that the real suspect who killed Su's roughly was Huang Youcai.

Unfortunately, Su's body disappeared mysteriously.

The police went to the place where Wang Xifan claimed to throw the body.

Su's body was not found.

This makes Wang Xifan himself very strange. It is reasonable that the body is mutated.

should still be there? Has anyone moved again since then? Or did the body run away by itself? Thinking of the horrible and strange scene he saw that night, Wang Xifan had a chill.

But he is also about to die, and the power of ghosts and gods against his earthquakes is not so obvious.

As for Huang Youcai, he has tried his best, but the police are not so easy to fool, and they still found the flaw.

This is not what Wang Xifan can control.

But what he is most worried about is his son Wang Zhitao. Without Huang Youcai's assistance, it is likely to be over.

Moreover, not only Huang Youcai is wanted, but Wang Zhitao is also on the police's investigation list.

After all, my father is a smuggler.

And he has an indescribable relationship with the base and Huang Youcai, which is also the focus of attention.

\\\\\\\\\\\\ Of course, the most concerned issue of the police is actually Wang Zhitao's place, whether there is a private collection of black gold in smuggling! Now Wang Zhitao and Huang Youcai are like frightened birds, looking for a remote warehouse to hide.

Wang Zhitao doesn't want Huang Youcai to be taken away by the police. In that case, he will become alone, and don't mention turning around! Huang Youcai is his only reliance now.

"How's it going?" Huang Youcai sat in a deformed wheelchair in confusion and asked Wang Zhitao, looking into him.

"The police are looking for us. This is today's newspaper.

You have become a wanted criminal.

Wang Zhitao handed the newspaper in his hand to Huang Youcai and sighed, "Damn it.

Make it look like a homeless dog.

Huang Youcai took over the newspaper, looked at it a few times and threw it aside, and then said, "Zhitao, don't suffer with me. The smuggling matter has nothing to do with you. The police must be looking for you to help the investigation... Why do you suffer from following me here?" Uncle Huang, I'm leaving.

What do you do? Wang Zhitao threw a bag of steamed buns bought at the snack stand to Huang Youcai.

Then he opened another bag and ate it.

He is used to living a life of beautiful clothes and food, and now he is so depressed like a tramp.

I'm really not used to it, but what can I do? Wang Zhitao is very clear that if he doesn't care about Huang Youcai, then Huang Youcai can only wait to die or wait for the police to arrest him! Huang Youcai is a cripple. Let's not to mention that life is a problem. If he has such an obvious goal, he will definitely be sent to the police station.

"Moreover, the police may not have any good intentions to find me. They must want to get something more out of my mouth. The money my father left me can't be given to them again!" Wang Zhitao swallowed a big steamed bun and said.

"It's true, but Uncle Huang really thank you! Zhitao, you are a righteous child!" Huang Youcai said with great emotion.

"Stop it, Uncle Huang, eat it."

Wang Zhitao finished eating the steamed buns in his hand and narrowed the cheap sunglasses on his face.

^^ The first release of Ye Zi`Youyou^^ His current dress is no different from that of a small ruffian on the street, but no one would have thought that he was Wang Zhitao, the young master of a rich family.

"What about the Wang Group?" Huang Youcai finished eating steamed buns and began to study business with Wang Zhitao: "Mr. Wang has given you all the legal documents. As long as you sign your name, you will be the heir of the Wang Group. If you don't show up now, I'm afraid that something will change..." "Oh, it's not that I don't want He said helplessly, "We have legal documents in hand. What are we afraid of? Besides, even if there is a change, there is nothing we can do. How much is the Wang Group worth? The total assets are only 100 million, but the cash my father left me in the Swiss bank is 20 million US dollars!" That's right."

Huang Youcai nodded and said, "If you have money, don't be afraid that we can't turn the tables."

"Yes, Yang Ming, I will definitely make him pay the price! ***, I want him to remember that if I provoked Wang Zhitao, I will make him die!" Wang Zhitao sneered wildly.

Huang Youcai nodded secretly. It seems that Zhitao's personality is very different from Wang Xifan's. Zhitao's personality is relatively similar to his own. He is the kind of person who does things fiercely. It seems that if they grasp it well, the two may be able to make a comeback and make a big career.

So he quickly echoed, "That's right, don't worry, Zhitao.

I'll help you kill him!" Wang Zhitao nodded: "Oh, don't we have a place to live in such a big city? It doesn't matter if it goes on like this.

"Zhi Tao.

Don't worry, the situation will not be strict after a while.

Let's find a good place to hide and leave Songjiang, but now we still have to stay for a few months.

Huang Youcai looked at the dilapidated environment here and said helplessly.

Wang Zhitao gritted his teeth and sighed, "I don't know if she can come... Hey, I guess she should be watching my jokes now? After all, our Wang family is still sorry for her. How could she help me in such a crisis? And it's still this kind of thing that is easy to get into trouble.

^^ Yezi^ Youyou's first hair^^ "Zhitao, although Mr. Wang has no feelings for her.

But she also gives her family a lot of money every month. How can there be millions of dollars a year? It's affectionate and righteous!" Huang Youcai said, "Maybe we will live in a desperate way."

"Forget it, I don't have any hope anymore. If she wanted to come, she would have come long ago."

Wang Zhitao smiled bitterly and said, "It seems that we are going to have a New Year here!" At night, outside the door of the broken warehouse, there was a knock on the door.

Wang Zhitao was alert.

looked at Huang Youcai.

Huang Youcai also shook his head. At this time, who will come to this broken warehouse? It can't be a policeman, can it? Wang Zhitao asked with some shock.

"I don't think so. The police smashed the door, and we opened the broken lock as soon as we hit it."

Huang Youcai said.

Wang Zhitao also felt reasonable. He came to the door of the warehouse with a sigh of relief and hesitated for a long time before whispering, "Who?" It's me."

is a female voice, a plain female voice.

"Sister!" Wang Zhitao quickly opened the door of the warehouse.

said excitedly, "Sister.

It's you, you're finally here.

I knew you wouldn't leave me alone!" I'm just coming to see if you're dead or not, and I'll consider whether to tell the police where you are.

The girl in front of the warehouse was not moved at all. She looked at Wang Zhitao and said coldly.

"Sister, you can't be helpless. Look, Uncle Huang and I are so miserable now that we don't even have a place to live. Can you let us go to your place to avoid for a while first..." Wang Zhitao also didn't care about his face. No matter what the girl's attitude was, he quickly begged in The straw: "Sister, I know my aunt doesn't live much in Songjiang, and the house is empty. Why don't we live for a while?" Auntie? Now you know how to call my mother aunt? What did you see before? Didn't you call her by her name? The girl snorted coldly.

"That... sister, look, at least I'm your brother. We have the same blood in our bodies. You can't watch your brother die!" Wang Zhitao doesn't want to spend the New Year in this shabby place.

"When did you treat me as your sister before?" The girl said disdainfully, "We are stranger than passers-by."

"No way, hasn't our relationship eased before?" Wang Zhitao said brazenly.

"Before? Ha ha, it's so funny. You were also purposeful before. If it hadn't been for me and... Forget it, let's not talk about that."

The girl shook her head: "I'm here this time. I brought you some food and warm appliances. Outside, move in by yourself.

I'm also benevolent. From then on, we have nothing to do with each other..." "Sister... I..." Wang Zhitao wanted to say something more, but the girl had turned around and was about to leave.

"Akay, even if you don't care about me, but you don't see your father's hatred? I don't know?" Wang Zhitao shouted.

"Dad? Ha ha, did he think I was her daughter? The girl's body trembled and then said.

"Anyway, blood is thicker than water. You are Wang Xifan's daughter and my sister. Now that my father has been harmed like that by Yang Ming, don't you care?" Wang Zhitao said passionately, "No matter how wrong your parents are, they are also your parents. They have given you life, which is enough! As a son of man, my father's revenge will not be revenged, and I will not close my eyes!" The girl stopped and quietly, not knowing what else to think.

Wang Zhitao didn't say anything and stood aside quietly, waiting for the girl to make a decision.

He knew that his words had an effect! Yes, my sister may not have a good impression on herself, but what she is playing now is a family card, a hate card! The revenge of killing my father! After a long time, the girl breathed a long sigh of relief. Didn't she struggle in her heart again? Even if I don't have a good impression on this brother and the nominal father, my mother loves this man without regrets, from beginning to end! Now that something has happened to my nominal father, my mother doesn't know how sad she will be. For the sake of her mother, this revenge must also be avenged! The girl has lived in a single-parent family since she was a child, and her heart is slightly distorted. Once she hates a person, she will take revenge by any means.

"What do you want me to do?" The girl said lightly.

"It's enough to get close to Yang Ming, get his favor, and inform me! Leave the rest to me."

Wang Zhitao knew the girl's heart and finally made a choice. He couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"Is that all?" The girl asked.

"That's all."

Wang Zhitao nodded.

Of course, it's not just that. After the girl approaches Yang Ming, she may play an unexpected role. At the critical moment, it is a crucial pawn.

But Wang Zhitao didn't say these words, "Let me think about it."

The girl did not give a positive answer. She directly left such a sentence and strode out of the warehouse.

After the girl left, Wang Zhitao and Huang Youcai moved the things sent by the girl into the warehouse. It seemed that the girl was well prepared, such as electric heating, electric mattresses, and a lot of fast food.

It's winter now, and I'm not afraid it will break down.

It's just that Wang Zhitao had some regrets that he couldn't go to the girl's home.

"What's going on? Haven't you heard from Wu Ming yet?" Although the black widow's tone was flat, she frowned slightly.

"The boss, Wu Ming... It seems that he didn't catch it..." The black rat hesitated and said.

"Have you been caught? Is there a master around Bao Sanli? Wu Ming is more powerful than you. How can he be arrested? The black widow frowned and asked, "Is this news reliable?" This is just a guess."

The black rat said, "However, that Yang Ming seems to have something to do with Bao Sanli. I'm afraid that he is the one who took action..." Last time, the black rat and the knife were injured by Yang Ming. After returning to the headquarters, he obviously couldn't hide it. He could only confess what they had done to the black Take care of that Yang Ming again! This makes the black rat and the sharp knife a little strange. Does his boss know this Yang Ming? However, they know the means of the black widow, which is the same, and they dare not go to Yang Ming again.

So, the matter just now involved Yang Ming, and the black rat said it very carefully.