very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 702 Do you also know Yang Ming?

Volume 2 The era of chasing the United States 702. Do you also know Yang Ming? (Part I) [Page 1/1] Li Dadong is very hesitant.

It's not because of your own academic problems. Everyone who has gone to college knows that the personal time in college is quite abundant. Moreover, some subjects are not very strict in management, and the lecturer does not call the name. As long as you pass the exam, you will turn a blind eye to you.

So going to Yang Ming's company will not take up Li Dadong's study time, and for Li Dadong, this is also a very good opportunity! With the saturation of college graduates, finding a job has become a very serious problem! With the popularization of college education, people have become less interested in the original senior intellectual of college students. College students are looking for a job, and there is little difference between ordinary college students or even technical secondary school students who have not gone to college.

A diploma doesn't mean anything.

The position is saturated, and there are not so many positions for fresh graduates to work, not to mention so many former graduates and unemployed young people.

Although Li Dadong has never found a job, he has heard and witnessed the reports in TV newspapers all day long, and he still knows the current situation very well.

So, Yang Ming's invitation moved him.

Moreover, Li Dadong also understood that Yang Ming did not create an opportunity for him to pursue Lin Zhiyun, but to let him face up to the relationship with Lin Zhiyun and get out of the shadow of his feelings.

"Brother, where is it?" Li Dadong hesitated for a long time and couldn't make up his mind, so he decided to call his brother and discuss it with him.

Nowadays, the family is basically an only child, and cousins belong to the closest brothers and sisters.

Li Dadong has had a good relationship with this brother since he was a child. Usually, if you have something on your mind, you like to discuss it with him.

"Brother, it's you. What's the matter?" Li Dadong's brother answered the phone and asked.


Are you free? Brother has something to do with you..." Li Dadong said.

"Oh? Well, wait for me. I'll ask the leader for a leave.

Li Dadong's brother said.

"Then I'll wait for you.

Come to my house.

Sn two drinks with me!" Li Dadong said.

"Do you have any food at home? Pull it down.

Seeing us drinking.

Your father and my uncle should scold us again!" Li Dadong said, "Come to the stalls behind the commercial street.

It's my treat! I just got a commission today.


"That's it.

I'll be there in 20 minutes."

Li Dadong said.

"I'm almost the same.

Let's meet at Lao Wang's barbecue stall!" Li Dadong said.

Hang up the phone.

Li Dadong's brother turned around and walked into the manager's office next to him: "Manager Liu.

My eldest brother just called.

It's a little business to find me.

Can I leave a little earlier today?" No problem.

Go ahead if you have something to do!" Manager Liu nodded with a smile.

Thank you, Manager Liu!" Li Dadong's brother thanked him.

Then he turned around and left Manager Liu's office.

Someone may have guessed it. Yes, Li Dadong's brother is Li Dagang, Yang Ming's good buddy in high school.

And Manager Liu has also vaguely known some of Yang Ming's background recently.

So I take special care of Li Dadong.

After Yang Ming bought the house, there were a lot of small things and procedures that he didn't have time to do, so he sent Rang Sanli to do it.

What happened last time.

Bao Sanli didn't do it well. He was worried that Yang Ming would look down on him. This time, when he saw Yang Ming, he had something to explain to himself, so he hurried to do something.

Originally, these little things didn't have to be done in person. You can just send a little brother.

But because it was Yang Ming's explanation, Bao Sanli had to be more cautious.

Manager Liu doesn't know anyone in Songjiang, and he can't know Bao Sanli! Bao Sanli came to run the house photo in person, which made Manager Liu dumbfounded! No wonder Yang Ming was so awesome before. He sat there and didn't say anything. Miss Xu's boyfriend was so scared! What if you have a underworld background? Songjiang's biggest gangster is running errands for Yang Ming! Manager Liu was in a cold sweat. Fortunately, he didn't speak for Miss Xu that day, otherwise he would be doomed.

When Li Dagang arrived at the stall, Li Dadong just arrived.

Li Dadong is very familiar with this place.

When I went to school.

If you have nothing to do, just drink here with Yang Ming and Xu Peng.

"Brother, you are very fast!" Li Dagang's company is not close to here.

That's why Li Dadong said this.

"Can you take a taxi quickly!" Li Dagang laughed and said, "What's wrong? Looking at your expression, it seems to be quite depressed. If you have something on your mind, "Sit down and talk about it slowly..." Li Dadong said without saying anything, and found an empty chair to do it.

"All right."

Li Dagang was not in a hurry. After sitting down, he shouted to the waiter, "Wait, first thirty mutton kebabs, ten beef kidneys, five lamb chops and two bottles of beer!" All right!" The waiter wrote down what Li Dagang wanted and went to work to prepare.

"Tay it, what's going on?" Li Dagang pulled out a head of garlic and said as he played.

"Brother, do you know Lin Zhiyun?" Li Dadong hesitated for a moment.

"I know, isn't it your childhood sweetheart?" Li Dagang still knows a lot about Li Dadong.

"My childhood sweetheart..." Li Dadong sighed, "She has a boyfriend..." "What?" Li Dagang was stunned: "What's going on? Isn't it you?" It's just me..." Li Dadong shook his head with a wry smile: "However, I also thought about it. Lin Zhiyun has always regarded me as a big brother, and he has never had feelings for that! Love is not something that can be forced. She also has the right to pursue happiness..." "Damn it, you are open-minded. Why are you looking for me? Are you free?" Li Dagang is a little puzzled. Naturally, he knows that love can't be forced. Since the eldest brother has figured it out, why bother him? It's not this... It's another thing..." Li Dadong paused and said, "Lin Zhiyun's boyfriend wants to invite me to his company to help... Lin Zhiyun is also in his company..." "So rich? Do you have your own company? Li Dagang was stunned and said, "However, I don't understand what you said. Did his boyfriend ask you to go to his company? Are you sure you're right?" Of course not, otherwise I can't be upset!" Li Dadong waved his hand and said, "I'm hesitant now whether to go or not!" Wait... Why do I think it's a little incredible? Does Lin Zhiyun's boyfriend know that you like Lin Zhiyun? Li Dagang asked.

"I know..." Li Dadong nodded.

"Dizzy! What's the idea of this? Why am I confused?" Li Dagang patted his forehead and said.

"Brother, in fact, it's very simple. Lin Zhiyun's boyfriend knows that Zhiyun doesn't like me, and he has always regarded me as his eldest brother. This time he asked me to go to the company to help. He also wants me to wake up, don't indulge in the shadow of lovelorn, and get out of Li Dadong told Li Dagang what Yang Ming meant.

"Real man! Pure!" " Li Dagang patted his thigh and praised sincerely, "Then what are you hesitating about? Look at Lin Zhiyun's boyfriend, he is not a person with a small belly and chicken intestines. Since he has given you such a good opportunity, what are you hesitating about?" However, I'm afraid it will only be more embarrassing after I go..." Li Dadong was worried.

"As long as you put yourself in the right position, there will be no embarrassment!" Li Dagang shook his head and said, "Brother, if I were you, I would make this choice!" I know... Well, let's not mention this matter for now. Let's drink!" When Li Dadong saw the mutton kebab coming up, he poured himself a glass of beer and said.

"Empt, drink first."

Li Dagang also poured himself a cup, then picked up the steaming mutton kebab and chewed it.

After a few glasses of wine, Li Dadong's face turned slightly flushed, and he was not as worried as he had just now. The two brothers talked about other things while laughing.

"Old Mr. Wang, do you have a table?" At the rise of the chat, several strong men who looked like hoodlums came to face and asked Mr. Wang, the owner of the barbecue stall.

"I'm sorry, it's full. How many people will wait or come back next time?" Old man Wang said apologetically.

Old man Wang's barbecue stall is a time-honored brand. It is very famous in the big stalls. There are many people coming here to eat. When it comes to the meal, there is almost no place.

"What a disgance!" The strong man in the leader cursed and turned around to leave.

One of his men turned his eyes, glanced at the guests of the stall, and then went straight to Li Dadong's table... "You two occupy such a large six-person table. Go and merge with the people over there. My boss is going to eat here!" The men said directly to Li Dadong and Li Dagang.
