very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 725 The way to cheat people

Ed stared at Little Dolsk angrily: "How comfortable is the hotel in this ice and snow? Is it necessary to come out for a field battle?" With that, he scooped out the infrared night vision and observed the movement in front of him.

Because he didn't know why Yang Ming and others suddenly parked his car on the roadside, Ed did not dare to act rashly immediately. He was afraid that Yang Ming and others were waiting for someone, and it would be difficult to do it when there were too many people.

After waiting for a long time, it was not until Yang Ming started the car again that Ed knew that he had been fooled. The other party was not waiting for someone at all, but stopped temporarily.

Of course, he thought he was fooled, but Yang Ming didn't mean to lie to him at all. Do you know him as a bird?

"Follow up and find a place where there is no one to do it." Ed blamed himself for his misjudgment and said in a muffled voice.

Little Dolsk started the car and followed Yang Ming's golden cup bread.

Of course, Yang Ming doesn't know Ed and Little Dowsk, so there is no need to lie to them, but he has noticed that they are following behind.

Because of the previous tabloid reporter squatting, Yang Ming did not pay attention to it this time. At first, he thought it was also a paparazzi who followed him. However, when Yang Ming saw that there were two foreigners sitting in the car behind him, he was wary.

In the evening, there are not many cars on the road, and Yang Ming is not on the main street, so there are only two of them driving on the empty road.

Although Shu Ya's vigilance is not as high as Yang Ming's, many years of experience of avoiding reporters made her quickly notice that there was a car following them.

"Yang Ming, the car behind seems to follow us." Shu Ya turned around, looked at it, and then said to Yang Ming.

"Maybe it's a reporter, right?" Yang Ming didn't want to scare Shu Ya. Yang Ming felt that these two people may be coming for themselves, because there have been a lot of strange things recently, so this possibility is not impossible.

"Oh." Hearing Yang Ming say that it might be a reporter, Shu Ya was also relieved. But think about it, since Yang Ming said that he was the leader of Songjiang, no one would bother him.

"Wait for me to get rid of them." Yang Ming said.

"How is that possible?" Shu Ya didn't believe it. The car behind was a modern Velax off-road vehicle, and Yang Ming drove a golden cup of bread. How could the van get rid of the off-road vehicle in this empty section?

A friend of Shuya bought this modern Verax, which can run over 200 on the highway, but it is a golden cup of bread. ***** It's a little difficult to run to 150.

Yang Ming smiled, but did not answer. In fact, he has no specific plan in mind. The performance of your car is obviously not as good as that of others. If you want to get rid of the car followed behind you, you can only rely on tricks and skills. It's not okay to be reckless.

However, as a killer. In the face of various situations, it is necessary to keep a calm mind first, and then make use of all the conditions that can be used. Even if there are no conditions, you have to create your own conditions.

Imagin. What if you were running for your life now? If you really can't get rid of it. Then we have to wait to die.

Fortunately, Yang Ming has powers, which is much stronger than others. When Yang Ming's eyes swept across the streets, Yang Ming finally smiled evilly.

It seems that the car behind is not going to overtake it now. Maybe it is looking for a more secluded place to do it. But this undoubtedly created an opportunity for Yang Ming to turn the tables.

Yang Ming manipulated the steering wheel and turned around on a three-class street that was not very spacious.

On the right side of this road, there is a gully under construction. = Unfortunately. The place where the gully is dug is exactly the place where the top of the slope is downhill. In addition, there are no street lights on this road, so you can't see clearly at night.

And the warning signs of road construction, I don't know whether the construction workers forgot to put them or someone stole and sold scrap iron. In short, there is nothing that can cause people to warn.

However, Yang Ming can see this gully on the right side of the road clearly. He quietly shifted his car slowly to the left until he passed the gully, and Yang Ming gradually returned to the right road.

All this looks very natural and will not arouse the slightest suspicion of others. Moreover, little Dolsk didn't think about it at all.

"It's straight here, speed up and stop them!" Ed said.

Little Dolsk suddenly stepped on the accelerator, and Velax accelerated his speed and rushed forward. Unfortunately, it didn't go far, and there was a loud noise, and the whole front of the car fell into the ditch.

Little Dolsk and Ed almost didn't vomit blood by this sudden and violent collision.

"Damn it! What's going on?" Little Dolsk cursed.

Fortunately, the ditch is not very deep, otherwise there will be a news that two foreigners who drove into the ditch and died in the newspaper tomorrow. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Ed retired as a mercenary and had a strong ability to adapt to things. He quickly opened the door and jumped out of the car, and little Dolsk also jumped out of the car.

"Dry!" Little Dowsk scolded, how could there be a ditch? And there was no warning sign, which made little Dolsk depressed for a while.

However, the car in front of it did not fall in.

However, Little Dowsk didn't think much about it. He just thought that the person driving the gold cup in front of him might be a local. He was familiar with the road nearby and knew that there was construction here.

And the two of them, in this dark place, dark in front of their eyes, knew nothing, and fell into the ditch. Even Ed doesn't think that Shuya's car in front of him and the person driving him will doubt their tracking. At most, when they are journalists, they don't think about it.

When Yang Ming passed the gully of the road, Shu Ya was shocked: "How can you dig a ditch here without putting warning signs? What if the car falls in?"

"It's because it's not written here that I'm leaving here. *****" There was some gloating in Yang Ming's smile.

Shu Ya didn't quite understand the meaning of Yang Ming's words. She was thinking about it, but she heard a bang, and the Velax behind disappeared directly. And Shu Ya also understood the meaning of Yang Ming's words in an instant... She looked at the back blankly and said for a long time, "Have they fallen into the ditch?"

"That's about it..." Yang Ming curled his lips and said, "I'm in such a hurry. Do you have eyes? You deserve to fall in..."

"Then they won't just die, will they?" Shu Ya was a little panicked. Although she usually hated those reporters, she was also a professional. If she really killed them because of this, she would still be very sorry.

"If you die, just die. What does it have to do with us?" Yang Ming said indifferently. However, seeing Shu Ya's pale face, he smiled and said, "Don't worry, the ditch is not deep. The performance of his car is not bad. It can't kill anyone."

"That's good..." Shu Ya nodded with confidence and couldn't help saying annoy, "But, Yang Ming, you're really bad now..."

"Eh?" Yang Ming was stunned: "What do you mean that I'm going bad now?" When you knew me, wasn't I bad?"

Shu Ya was shocked and knew that she had spilled the beans. She quickly said, "Didn't you say that you were a good student in junior high school?"

"Have I ever said that?" Yang Ming scratched his scalp and shook his head in surprise.

When sending Shuya back to the hotel, the sky was already white. After Yang Ming and Shu Ya said goodbye, he ordered the children in charge of safety in the hotel to pay more attention to Shu Ya's safety.

Then, Yang Ming drove the car and went back to the road construction street just now. Far away from the gully, he parked the car and walked over there.

In the middle of the night, there were no cars passing by on this road. Ed and Little Dolsk are so worried! Although the car was only rented from the leasing company, it would be a big loss if it was damaged. However, many of the two people's luggage are in the trunk of the car, and there is no taxi passing by here. The two of them can't just throw things away. They have to wait here very depressedly for the dawn, so that the rental company can send a rescue car to come.

Yang Ming has turned his coat and put it on at this moment. I believe that the two foreigners are not so observant to the Asians.

Yang Ming pretended to be inadvertent, passed by Ed and Little Dolsk's car, and shouted in surprise, "Oh, my God, why did you have a car accident?"

Ed and Little Dowsk were overjoyed to see someone passing by. In this foreign country, both of them don't understand the language. They are looking for a translator to rent a car or something, but now what they do can't be followed by the translator, so if something happens, they don't know which department to call.

"Hey!" Ed waved his hand to Yang Ming desperately, saying a long string of English. The general idea is, help, they had an accident.

Yang Ming's English foundation is not bad, coupled with a surprise after becoming a killer, at least it is not a problem to communicate with people.

"What's wrong with you? Why did you drive here?" Yang Ming pretended to be vigilant in stiff English, "Who are you?"

"We are foreign tourists. We accidentally drove into this ditch. Can you help us find someone to get the car out? Don't worry, we will definitely reward you!" Ed said.

"Tourists?" Yang Ming sneered in his heart. Sure enough, he was not a reporter. These two people are obviously talking nonsense. Why do tourists follow their cars?

However, Yang Ming is also very puzzled. Didn't these two people come for himself? The reason why Yang Ming directly faced these two people is also tempted. If these two people come to find themselves, they will definitely take the opportunity to do it. If you don't find yourself, you won't know yourself.

Obviously, these two people don't know themselves, otherwise they can't talk so much to themselves. But who are these two people looking for? Is it Shu Ya