very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 737 If Zhou Jiajia is fine

"Sing family? What, you won't have a feud with the Sui family again, will you? Sun Jie was stunned and asked.

"That's not true. One of my junior high school classmates is from the Sui family. He seems to be a direct son. When he first came here, I didn't know who in his family got married. He sent a team of luxurious convoys to Songjiang to pick up the marriage. He was so arrogant." Yang Ming said.

"I know that the married person is Sui Guangheng, the son of the second son of the Sui family, and I also received an invitation here. However, the gift was given, and the Sun family did not go. By the way, what's the name of your classmate? Sun Jie asked.

"Sing Guangqi." Yang Ming said.

"Oh? I have heard of him, the son of Sui Yuejin, the future leader of the Sui family. Sun Jie said, "It seems that your classmate is not simple... But how can he be your classmate? Isn't his family from Jingshan?

"I also wonder how he went to the junior high school in Songjiang." Yang Ming shook his head: "Yes, how do you know so much?"

"Ha ha, my family can now be regarded as the first house in the East China Sea, and naturally it will pay attention to the first people in the former provincial capital." Sun Jie said, "It's not arrogant. Our Sun family has only risen in recent years, not as much as the Sui family started. When the Sun family did not become big in the first few years, my father always had to guard against those potential competitors coming to the East China Sea. But now it seems that the Sui family does not mean to expand to the East China Sea. "I said, that's the case, you should have detailed information about the Sui family here, right? I want to see it." Yang Ming asked. Yang Ming has encountered this kind of jealousy because of women, and he has also suffered a hidden loss on it. Since Sui Guangqi likes Zhou Jiajia, and Zhou Jiajia is with him again, it is difficult to guarantee that this boy will not have any resentment. He hates himself and makes some tricks behind his back. He must take precautions in advance. Only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you win every battle.

"I don't have the information here. The third uncle should have it in detail. If you want, I'll ask him to email you later. Sun Jie said.

When he came to Sun Jie's office, Yang Ming took the door, then hugged her from behind Sun Jie and whispered, "How are you thinking about us?"

The matter is settled, and Yang Ming is also in the mood to flirt with Sun Jie. .shuDao. ***Yang Ming sees Sun Jie every time. Both verbal and physical movements are so direct.

It's not Yang Ming's light and thin Sun Jie. Perhaps Yang Ming thought that Sun Jie was not a virgin at the beginning. There is this factor. But later Yang Ming knew that Sun Jie was a woman... and himself. He was her first man.

Other women around Yang Ming. Including Chen Mengyan, who often plays petty tricks. Yang Ming has never felt uncontrollable. Only Sun Jie. It made Yang Ming a little confused.

Yang Ming also wants to be normal. Pursue Sun Jie like Lin Zhiyun. But he really doesn't have much self-confidence. Besides. Moreover. Sun Jie looks much more mature than Lin Zhiyun. I don't have any feelings for those sweet words between lovers.

And Yang Ming is a very male chauvinist. So. In order to hide his inability to control Sun Jie. Yang Ming can only be frivolous to hide his true thoughts in his heart.

"What's wrong with us?" Sun Jie did not push Yang Ming away. But it didn't take the opportunity to lean in Yang Ming's arms like other women. Instead, he asked very peacefully.

"What do you think?" Yang Ming turned his head to Sun Jie's ear. He said in a provocative way.

"Don't make trouble... it's itchy..." Sun Jie shook her head and said dissatisfiedly.

"Be my woman..." Yang Ming saw Sun Jie pretending to be stupid. I have to say.

Sun Jie didn't open her mouth, but her body trembled slightly. After a while, she sighed and said quietly, "What if you do it or not?" Not very good now? Besides... Are you sure you love me?"

"I..." It's true that Yang Ming has a good impression on Sun Jie, but when it comes to love, Yang Ming's feelings for Sun Jie are mostly infatuated with her body, and in his career, some can't be separated from her.

"You are not sure about your feelings. wWw.SHudao. ***Book. And so do I... It's still a little too early to ask this question. Sun Jie shook her head: "Let nature take its course, okay?"

"Good." Yang Ming knows Sun Jie's character very well. Knowing that she said so, it already means that the two of them have the possibility to continue to develop, so they don't push too hard anymore.

On the computer in the bedroom, Yang Ming checked the email sent by Sun San about the Sui family.

Sui Yuejin, 43 years old, was born in a very poor family, and his father died in his early years. There is only one old mother and one younger brother. I began to work outside at the age of 14. Start as a bricklayer and make your career bigger step by step. The current Qiming Group was established. It can be said to be a generation of legends, which was very dazzling in the 1980s.

In two thousand years, there was a crisis in the Sui family, and the Xinhong overpass of Haishan City's image project collapsed, and the contractor was Qiming Group of Sui Yuejin. As for the tricks in the middle, it can't be reflected in the information. For a while, many people who had a holiday with the Sui family stood up and prepared to go to the Sui family to die.

It was also at this time that Sui Guangqi went to Hongqi Junior High School in Songjiang. For this reason, Sui Yuejin sent his son to a different place to study. Maybe the situation at that time was really bad. Sui Yuejin was ready to break the net.

When the Sui family experienced great changes, Sui Guangqi would definitely be very low-key, so Yang Ming did not see anything special about Sui Guangqi in junior high school.

Later, the matter was miraculously resolved. A designer of the overpass took the initiative to stand up and admitted that there were design defects in the overpass at that time, but it was impossible for Qiming Group, as a contractor, to have no responsibility at all.

Fortunately, the accident happened in the middle of the night. Only a medium-sized truck driver was injured, which did not cause death. Sui Yuejin directly proposed that the reconstruction would be completely funded by Qiming Group, and the matter calmed down.

As for whether this is the case or not, it is unknown. However, from other sources, it can be seen that Sui Yuejin was a very black-hearted businessman. When he was engaged in real estate, when he demolished the old homestead, his demolition team caused two deaths and one injury.

Although the person in charge of the demolition team was sentenced to life imprisonment, Sui Yuejin pushed the responsibility completely and just lost some money. This is a sensational case, and there are countless other cases that cause disability in demolition households during demolition.

If this is not what Sui Yuejin instructed behind his back, no one will believe it. But his men are not short of people who carry things. Sui Yuejin's business is getting bigger and bigger, and it has no impact at all.

And the enterprises that fell into the well in those years were also on the verge of bankruptcy by Sui Yuejin looking for an opportunity.

Obviously, Sui Yuejin is a gray businessman who is mixed between white and black. These things can't have nothing to do with the local underworld. Yang Ming does not object to the connection between enterprises and the underworld. After all, some industries have no underworld background and can't do it at all.

However, Sui Yuejin made those gangsters point the finger at those unarmed people, which was deeply hated by Yang Ming. This is a completely unscrupulous person to achieve his goal!

Yang Ming turned off the information. This man's family history is very similar to Wang Xifan in those years, but what Wang Xifan did was not as excessive as he did, which made people angry. However, what makes Yang Ming a little a little indled is that this guy can do so well, which is more than ten times more than Wang Xifan's business.

This kind of person is the most shameless for Yang Ming. If this guy provokes him, don't blame yourself for being rude. This kind of person is not worth playing conspiracy with him. It will be very gratifying to do it directly.

At the beginning, although Yang Ming and Wang Zhitao's family were as powerful as water, Wang Xifan's reputation in Songjiang was not so bad. Therefore, Yang Ming can use his means with patience and defeat him in a normal way. However, this Sui Yuejin is different. It is to kill him directly for heaven.

Lying on **, Yang Ming casually touched Zhou Jiajia's diary. During this period of time, Yang Ming would read several Zhou Jiajia's diaries every day when he was free, so that it was easier to understand Zhou Jiajia's character and her inner world.

However, what Yang Ming didn't expect was that Zhou Jiajia was still a computer hacker! Thinking of the competition when I first went to college, the posts that were unfavorable to me disappeared in an instant. Unexpectedly, it was Zhou Jiajia who did it behind her back.

Reading this, Yang Ming couldn't help smiling and said that there was a woman standing behind the successful man, but Zhou Jiajia was just right for...

The phone rang, and Yang Ming put down his diary first and picked up the phone.

"Mr. Yang, I'm Zhang Dejun." Zhang Dejun's voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang." Yang Ming said.

"Mr. Yang, I'm here to apologize to you. I'm sorry, that website is a competitor's company of my classmate. He really can't say anything." Zhang Dejun said apologetically.

"It doesn't matter. There's nothing to apologize for. It's not your duty. You just helped me." Yang Ming smiled understandingly and said, "Anyway, I'm sorry to trouble you."

"As long as Mr. Yang understands... I'll think of a way..." Zhang Dejun said.

"No, forget about this matter." Yang Ming doesn't care much about the report now. Now that the plan to fight back has been decided, it doesn't matter whether the report is deleted or not: "I have a new interview film to ask you for help. Please plan it for me."

"Well, Mr. Yang, when do you say it? I'll come to you." Zhang Dejun said.

"In the evening, wait for my call." Yang Ming hung up the phone and looked at the diary in his hand. He said, if Zhou Jiajia is fine now, it should be easy to delete the report on the website, right? But when will she wake up?

Thinking of this, Yang Ming's mood became a little heavy again.