very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 783 I'll help you--

"Wang Zhitao didn't come from Songjiang, did he?" Yang Ming turned his head and asked Wang Xue.

"I... I don't know... I gave him the motorboat, but I don't know where he is..." Wang Xue whispered.

"Humph!" Tian Donghua stared at Wang Xue angrily. If it hadn't been for Yang Ming's pleading, Tian Donghua would have really been cruel and ignored her.

Yang Ming didn't ask any more questions. He looked around with his power and found a nearest island. He estimated that he could probably stick there. When we get to the shore, we will find a way to study the problem.

That island is an island near Songjiang, which has been developed into a tourist attraction. I think it can still be used as a temporary landing place.

Because of Yang Ming's power, even in the endless sea, he could still find the direction of navigation accurately. He did not take the extra road. Soon, in front of everyone, the outline of the island appeared.

"We are saved!" Chen Mengyan pointed to the front and screamed excitedly. Tian Donghua and Wang Xue were also excited.

In this, only Yang Ming himself knows it. Others think that Yang Ming is just driving aimlessly, and Yang Ming can't tell them this in advance, so he can only make them nervous for a while. \\*\\\

Soon the motorboat leaned towards the dock of the island. The receptionists of several resorts on the island were waiting here. As soon as they saw the motorboat coming, they gathered around and began to solicit business: "Come to our house to play. Our environment is good and the price is good..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Yang Ming and Tian Donghua covered in blood. I can't help but be shocked: "You... have you been robbed?"

Especially Yang Ming's body is like a rooster, with ice. It's like escaping from death.

"That's right. We met pirates. Can you take us to the nearest hospital first?" Yang Ming said and took out a hundred yuan from his pocket and gave it to the speaker.

"Ap, okay. No problem!" This person is a resident of a small island, and he usually attracts customers for hygiene. If you pull one person to the resort, you can get a commission of ten yuan. Yang Ming's four people are only 40 yuan, and Yang Ming's action is 100 yuan. How can he not want to pull ten guests?

Just. Are there any pirates around here? This man was very surprised, but he looked at the group of people. If you hadn't met a pirate, how could you explain it?

Other people were envious when they saw him and got 100 yuan, but these people are all local residents. They know each other and are just greedy. There is no such thing as robbing business. \/*/\

After stopping the motorboat, Yang Ming and the four of them went ashore with the local. The locals were usually responsible for picking up and dropping off the guests, and there was a van assigned to him by the resort. After entertaining Yang Ming and the others got on the bus. I drove to the only hospital on the island.

However, it is the only hospital. But it's very big. Think about it, it takes more than an hour to go to Songjiang on the island. If the people on the island are a little sick and want to run to Songjiang, why don't they tosss to death?

After hanging up two surgical numbers, Yang Ming and Tian Donghua entered the consultation room. Yang Ming's injury was easy. After sterolating, he was bandaged with some medicine, but Tian Donghua's injury was a little complicated. Because it was a gunshot wound, according to the regulations, he must call the police first.

Yang Ming knew that if the police came, the investigation would not be completed for a while, and it also involved some secrets of Wang Xue. It was better to be cautious before discussing with Tian Donghua.

So he winned at Chen Mengyan, and then whispered, "Call your father, ask him to greet the police here, and treat Lao Tian's injury first. \\*\\”

This small island also belongs to the scope of Songjiang, so Chen Fei speaks quite well. After Chen Fei said hello, the police here naturally didn't want to do too much. After all, the municipal bureau said that it was involved in the case and told them not to participate.

Moreover, what Chen Fei said is indeed right. Wang Zhitao also belongs to the person monitored by the police.

Both ground injuries are not critical parts, so they can be discharged from the hospital after simple treatment. The recruiter has been accompanying the left and right to help, which makes Yang Ming think that this person is really good.

The local residents on the island are very simple. This person thinks that he took Yang Ming's 100 yuan, which is naturally worthy of the money, so even if he has nothing to do with him, he will accompany him until the end, instead of going back to continue to attract customers first.

"Go to your resort and have a rest." Yang Ming was also a little tired. Seeing that this person was really good, he asked him to earn more extra money.

"Ah, okay, thank you..." The man was overjoyed. In this way, he got another 40 yuan.

It seems that people are kind and rewarding. They follow themselves from beginning to end, and then they go to their own resort to rest. If they want to be sent to the hospital and leave, can they still earn an extra 40 yuan?

This house is really good. At least from the outside, it is still very classy. Yang Ming was very satisfied with this. He opened two rooms. Tian Donghua rushed to pay the deposit, took the room card, and the four of them took the elevator upstairs. \//*/\\

Although Tian Donghua and Wang Xue didn't say a word during this period, they also took a tacit attitude towards her existence. Otherwise, you can't ask her to help herself.

At the door of the room, Yang Ming glanced at Wang Xue, looked at Tian Donghua, and then said, "Lao Tian, let alone Wang Xue. I'll talk about it slowly with you when I go back."

"Okay..." Tian Donghua nodded, and then turned his head to Wang Xue and said, "Well, let's keep this account for the time being. Don't you thank Yang Ming? Otherwise, I will kill you directly!"

"Thank you...thank you..." Wang Xue said in a hurry.

"Oh..." Yang Ming looked at Wang Xue's angry appearance and was also helpless, but she asked for all this, and Yang Ming had done his best.

Entering the room, Yang Ming sat ** with his buttocks. On the way, he was very tired, especially after soaking in the cold water, his body froze again. \*\\ I want to take a shower and have a rest at this moment.

"Mengyan, turn on the hot water and I'll take a shower. I can't. My body is full of the fishy smell of seawater." Yang Ming smelled his sleeve and said.

"Ah, you have a wound on your body. How can you take a shower?" Chen Mengyan quickly said, "Don't get infected again."

"It's okay. I'm really uncomfortable if I don't take a shower." Yang Ming said, "Look, there are salt particles on this body!"

"Can that work?" Chen Mengyan is very concerned about Yang Ming's injury for fear that he will have a mistake or something.

"I'll be fine if I'm more careful..." Yang Ming said, "Oced up, let the water go. I can't stand it anymore."

"Well... go..." When Chen Mengyan saw Yang Ming's insistence, she had no choice but to get up and quickly walk to the bathroom and began to release water. However, when she saw the bathtub in the bathroom, Chen Mengyan had an idea and came up with an idea, but she became a little shy.

Yang Ming meant to take a shower, but Chen Mengyan thought that if the bathtub was full of water and Yang Ming sat in, the injured hand could be put outside.

Just like this, it is definitely not convenient for Yang Ming to take a shower with one hand, so he has to help by himself. But think about it, I don't have to care about the current relationship with Yang Ming at all. Both of them have to break through the defense line several times, but they have caught up with other things halfway. Therefore, there is nothing to be shy about helping Yang Ming take a shower by themselves.

So Chen Mengyan connected the bathtub to the water, returned to the room and said, "Yang Ming, how about you take a bath?"

"Isn't that the same?" Yang Ming wondered, "If my arm is soaked in water all the time, why don't I take a shower?"

"No... I mean...%" Chen Mengyan said this and hesitated for a moment.

"What?" Yang Ming didn't know. When he saw that Chen Mengyan said half of it, he didn't say it. He was still puzzled.

"I mean, I can help you..." Chen Mengyan said with a red face.

"Help me?" Yang Ming looked at Chen Mengyan's appearance and suddenly moved his heart. Could it be that Chen Mengyan wanted to help her take a shower? Yang Ming was suddenly overjoyed and said, "Okay, my arm can't stand the water this time."

After saying that, without waiting for Chen Mengyan to distinguish, he stood up directly and walked to the bathroom.

Chen Mengyan was helpless. She flinched a little, but she couldn't do it at this moment. She had to be shy and said, "Then you take off your clothes and go in first..."

Take off your clothes first and go in... Why does this sound so ambiguous? Yang Ming went into the bathroom with a smile. He took off his clothes. When he got to his underwear, he hesitated for a moment, and finally took it off. Yang Ming thought to himself that Chen Mengyan would be pushed down sooner or later. It's better to take advantage of this moment to cultivate the little girl's visual impact ability, otherwise it would be too shy What a good thing.

In contrast, Yang Ming still prefers Lan Ling's boldness. Thinking of this, some parts of Yang Ming's body began to be restless again. Among many women, only Lan Ling belongs to the kind of boldest and favorite to try new tricks...

Yang Ming sat in the bathtub, and then shouted to Chen Mengyan outside, "Mengyan, I'm ready."

"Oh..." Chen Mengyan was almost like a year outside. She was very nervous. It was easy to listen to Yang Ming's voice, but she calmed down.

What are you afraid of? I'm his girlfriend. What's the big deal about helping him take a shower? Chen Mengyan bulged herself, and then gritted her teeth to the bathroom, but knocked on the door first.

Yang Ming couldn't laugh or cry and said, "Mengyan, I can't go out to open it for you when you knock on the door. Why don't you just come in?"

Chen Mengyan's action was originally subconscious, but now Yang Ming said this, and she realized that she couldn't help blushing and carefully opening the bathroom door.

Although she knew that she would face it sooner or later, Chen Mengyan couldn't help closing her eyes.