very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 805 The Revenge of One Arrow

"Isn't it easy? Let me tell you. The more beautiful a woman is, the more vain she is. Or is your offensive not in place!" Qing Guangheng said disdainfully, "Look back, I'll lend you my car, and you can buy a diamond ring again. I don't believe she doesn't care!"

"Diamond ring...but..." Zou Ruoguang said embarrassedly, "My father definitely won't give me so much money!"

"Ha ha, this is a bank card. There are 100,000 yuan in it. You can spend it first. Qing Guangheng casually took out a card and handed it to Zou Ruoguang.

"This... I can't afford it..." Zou Ruoguang hesitated. But his hand has reached for the bank card.

"Cough! I'm your brother. I'll give you the money, do you still need it?" Qing Guangheng waved his hand and said, "If you don't have enough, you can take care of me. Don't lose your love."

"That's right, that's right, brother, don't worry. I'm going now." When Zou Ruoguang heard that he didn't have to pay back the money, he was immediately overjoyed.

"Wait, Zhao Ying is not interested in you now. If you ask her out, you will definitely not promise you, but you can find another high-sounding excuse." Qing Guangheng waved his hand and called Zou Ruoguang back again.

"Ah! Cousin, what's your idea? When Zou Ruoguang heard that it was indeed like this. If Zhao Ying didn't go out with herself, would it be useless to drive a good car?

"Hey hey. Of course I have an idea!" Qing Guangheng turned his eyes and said, "You are my cousin. And Zhao Ying is a relative of your cousin-in-law's family. So they are all related. I'll talk to your cousin-in-law then. Let her and Zhao Ying say that the two of us have just got married and haven't bought a lot of wedding supplies. So ask her to help buy it, and she won't have any idea. Just go with her then, and it's up to you to take care of the rest!"

"This is a good idea!" After listening to this, Zou Ruoguang nodded repeatedly and said, "Then it's all up to your cousin!"

"Don't worry. Just wait!" Qing Guangheng nodded.


Yang Ming lay leisurely in **. Look at the movement in the opposite room with the rest of the light.

At first, Sun Jie thought that Yang Ming was confusing her, but after waiting for a long time, she didn't see Yang Ming come out of the next room again. I couldn't help but start to get a little angry!

Yang Ming is not deliberately playing tricks on himself and Xiao Qing anymore, is he?

"How's it going?" Seeing Sun Jie's angry appearance, Xiao Qing couldn't help asking.

"Yang Ming went to sleep in another room!" Xiao Qing said angrily.

"Isn't that good? Isn't it just what you want?" Xiao Qing said with a smile.

"I think he is playing hard. I want us to take the initiative to find him. Sun Jie analyzed.

"What if it's so?" Xiao Qing doesn't care. He is also an "old husband and wife" with Yang Ming, but I don't know why Sun Jie still pretends to be so reserved.

The reason why Xiao Qing thinks Sun Jie is pretending is that she was in the bathroom of the bar before. I saw an "amazing" scene! I couldn't help but be with Yang Ming outside, but when I came back, I began to be reserved.

"We locked the door to sleep and ignored him." Sun Jie simply locked the door and then returned to the bedside. Sit down. He stretched out and said.

"Is it? Do you really think so?" There were only two women, and Xiao Qing spoke boldly. This is also because she had such a relationship with Sun Jie before. Two people don't know who they know. You don't have to hide your words.

"What else can I think about that?" Sun Jie was stunned and said, "Hey? I said Xiao Qing, in your words. Why does it seem to have something to say?"

"No. I just think. You can't help it." Xiao Qing smiled and said, "You need to be stronger than me, right?"

"Hey. Then I'll look for you, not her... Why don't we relive the old relationship again?" After hearing this, Sun Jie was not shy at all. Instead, he made a joke. No wonder the previous relationship between the two. There is nothing to be shy about at all.

"I don't want it." Xiao Qing shook her head and said, "Don't even think about it in the future. Looking back now. Such a boring thing. We can still do it with relish.

"It seems that you can't extricate yourself after you and Yang Ming." Sun Jie said sarcastically.

"Do you still talk about me? Aren't you the same?" Xiao Qing has no usual calmness at all at this moment. I quarreled with Sun Jie.

"What am I? It's too late for me to defend the embankment!" Although Sun Jie thinks that feeling is very good. But before the relationship is confirmed. Sun Jie felt that Yang Ming was more like violating her.

"It's a lie. I don't know who it was. I was shocked to death in the bathroom of the bar before. Xiao Qing saw that Sun Jie did not admit it, so she exposed Sun Jie's behavior to her face. Anyway, Yang Ming was not in front of her, and she did not shy away.

"Ah..." Sun Jie was shocked, but she didn't expect Xiao Qing to know what happened in the bathroom today. Suddenly, his face turned red with shame. I can't speak.

I just vowed to guard against Yang Ming, and in a short time it became a joke, and. It seems that he did not guard against Yang Ming, but seemed to find every opportunity to cheat with him behind Xiao Qing's back...

"So...isn't that because I'm drunk..." Sun Jie stammered.

"There is a saying called something, the explanation is to cover up... Besides, when I saw it, you were very involved, and I dropped the cup on the ground. You didn't notice it." Xiao Qing doesn't believe Sun Jie's words.

"I...I..." Sun Jie couldn't wait to find a seam to get in. His face turned red by what Xiao Qing said.


"Hahahaha..." Yang Ming laughed back and down next door. Dance and dance. He has been paying attention to the movement of the next room, although he can't hear the sound. But I can read the lip language.

Yang Ming never dreamed of it. The meek Xiao Qing and Sun Jie will also speak amazingly when they are together! Look at Sun Jie's little sun-like face. Yang Ming almost lost his breath.

Yang Ming thought that since the two had already said the words. Has your own opportunity come? Yang Ming crept up. He stood up. Walk to the door. However, Yu Guangzhong still pays attention to the movement of the next room.

Sun Jie was ashamed and angry. Get into the quilt and don't come out again. Xiao Qing covered her mouth on the side. I can't help laughing.

This kind of door lock is not an obstacle for Yang Ming at all. He easily opened the door lock with a curved pin, and then swaggered in.

"Ah? Yang Ming? How did you get in?" Xiao Qing was stunned and said. Isn't it Sun Jie's spring heart? He said that the door was locked, but in fact he left the door for Yang Ming?

Yang Ming closed the door gently, and then locked the door in an instant, and then destroyed the door lock. It's impossible for someone to run out for a while.

For the first time. Always be tough. After the first time, the second time and the third time are not a dream.

"Xiao Jie, Yang Ming is here." Xiao Qing patted Sun Jie, who put her whole body and head into the quilt.

"It's a lie! I locked the door. How could he come in? Sun Jie didn't believe it: "Just lie to me. I won't be fooled!"

"Really, I didn't lie to you..." Xiao Qing said with a wry smile.

"Who believes it? I think you are probably crazy about Yang Ming and have hallucinations. Sun Jie was humiliated by Xiao Qing just now. How can she believe her at this moment?

"If you don't believe it, see for yourself!" Xiao Qing said helplessly.

"I don't want to watch it.

" Sun Jie refused.

"Ha. If you don't look at it, don't look at it. If you don't look at me, I'll come to see you. Yang Ming suddenly said loudly.

"Wow!" Sun Jie was stunned and said in surprise, "Do I also have hallucinations?"

However, Sun Jie immediately got out of the quilt and stared at Xiao Qing with wide eyes: "Say. Did you secretly open the door? Did you let him in?"

Sun Jie was so angry that she was confused by Xiao Qing before. She didn't expect that Xiao Qing would sit next to her floor all the time and open the door if she went down. How could she not know?

"All right, you two don't suspect each other. I opened the door." Yang Ming raised the pin in his hand and made a gesture. He said, "However, unfortunately, although the door was opened, the door lock seemed to be broken by me."

Yang Ming's words made Xiao Qing and Sun Jie blush a little. It seems. It was indeed the two of them who were multi-minded, but underestimated Yang Ming's methods.

"The door lock is broken?" Sun Jie frowned: "You deliberately damaged the ground, didn't you?"

"It's up to you. However. It seems that the three of us will have to be in a ** tonight. Yang Ming said. He reached out and turned off the light in the room. The room was suddenly dark.

The sudden darkness made Xiao Qing and Sun Jie panic. I can't see where Yang Ming is. However, Yang Ming could see them. Yang Ming walked to the bed, lay in the middle of the big bed, and said to himself, "It's a long night, no intention to sleep, er. Who should I make out with first? Sun Jie has been here once today, it's still Sister Xiao Qing. You can't favor one over the other."

Yang Mingdi's thick skin made Xiao Qing and Sun Jie blush. Both of them moved to both sides of the bed at the same time, and they didn't want Yang Ming to touch them. But how can Yang Ming's decision be changed so easily?

It's not so much Yang Ming's hard work as Xiao Qing's half-push. Although Xiao Qing was shy, she knew that Yang Ming would not let herself go like this. He simply gritted his teeth. Anyway, the light is dark. Sun Jie can't see it again. At worst, I couldn't stand the sound for a while, so I survived.

Now that I have this mentality. Xiao Qing also stopped struggling. He was pushed down by Yang Ming and began to enjoy Yang Ming's gentleness.

But. Xiao Qing's idea is good, but the actual situation is completely different! Especially Sun Jie, how can she easily let her go? Sun Jie was so ashamed of Xiao Qing just now. I was so angry that I couldn't find a chance to revenge.

Now there is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. How can we not avenge this arrow?