very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 816 First Time in Macau

"Young master!" As soon as he left the airport, he was surrounded by four or five stars.

The man was used to it. Without even humming, he strode towards an RV behind several people and got into the car by himself.

These men are all the family members of hemp pole men. This time, the hemp pole man went on a trip to Songjiang. He heard that the winter ice lanterns in the mainland were very beautiful, so he took a few of his men around.

The Ma Pole man's family is also a famous family in Macao. He opened a casino, and the Ma Pole Man, as the only male in the family, is naturally very comfortable to live.

It's just that men are not women, otherwise it's impossible not to know Huang Lele. How many of the precious daughters of the Huang family don't know? It's a pity that the man is addicted to alcohol and has no interest in anything other than drinking.

Huang Lele was depressed all the way, and Huang Lele's second brother had nothing to do. He had to wait until he got home and then called Wang Mei to find out the news. It was easy to take advantage of Huang Lele's absence to go back to his room to change clothes. Second Brother Huang dialed Wang Mei's phone.

"Hello? Is it Wang Mei? I'm Lele's second brother..." Second Brother Huang lowered his voice, and his eyes swept to Huang Lele's room upstairs from time to time, afraid that she would suddenly open the door.

"Hello, second brother." Wang Mei and Huang Erge are very familiar with each other, and her boyfriend is also a business friend of the Huang family, and they met through the introduction of Huang Erge, so she, a little spy, is also calm: "Is it about asking Lele?"

"Ha ha, you're still smart..." Second Brother Huang smiled and said, "Has Lele been bullied today? Why have I always been depressed when I see her?

"Hey hey, second brother, I'll tell you, but don't tell Lele that I'm what I said..." Wang Mei hesitated for a moment and smiled.

"That definitely can't be said. I'm not stupid. If I had said that. What will she do next time to prevent you? Then what news can I get!" Second Brother Huang said quickly.

"Then I'll tell you... I'll tell you. I'm afraid Lele is moving this time..." Although Wang Mei knew that it was impossible for Huang Erge to call in front of Huang Lele. But he couldn't help lowering his voice.

"What? What's the heart of spring?" Second Brother Huang was stunned after hearing this. Inexplicably, he said, "What's the spring heart?" Does she have a boyfriend?

"That's not..." Wang Mei said. I told Huang Erge about the place on the plane.

"Ah? So that's it!" Second Brother Huang didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard Wang Meidi's words. I didn't expect that the good little girl in my eyes had also grown up. I also began to be attracted to boys. But he didn't think there was anything wrong. After all, my little sister is also 20 years old this year. It is also normal to fall in love.

"Brother Huang. Why don't you help Lele find that handsome guy? Wang Mei suggested.

Second brother Huang had to smile bitterly. The little sister's favorite object is also a little too accidental... It's just a passer-by on the journey. Where can I look for it?

However, Brother Huang didn't pay too much attention to it. He thought that the little sister was just at the age of love and would be attracted to excellent boys, not a specific person. Therefore, it's easy to do. Do you know a lot of young talents? There are some in Macao, and there are still some in Singapore's hometown. At that time, if you think it's good, why don't you introduce them to your little sister?

After thinking about this, Brother Huang stopped worrying and was ready to find an opportunity to take his little sister to more banquets or something.

Yang Ming is not familiar with Macao. The character who calls for wind and rain in Songjiang is also a disgear when he comes here. Fortunately, Yang Ming's adaptability is very strong. He has also learned the official language of Macao in the CD-ROM given to him by Fang Tian, and with the increase of mainland tourists over the years, most of Macao's service industries have begun to speak Mandarin.

Yang Ming stopped a taxi. After getting on the bus, he said to the driver, "Choose a hotel for me. I'm here to travel."

"Okay, sir." The driver naturally readily agreed. If you attract customers to the hotel, you can get a huge commission, which is already an open secret in the industry.

Yang Ming's industry is also involved in the entertainment industry, so he is very clear about these rules, but he doesn't care about these. If he wants to get something from the driver, he has to get some benefits.

"Yes, Shu Ya is going to hold a concert here..." Yang Ming began to try to talk with the taxi driver, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the driver.

"Oh? Did you also come to Shuya's concert? The driver said, "I have attracted a lot of Shuya's fans in the past two days. They are all here to watch concerts!"

"Yes, I also like Shu Ya very much." Yang Ming didn't lie. Now liking Shu Ya is equivalent to liking Su Ya.

"Hehe, that's it. I'll take you to the hotel closest to Shuya's hotel." The taxi driver said, "However, now it's in two directions... This fare..."

"The fare doesn't matter,

Money, I won't give you less." Of course, Yang Ming doesn't care about this.

"No problem!" The driver was very happy to see Yang Ming's cheerfulness. The car picked up its head and drove out quickly.

Soon, the car passed a luxurious and spectacular hotel. The driver pointed to the hotel and said, "Shu Ya lives here - Jianye Imperial City."

Yang Ming quickly wrote down the location of this hotel. The driver said that the hotel is close to here, but in fact, it can be about one kilometer apart. The reason is very simple. Other hotels closer are full and there are no rooms available. Most of the people staying in these hotels are Shuya's fans.

Yang Ming paid for the car and gave the driver some extra tips. The driver handed Yang Ming a business card with a smile, saying that if Yang Ming needed to use the car, he could contact him at any time.

Yang Ming did not have a special car in Macao. Naturally, he happily accepted the business card and put it in his pocket.

After opening a room, Yang Ming first took a hot bath, then picked up the free newspaper provided by the hotel and read it. He turned to the entertainment special edition, which was almost full of large reports about Shu Ya.

I learned from the entertainment report that Shuya will stay in Macao for about a week, but the specific schedule has not been disclosed, and there is no exact news in these news media.

Looking at the bustling streets and alleys outside the window, Yang Ming couldn't help sighing that the nightlife here is much more lively than Songjiang, and this is a real city that lasts not sleeps.

Almost all casinos are open 24 hours a day, and there is no time to close the store at all, while Yang Ming has to wait until there are not many people on the street before taking action.

Yang Ming's action tonight is to explore Su Ya's room, and then study the terrain of the hotel she lives in to see if it is possible to sneak in to meet Su Ya.

You know, this is not Songjiang, and it is almost impossible to meet at the concert, because it is impossible for anyone to let Yang Ming go backstage unless they break through.

However, in Macao, which is not his own territory, Yang Ming dares not be too inferior.

Until the early morning, there were few signs of taxis and tourists on the street. No wonder this is a commercial area, not a remote residential area.

When he was impatient, Yang Ming had no choice but to do it and act according to the opportunity.

After stopping a taxi, Yang Ming came to the Jianye Imperial City Hotel. He wanted to pretend to be an ordinary tourist to inquire in the hotel. Unexpectedly, as soon as he was about to enter the door, he was stopped by several bodyguards in black: "Sir, please stay. There is no room available here. I'm sorry."

"I'm here to find a friend... He lives in this hotel..." Yang Ming scratched his scalp and quickly found an excuse.

"Friend? It has been wrapped here. I think you must have made a mistake. The bodyguard still stopped Yang Ming from letting him in.

"Uh... My friend is Shu Ya. Please call her to confirm that she will definitely let me go up." Yang Ming had no choice but to say so.

"I'm sorry, sir, too many people say that they are Miss Shu's friend every day. We can't confirm them one by one. If you are really Miss Shu's friend, you must know Miss Shu's personal phone number. You can ask Miss Shu to send someone to pick you up." The bodyguard said.

Yang Ming couldn't help but be stunned when he heard the bodyguard's words. It seems that he is not the only one who comes to Shu Ya, but think about it, those crazy fans can definitely do such a thing.

Yang Ming didn't have Shu Ya's phone number in Macao. He wanted to call Su Haikuo to ask. It was already early in the morning at this moment. It was estimated that he should have gone to bed. Yang Ming hesitated for a moment and decided to forget it. Now even if he saw Shu Ya, he was not psychologically prepared for a How to open your mouth.

You can't hug Su Ya as soon as you meet her, and then push her to **, can you?

Looking at the security work of the hotel, it is no worse than the original Songjiang. It is almost impossible to sneak in. If you climb up from the outside of the building, you will also be seen.

So Yang Ming simply gave up the idea and turned around and left the Jianye Imperial City Hotel. These security guards are not surprised by Yang Ming's behavior, thinking that Yang Ming is also a crazy fan.

After Yang Ming returned to the hotel, he found the service department of the hotel and asked them to help get a ticket for Shuya's concert tomorrow. Of course, it is best to be a VIP ticket. The price doesn't matter.

Naturally, the hotel has something to do with the organizer. For Yang Ming's requirements, they promise to meet as much as possible. After all, there are not many gold owners like Yang Ming, and they bought a benefit fee of 100,000 yuan at once.

Although time is tight, it is also difficult for the people in charge of booking tickets in the hotel. They are not only in contact with the formal companies of the organizers, but also with the underground scalpers.