very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 838 Conversation


Yang Ming's heart suddenly tightened slightly. Isn't it because she saw something? However, it was immediately so. First of all, it was impossible for her to recognize herself now. Even if she had something, she would not come to scare the snake.

The only possibility is that Wang Xiaoyan has the same idea as herself, that is, to find a nearest bench to sit down first, then observe the movement of the clubhouse, and wait for the seminar to start at a suitable time.

Sure enough, Wang Xiaoyan just glanced at Yang Ming faintly and did not have any confused expression. Yang Ming is still reading his newspaper, but his attention is not above the newspaper.

Wang Xiaoyan took out a napkin, wiped the chair, and then sat next to Yang Ming. Wearing MP3 headphones on your ears looks like a tired tourist taking a break.

Of course, Wang Xiaoyan can't have the ability of hyperopia like Yang Ming. She can't take out the telescope in broad daylight, but she can't stare at the direction of the clubhouse endlessly.

However, she has her own way to pull down the sunglasses pinned to her head, so that others can't see the direction of her eyes, and she can observe what she wants to observe without scruples.

Of course, these can't be hidden from Yang Ming, because Yang Ming and she are the same person and are doing the same thing. The difference is that Yang Ming's attention has now shifted from the clubhouse to Wang Xiaoyan.

The appearance of Wang Xiaoyan made Yang Ming feel that things were more complicated and confusing. Which force does Wang Xiaoyan represent? What kind of person is she? She has lived with Zhao Ying for so long, didn't Zhao Ying find anything?

Yang Ming prefers to believe that he doesn't know the people in front of him, but the truth is exactly the opposite. Does... Wang Xiaoyan belong to a killer organization? Now that I think about it, it is indeed possible!

Although she has not had much contact with Wang Xiaoyan, it is certain that Wang Xiaoyan has kung fu on her body, and she is strong, which can be seen in the time when Wang Xiaoyan took action on herself and that rock climbing.

Moreover, I have never heard information about Wang Xiaoyan's family from Zhao Ying. Wang Xiaoyan is alone, but she can afford a villa, which has to remind Yang Ming that her money is earned by being a killer to carry out tasks.

It's just that Songjiang still has a killer organization? Wait... Yang Ming's heart suddenly trembled, and Songjiang really has a killer organization! I remember that the killer "Nameless" who was caught once said that there seemed to be a killer organization called "Black Widow" in Songjiang. Is it possible that Wang Xiaoyan also belongs to it?

However, Yang Ming was calm on the surface, and still looked at the newspaper in her hand "seriously", and Wang Xiaoyan's expression was also normal. She listened to MP3 quietly and hummed from time to time, which was completely the image of a young girl.

The seminar is still going on slowly. It has been about an hour, and it still doesn't end. Yang Ming has almost read the content of the newspaper. Even if he reads the newspaper carefully alone, it will be almost an hour.

Sometimes things are the opposite. When Wang Xiaoyan came over, Yang Ming was already reading the newspaper. Now more than an hour has passed. If Yang Ming looks at it again, it will be a little fake.

Yang Ming put down the newspaper casually, took a breath, and then turned his head to Wang Xiaoyan and asked with a smile, "Are you a tourist here?"

He and Wang Xiaoyan have been sitting in this chair for almost an hour. Yang Ming feels that according to common sense, he should also say hello.

Wang Xiaoyan took off her headphones and turned her head to Yang Ming: "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"I said, are you a tourist here?" Yang Ming had no choice but to repeat what he had just said.

"Yes, how do you know?" Wang Xiaoyan did not hide it. She felt that Yang Ming was not a threat to her at all. He was just a passer-by.

"Ha ha, I guess, because I'm not a local either." Yang Ming shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

"Are you also a tourist?" Wang Xiaoyan is also bored. Now there is someone to talk about it. Naturally, she won't refuse.

"I'm not... I'm working here..." Yang Ming's current dress doesn't look like a tourist at all. If he insists that he is a tourist, it will make people think: "However, I'm from the mainland."

"That's it..." Wang Xiaoyan nodded: "I'm also from the mainland. I'm here during the winter vacation."

"Are you alone?" Yang Ming seems to be chatting, but in fact, he is in the details of Wang Xiaoyan.

However, Wang Xiaoyan had no defense against Yang Ming at all. She nodded and said, "Yes, I'm alone. I like the feeling of traveling alone."

"Ha ha, it's good to be alone, but since you are a student and go out alone, won't your family worry?" Yang Ming asked with a smile.

Wang Xiaoyan's eyes

After a trace of imperceptible sadness... Yes, born in such a family, = involuntarily. When I graduate from college, I will marry someone I don't like, and then... I will probably live a very constrained life...

"My family is not around. They are all very busy and can't take care of me. Wang Xiaoyan's expression returned to normal in an instant and said lightly.

"So that's it..." Of course, Yang Ming didn't expect Wang Xiaoyan to tell the truth to herself, and Wang Xiaoyan could not tell the truth to her stranger.

Anyway, what's going on now is true or false. Yang Ming wants the information that Wang Xiaoyan inadvertently revealed.

"I happen to be on vacation these days. How about I work as a tour guide for you?" Yang Ming casually tested. Now he wants to find out what kind of person Wang Xiaoyan is. Naturally, he has to find a way to get close to her first and gain her trust.

"This..." Wang Xiaoyan was stunned. She didn't expect Yang Ming to make such a request. She came on a mission this time, and she didn't come to travel at all. How could she ask Yang Ming to be a tour guide for her?

"Why don't you believe me? Ha ha, although I'm not a local, I've been living here for a period of time, at least I won't get lost..." Yang Ming is pure nonsense. If he doesn't take a taxi when he goes out now, he can't find it anywhere.

"No... Forget it. I don't want to bother you, and I also like the feeling of being alone." Wang Xiaoyan hesitated and refused Yang Ming's "goodwill".

"Ha ha, it doesn't matter. It's predestined to meet. My name is Liu Lei. How about you?" Yang Ming smiled casually and did not continue to ask for it. In that case, it would cause Wang Xiaoyan's vigilance and make her doubt her purpose.

However, Yang Ming still used a pseudonym. He read a novel in which there was a cruel person named "Liu Lei", so he used it on himself by the way.

"Wang Yan. ( Mobile phone reading 1 6 k. . cn), Wang Xiaoyan said lightly.

Wang Yan? Yang Ming smiled secretly in his heart. Obviously, his name was Wang Xiaoyan, but he changed his name to Wang Yan, but Yang Ming did not expose it. He nodded and said, "It's a nice name. By the way, why are you sitting here all the time?" More than an hour, right?

Wang Xiaoyan's heart was stunned. Liu Lei (Yang Ming) sat there reading the newspaper, but he was aimless. If he sat here listening to MP3 to enjoy the scenery, it didn't make sense. The scenery here was not beautiful, and there were no scenic spots nearby. It was difficult not to arouse other people's curiosity.

If you want to say that you are tired of walking, come and have a rest. It seems a little too long to rest for more than an hour. Wang Xiaoyan's brain is running rapidly. She regrets that she has said so much to Yang Ming. If she had known it, she would have pretended to be cold...

What does it look like? Yes!

Wang Xiaoyan stretched out lazily, and then said with a blush, "It just so happens that I'm not very comfortable today... I've walked a lot, so I took a break."

There are many cases of a person's physical discomfort, but it comes from a girl's mouth, and she specially emphasizes "today" and "accidence", and there is only one situation, that is, the period is coming.

Yang Ming couldn't help but be stunned when he heard Wang Xiaoyan's words! He never thought that Wang Xiaoyan would give such an excuse! Yang Ming subconsciously looked between Wang Xiaoyan's legs and unconsciously used the power...

In the light pink underwear, a cluster of small black forests came into Yang Ming's eyes, making Yang Ming's heart suddenly move...

It's a lie! Where did that come from? It's clean inside, and there is nothing to cushion...

Yang Ming doesn't know why he peeked at Wang Xiaoyan. He probably wanted to confirm whether her words were true or false. Second, there should be some impure purposes...

Wang Xiaoyan's figure is very good. Although she is petite, she is very durable... Yang Ming lost his mind for a moment and quickly returned to normal: "So it is..."

Because of Wang Xiaoyan's words, the two of them were also embarrassed. Yang Ming can't expose her, can he? If Wang Xiaoyan asks him at that time, how do you know? Yang Ming didn't know how to answer at all.

Now, Wang Xiaoyan has enough reasons to sit here, but Yang Ming, after reading the newspaper, it's a little strange to sit here again. However, Yang Ming didn't care about this. He took out his mobile phone and pretended to dial a number.

"Hello? Guo Qing? I'm Liu Lei. When are you coming? I've been waiting for you for almost half an hour... Well, Zhao Yanyan and the others have passed first, and you're all there... All right, I'm still waiting for you here. Just hurry up... What? Who are you talking about? Ding Baosan? I don't know. Who knows which bird man he is? Well, let's not talk..."

Yang Ming said something messy and found a reasonable reason for him to continue to stay, which made Wang Xiaoyan mistakenly think that Yang Ming was waiting for someone.