very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 861 Unlucky Kaizi

1 Unlucky Kaizi

"I thought you didn't come." Huang Lele sat down behind him. He said to himself, "Why are you sitting here?"

"That guy asked me to come over. Tell me to invite me to eat after I sit down. Yang Ming smiled and said, "There is an wrongdoer who pays the bill. Of course, it's up to him."

Although Huang Lele is very simple, he is not. Listen to Yang Ming. I probably understand what's going on. It must be Wang Mei who called herself. And Zhu Hua wants to sit with himself. He drove Yang Ming aside. However, he promised to invite him to eat as compensation. Just. I'm afraid Zhu Youhua has thought of it anyway. I will sit directly here with Yang.

"Le Le. Why are you sitting there? Zhu Youhua couldn't help standing up. Ask.

"He is my boyfriend. What's wrong with me sitting here? Huang Lele said bluntly.

"You. Boyfriend? Youhua was stunned after hearing this. He didn't expect that Yang Ming and Huang Lele would have this kind of relationship before. Because in his opinion. The gap between the two is too big.

"Yes." Huang Lele nodded disapprovingly.

"When did you have a boyfriend? Why don't I say it?" Zhu Youhua's face suddenly became a little embarrassed.

"Then I don't know why you don't know." Huang Lele's answer was so creative. Ordinary people might say it. Do I need to inform you if I have a boyfriend? But she is not an ordinary person. It's Huang Lele. The answer is usually unexpected.

Although I don't feel that the sentence "I have a boyfriend and I need to inform you" is so powerful. But the degree of depressing is no less than this sentence. Zhu Youhua was speechless. *. They don't know why they don't know.

Zhu Youhua's face changed. I hesitated for a moment. I don't know what to say. He also knows that Huang Lele's nature is like this. If it changes. That's not Huang Lele.

"What the hell is going on with Wang Mei?" Zhu Youhua turned his head and asked Wang Mei.

Wang Mei is a little embarrassed. Anyway. Zhu Youhua helped her and Lele relieve the siege. So you can't say too much. Think about the wording. He just said, "Boss Zhu has some things that can't be forced. Sometimes when love comes, you can't refuse even if you want to.

This point. Wang Mei has a deep understanding. Before meeting Zhang Bin. Wang Mei didn't realize anything yet, but after meeting Zhang Bin. Wang, I just know what love is.

"Love? Love should also be based on the economy, right? Zhu Youhua frowned and whispered, "It's not that I look down on Le. Boyfriend. Does he have the power to have fun?

Wang Mei was amused in her heart. Can't Yang Ming afford it? You can throw tens of millions at any time. Is there anything else you can't afford? It's you. Although it is also a successful career. But compared with Yang Ming. That's nothing.

But this is a little hurtful. Wang Mei, who couldn't say it, just said, "Boss Zhu. In fact, I can't sit with my lover. You can also be friends."

Zhu Youhua's face is very ugly. It has changed several times. It's like what decision to make. In the end. Finally, he stood up and walked to the table of Yang Ming and Huang Lele.

Zhu Youhua originally wanted to declare war on Yang Ming, but after walking there. But seeing that Huang Le and Yang Ming didn't even look at him, they couldn't help but feel a little weak. The dry cough wanted to attract Yang Ming's attention.

"Cough." Zhu Youhua coughed twice. Yang Ming and Huang Lele just looked up at him. He lowered his head again to study something.

Zhu Youhua listened carefully. It seems to be some kind of bubble dragon. I was so angry all of a sudden. Do you have a bubble dragon by yourself?

"Cough. I have something to say. Zhu Youhua couldn't stand it anymore. Finally, he said loudly.

"Oh. Tell me." Huang Lele is telling Yang Ming that the little fox fairy won her. I was interrupted by Zhu Youhua. Some are obviously impatient. He looked up and said.

"Le Le. I don't care what means this boy used to chase you. But I won't give up. As long as you don't marry him. I have the right to pursue you. Zhu Youhua was full of breath. Say it out loud.

"Oh." Huang Le nodded: "What else?"

"And more?" Zhu Youhua was stunned. Then he was discouraged: ""

I met the best of Huang Lele. Zhu Youhua is still | Yes, he has no temper. Huang Lele is so straightforward and simple. Turn around the bush with her. There is no door.

Zhu Youhua knew that he was also embarrassed to stand here. I just don't want to stay. Anyway, I have said everything I should say. So he strode to the door. Come to the bar. He said, "I'll pay the bill."

Seeing this scene, the service has been laughing secretly. This man is really a big deal. Spend money to invite others to dinner. He also touched the dust of his nose. But you can't laugh. He just said solemnly with a smile, "Sir. A total of 221,000,638 yuan was spent. After the discount, it is 220,000


"Oh. Swipe the card. Zhu Youhua said absent-mindedly. Suddenly, something was wrong: "How much did you say you spent?"

"Sir. You spent a total of 221,638 yuan. After the discount, it's 220,000 yuan. The waiter repeated it again.

"What?" Zhu Youhua was stunned. Some people said puzzledly, "How can it be? Did you miscalculate?"

In Zhu Youhua's opinion. The meal lasted for only 10,000 yuan. How can it be so much money?

"There is nothing wrong. Sir. These are all electronic bookkeeping. It's impossible to get out." The waiter explained.

"It's impossible to get out?" Youhua suddenly became angry: "How many impossibilities in the world have finally become possible? What about the order? I'd like to see. What can't be?"

Originally, Zhu Youhua touched a little ashes. If there is fire, it will come out. The waiter hit the muzzle. Can he get angry?

Did the waiter wrinkle? It's nice to see Zhu Youhua speak well. I'm also a little happy. Print the bill while. He whispered, "If you don't have money, why don't you pretend?" It's like two or five or eight thousand."

"What. What did you say? Say I don't have money?" As soon as Zhu You heard this. The temple was blown up. Point to the waiter. He said unstingly, "You are a little waiter. Dare to talk to me like that? Believe it or not, I'll ask your boss to complain about you?"

The waiter is just a hug. Of course, he hasn't used it to fight with Zhu Youhua. Don't answer either. Just handed the bill to Zhu Youhua: "You can see for yourself."

Zhu Youhua is also lazy to serve. I pulled over the bill and looked at it. When he saw Lafite in the 90s, he was stunned. He pointed to the bill and shouted to the service, "What is this? I ordered two-thousand-year-old Lafite. You're good. There is a way to steal. Did you advance it for me by ten years? And this one. What fragrant foie gras. Who wants it? Do you want two more?"

"Sir. You're not right. But the gentleman at the table over there asked for it.

" The waiter pointed to Yang Ming's table and said, "You didn't say that. It's up to you to pay for the consumption of that table.

The waiter was very happy. My heart said. Let you pretend to be a big-tailed wolf. Is it all right now? Take the money.

"What does he want? Did he ask for these? Zhu Youhua was stunned. Suddenly, I didn't know what to say. He did say that the consumption of Yang Ming's table was settled by him. But the problem is. This is outrageous, isn't it? It costs more than ten thousand yuan to eat a meal. Even if Zhu Youhua is rich. I can't stand it. This meal. Just eat a car.

Zhu Youhua's company. The annual profit is only more than one million yuan. It's not that I can't afford the money. It's just that he is unwilling. There was a slight turn in my mind. He said to the waiter, "Since you want these things. Why didn't you tell me before? I have the right not to pay the bill.

"Sir. What you said is wrong. I want to tell you. But you said it. Do you still need to see this? I left my credit card with you. What else are you afraid of?" The waiter said in Zhu Youhua's tone.

Zhu Youhua was stunned for a while. I immediately remembered it. It seems that I did say that. Could it be said. Is it up to you to suffer from this mute? No way. He is unwilling*.

It's okay to pretend. But it's not ruined because of pretending. Zhu Hua hesitated for a moment. Let's go to Yang Ming's table.

"Why are you back again'" Yang Ming simply asked knowingly. It just happened at the bar. Yang Ming has seen it clearly.

"These dishes you want. What do you mean?" Zhu Youhua didn't say a word. He put the menu in front of Yang Ming: "You did it on purpose, didn't you? When I am *?"

"You said it yourself. I can eat whatever I want." Yang Ming shrugged his shoulders. He said with a smile.

"Yes. You can eat whatever you want." Zhu Youhua sneered: "That's okay. You pay for it yourself."

"Oh. That's all right." Yang Ming waved his hand indifferently: "Are you all right? It's okay, just leave. Don't shout in front of me in the future. It's just your stomach. I'm also pursuing Lele. It's so funny."

Zhu Youhua wanted to see Yang Mingchou. I'm here. It is impossible for Yang Ming to pay so much money. At that time, Yang Ming will have no money. Huang Lele will ask himself to pay the bill. But I didn't expect Yang Ming to say "it's okay".

This is completely beyond Zhu Youhua's plan. Zhu Youhua was stunned for a moment. Then he said, "Are you sure?"

"Are you sure you don't show up in front of me in the future. Then I'm sure." Yang Ming said.

This sentence. But he gave Zhu Youhua there. Let him give up pursuing Huang Lele? That won't work. Listen to Yang Ming's meaning. If you don't pay the bill. Don't want to have fun in the future.
