very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 891 Yang Ming's fallacy

Yang Ming's fallacy

Lin Zhiyun had no choice but to stand up, take the chopsticks handed over by Yang Ming, and sit on the coffee table beside her: "You just affect my study. After a while, I can't remember what they said."

"Opin, Rome was not built in a day. The tall buildings rise from the ground, but you can't reach it quickly." Yang Ming said with a smile, "Everything should be done step by step. It's not like you, it's so hard every day!"

"However, I'm a college student studying economics. I don't think I can do anything. Your company will definitely get bigger and bigger in the future. I don't want to be a waste who can't do anything..." Lin Zhiyun said this and looked a little frustrated.

"Who said that?" Yang Ming felt that Lin Zhiyun's current mentality seemed to be a little tricky, and she had to enlighten her well: "How can my Yang Ming's woman be a waste? It's wrong for you to think so, Zhiyun. You know, although you are a college student studying economics, how old are you now?

You are only a freshman... And you have just passed the first semester of your freshman year. Now that what we have learned is not involved in professional courses, so it can be said that you are still a person without any management foundation. How can you compare with those who have been struggling in society for many years? In time, you must be stronger than them!

And, look at me? What do you think I will do? I don't know anything about the company, but I can start a company. The boss may not know everything. As long as I know how to use people, it's enough!

Zhiyun, no one will look down on you, because in the eyes of those employees, no matter what, you are their boss, which is an immutable thing!"

"But... I don't do anything every day..." Lin Zhiyun seemed to feel that Yang Ming seemed to have some truth, but something was wrong.

"Yes! Of course, the boss did nothing? If the boss can do everything, what do you want the employees to do? No employee wants his boss to be omnipotent? In that case, won't he be out of food? Yang Ming said in a righteous look.

"Ah?" Lin Zhiyun was stunned. I was stunned for a long time. It seems? Is it true?

Actually. Yang Ming said that this situation is the place where it exists. But it's not as exaggerated as he said. A shrewd boss. It still plays a great role in the direction of the company's exhibition. But how does Lin Zhiyun know? Yang Ming was a big fool when he went to school. He fooled Zhao Ying and Chen Mengyan all day long. It makes sense to say this at this time. It's even more smooth.

"Okay. Let's eat first. It's a good thing for you to study. Just don't delay eating and resting. And. It's winter now, it's dark and early. Go back by yourself. I'm not worried either!" Yang Ming said.

"Well... I'll just go back early next time..." Lin Zhiyun nodded. With Yang Ming's understanding and support. Lin Zhiyun felt as if she was full of motivation. It's not as negative as before.

"If it's too late. Just call me. Even if I have something to do, I can't come. I will also send someone to pick you up." Yang Ming said, "It's okay to have Bi Hai and Kaixin Yao. They are fine at night. You are also familiar with it.

"Good. I know..." Lin Zhiyun nodded. I ate beef noodles with Yang Ming.

"This beef noodle is not bad, better than the one near our school." Yang Ming took two bites and said with admiration.

"Yes... Now there are several California beef noodles in the United States, and I don't know which one is authentic, but this one tastes really good." Lin Zhiyun also nodded and said, "In the company, we often order at their house at noon."

For dinner, under Yang Ming's persuasion, Lin Zhiyun packed up the books on his desk and agreed to go home from work, but he still took the notebook with him and planned to go back to read it.

After the two left the company together, the security guard locked the company's door.

"Vice President Lin leave so late every day, isn't it just to wait for Brother Yang?" A security guard has some evil conjecture.

"Don't talk too much. If you don't want to die, talk less." The security captain came over from behind and stared at the talking security guard: "Don't talk nonsense about some things. What did Brother Bao tell you at the beginning? Don't you remember?"

The security guard was shocked and quickly stopped talking. Mobile phone access: à. 1/(6)/.

Lin Zhiyun and Yang Ming got into the car together. Yang Ming was about to move the car, but Lin Zhiyun suddenly shouted, "Wait for me!"

"Eh?" Yang Ming was stunned and was about to ask Lin Zhiyun what was wrong, but he saw that Lin Zhiyun had run out of the car and ran to the California beef noodles next to him.

Yang Mingzheng was secretly puzzled. Not long after, he saw Lin Zhiyun running out again, holding a five-dollar bill in his hand, and happily got into the car: "You won the ticket for beef noodles just now. I went to claim the prize."

Yang Ming couldn't help laughing after hearing this. Lin Zhiyun is like this. Whether he has money or not, life will be careful, but this is also an advantage.

"The reward will be given to you to buy sugar tomorrow." Yang Ming said.


" Lin Zhiyun did not refuse, and happily put away the money.

On winter nights, few cars pass by on the road. Yang Ming drove to the last shantytown with Lin Zhiyun in it.

While passing a bar, Yang Ming suddenly slowed down the speed and pointed out of the window of the car with some ent Spirit: "Zh Yun, do you remember here?"

Lin Zhiyun looked up and suddenly blushed. How could she not remember here? This is the place she still remembers. Here, Lin Zhiyun once foolishly sold her first time to Yang Ming, but she didn't expect that this guy would leave after paying!

Thinking of this, Lin Zhiyun suddenly felt a little happy. The two of them seemed to be really predestined. Moreover, although Yang Ming forced himself in an accident, anyway, it was better than spending money on himself when they first met, right?

If that's the case, maybe two people won't have so many things in the future.

"What do you think I would be like now if I hadn't met you that day?" Thinking about it, Lin Zhiyun was a little scared.

"No if," Yang Ming shook his head: "If you meet, you will meet."

"But... there is indeed such a situation?" Lin Zhiyun still has some lingering fears.

"Do you think it's possible for a person to be killed by a car when walking on the road? Is it possible to fall into the ditch? Yang Ming felt that Lin Zhiyun's mood was not very stable today, so he smiled and made an example: "Will he say that if I walk slower on the street, I will be killed by a car?" If the environmental protection workers didn't cover the fence of the ditch, would I fall into the ditch and die?

"Ha ha..." After listening to Yang Ming's metaphor, Lin Zhiyun couldn't help laughing: "You will be unreasonable, but there is some truth."

In a blink of an eye, the car was parked near the shantytown. I can't get over here, so I can only get off here. After getting out of the car with Lin Zhiyun, Yang Ming and Lin Zhiyun walked side by side in the direction of Lin Zhiyun's house.

"Ziyun, go back and discuss with your parents and buy a building near the company. It's not only far from the school, but also far from the company. Besides, it's not as convenient as a bungalow after all." Yang Ming looked at the dilapidated houses in this area and said.

"I heard that this place is about to move at the beginning of spring, and my parents are still worried about this matter these days..." Lin Zhiyun said this and sighed faintly, "Yang Ming... I know you have money, but I don't want to bother you all the time, so you..."

Yang Ming wanted to say that there was nothing to worry about. If he didn't have enough money, he would just pay for it. However, Lin Zhiyun's next words blocked his mouth!

Yang Ming couldn't help smiling bitterly after hearing this: "Zh Yun, what do you mean by that? Am I just watching you homeless?!"

"How is it so serious? It's good to rent a house at that time. Anyway, after the house is built here, it should be compensated, and then move back. Lin Zhiyun shook her head and smiled, "How can you be homeless!"

"Why is that necessary? You are my girlfriend, my wife, and my money is yours. What's more, I'm not short of money at all!" Yang Ming suddenly became a little anxious: "I make money just to support my wife and children. If I don't spend it for you, what's the use of asking for money?"

"What kind of wife and child, we... are still students!" Lin Zhiyun was suddenly embarrassed. The reason why she said that before was that she didn't want to owe Yang Ming too much. She knew Yang Ming very well and knew that Yang Ming didn't care about the money for buying a house at all. Even if she didn't say it, Yang Ming would definitely buy the house. However, she felt that her identity was not Yang Ming's real girlfriend after all. Even if she took Yang Ming's things, she was not as righteous as Chen Mengyan, Mouth.

Now when I hear that Yang Ming is involved in the topic of his wife and children, he is both surprised and shy. Since Yang Ming can say so, it shows that at least in Yang Ming's heart, he cares about himself very much. At least, when two people are together, they have a future.

"Now I'm a classmate, and I'll be my wife in the future." Yang Ming said disapprovingly, "Let's go. Since you don't say it, I'll talk to Uncle Lin and Aunt Shen."

After saying that, he couldn't help but take Lin Zhiyun's hand and walked in the direction of her house together. Lin Zhiyun had no choice but to follow Yang Ming home.

Lin Changqing also knew that his daughter came back late. He walked around the door when he had nothing to do and saw whether his daughter came back. When he looked up, he saw Yang Ming and his daughter coming this way hand in hand not far away. He quickly waved and shouted, "Yang Ming, Zhi Yun!"

"Dad!" Lin Zhiyun was held by Yang Ming and was a little embarrassed. However, Yang Ming shouted "Uncle Lin" generously.

"Quickly enter the house!" Lin Changqing didn't see Yang Ming for a few days. He enthusiastically pulled him into the house, and his previous sadness also diluted a little.