very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 924 Stay

Zou Ruoguang looked at the house number of the room he had just entered in front of him in a daze, and found that the one was wrong. The room he really wanted to enter was the one next to him!

"Cough!" Wei Jin was stunned when he saw Zou Ruoguang and quickly coughed twice. In my heart, you should hurry up. If it's too late, you will be exposed.

Zou Ruoguang suddenly woke up, stood up with the pain on his body, and looked at the room number next to him. After carefully confirming this time, he shouted again, "Wow, you two adulterous men ** women, I won't kill you!"

After saying that, he opened the door of the room with the room card, rushed in, and then continued to shout, "You two adulterers, you really have an affair here!" Let me catch it--"

Yang Ming looked at Zou Ruoguang's performance and almost didn't enjoy it. Did you enter the wrong room? This can be wrong! Wei Jin is really the best. He actually found Zou Ruoguang, a stupid robe, to cooperate with him in acting!

Of course, except for Yang Ming, who knew what was going on in front of him, others were not clear. They looked at Zou Ruoguang in surprise and didn't know what he was doing.

"Liu Ting! That's Liu Baoqiang's room. What did that man do just now? How did he get in?" Wei Jin pretended to be surprised and pointed to the door of the room opened by Zou Ruoguang.

"What? Is it Liu Baoqiang's room? Liu Ting was also stunned after hearing this, and then said anxiously, "Then let's go in and have a look."

"That's what I think." Wei Jin nodded and rushed into the room with Liu Ting.

"What's wrong with them?" Chen Mengyan also seemed to notice that things were a little strange. Among these students. Only Chen Mengyan sincerely cares about Liu Ting and Liu Baoqiang. So I saw something inappropriate: "The man who just rushed into the land. Why are you a little familiar?"

But others. It's basically Wei Jindi's dog legs. The trend is attached to the trend. At this moment, I'm completely looking at the ground with a lively attitude. So I wouldn't have thought that Zou Ruoguang's appearance was a conspiracy.

"Are you familiar with it? Of course you are familiar with it!" Yang Ming smiled and said, "You are because of him. He also had a big fight with me!"

"Ah!" Chen Mengyan was stunned. Suddenly, I remembered who the man who just entered the ground was: "It's Zou Ruoguang!"

"That's right. That's him." Yang Ming nodded: "This guy is a relative of Wei Jindi. Do you think of anything now?"

Chen Mengyan was said by Yang Ming. I also faintly sensed something. But she doesn't think as much as Yang Ming. It's just a pregnancy. But I'm not sure.

The two followed the crowd into the room, but saw Zou Ruoguang standing in the middle of the room in a daze, looking left and right, sweating anxiously, while Zhao Xiaoyan was sitting in **, with a helpless face.

"What's going on? What about that man? Where's the adulterer?" Although he didn't see Liu Baoqiang, the play still had to go on. Zou Ruoguang pointed to Zhao Xiaoyan and shouted.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't complete the task," Zhao Xiaoyan was also helpless, but she had no choice but to confess: "That man was teased by me a few times, but he was like a rabbit. He ran straight to the bathroom and locked the door! I can't get the rest of the money. I'm leaving--"

Zhao Xiaoyan was already dressed at this time, and directly raised her buttocks and walked out of the room.

"This..." Zou Ruoguang didn't expect that Zhao Xiaoyan's mission would fail. He was immediately stunned on the spot and didn't know what to say.

Seeing that Zhao Xiaoyan not only did not complete the task, but also told his conspiracy as the venue, Wei Jin suddenly became a little embarrassed and angry: "I scolded the next door, what are you talking about? What are you talking about? What kind of money? Are you stupid? Admit it quickly, you are the concubine of Liu Baoqiang!"

"I'm sorry, Master Wei, I don't want the rest of the land money." Zhao Xiaoyan was very neat and walked out of the room.

Wei Jin was so angry that he trembled. He didn't expect that he had planned for a long time. He thought he had a very perfect plan, so he failed!

At this time, even if Liu Ting didn't know anything before, she probably understood it at this moment! This Wei Jin spent money to find a woman to frame Liu Baoqiang, but Liu Baoqiang was determined, not tempted, and hid in the bathroom!

"Bang", Liu Ting was so angry that she slapped Wei Jin and scolded, "Wei Jin, you are despicable!"

Wei Jin was already full of fire. At this moment, he was beaten by Liu Ting, and he was even more angry! Anyway, there was no hope to pursue Liu Ting, so he simply tore his face. Wei Jin's face condensed, and there was a trace of fierceness in his eyes. He waved his arm like Liu Ting, but before he hit it out, Wei Jin's whole body was hugged from behind and couldn't move!

Yang Ming has been paying attention to Wei Jin's movements. When he saw that he was going to attack Liu Ting, he was ready to stop him, but he accidentally saw a figure, and Yang Ming was happy. It seemed that there was no need for him to take action.

Liu Baoqiang hugged Wei Jin from behind wet all over, looking desperate, with blood-red eyes and hoarse

shouted, "Wei Jin, you *** framed me!"

Seeing that Liu Baoqiang was crazy, Wei Jin calmed down and showed a despicable face: "I just framed you. What's wrong? I'm testing you for Liu Ting! What can you do to me?"

Liu Baoqiang was also very angry just now. When he heard the truth in the bathroom, he was suddenly very angry. He said that if he hadn't settled down well, he would have been trapped by Wei Jin!

So, he rushed out in anger and hugged Wei Jin and wanted to work hard. However, when he heard Wei Jin's words, "What can you do to me?", Liu Baoqiang also calmed down.

Yes, what can he do with Wei Jin? In terms of family background, I am not as good as Wei Jin! It can be said that if I impulsively do something to Wei Jin today, it is not waiting for me to go to prison, but Wei Jin's crazy revenge on his own restaurant!

Liu Baoqiang is not stupid. With the social relationship of Wei Jin's family, he wants to find some social bastards from the hot pot restaurant to make trouble. There is nothing he can do!

Thinking of this, Liu Baoqiang decadently loosened his hands holding Wei Jin. Liu Ting also seemed to see Liu Baoqiang's embarrassment. She smiled with understanding and said, let's go.

"Let's go, too. It's not interesting to be with such idiots." Yang Ming pulled Chen Mengyan and cursed Wei Jin mercilessly.

Wei Jin is still a little afraid of Yang Ming! Before Brother Long and Yang Ming talked and laughed, Wei Jin understood that Yang Ming's identity was definitely not simple. His uncle could not afford to provoke people, and he may not be able to provoke him!

So, if Yang Ming wants to leave, he dares not stop him. There is no need to hold a feud with such people. But if Liu Baoqiang and Liu Ting are leaving, it will not be so easy!

"Do you want to go after slapped me? It's not that easy, is it?" Wei Jin said with a sneer.

Yang Ming glanced at Wei Jin coldly: "No one can leave my friends in front of my eyes! Let's go!"

After Yang Ming finished speaking, he pulled Chen Mengyan. Chen Mengyan pulled Liu Ting and walked to the door of the room together.

"Yang Ming! What the hell are you? I've reserved face for you. You don't want it. Since you want to take the lead, that's OK! Then don't leave today! Let's explain this to me together!" Wei Jin didn't want to provoke Yang Ming because there was no big conflict between the two, and it was unnecessary to have a feud. But now it's different. Now if Yang Ming wants to give Liu Baoqiang and Liu Ting a head, then Wei Jin must target Yang Ming!

In fact, in Wei Jin's heart, he is really not afraid of Yang Ming. After all, his family is also ranked first in Songjiang!

"Are you sure you want to leave me?" Yang Ming turned around with a sunny face: "What you do today may bring disaster to your family."

"Hahahaha!" After listening to Yang Ming's words, Wei Jin immediately laughed arrogantly. After laughing, he said disdainfully, "Are you bragging?"

Yang Ming disdained to argue with him and didn't leave. He stood there to see what Wei Jin was going to play.

Zou Ruoguang sat in ** dejected because he didn't perform in the play and was in pain all over, and didn't care how Wei Jin dealt with the mess over there. However, since his relationship with Zhao Xiaoyan was deadlocked, he could not turn over the clouds with Zhao Xiaoyan, and he was suddenly a little disappointed.

I was secretly sorry, but I suddenly heard a familiar name - Yang Ming! Zou Ruoguang immediately became energetic. He raised his head and took a closer look! Shit, isn't this Yang Ming! Isn't he who he is?

Ha, I was worried that I didn't have a chance to take revenge, so this guy came to my door! Zou Ruoguang was suddenly happy and couldn't care about the pain on his body. He stood up and pointed to Yang Ming and said, "Cousin, that's him! That's the guy! Yang Ming! He is the one in Jingshan!"

Originally, Wei Jin was still thinking about whether it was worth provoking Yang Ming. After hearing Zou Ruoguang's words, he was stunned, and then immediately understood! The man who had a grudge against Zou Ruoguang was this man named Yang Ming!

That's good. Wei Jin doesn't have to hesitate at all. Since he has met Yang Ming, and this guy is still his cousin's enemy, he promised his cousin to find a place for him. At this time, how long will he stay if he doesn't send a smooth favor?

Thinking of this, Wei Jin no longer hesitated. He took out the phone and was ready to call someone. Since my uncle doesn't want to cause trouble, he doesn't need his people! Is it okay to bring your own people?

It's just a fight by borrowing the territory of his fairy resort, and my cousin can't say anything.

When Wei Jin was about to call someone, Zou Ruoguang's eyes stopped on Chen Mengyan's body, frowned, and looked at Yang Ming carefully. The more he looked, the more familiar he felt...

Suddenly, Zou Ruoguang patted his thigh and shouted, "I remember! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, Yang Ming, you little white face, step on two boats! Aren't you Zhao Ying's boyfriend? Why are you with Chen Mengyan again?