very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 942 Quarreling with My Girlfriend

"Ah!" Aunt Li suddenly was a little flattered. After all, in today's society, it is really not easy to find a stable job. Looking at Yang Ming's meaning, he wants to prepare to hire her for a long time: "That's good. I'm going to help you pack up."

Yang Ming nodded and let Aunt Li go to work.

"How do you feel?" Yang Ming came to Zhou Jiajia with a smile.

Zhou Jiajia was a little embarrassed. After all, she became Yang Ming's girlfriend in a daze. Even she didn't understand how she became. He nodded slightly and said, "It's good."

"The discharge procedures have been completed, so let's go back. After all, it's not as convenient as home in the hospital." Yang Ming said.

"Um," Zhou Jiajia still nodded, slightly red, allowing Yang Ming's arrangement.

"Meng Yan, please help Jia get dressed." Yang Ming took a look at the hospital uniform on Zhou Jiajia's body, and then said.

"No, I can do it myself." Zhou Jia shook her head and was a little embarrassed: "Although I just woke up and feel a little dizzy, these things are still no problem."

"Come on, I'll help you." Chen Mengyan couldn't help but start to help Zhou Jiajia: "What? Jiajia, where's your coat?

Zhou Jiajia wears a warm velvet jacket inside. It's just a hospital suit outside. If you take it off, you can just get dressed and leave. But Chen Mengyan looked for it for a long time and didn't have Zhou Jiajia's coat.

"Ah. Miss Chen. Miss Zhou doesn't have a coat. After hearing this, Aunt Li quickly walked over and said, "Miss Zhou's original coat was stained with blood. It has been thrown away. I haven't bought it since then.

"I'll buy two clothes." Yang Ming looked at his watch. Although it's quite late. But there should be an open store.

"All in. Then we'll wait for you in the hospital." Chen Mengyan answered, "I'll just stay with Jiajia here."

"Yes. Jiajia. Your mother asked you to call her. Yang Ming remembered Zhou's mother's instructions just now.

"Ah!" Zhou Jiajia was shocked. I just remembered. After waking up by yourself. I haven't contacted my mother yet! I was confused by Chen Mengyan just now. I can't tell who has crossed the border. I just forgot about this matter. Now that I heard Yang Ming's words, I remembered to inform my mother. OK. I'll call in a minute..."

Zhou Jiajia will still be very embarrassed when she sees Yang Ming. There's nothing she can do. Who asked Chen Mengyan to say that she has lived with Yang Ming!

When it comes to cohabitation before marriage, Zhou Jiajia has no resistance. However, Zhou Jiajia doesn't understand when she became so bold and came to live with Chen Mengyan and Yang Ming!

Moreover, Chen Mengyan actually agreed to ask herself to live with them? This is a little incredible. Therefore, Zhou Jiajia is still very firm at this moment that whether she has traveled through time or has really lost her memory.

After saying that, Yang Ming left the ward and drove to the direction of the business district. Xinheng Department Store should not be closed yet.

Sure enough, when I came to Xinheng Department Store, it was still brightly lit and people came and went. Yang Ming parked his car in the underground parking lot of Xinheng Department Store, and then quickly went upstairs.

Yang Ming did not come to the mall. Zhou Jiajia and Chen Mengyan were still waiting for him in the hospital. He went directly to the women's clothing monopoly upstairs and casually found a specialty store and walked in.

Anyway, it's temporary. Yang Ming doesn't need to pick it too carefully. It looks good. The most important thing is to keep warm.

Yang Ming mainly went to the down jacket and so on, so as soon as he entered the door, he walked towards the down jacket.

"What?" Seeing a figure in front of him, Yang Ming was obviously stunned. Have you met an acquaintance?

At this time, Wang Xiaoyan also noticed that someone was looking at her. She looked up and happened to see Yang Ming, but when she saw that it was Yang Ming, her face suddenly turned dark.

After returning from Macao, Wang Xiaoyan found a lot of bouquets of roses piled up at the door of her house. Because it was winter, the roses were frozen into ice roses, but they were not withered. They were still beautiful and beautiful.

Although the flowers are beautiful, Wang Xiaoyan is not in the mood to appreciate it at all! You don't have to think about it. It must have been sent by Yang Ming!

Wang Xiaoyan is going to be pissed off. I really don't understand which guy Yang Ming made a mistake. He sends flowers to himself all day. It's really a big radish. So I happened to see Yang Ming in the store at this moment, and naturally I won't give her a good face.

"Miss Wang, what a coincidence..." After Yang Ming said this, he realized that this was Songjiang, and he had regained his original appearance. Wang Xiaoyan would recognize him at all.

When Wang Xiaoyan heard Yang Ming call herself "Miss Wang", she was immediately a little annoyed. She thought that Yang Ming was deliberately drag the text and said coldly, "I don't think there is any coincidence at all."

Why does Yang Ming think there is something wrong with this girl's attitude towards him? Isn't it because she disturbed her rest when decorating the house? As for this? OK

It's like I owe her 10 billion.

"I have apologized for the last decoration. We will be neighbors in the future. Don't be angry, okay?" Yang Ming's words are pleasant to say. After knowing Wang Xiaoyan's identity, Yang Ming subconsciously wanted to get close to her. After all, it was about the "black widow" killer group. If Yang Ming wanted to find out the truth, he had to start with Wang Xiaoyan.

"Neighbors? I hope you can move out tomorrow and don't bother me anymore. Wang Xiaoyan stared at Yang Ming and said angrily. Wang Xiaoyan heard that he was talking about decoration again, but she didn't mention the matter of sending flowers to herself at all, and she felt that Yang Ming was unreliable. It's really a pity for Zhao Ying. How did you fall in love with such a guy? Hypocritical and shameless!

If it hadn't been for Wang Xiaoyan's fear of revealing her identity and Zhao Ying's sadness, Wang Xiaoyan would have taken care of Yang Ming long ago. However, if she knows that Yang Ming is the "Liu Lei" she met in Macao, it is not certain who will take care of it at that time.

"I said you're not so stingy, are you?" Yang Ming was a little helpless. They all said that women were narrow-minded, and Wang Xiaoyan was simply a typical example of narrow-minded!

"Stingy? Humph." Wang Xiaoyan snorted, "What have you done yourself? Don't you know?"

"What did I do..." Yang Ming couldn't help crying, "Why don't you do this? I'll pay for all the clothes you bought today, which is an apology."

"Do you need to buy it? Hurry up and go. I don't want to see you!" After listening to Yang Ming's words, Wang Xiaoyan frowned even more. What's wrong with Yang Ming? You want to please yourself and buy clothes for yourself, but you still need to find an open excuse? I have never seen him so shameless. Therefore, Wang Xiaoyan's voice was obviously louder.

Originally, Wang Xiaoyan had recovered a lot in the past two days, sweeping away her unhappiness in Macao. Today, she went shopping and wanted to relax, but she didn't expect to meet Yang Ming again.

Wang's voice immediately attracted a lot of attention, and the customers who chose clothes in the specialty store looked over one after another, which made Yang Ming a little embarrassed, as if he had bullied Wang Xiaoyan.

At this time, the security guard of the store also noticed this matter and came this way: "Miss, what's going on? Do you need any help?"

When the security guard saw Wang Xiaoyan's angry look, he thought she had encountered harassment or something.

Wang Xiaoyan was about to speak, but she heard Yang Ming say, "Nothing. I quarreled with my girlfriend. She wanted to buy clothes. I didn't want to buy them, so she was angry!"

"Wow!" Wang Xiaoyan's eyes widened and stared at Yang Ming fiercely with a murderous look. Isn't this guy too shameless? Who is his girlfriend? Besides, what does he mean? What does it mean that you want to buy clothes and get angry if you don't buy them? Are you that kind of person? It seems that I am the kind of unreasonable woman.

"Oh!" The security guard nodded as if he understood, and then turned around and walked away, so angry that Wang Xiaoyan couldn't help it.

When Yang Ming was in Macao, he and Wang Xiaoyan pretended that the couple were familiar with it, so at this moment, he did not hesitate to say those words.

Wang Xiaoyan's lungs were about to explode, but when she thought that this was a public place, she had to put up with it and thought about how to clean up Yang Ming for a while!

This guy is really outrageous. Wang Xiaoyan thought that if he hadn't scared Yang Ming this time, he would have been in trouble in the future!

Yang Ming didn't care at all. He casually took off a pink down jacket on the shelf. It seemed that Zhou Jiajia should have worn it. Then he looked at the clothes selected in Wang Xiaoyan's hand and said with a smile, "Let's go, let's check out."

Wang Xiaoyan took a look at the down jacket in Yang Ming's hand and said unhappily, "What kind of clothes did you take? I don't want it!"

No wonder Wang Xiaoyan thought so. Yang Ming came to the mall alone, and there were no other women around him, so Yang Ming, a big man, was holding a piece of women's clothing at this moment. Wang Xiaoyan subconsciously thought that Yang Ming wanted to give it to her.

"Who wants to give it to you?" Yang Ming was stunned and then smiled and said, "I'm going to buy it for someone else."

"Ah!" Wang Xiaoyan immediately blushed and scolded Yang Ming in her heart. She said to herself, boy, you can do it, you really can do it, you wait for me!

Women are sometimes so strange. You can't buy things for her, and it's not that you don't buy them. Yang Ming looked at Wang Xiaoyan's angry appearance and said helplessly, "Why don't I buy you the same one?"

"Buy your big head!" Wang Xiaoyan said with hatred.

Yang Ming shook his head and bought my head? Sorry, this is really not for sale. He put the selected down jacket at the cashier's desk, and pointed to the clothes selected by Wang Xiaoyan's hand and said to the cashier, "How much is it in total?