very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 956 Evil Deed

Wei Dekang's gloomy face was waiting for the results of the investigation. Sui Yuemin didn't dare to talk nonsense. He sat aside and accompanied Wei Dekang.

Wei Dekang lost two yuan in one day, and his son was also beaten with a black nose and swollen face. If Wei Dekang was not angry, he would go to hell. Although Wei Dekang has no evidence to prove that Zhou Xiaoming was also fought by Yang Ming, it is estimated that he is also **.

Wei Dekang still has a wide network of contacts in Songjiang, with many subordinates. Before long, there was Yang Ming's news.

Looking at the information about Yang Ming sent by his men, Wei Dekang immediately frowned.

Yang Ming himself is just a freshman at Songjiang University of Engineering. He founded a jewelry company with his classmates. The scale is not bad, but he doesn't have many assets.

In Wei Dekang's opinion, there are none of these. What he pays most attention to is the background of Yang Ming's family. Yang Ming's father, Yang Dahai, was originally an ordinary worker in the Songjiang Bus Factory. At the beginning of this year, he suddenly rose up. He not only acquired the original Songjiang Bus Factory, but also cooperated with many large European heavy industry enterprises. He not only produced auto parts, but also invested in the production line of helicopters. Chairman of a large group.

In this way, Yang Dahai has also become a celebrity in Songjiang. If Yang Ming is moved, there will be some trouble. But Wei Dekang was not discouraged! Aren't you also a well-known figure in Songjiang? Moreover, his relationship and power in Songjiang have been deeply rooted. He doesn't believe that Yang Dahai will have any connections in just two months!

You know, I am the vice president of the Songjiang Chamber of Commerce. If you contact other enterprises in Songjiang to crowd out famous heavy industry, he will suffer! So Wei Dekang didn't care too much.

Since you moved my son first and I moved your son, it's no big deal! Of course, Wei Dekang will not find someone to beat Yang Ming again immediately because it is unrealistic.

Now it seems. Yang Ming's men must also have said very casually that Zhou Xiaoming was not likely to be stopped and seriously injured on the way to the place. Since there is no advantage in this regard. Then Wei Dekang planned to use other methods to attack Yang Ming.

Think of this. Wei Dekang dialed a message: "Du Laoliu. I'm Wei Dekang. I have something to do for you. Half an hour later. Come to the Fairy Resort to find me.

Du Laoliu is a contractor under Wei Dekang. Born as a reform-through-labour prisoner. It is very appreciated by Wei Dekang. Because this guy's hands are black. It can be done. Those workers who ask for their own wages will no longer dare to make trouble as long as they give it to Du Laoliu.

Du Laoliu dares to do anything. Beating wage-paying workers is a small matter. The worst one was a few days ago. Push a worker from the scaffolding. He fell to the ground with his hands and legs broken and was still lying in the hospital.

At that time. The family of that family still came to make trouble. He was going to fight a lawsuit with Du Laoliu. He called a group of people to kill him directly to the worker's hometown. After a coercion and inducement, the family of the family received Mr. Du's 600,000 yuan. I swallowed my anger and dared to make trouble again.

Because Du Laoliu threatened them. There are more than one or two lives in my hands. If you show off again. I will destroy your family! Anyway, killing a few now is to make money.

Countrysiders were originally timid and afraid of things. When they were scared by Du Laoliu, they immediately softened. In fact, 100,000 yuan is not enough for medical expenses, but when they saw that Du Laoliu was fierce and did not dare to provoke him.

After Du Laoliu had an accident, he never asked Wei Dekang to help wipe his buttocks, but he solved it by himself, so on this point alone, Wei Dekang appreciated him very much.

Half an hour later, Du Laoliu arrived at the Fairy Resort. Du Laoliu is the most trusted person for Wei Dekang except for Zhou Xiaoming and Ma lunatic. It can be said that the trust in him has exceeded that of Zhou Xiaoming and Ma lunatic.

Otherwise, Du Laoliu can't be placed in the position of construction manager - commonly known as the contractor. The oil and water in this place are much more than those of demolition, which is not the same grade at all.

However, although Du Laoliu is greedy, he makes the accounts very clear and writes clearly how much money he is greedy. He never deducted the construction materials, which was all about the workers' salary, so Wei Dekang was also very relieved.

As long as there is no problem with the project and the built house is not destroyed, Wei Dekang will be satisfied. As for the money he is greedy for, he has the ability. After the accounts are finished, Wei Dekang generally acquiesced in this part of the money to be transferred to Du Laoliu's pocket.

Du Laoliu is also very grateful to Wei Dekang for this. In recent years, his own assets have exceeded 10 million, and he is also one of the most prominent figures in society.

"My son Wei Jin was beaten." Wei Dekang said bluntly that there was no need for him to hide it from Du Laoliu.

"What? Who is so bold to beat Wei Shao? Don't you want to live? Hearing this, Du Laoliu immediately shouted, "Mr. Wei, tell me that I took someone to copy his house!"

"This is his information. You can have a look." Wei Dekang

The material I just received was handed to Du Laoliu.

Du Laoliu took over the material carelessly. When he first saw it, he was a little disapproved, but when he saw the identity of Yang Ming's father Yang Dahai, his face changed slightly.

Although Du Laoliu is cruel, he also understands the rules of this society. People with such an identity as Yang Dahai are not easy to mess with at all, unlike those timid and fearless migrant workers who are easy to bully.

"How about it, do you dare to touch him?" Wei Dekang looked at Du Laoliu's face. How could he not know what he was thinking? So I asked.

Du Laoliu paused, and a fierce look suddenly flashed in his eyes. He said decisively, "What dare you have? If Mr. Wei wants me to touch him, I will touch him!"

"Very good, it seems that I'm wrong about you." Wei Dekang nodded with satisfaction and smiled, "But I don't want you to kill people, but I want you to set fire!"

"Fire? What do you mean?" Du Laoliu is a little famous.

"Yang Ming's company, hum, you can find a chance to burn the fire." Wei Dekang laughed insidiously: "This is a lesson for him. I think Yang Dahai will not come against me because of this, but if he really wants to fight against me, I will also want him to look good."

"You can study this matter in the next few days. After finishing something, you can find a place to hide first and don't contact the outside world. I'll take care of the rest for you." Wei Dekang said.

"Okay, Mr. Wei, I know." When Du Liu heard that Wei Dekang just asked him to set fire, he didn't care much. He often does this kind of thing, and it's no big deal.

"Then you go first." Wei Dekang waved his hand and said, "Be careful. Don't contact me these days. In case you are caught on the spot, don't say anything. I'll find a way to protect you."

"Mr. Wei, don't worry!" Du Laoliu said.


Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan did not notice Zhao Ying's distant back. After eating the noodles, they settled the bill, left the noodle restaurant and got into the car.

"I have a good junior high school buddy who opened a billiards room near here. I used to go there in high school. Do you have time to go with me to see him?" After Yang Ming got into the car, he said to Wang Xiaoyan beside him.

"Let's go. Anyway, it's okay." Wang Xiaoyan is also curious about Yang Ming's past. She wants to know what Yang Ming's life is like.

Wang Xiaoyan's killer road can be said to be logical, because of the family relationship, there is nothing special.

But for Yang Ming, Wang Xiaoyan is very confused. How can a student who grew up in a normal environment become a killer?

Xu Peng's billiards room is not far from here. It will take a few minutes to drive. Yang Ming parked his car at the door of the billiards room and entered the billiards room with Wang Xiaoyan.

At this time, there should be no one in the billiard room, but after entering, he found that Xu Peng and his wife were sitting on one side, and on the other side, there was a girl dressed in rustic clothes saying something to the two, and his eyes were full of tears.

"Sister Xiaoying, you have loved me since I was a child. You told your brother-in-law, can you help us find a way..." The girl wiped her tears sadly.

"Xiao Ju, it's not that we don't help you, but that Dapeng and I really can't help you..." Xu Peng's wife comforted the girl.

"Sister Xiaoying, you are in the city and have seen more than us. I want to go to the court to sue them. Can you help me find a way and hire a good lawyer..." The girl looked at Xu Peng's wife full of hope.

"I..." Xu Peng's wife also came from the countryside to work in Songjiang, and she hasn't stayed here for a few years. Where do you know any lawyers? And Xu Peng is just a small boss in the billiards room. How can he know someone?

"Xiao Ju," Xu Peng said, "You have signed a private agreement with others. If you want to go to court again, it's a little difficult to do, and you and your sister Xiaoying really don't know any noble people. How can I help you?"

After listening to Xu Peng's words, Xiao Ju lowered her head in disappointment. She didn't know this, but she felt that Xu Peng and Xiaoying had been in the city for a long time, and their knowledge should be wider than her, so she wanted to have a try.

"However, you and your sister Xiaoying still have some money here. I'll give you 20,000 yuan to use it first. Your brother's injury can't be delayed." Xu Peng said, so he went to the inner room, took out the already prepared 20,000 yuan, and handed it to Xiao Ju.

"This... how good..." Xiaoju didn't expect Xu Peng to give 20,000 yuan at once. This is a gift in the snow.

"Xiao Ju, just take it. You and your brother Dapeng have a billiards room, and you can make more money. There is something urgent in your family now, so don't care about it with me..." Xiao Ying said.