very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 959 Friendship

Xiaoqiu and others also knew Li Dagang. When they saw Li Dagang coming, they were busy shouting "Brother Li" and "Brother Gang".

Li Dagang has met Yang Ming's two girlfriends, so I don't think it's strange to see Wang Xiaoyan again at this time. Brother Yang is an awesome man, and Li Dagang has long been used to it.

However, Wang Xiaoyan was a little familiar. Li Dagang thought about it and didn't remember much. He thought he had met with Brother Yang.

"Dagang, let me introduce you, Wang Xiaoyan, my neighbor is also my classmate." Yang Ming pointed to Wang Xiaoyan and said.

"Ah!" Li Dagang suddenly got up and pointed to Wang Xiaoyan and said, "When you bought a house, I was in handle it!"

For Yang Ming's friends, Wang Xiaoyan can't be too cold-eyed. The identities of the two have been made public to each other. Now it's time to put aside the previous grudges and let Yang Ming help him strengthen the killer group, so Wang Xiaoyan tried her best to be very easy-going: "Hello, hehe,


"Brother Yang said so, I remembered it, but when you looked at the house, you directly signed the contract and paid. There was little contact, so I was not very impressed!" Li Dagang couldn't help smacking his tongue after saying that. Brother Yang, a confidant, seems to be worth a lot. When he bought such a big villa, he paid without blinking his eyes.

"I didn't expect you to come so fast. It's not noon yet. I can't eat anything in the morning." Yang Ming said, "Why don't we do something else first?"

"Yang Ming. Why don't you take me for a walk in Dali? Dagang and I have never been to college. I haven't felt the atmosphere in the university yet. Xiaoying also said a few days ago that she wanted to walk around the campus. Feel it. There has never been a chance. Now you and your friend's two college students lead us to the land, which is also right!" Xu Peng suggested.

"also. Then let's go." Yang Ming nodded.. People who have been to college. It's hard to understand the mood of those who haven't been to college. And their yearning and hope for the university.

However, Yang Ming is a little exceptional. Because at the beginning. It was a coincidence that Yang Ming didn't have the idea of being admitted to college. Let Yang Ming gain the power. I successfully entered the university.

But. The negative days on the eve of the college entrance examination are still vivid in my mind. So he can understand the current mood of Li Dagang and Xu Peng.

As soon as I hear it, I have to go to the university. Xiao Ying is also very excited. Put down the things in your hands. He said happily, "Wait a minute. I'm going to change my clothes and ask the students some..."

"Go quickly." Xu Peng is a little funny. However, I can really understand Xiaoying's mood. Xiaoying's academic performance in high school was not bad. I couldn't continue to go to college and chose to work in the city. It's all because of family conditions.

Xiaoying's family has a small shop in the village. She usually can't make much money. The family still has to live, and it is impossible to pay a high tuition fee for Xiaoying, so Xiaoying was forced to learn in her senior year of high school.

Although he dropped out of school for economic reasons, it did not diminish Ying's yearning for college at all. Knowing that he could not go to college again in his life, Xiaoying wanted to go to the university campus and at least feel the atmosphere inside.

Before long, Xiaoying came out and changed to w$w$w$.1$6$k.$c\n1|6|k official MM Yingzi uploaded a set of relatively simple winter clothes, which looked like a freshman. Even Xu Peng's eyes lit up.

"I didn't expect, Xiaoying, you look like a college student dressed like this." Li Dagang laughed.

"Come on, it's not like standing with you. You look like white-collar workers in society. You have come to school to hunt for beauty." Yang Ming looked at Li Dagang and said sarcastically.

"Haha, it's okay to hunt for sex. I don't have a girlfriend yet." After hearing this, Li Dagang said carelessly.

Xu Peng explained to Xiaoqiu again, and then took out all the money in the bar, leaving only some change in it, and then went out of the billiards room with Yang Ming and others.

After seeing Yang Ming's car, Xu Peng was obviously stunned. Xu Peng was clear about Yang Ming's family conditions. It can be said that it was not much better than him, but at this moment, he had bought a BMW.

Seeing Xu Peng's confused eyes, Yang Ming was surprised and said, "Dapeng, didn't Dagang tell you about me?"

"No." Xu Peng shook his head.

"Brother Yang, I thought you had already told Dapeng." Li Dagang shook his head, and then said to Xu Peng, "Dapeng, Brother Yang is awesome now. I'm going to hang out with Brother Yang in the future. How about you? Maybe you're not ready?"

"I..." Xu Peng initially thought that Yang Ming asked him to go to the mixed society, but now it seems that this is not the case. How can he buy a BMW in the mixed society? To what extent does it have to be mixed up? At least it is the boss of one party to have this ability.

Ordinary street gangsters, not to mention buying a car, I guess they don't have much money to play. Just like when I came to the billiard room before

Several guys of

all belong to those who don't have much money in their pockets and want to blackmail some money all day.

"Dagang, Dapeng has his own ideas. Let's not force it. Let him think about it by himself. If he understands it, he will come to us." Yang Ming said with a smile.

Wang Xiaoyan sat in the co-pilot's seat, while Li Dagang, Xu Peng and Xiao Ying sat in the back. The space of X5 is still relatively large, so it doesn't seem too crowded for three people to sit in the back row.

"Brother Yang, what on earth are you doing now?" Xu Peng was afraid that the life of fighting and killing would involve Xiaoying and his children. After all, he had a family and cared about these very much.

But now it seems that this is not the case, so I can't help asking. After all, people go higher and water flow lower. If they have a better career, Xu Peng is not willing to guard this small billiard hall.

"I opened a jewelry company with Zhang Bin." Yang Ming smiled and said, "Zhang Bin, you should also know each other. My high school buddy is quite familiar with Li Dagang, but he doesn't skip classes very much."

"Oh, I remember that you and the one who came to the billiard room before." Xu Peng nodded: "Brother Yang, I'm sorry, I thought you were still underworld..."

"The underworld, hehe, what's the matter, there's some contact, do business, it's more or less inevitable to deal with the underworld," Yang Ming said with a smile, "Just like you open a billiards room, you want to do business in peace, but there will always be small hooligans in society to find faults

Xu Peng also acquiesced after hearing it. Indeed, the truth is that this is the case. You don't look for them, but they will find you.

"Sometimes, if you want to make business big, the local underworld has become a kind of resistance. If you can't serve these people well, they will trouble you all day long. After all, these people are open-minded about money and can't see others making money, so they want to get something for nothing." Yang Ming explained, "So, if you want to eliminate these fundamentally, you have to control the underworld in your own hands."

"How can it be controlled in your own hands!" Xu Peng exclaimed with a wry smile.

"However, Songjiang's boss and Sanli have a good relationship with me, so we can do what we want to do at ease." Yang Ming didn't say much to Xu Peng. After all, some of these things are too confidential, and Yang Ming doesn't want too many people to know.

"Ah!" Xu Peng was a little surprised after hearing this. How could he not have heard of the name of Violent Sanli, but he didn't expect to be a good friend with Brother Yang.

"Well, Dapeng." Yang Ming and Xu Peng's tone was not as resolute as before, so he said, "I have an idea. If you are really interested in the business of the billiards room, then let's continue to do it."

"What do you mean?" Xu Peng was stunned and didn't quite understand.

"We can set up a billiards club or club, and we can make the business bigger, not limited to the present." Yang Ming explained.

"However, it takes a lot of money..." Of course, Xu Peng also wants to do a good job in business. Who doesn't want a bigger business?

"Hey, Dapeng, you don't have money, Brother Yang has it!" Li Dagang laughed and said, "Brother Yang pays for you, and then you go to run the business and make a profit in half. Is that okay?"

Li Dagang knew that Yang Ming didn't care about this money at all, so he directly made the decision for Yang Ming and said it.

"Ah... how good is this..." Xu Peng knows that if you really open a club like Yang Ming, you can't do it without millions of capital, and this money is basically equivalent to Yang Ming's personal power. As the saying goes, how can you get half of the profit?

"What Li Dagang said is actually what I mean." Yang Ming smiled and said, "Our buddies don't have to be polite. Think about it and think it will work. Let's plan it carefully. Don't worry, I'll take out three or five million yuan at once, and it won't hurt my vitality.

After listening to Yang Ming's words, Xu Peng looked shocked. Originally, he thought that the investment of one million was a large amount, but he didn't expect Brother Yang to invest three or five million to do this!

It's false to say that Xu Peng is not careful, but if he can't do it well and lose all Brother Yang's money, what should he do? Although Brother Yang certainly can't blame him for this, he also feels uncomfortable.

And Xiaoying beside him was even more stunned. I didn't expect that Dapeng still had such a powerful friend, and he was a good buddy. Why didn't he mention it before?

"Well, I'll think about it." Xu Peng nodded seriously. He nodded. Yang Ming's intention, he also understands that Yang Ming is actually helping him, otherwise, Yang Ming will definitely not be interested in investing in billiards clubs.
