very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1009 Give Jiajia to You

Yang Ming casually took a bottle of green tea, opened it and took a few sips. Xia Hail couldn't wait to wake up Chen Afu, but Chen Afu asked confusedly, "Who are you?"

Xia Bingying lit up the certificate in front of Chen Afu's eyes. Of course, it was the military's certificate, otherwise the other certificate would not be known to ordinary people.

Yang Ming is a little funny, but the procedure of handling cases in Xia Hail is not clear. He walked over and shouted to Chen Afu, "Chen Afu, tell me more about what you have done!"

Chen Afu was shocked when he heard Yang Ming's voice. His face was earthy and he didn't dare to hide anything. He said what he had done, including the previous things that pretended to scare people in the hospital.

But Xia Bingying heard it with a solemn look: "It's a bee... Can you make an appointment with the person who instructed you behind your back?"

Yang Ming was happy to see that Xia Binghail had the intention to continue. If Xia Hail directly solved the right elder, it would be great.

"I said Lao Xia, it's okay, so I'll go first." Yang Ming said, "However, if this boy doesn't cooperate, you can call me. I'm sure there is a way to ask him to cooperate anymore!"

Chen Afu trembled all over. Yang Ming's fear was from the bottom of his heart. Since Yang Ming had something to say, how dare he not cooperate? He nodded repeatedly: "Brother Yang, I know, I know..."

The matter involves mysterious tricks, so it can't be characterized by ordinary criminal cases. Xia Bingying is also aware of the seriousness of the matter, so he is ready to directly intervene in the investigation in the name of the Mysterious Investigation Bureau. Yang Ming is not proficient in these things. It is a great credit to catch Chen Afu, so Xia Bingying did He said, "Okay, leave the rest to me! Yang Ming, you have made such a great contribution as soon as you joined. I'm really right about you! Don't worry, I will definitely help you. This credit is not yours.

Yang Ming's fame and fortune are very weak. If you want to be a hero and kill Ji Shuidi in those years, you won't be so low-key. He smiled and said, "Forget it. I don't want to be promoted either. If there is really merit. Just give it to Xia Xue. You won't object, will you?"

"Xia Xue?" Xia Bingji was stunned by Yang Ming. There was an elmetic smile on the corners of his mouth: "Well, after the case is handled. It should always be transferred to the local police station. Therefore, the credit to the outside world will be credited to them. But what you said is a good suggestion. Anyway, Xia Xue is also my own sister..."

"All that's it. Let's take care of it." Yang Ming sent a credit to Xia Xue last time. It's not bad for this one. And if there is summer hail to fly, I won't say anything.

At least the mysterious investigation bureau solved the land case. People say that the credit will be given to whoever they give it.

"Wait. Yang Ming is your ID card. Xia Bingying handed Yang Ming a file bag and said, "The express mail came to the ground. I just arrived today.

"Oh." Yang Ming took it casually in his hand. I don't care much. Yang Ming is doing business. Do you still use these things? For example, catching Chen Afu. Isn't it the same without a certificate?

After leaving the Guobin Hotel, Yang Ming went straight home and will help Zhao Ying move tomorrow. It's already very late. I have to go back and have a good rest.

Over there, Xia Binghail did not neglect at all. He quickly made Chen Afu's record and asked detailed questions about some details. However, what Chen Afu knows is indeed limited, and it is those things that are repeated.

It is not wrong that Chen Afu is the culprit of this case, but the people behind him are even more suspicious! It is impossible for the Mysterious Investigation Bureau to know this kind of person who endangers the safety of society and the public with the corpses of the dead.

But the seriousness of the matter has exceeded expectations. Xia Bingying had to call the director for instructions. After hearing this, the director was also very surprised. He didn't expect this to be the case, and he could not make a decision immediately. He had to reply to Xia Bingbing after the meeting tomorrow to study.

However, Xia Hail is not in a hurry. It is a fantasy to catch the right elder with his own strength. It must have a large number of people to cooperate.

Yang Ming returned to the villa, but unexpectedly appeared. The light in the villa was still on. Looking at the watch, it was already past twelve o'clock. At this time, haven't the three maids slept yet?

Yang Ming walked to the door of the villa and tried to ring the doorbell. Before long, the door was opened. It was Aunt Li who came to open the door: "Mr. Yang, you're back. Jiajia's mother is here."

"Ah?" Yang Ming was stunned: "Hasn't Jiajia's mother left yet?"

"No, I'm chatting in the living room, and Miss Chen and Miss Lin are together." Aunt Li said.

Yang Ming has said many times about the name of Aunt Li, a gentleman and a lady, but when she said it, Aunt Li promised well, but turned her head and returned to its original state. Yang Ming had no choice but to let her go.

It may be a habit formed during the unified training. Yang Ming did not deliberately correct it. ( Read the novel network all the way, mobile phone station w-a-p.1<6>k.c-n)

Yang Ming frowned. He and Zhou Jiajia's mother, Mr. Hua, had nothing in common. Mr. Hua's aggressive appearance at the beginning, Yang Ming still remembers vividly at this moment.

Originally, Yang Ming planned to go out to hide and wait for Mr. Hua to leave before coming back, but on second thought, this is his home. Why did he hide himself?

Thinking of this, Yang Ming raised his legs and walked in. He saw Mr. Hua sitting on the sand not far away and chatting with Zhou Jiajia. Chen Mengyan and Lin Zhiyun also sat aside with a smile on their faces. It could be seen that the four of them chatted well.

"Aunt Hua." Although Yang Ming had some resentment for her, he was an elder after all, and he would be one of his mother-in-law in the future. Yang Ming only shouted respectfully.

"Yang Ming is back!" When Hua saw Yang Ming, he turned his head happily and said, "Auntie has been waiting for you for a long time, but I heard that you have something to do, so I didn't ask Jiajia to call you."

"Well," Yang Ming answered faintly and said, "Aunt Hua..." But when the words came to his mouth, he didn't know what to say. Yang Mingxian, he really had nothing in common with Mr. Hua.

Maybe because of the estrangement, Yang Ming was a little embarrassed and had to find a topic casually: "Aunt Hua, you left. Does it matter to be in the company?"

"It's okay. It's the vice president. It's the same when I'm not here. Besides, the recent projects are on track. It's okay if I go or not." Mr. Hua smiled and said, "After something happened to Jiajia, I figured it out. Business and so on are really not very important. What have I struggled for all my life? Isn't it for Jiajia to have a happy life in the future?

So, seeing Jiajia's happiness now, I'm satisfied. It's useless to ask for that money... Moreover, Jiajia follows you, and there is no shortage of money..."

Mr. Hua's words were very strange. Yang Ming was embarrassed. It is estimated that Hua always did not reveal his background in front of him before complaining Yang Ming. If she had revealed her background earlier, she would not have been so good to Yang Ming.

After listening to Mr. Hua's words, even though he had a grudge against her, he also faded a lot. He sat on the sand opposite and said, "Aunt Hua, it would be great if you could think so."

"Yang Ming, through the contact just now, I think Chen Mengyan and Lin Zhiyun are also very good girls and good to Jiajia, so I also believe that they will not bully Jiajia, but you, don't let Jiajia down!" Mr. Hua smiled and sighed.

Yang Ming didn't expect that Mr. Hua would suddenly say this. Listening to her tone, he seemed to have officially given Zhou Jiajia a promise to him. Yang Ming was suddenly excited.

Although Yang Ming doesn't care so much about Mr. Hua's opinion, and even if she opposes it, it is impossible to stop the fact that she is with Zhou Jiajia, with Mr. Hua's approval, there is a lot less resistance.

Yang Ming doesn't care, but it doesn't mean that Zhou Jiajia doesn't care at all. Although Zhou Jiajia has said before that she doesn't care about the opposition at home, it is inevitable that she will feel a little uncomfortable, and now, all these problems no longer exist.

"Don't worry, Aunt Hua, I will be good to Jiajia..." Yang Ming has never encountered such a scene and doesn't know how to deal with it, but he still learned what he saw on TV and assured Aunt Hua.

Obviously, Aunt Hua didn't care what she said to Yang Ming, but nodded with a smile. Now that she has figured it out, it doesn't make much sense for Yang Ming to say anything. She just cares about whether Zhou Jiajia will be happy in the future.

Aunt Hua nodded, took Zhou Jiajia's hand, reached in front of Yang Ming, and said very solemnly, "Yang Ming, then I'll give Jiajia to you. If you treat her well, I won't forgive you!"

Yang Mingcheng stood up in fear, took Zhou Jiajia's hand from Aunt Hua's hand, held it tightly in his hand, and was very excited: "Aunt Hua, I know."

Zhou Jiajia was already shy at this moment, and her little face was red, like a cooked crab shell. She lowered her head and dared not make a sound, at the mercy of Yang Ming and Aunt Hua.

"Jiajia, let's have a hug to prove our love." As Yang Ming said, he stretched out his big hand and gave Zhou Jiajia a hug.

Zhou Jiajia came out of Yang Ming's arms in a hurry: "What are you doing... Mom is still watching..."

"It's just to let her see it. Didn't you see that Aunt Hua is worried about us, so we have to love her and reassure her!" Yang Ming said seriously. He said seriously.

Aunt Hua looked at Yang Ming and his happy daughter and sighed slightly. After this incident, Aunt Hua has seen it very much, and the rest are secondary. As long as Jiajia likes it, just ask her to do it...