very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1025 Wei Jin has an appointment

Although the two organizations merged under Yang Ming's proposal, it still takes a long running-in time to truly integrate, which is obviously impossible in a day or two.

However, Yang Ming was not in a hurry. After all, Rome was not built in a day. He promised Wang Xiaoyan that it would take a long time to make the Black Butterfly Organization stronger and bigger and become a world-class organization within four years.

Seeing a new concept that is completely different from her previous one to manage the killer group, Wang Xiaoyan is a little confused. It seems that her previous gap is really not a little bit.

It may be a kind of luck for God to ask her to meet Yang Ming. Thinking of her previous killer group, it's really a little simple and ridiculous. If you want to be among the top killer groups in the world with such a last-class organization, it's simply a dream.

Although there are many contradictions between himself and Yang, it seems that the cooperation is still pleasant, and if it weren't for Yang Ming, he might have been killed when he was in Macao.

All the mistakes can only be described in combination. Now, looking at the powerful and mysterious man around her, Wang Xiaoyan no longer feels that he is so annoying. The impression of Yang Ming has also changed from the previous disgust to a slight good impression now... No wonder Wang Xiaoyan's impression will change so quickly. After the two of them have been together for a long time, they will have a little good impression. Often, not to mention frequent "intimate contact", but it's only when Yang Ming is not serious, he is too playful and smiling. It can't be seen that he is still a person who does great things.

After the arrangement, Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan left the secret base.

"You're doing well here!" Wang Xiaoyan couldn't help praising. Only by comparing can we understand our own shortcomings. After seeing Yang Ming's training place, Wang Xiaoyan realized that she was just a small fight before.

Although Wang Xiaoyan also saw that the training place at home was really done by herself, Wang Xiaoyan was a little unable to do it. She felt that it was too cumbersome and complicated to train her hands, so she directly recruited a group of similar masters to serve herself.

But it's only now. This man's land is mixed. That's the fundamental reason for hindering the killer group's exhibition.

"It's okay. What's wrong? Do you have confidence in me?" Yang Ming asked with a smile.

"You people. Are they all trained from scratch?" Wang Xiaoyan doesn't believe in the talents trained in batches. It's much better than the talent she worked so hard to find.

"They are all graduates of martial arts schools. It's a little hard work." Yang Ming replied.

Wang Xiaoyan was speechless. Martial arts school... Can the students of the martial arts school be compared with the killer? Isn't this the same as no foundation? Suddenly, I was a little depressed. Why do you think you used to be so bad!

Yang Ming is like a giant aircraft carrier. I made a small sampan boat to row and row the ground. There is no comparison at all.

"Aren't you afraid that I will betray you? Such an important place has brought me here. Wang Xiaoyan said angrily. Yang Ming is really annoying. Why is he so much better than himself?

"Ha," Yang Ming smiled indifferently: "What's the point of going to such an important place?"

"What's important? What's important about mine? Compared with yours, it's just a small workshop. Why is Wang Xiaoyan so strange when she listens to Yang Ming's words? It's a little sarcastic.

"I didn't say you were at the base of the shantytown," Yang Ming shook his head.

"Then what are you talking about?" Wang Xiaoyan asked strangely.

"It's about the place on you..." Yang Ming smiled obscenely: "I often visit such an important place on you..."

Wang Xiaoyan's face turned red, and she suddenly understood what Yang Ming was saying. She couldn't help crying and laughing. Yang Ming told him that he was busy, but he got involved in messy things. However, it was also extremely relaxed. It seems that the two of them will not be boring to carry out tasks together in the future.

"What are you talking about? Again, don't go again!" Wang Xiaoyan stared at Yang Ming and threatened.

"Hey hey..." Yang Ming didn't care: "What you said doesn't count... She welcomes me infinitely every time."

"Go to hell." Wang Xiaoyan said angrily.

Two people are talking and laughing, Yang Ming 1 (6) novel mobile phone station vwap77. The phone sorted out by C rang up, but it was a strange number. Is it so late that a stranger called himself?

"Hello?" Yang Ming answered the phone.

"Are you Yang Ming?" The other party asked bluntly.

"Who are you?" Listening to the other party's voice was a little familiar, but Yang Ming couldn't remember who it was for a moment.

"I'm Wei Jin." The other party was very frank and said directly.

"Wei Jin?" Yang Ming suddenly frowned. What kind of phone call did this guy call himself at night? Although your phone number is not a secret, you can know it by looking it in the people who know you or in the school file,

If he didn't do this on a special basis, Yang Ming didn't think that he and Wei Jin could have it.

"I have something to talk to you about. Are you free?" Wei Jin didn't want to go around in circles, and he was not in the mood to go around. Naturally, there was one, one, two and two.

"Talk to me? Now?" Yang Ming heard it inexplicably. Did he know Wei Jin very well?

"Yes, now." Wei Jin said affirmatively.

"What do we have to talk about? We are not familiar with each other, are we? Yang Ming was in the heart. Could it be that this guy knew that he had killed Laozi and Zheng Laoliu?

It's impossible. The police media don't have any clues. Where does he know where to go? He also has no power.

"I want you to do something for me, but as a thank you, I can give you a great reward." Wei Jin was afraid that Yang Ming would hang up the phone, so he said urgently, "How's it going? Are you interested?"

After all, there are some holidays between individuals, and Wei Jin is also afraid that Yang Ming will ignore him.

"Do something? What's the matter?" After listening to Wei Jin's words, Yang Ming became interested. After all, Yang Ming still coveted Wei's company.

"Can we meet and talk about this?" Wei Jin paused for a moment and finally didn't say anything on the phone. He felt that it was safer to meet and talk in detail, at least to see Yang Ming's reaction.

"Okay, let's go to heaven and earth,: just book a room, and then text me the room number." Yang Ming thought for a moment and said. In his own territory, he is not afraid of what will happen to Wei Jin.

Hang up the phone, Yang looked at Wang Xiaoyan beside him, and then said, "Go and meet someone with me later."

"Aren't you afraid that I know too much about you?" Wang Xiaoyan looked at Yang Ming with a smile.

"What's so scary? I know your depth, and you also know my length, each other..." Yang Ming said with a smile.

"Oh..." Wang Xiaoyan felt strange after hearing it. What's the depth and length, and she still pulled up the text? Just say that everyone knows each other's secrets, right?

However, looking at Yang Ming's **** appearance, Wang Xiaoyan felt that something was wrong. Did he mean anything else?

"deep and shallow", "length"...

Wang Xiaoyan thought about Yang Ming's tone carefully, and suddenly understood it. She was suddenly ashamed and also knew what Yang Ming said: "Can you usually think of something serious?"

"Why am I not serious?" When Yang Ming saw Wang Xiaoyan's appearance, he also knew that she had thought about it.

"What do you mean by the length and depth of what you said?" Wang Xiaoyan questioned.

"It's not interesting," Yang Ming said innocently, "It's just that we already know a lot about each other. Does it mean anything else?"

"You..." Wang Xiaoyan's little face turned red with anger by Yang Ming, but she couldn't explain. She couldn't explain to him what is deep and what is long, can she?

"Oh, did you think this pure word wrong?" Yang Ming suddenly looked like you were exposed by me. He looked at Wang Xiaoyan and said, "Oh, I said Xiao Yanyan, although it doesn't matter if our current relationship is occasionally ambiguous, you can't think about these lustful things all day long. You will have no intention to do business."

Yang Ming's words directly made Wang Xiaoyan's face blue with anger, and he just wanted to kill people. But I'm not Yang Ming's opponent. I can't beat him, so I have to give up.

However, he turned his face angrily and didn't look at Yang Ming.

Yang Ming smiled and didn't say anything. The relationship between the two was like a little couple who had just fallen in love.

It's just that my relationship with Wang Xiaoyan is a little difficult to deal with.

This girl must not be taken home. If she doesn't use Chen Mengyan's nature, she will definitely be jealous. Wang Xiaoyan may not be able to tolerate Chen Mengyan. In case she goes to assassinate Chen Mengyan again, she will be busy every day.

Yang Ming parked his car at the door of heaven and earth. Wei Jin had already sent a text message on his mobile phone. He was in Room 6 of heaven and earth.

Yang Ming got out of the car and saw that Wang Xiaoyan was still sitting in the car angrily. She was a little helpless. This little girl can also play with her young lady's temper! Yang Ming scratched his scalp and said, "Xiao Yanyan, get out of the car."

"If you don't go, go by yourself. I don't want to know your length. Your business has nothing to do with me." Wang Xiaoyan gritted her teeth and said.

"You already know," Yang Ming opened the car door with a smile, and then whispered, "Go quickly, don't waste time. After returning home at night, our family will continue to learn each other's strengths."

Wang Xiaoyan blushed and snorted coldly, "Don't you admit that it's your own dirty thoughts?"

"All right, I admit it." Yang Ming said helplessly, "It's okay now." Anyway, it doesn't matter if Yang Ming admits this kind of harmless thing.

"It's almost..." Wang Xiaoyan jumped into the car with a triumphant smile on her face.