very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1073 Friends Party

Thinking of this, Yang Ming took out a tool and began to carefully polish the material. According to the size of the material, hundreds of "flying needles" can be processed. Although this kind of work can be handed over to the factory outside for batch processing, Yang Ming can't wait. The second reason is that this material is so special that in case the processor accidentally finds the secret of it when his fingers bleed, it will be a little unfavorable to him.

He uses it as a hidden weapon for killing people. If that person has a heart, he may think of something from it. This is not what Yang Ming wants to see.

However, Yang Ming was not in a hurry to eat a fat man in one bite. After carefully processing five, he stopped. With these five on his body, it was basically enough. After it was used up, it was not too late to make a new one.

It's just that even if Yang Ming only made five such flying needles, it took a lot of time. After all, Yang Ming is not professional, and it takes a lot of effort to polish.

After Yang Ming finished the five needles, he carefully pocketed his pocket, reached out where he could get them at any time, and then looked at the time. It was basically the time agreed with Sun Jie. Yang Ming carefully put the rest of the materials in the cabinet, and then went downstairs.

Yang Ming walked a little early. This time happens to be the peak time for students to get off work and from school, so traffic jams are inevitable. He drove to Sun Jie's company, and Zhang drove slowly behind Yang Ming.

It was exactly 5:40 downstairs when she arrived at Sun Jie's company, which was 20 minutes away from the agreed six o'clock. Yang Ming called Sun Jie. Sun Jie was also busy with the company's affairs and was packing up. After receiving Yang Ming's call, she said that she would come down soon.

Sure enough, Yang Ming waited for a long time before he saw Sun Jie come out of the company. Yang Ming got out of the car and opened the co-pilot's door.

"Did you drive? What about my car? Update/New/Most/fast :///|.1|6||x|s.c||)" Sun Jie came to Yang Ming and asked.

"Your car is still in the company first. Anyway, it's an underground warm warehouse, and the car won't be frozen." Yang Ming said. In fact, Yang Ming doesn't want to drive her sports car every time he goes out with Sun Jie. The Audi R8 has become the symbol of Sun Jie. Almost everyone who knows Sun Jie knows her car. Yang Ming drives that car is more or less suspected of being a fan.

Even if Yang Ming is very thick-skinned, he doesn't want to be despised all the time. Besides, Sun Jie's face may not be good-looking.

"Then you have to take me home in the evening," Sun Jie said and got into the car.

"I'll stay at your house directly at night." Yang Ming said with a smile.

After hearing this, Sun Jie stared at Yang Ming and said, "It's beautiful!"

"I'm looking for you on business." Yang Ming looked right, and then said, "About the real estate company, I'm going to enter the real estate industry."

"I heard that you bought Dekang Real Estate a while ago, and the price was not bad." Sun Jie said, "But if you want to enter the real estate industry, it is a little complicated. The water of the real estate industry is relatively deep. Our family has been doing other businesses for many years before turning to the real estate industry. However, almost all the underground forces in Songjiang are yours, and there should be no obstacle. Even the existing real estate companies dare not trouble you.

"Yes, but I still have a lot of things in the industry that I don't know. I want to ask you for advice." Yang Ming said.

"Okay, let's talk about it in the evening." Sun Jie thought for a moment and said, but did not refuse again.

The place where Sun Jie went to the appointment was nightless. As Song Jiang's iconic entertainment city, it is very popular with some white-collar workers, and everyone tacitly knows that the owner of this nightclub has a strong background, and it is very safe to play here. (more/new/most/fast :///|.1|6||x|s.c||) will not find trouble. Mix.

Indeed, who dares to find fault in the base camp of the violent Sanli? Isn't that boring? These white-collar consumers also want peace of mind, so the business is also extremely hot.

Although this is a cash cow, the eyesight of the violent Sanli at this moment are not so short. He also sees the future and business opportunities of the security company, and is committed to running the security company with Hou Shock.

Yang Ming parked the car well. In front of the night, it was a very large self-use parking lot, which looked very magnificent, especially the row of full parking spaces, which seemed to be booming business all night.

"Welcome, sir, madam, do you have an appointment?" The greeters standing on both sides of the door politely bowed and said hello. The two little girls are very beautiful and classy, but no one dares to flirt easily. Although these little greeters have no big background, the boss behind them is really not what ordinary people can provoke.

The sharp-eyed security guard suddenly recognized Yang Ming, stared at the greeter, hurriedly came over and said, "Brother Yang! You are here!"

Yang Ming smiled and waved his hand: "It's okay. Go ahead. I'll come here with my friends. I've already booked a room."

"Okay, Brother Yang, call me anytime if you have something to do!" Hearing the famous words, the security guard knew that Yang Ming didn't want to be disturbed, so he hurriedly retreated.

"Lilac bun room, let's just go up by ourselves." Sun Jie looked at Yang Ming with a smile. This feeling was a little fun, just like she was in the East China Sea. When she went in and out of some entertainment places, someone would recognize her and respectfully call herself "Miss Sun".

After Yang Ming and Sun Jie left, the greeter asked the security guard around him in surprise. You know, this security guard is the security captain here, the boss's cronie. I don't know who can make him so respectful, "Brother Wang, who were those two just now?"

"Brother Bao's brother, a big man, is said to have known Brother Bao in prison, and later fought with Brother Bao. Even Brother Bao respects him very much!" The security captain doesn't know much, he just knows a little about it, but even so, it's enough for him to brag.

"Ah!" The greeter was stunned and said, "I really didn't see it. He doesn't look very big. It seems to be similar to me?"

"What's the same?" The security captain stared and said, "Don't talk nonsense, let alone have unrealistic ideas. Yang Ming can't like you."

"Ah.... Mobile phone reading novel access.1б χS. ℃..." The little greeter was told by the security captain, and his face suddenly turned red. However, the love of vanity is the nature of such an old girl. Who wants to be a greeter for the rest of his life? Looking at the past, many sisters had some rich and rich people. Although many knowledgeable mistresses and lovers, they also got The house and money and what they want.

It is impossible to say that Shen Yu was not tempted. Although it is a little shameful to exchange his youth and body for money, why don't you sell your youth now? When you are old and old, who will want you to be a greeter?

Fortunately, as a greeter at night, as long as the waiter inside is not voluntary, no one dares to force them. Sometimes, it is a blessing to have a tough boss.

After hearing the introduction of the security captain, Brother Wang, Shen Yuxi immediately fell in love with Yang Ming, because Shen Yuxi felt that his beauty was the best choice throughout the whole night. He couldn't find that kind of fat middle-aged uncle to be his boyfriend, and when he saw Yang Ming's young age, the background was not simple, so That's why I'm a little moved.

However, Shen Yuxi was also awake after being splashed with cold water by Brother Wang. Yang Ming didn't look at her much just now, which made Shen Yuxi even more a little lost. His proud face was dispensable in his eyes.

Pushing open the door of the lilac private room on the second floor, Yang Ming followed Sun Jie in, but was surprised to find that Yang Li was also in it, and Guo Jianchao and his girlfriend were also in it. However, there was another man and a woman that Yang Ming had never seen before.

"Why don't you say that Yang Li is also there?" Yang Ming glanced at Yang Li in the private room and said with a wry smile. Although the relationship between Yang Ming and Yang Li has eased a lot, with this relative, the relationship between Yang Ming and Sun Jie is a little unable to let go.

"You didn't ask me either?" Sun Jie smiled cunningly. She also knew that Yang Ming would not be honest when she was with her, but with Yang Li, it was obvious that Yang Ming would restrain a lot.

Guo Jianchao and Yang Ming's face suddenly changed. He naturally knew that Sun Jie was Yang Ming's woman. It was also because of this that Guo Jianchao's private relationship with Sun Jie had always been good. Of course, it was the kind of pure friendship relationship. Guo Jianchao did not dare to think too much, but he didn' What! What!

However, Guo Jianchao thought about it, and his girlfriend was also there, so he was relieved and stood up to say hello to Yang Ming. Yang Ming shook his head secretly, signaling him not to speak, because the other pair of men and women did not know who they were, and Yang Ming did not want to expose his identity in front of outsiders.

It's just Yang Li, but it's an exception. Yang Ming had to smile and said, "Sister, you're also there!"

Yang Li nodded and smiled, but she was very suspicious of the relationship between Yang Ming and Sun Jie, because she knew that Yang Ming and Sun Jie just pretended to be boyfriend and girlfriend at the beginning, and there was anyone chasing Sun Jie today. Guo Jianchao already had a girlfriend, and he would not think about Sun Jie at all. At such a party, What does it mean?

However, on second thought, it was because Zhang Xiaodan brought her boyfriend today, and Sun Jie also brought Yang Ming to show off, otherwise she seemed to be a "leftover girl". Of course, these were just Yang Li's guesses.

"This is my boyfriend Yang Ming." Sun Jie generously introduced Yang Ming to several people here: "Jianchao, you have known each other for a long time, not to mention Yang Li. Only Zhang Xiaodan is the first time to see him."