very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1084 The Last Night

Obviously, Lu Xinyang's words reminded Yang Ming. That's the purpose of these people. In this way, it can explain why they were robbed the bank as if they were on a mission, and they threw the stolen money from the robbery on the roadside.

In fact, the purpose of the employer's doing so is very simple. That is to confuse the eyes of the people in the middle, which makes people think that this group is the kind of gang that commits crimes continuously. Instead of coming for jewelry.

But why do employers create such an illusion? There will be nothing wrong with these people who know him who paid money to specialize in jewelry in time. This involves a problem. It is the internal crime problem that Sun Jie once said.

That is to say, only the employer is an insider. That's why I want to get out of the relationship. But the more he did, the more he revealed her identity.

Yang Ming called Chen Fei again. I plan to confirm my and Lu Xinyang's guess: "Uncle Chen, I want to ask what will those people do after their hands?"

"According to their explanation, after they get it, they will spray their marks on the exhibition hall. B, and then took the stolen jewelry at the intersection in front of the exhibition center. However, I sent someone there and didn't get anything. Probably the matter here has shocked his hireders behind the scenes. &Qu; Chen Fei said, "It's a little difficult to catch the people behind the scenes."

"I know..." Yang Ming nodded after listening to Cheng Fei's words and fell into meditation.

Is this the way to solve the problem? Although he didn't find out the messenger behind the scenes, at least all the people he hired were done. It's just that in this way, it has no impact on his behind-the-scenes employer. If these people are arrested, he will not lose anything. Instead, he doesn't even have to pay the remuneration.

This kind of mercenary regiment is like this. If you succeed, you have to take money. If you don't succeed or die, you have to bear the consequences, which makes Yang Ming very unhappy.

It seems that we can relax some vigilance in the future... Wait! The famous man was suddenly shocked, and he always felt that there was something wrong and didn't think about it!

Things can't be so simple. With the energy of the employer behind the scenes, doesn't he have a backhand? Put all your hopes on these mercenaries?

Moreover, the most important thing is that the second robbery of jewelry is obviously different from the first robbery. In the first robbery, most of them obviously deal with it. It belongs to the kind of quick battle. It ended the battle without waiting for the police to come.

But the second time is different. The jewelry robbery does not have to rob the bank. It is impossible to make a quick decision like robbing the bank. Moreover, the security at the jewelry exhibition is obviously much tighter than that of the small savings office. Therefore, it is also very difficult to implement, and it is easy to have such deviations. It is impossible for the behind-the-scenes employers not to consider this!

If so, the employers behind the scenes take this into account. It's done again, so there's only one possibility left, that is, they are bluffing, really behind!

The news came from Chen Fei again. The people who used money cameras before were also hired. They did the previous move after collecting 10 million yuan from others. The intention was not to rob! He just followed the client's wishes, attracted the attention of the security guard in the exhibition area on the first day and took action the next day.

Now, although it is impossible to clearly judge whether this person has a connection with the subsequent robbery gang, it should be inseparable from the time of occurrence.

Realized, the behind-the-scenes employer used the blue down jacket man as the first bait to attract the attention of the security guard in the exhibition area. While the blue down jacket man made an extreme move, the robbery gang took advantage of the chaos to implement the robbery plan.

Ruiran is a group of two people who have no contact with each other, but it is very likely to be employed by the same person at the same time. In this case, the two groups have completed the purpose of attacking east and west! It's just that the sound of the east and the west is likely to be a cover-up. The real killer behind the scenes is still useless, and Yang Ming dares not relax his vigilance at all.

Yang Ming doesn't believe that the people behind the scenes have not used his own strength. It is difficult to complete such an important plan without the people who rely on employment alone.

Or, he also thought that it was difficult to complete the task with these mercenaries, otherwise he could not have been so confident and boldly let them rob jewelry! Because he probably didn't think that they could succeed at all. The value of jewelry is huge. Compared with the remuneration he pays to mercenaries, it is really one heaven and one earth. These mercenaries will definitely understand the value of jewelry first, their after-sales service, and then hand over the jewelry. That can't be more stupid!

That is to say, the mercenary only uses these mercenaries as guns. As for the intersection or something, the mercenary probably didn't send anyone to connect

Thinking of this, Yang Ming probably has a clue.

"Still go all out" Yang Ming told Li Qiang, "Especially tonight, don't take it lightly."

Like yesterday, the Convention and Exhibition Center was closed by the judges, and tourists withdrew from the exhibition hall one after another. And merchants are also cleaning up their display cabinets in an orderly manner.

In the exhibition area, the previously destroyed display cabinet has also been replaced with a new one, and the security guard on duty has also been in a good spirit, which has made them particularly nervous for a few days.

This night is longer than yesterday.

After all, nothing happened during the day yesterday. Although everyone was nervous, it was not so much, and today is different. No one can guarantee that the people behind the scenes will be in trouble again. This is all unexpected.

Yang Ming is still sitting in a business car near the Convention and Exhibition Center, showing the movement of the whole exhibition hall.

One night, it passed like this. There was no change as Yang Ming expected. It was calm, as if that scene had not happened at all during the day.

While Yang Ming was relieved, he was a little strange. It's impossible for the other party to give up so much, right? Logically speaking, it should not be. The other party must be waiting for the opportunity to do it again, but it is not possible for him to guess when to do it, and Lu Xinyang has no idea about it.

"I'm not Zhuge Liang alive... Naturally, I can't predict it." Lu Xinyang shrugged his shoulders and smiled bitterly, "Maybe it's day, maybe it's night. It may be robbery or theft, it is possible.

However, what made Yang Ming feel strange was that there was no movement during the third day. When the exhibition hall closed, the tourists left here, and there was no situation similar to yesterday.

At night, although Yang Ming did not relax his vigilance, it was still a peaceful night.

During the day of the fourth day and the night of the fourth day, it was still so calm that it was scary, as if the other party really gave up, making Yang Ming at a loss.

"I roughly guessed the other party's intention." On the fifth night, Lu Xinyang hesitated and said to Yang Ming.

Lu Xinyang only accompanies Yang Ming at night and sleeps during the day, so he is particularly energetic and can't sleep. In the past five days, the total time of the water surface is only 10 hours.

Although Yang Ming has been strictly trained, this song is also a little out of support, and his eyes are full of blood. He is sober and sober, but he is a little overdrawn.

"What's the intention?" Yang Ming is still engrossed in his intention to lock in the Convention and Exhibition Center.

&qu; The people behind the scenes may have guessed that after the next day's day, we will take stricter precautions. Lu Xinyang analyzed: "If nothing has happened on the third day, we should still be vigilant on the fourth day, and the same is true on the fifth day. There is an allusion called one drum, then decline, three exhaustion. We should continue to take precautions every day. There will definitely be times when we are tired, and the last day is the most tired and lax. Probably everyone will feel it. After the last night, there will be nothing to do, but this is often the most dangerous time. Our people are exhausted at that time, and it is very easy for the people behind the scenes to carry out robbery or theft."

"It's true..." Yang Mingshen nodded when he thought so: "So, you are the most dangerous time tomorrow night and the day after tomorrow?"

"It should be like this," Lu Xinyang nodded and said, "Of course, this is just my guess!"

The day after tomorrow is the last day of the exhibition. After the end, various manufacturers and owners of jewelry will withdraw the displayed jewelry, and whether there is any accident after the withdrawal, it doesn't matter whether it is famous. That is to say, the period before the withdrawal of jewelry is what Yang Ming should pay attention to and beware of

During the sixth day, it was also very stable. Occasionally, as Lu Xinyang expected, the high incidence period of the report was concentrated on the sixth day and the seventh day.

And the theft is most likely to be carried out on the night of the sixth bullet.

Under Yang Ming's deliberate arrangement, the security guards on duty began to feel drowsy, and even the security guards patrolling outside began to apply for slacking.

Of course, in this way, Yang Ming made such an abnormal posture and also wanted to warn the people behind the scenes, because in the first five nights, all the security guards were in a state of constant alert. Only on this last night, the security guards became tired. This obvious abnormal state could not be classified as "re-and-depleted". Ming Everyone can see that this gesture is intentional.

Although Yang Ming is also interested in the behind-the-scenes, he understands that even if he catches the treasure thief sent behind the scenes again this time, he will not gain much.

The person sent can't know too much, know too many people, and the person behind the scenes can't send him here! Therefore, Yang Ming really doesn't want to do useless work.

Get through this jewelry fair smoothly. Let's talk about other things later.

Of course, if this gesture can't scare away the person behind the scenes, Yang Ming doesn't mind playing with him. Let's have what Sun Jie said.

Yang Ming sat in the business car and still watched the exhibition hall of the entire convention and exhibition center.

The middle of the night passed, and no vision happened. At about three o'clock in the morning, a black Mercedes-Benz second bag stopped on the roadside at an intersection from the Convention and Exhibition Center. After the car stalled, no one got out immediately.

The Convention and Exhibition Center is not the center of the city, but a place that deviates from the commercial area. There are few residential areas nearby. They are all large enterprises and science and technology parks. It's okay during the day, but at night, there are basically no people.

It is also because of this that Yang Ming is very convenient to explore the movement of about one kilometer around the Convention and Exhibition Center. It's basically still life. As long as an animal appears, you will immediately notice it.

So the Mercedes-Benz van parked behind the roadside. It aroused Yang Ming's vigilance. Did anyone come down? Yang Ming checked the people in the car with his power.

There are not many people in the car, only two people. A driver, and a very thin man in black, is now observing the situation outside the window with an infrared night vision.

Yang Ming's heart was stunned, and the Lord finally came. Yang Ming naturally doesn't believe that ordinary citizens will take an infrared night vision device to watch the scenery on the street in the middle of the night. What this man did was obviously to observe whether there was an ambush nearby.

Yang Ming has no energy to set up a dark whistle one kilometer around the convention and exhibition center, and that person's observation

The result obviously made him very satisfied. After observing for a while, the man in black put away the infrared night vision device and put another pair of infrared night vision goggles on his face.

Although the night vision goggles can be night vision like night vision, the night vision goggles are so powerful and professional.

The man in black put a backpack on his shoulder, and then quickly jumped off Fenglai to the exhibition

Dive in the direction of the center.

Yang Ming smiled and did not give any instructions to Li Qiang, because Yang Ming also wanted to see Li Qiang's ability. Even if the man in black got it in the end, wouldn't he still be behind his yellow finch?

The man in black lurked near the center of the meeting. He did not approach directly, but used

The telescope observes the security of the Convention and Exhibition Center.

When he saw the scene specially arranged by Yang Ming, he was obviously stunned! I guess he has never seen such tired security guards! They walked slowly one by one, and even a guy had squatted in the corner and snore.

The expression of the man in black changed, and his face was full of doubts and hesitation.

Yang Ming observed the man in black with some fun. It seemed that his arrangement worked, which caused the man in black to have a certain amount of psychological pressure.

Sure enough, the man in black did not dare to make an initiative, but took out the phone and dialed a phone number. Unfortunately, he dialed with shortcut keys, and Yang Ming could not see the phone number of the person behind the scenes.

However, even if he sees it, it is probably a temporary number. With the caution of the people behind the scenes, he will not show his feet in these subtle things.

Yang Ming naturally no longer cares about this. He carefully stung the lips of the man in black, thinking about what he said.

"Boss, it's a little strange in the exhibition hall. The man in clothes said concisely.

"Oh? What's so strange?" Yang Mingran can't hear the sound on the other side of the phone. Yang Ming can understand the lips, but he can't understand the mobile phone signal.

"Security guard patrolling near the exhibition hall. All of them are lazy and detailed, not strict at all

Secret. It's like two people in the daytime. The man in black said.

At this moment, Yang Ming can also be completely sure that the man in black is facing the exhibition hall

The jewelry of

came from.

"Lazy and detailed? Are they different from each other?" After listening to the man in black, the boss thought about it

below. Then he said, "Ha ha, I didn't expect it. I play tricks, and Yang Ming can also play, and I want to be captured. He wants to scare us off directly. But it will disappoint him. Continue to follow the original plan! "

"Okay, I see." The man in black nodded and inferred the phone.

Although Yang Ming didn't know what the boss said to the man in black, according to the performance of the man in black, the person behind the scenes must have given him the order to continue to act.

The boss hung up the battery, snorted coldly, and said to another young man in his thirties beside him, "Yang Ming played a trick for me. Let all the security guards pretend to be slack..."

"Oh? Is Yang Ming quite smart? After hearing this, the young man snorted disdainfully: "He even guessed that we would act tonight!"

"Actually, it's not difficult to guess that there was nothing to do the first few nights. Tonight is the last night. Either tonight or tomorrow's day." The boss said.

"However, this is more suitable for us to act. The more he slacks off, the higher our chances of winning." The young man said, "Even if they pretend, they will definitely not be as strict as usual. "

"That makes some sense," the boss nodded, "I hope this action won't let me down. "

"Even if it doesn't work, it doesn't matter. This is just the beginning. The young man said indifferently, "There are still many tricks in the future. I hope Yang Ming will not die early, otherwise. There is really no one to play with! "

At this time, the boss really admired the young man. This man was really a natural and damaging material: "This time's plan is really good. The mercenaries only paid a deposit of 500,000 US dollars and it was settled. Sure enough, as you expected, these people were all handled by Yang Ming, and we even the rest of the maids No need to pay! Haha..."

"They are all going to die... Humph!" The young man smiled proudly, but thought that he had to rely on the boss now, so he changed into a flattering smile: "However, although I know that Yang Ming is very powerful, if you hadn't told me some other things about Yang Ming, I wouldn't have come up with this plan. After all, I thought it was impossible for Yang Ming to kill the mercenaries no matter how powerful he was. "