very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1155 Flying to Singapore

"Little Five. Why do you shoot casually? Alice asked one of her bodyguards.

"I was afraid that Mr. Yang would have an accident, so I shot Park Cheol-nan and killed the bodyguard named Xiao Wu. He explained carefully.

"Who let you shoot casually? Didn't you see that Yang Ming had controlled Park Chee-nan? Alice stared at Xiao Wu and said angrily.

"I, I'm sorry, Miss Alice..." Xiao Wu lowered his head and carefully apologized.

"Take him out. You should understand my rules here. I hate people who are presumptuous!" Alice waved her hand and said to the other bodyguard, "Xiao San, you go and deal with him."

"Yes!" Another bodyguard named Xiao San nodded, and then walked out of the room with the dejected Xiao Wu,

After leaving the room. Xiao San escorted Xiao Wu all the way to the end of the room, and then looked back and found that there was nothing strange. He let go of Xiao Wu's hand and smiled, "Let's go, let's have a drink!"

"Go!" Xiao Wuyi changed his dejected look before and changed into a smiling face.

In the room. Alice looked at Yang Ming with an apologetic face: "I'm sorry, my men are in trouble."

"Is it?" Yang Ming took his eyes back from the door panel and said lightly, "Nothing. I wanted to ask this Park Cheenan why he killed me, but it's not necessary now


"Isn't that necessary? What do you mean?" Alice was slightly stunned.

"Everyone is dead. Naturally, it is not necessary.

Yang Ming smiled. Then he said, "Okay, I've finished what I promised you. What about what you promised me?"

"I'm only fifteen years old. You don't really want to, do you?" Alice hesitated for a moment and asked.

"You don't look like fifteen years old." Yang Ming looked at Alice up and down and then said.

"So when do you want it?" Alice didn't expect that today's result would be like this. She could only take one step at a time and make plans if she could.

"Remember it first. As you said, you are only fifteen years old. Although you can't see it visually, I'm not feeling well in my heart. Let's talk about it when you become a person at the age of 16. Yang Ming waved his hand and said, "Are you all right? It's okay. I'll go first."

Yang Ming took off his suit and white scarf, threw them aside, and then turned around and walked towards the door.

Alice gritted her teeth and slowly touched her waist with her little hand. At this time, Yang Ming suddenly turned around!

"You...what's wrong with you?" Alice was shocked, and her hand was unnaturally removed from her waist.

"It's nothing. Park Che-nam wanted to kill me before. I'll see if his body was resurrected and planned to jump up and shoot me. ..." Yang Ming shrugged his shoulders and pointed to the body of Park Zhenan on the ground.

" is this possible?" Alice said with an embarrassed face.

"I don't think it's possible." Yang Ming smiled and said, "May I have hallucinations, right? I just vaguely felt that someone was going to shoot me?

Alice's expression suddenly became a little unnatural: "You think too much. I'll send you away"

"Of course you sent me, otherwise how can I go back? Do you think I can find Old Buffon's manor from here? Yang Ming looked at Alice and said with a smile.

"Oh, good" Alice nodded in a panic, but it was also for a moment, and then she returned to her normal look and smiled sweetly at Yang Ming.

This time, Alice drove Yang Ming back. Alice drove a two-door sports car, which is still a brand that Yang Ming has never seen before, but it doesn't matter. Many brands and styles of cars are not sold in China, and Yang Ming is not a car fan; I don't know it's normal.

The car drove slowly on the road. Although it was a sports car, Alice did not drive many pieces, but was very stable, not as calm as she should have this year.

"Alice. Which country are you from? Yang Ming suddenly asked. From the beginning, Yang Ming kept silent and didn't say anything, and Alice didn't say much.

Now Yang Ming's sudden opening of his mouth also made Alice slightly stunned.

"I'm Italian." Alice said with a smile.

"I'm talking about your place of origin." Yang Ming shook his head.

"Original origin? What do you mean? My ancestral home?" Alice looked at Yang Ming with some doubt: "I'm the same as you. It's from China

"Oh" It's nothing." When Yang Ming saw Alice's answer like this, he didn't say anything more


Until Old Buffon's manor, Yang Ming didn't say another word before saying goodbye to Alice. And Alice also seemed to be deliberately silent.

"When you are 16 years old, remember what you said, Yang Ming got out of the car and looked back at Alice: "Take care of yourself. At least until you are 16 years old, I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Oh, I hate it," Alice blushed in a panic.

Yang Ming walked to Old Buffon's villa without looking back, while Alice took a deep breath and touched her little hand on her waist, and then sighed helplessly again. I started the car and left.

After Alice drove away, Yang Ming's eyebrows were locked into a Sichuan figure. Today's development was beyond his expectation!

On the surface. Park Cheol-nam blushed because he lost himself and took out his hand to kill himself. And Alice's subordinate, Xiao Wu. I'm afraid that Park Cheol-nan will hurt himself. So, Park Cheol-nan was killed.

This, the process is very simple, but what actually?

First, Park Cheol-nan has no grievances and himself. Just because of gambling, can he want to kill himself with red eyes? Then when he sits in the position of the king of gambling, he must not know how many people have been killed. Obviously, it is impossible.

Second, Alice's subordinate Xiaowu, shoots in a sloppy way, which is unreasonable. How can the bodyguards around such an upper-class figure be so unruly?

Yang Ming, the person around old Buffon, has also seen it. How can there be such a person who doesn't know the rules? What about rushing to action without the master's order? Moreover, according to his situation at that time, he had controlled Park Chee-nan, and there was no need to shoot again!

However, these are just guesses, not the point! The point is, Xiao Wu and Xiao San's behavior after going out, and the ready-to-mov Alice behind him"

Who is this Alice? Which side does she represent? Everything has become a little confusing.

However, even if he guessed something, Yang Ming did not act rashly to kill Maligerben and Savingis, which would not cause any storm, but Alice was different! Her status in Europe chases old Buffon directly. If Yang Ming treats her, even with the strong intervention of old Buffon, I'm afraid the result will not be too ideal.

Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Yang Ming did not take any action against Alice for the time being.

I didn't expect that a visit to Europe could cause so much unnecessary trouble. However, it also made Yang Ming re-evaluate the strength of his opponent!

Your opponent does not seem to be as weak as you think, even stronger than your own power! At least one thing can prove that she was controlled by a certain force a few years ago. If Alice is really with any mysterious boss, it means that the boss has not become big in recent days!

In addition, it can also be seen that the boss established his own power outside very early. But what Yang Ming didn't expect was that there was still the power of the boss in Europe.

It's no wonder that Yang Ming thinks so, because Yang Ming really can't think of any other enemies!

It's just that this enemy. Where on earth did you provoke him? The only thing Yang Ming couldn't figure out was why a boss who had a lot of power a few years ago suddenly became his enemy!

If it's easy for him to kill himself before he gets the power and before he embarks on the road of awesomeness, but it's okay at that time. Is it the enemy he got married after he gradually became stronger?

Yang Ming sighed slightly. Don't think about things that you can't figure out for the time being. It doesn't make any sense to break your brain. You'd better do the things in front of you.

In the sports car, Alice dialed a phone call.

"Brother, it's my little love." Alice said succinctly.

"How's it going?" The male voice on the other side of the phone still asked in his strange low voice.

"It didn't work." Alice sighed: "Where did this Park Zhemang come from? After taking out the gun, he didn't shoot directly. Instead, he grinded and said a word without nutrition. He didn't accept it, what to make a fault or something. As a result, he took advantage of this moment and directly asked Yang Ming to control it,"

"Oh?" The man's breathing became a little short: "What did Park Cheol-nam say?"

"No, I was shot and killed by Xiao Wu." Ai Zaisi said.

"Dead? Forget it, he's not mine. He just bought it for hundreds of millions. It's better to die, and you don't have to pay the reward. The man obviously had no big reaction to Park Cheol-nam's death: "He can only blame himself. You said this when you took out the gun, but you were quite decisive.

"I'm also afraid that Park Che-nan will say anything nonsense." Alice explained.

"Um. It's nothing. Why is Yang Ming so easy to kill? The man smiled and said, "Kill and kill. It may not be the time he was killed by me if he was not careful."

"Hehe" but. Brother. Yang Ming seems to have noticed something. Alice always has a strange feeling as if Yang Ming knows something.

"Is it? He had already noticed something. But there is no evidence. It doesn't matter. He can't think it's me," the man said indifferently.

"That's good!" Alice breathed a sigh of relief: "Yes, there is one more thing. That's what I promised Yang Ming. What should I do?

"What do you think?" The man asked.

"What do you think? Do you think I will really give myself to Yang Ming as a reward? Alice also asked back.

"Ha ha, it's not impossible. When men do that, they are more focused and don't pay attention to other things. In this case, if you kill him," the man said with a smile.

The expression on Alice's face condensed in an instant, and then said, "Oh," I know."

Yang Ming's trip to Europe. It's coming to an end. I stayed here because I promised Alice to help her participate in a gamble. Now that the gamble is over, Yang Ming should also leave.

However, Yang Ming has no legal identity here, if he goes to Singapore. You can only choose the means of smuggling, which is a little troublesome. Otherwise, you will have to smuggle back to China first, and then go to Singapore by legal means.

"Did the old Buffong Xiao have a fake European identity in Yi Handan, and then visited Xin Jiahui_Zan Ming in this capacity.

"Identity? Of course, there is no problem." Old Buffon smiled and said, "No matter who you are now, whether it's a stowaway or a black household. I can let you get a legal body immediately

"Um, then please help me get a legal identity with Yanyan." Yang Ming didn't expect Old Buffon to agree so easily, but, in such a capitalist country, with Old Buffon's identity and status, these things are not a matter.

"There is no problem with this!" The old Feng nodded, and his face also showed a reluctant expression: "Master, are you leaving now, less

"Naturally, I can't live here all the time." Yang Ming saw what old Buffon looked like. It's also a little sad. After all, after getting along with each other for a while, Yang Ming also fell in love with old Buffon.

"Then will you come again?" Old Buffon knew that Yang Ming could not stay by persuading him, so he didn't force anything.

"Definitively." Yang Ming smiled and said, "Even if you don't come here, you will go to the country. The country is very close to here. If you miss me, you can come and see me at any time!"

"Then it's settled, Master, don't want me!" Old Buffon is not a pretentious person. After saying this, he was busy with his business.

It is said to be a business. In fact, it's just a phone call. Sure enough, as Yang Ming expected, it's here. There is nothing that money can't solve. Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan are Asian immigrants who come here to invest. A close business partner of the Buffon family.

In this name, Yang Ming can't laugh or cry, but it doesn't matter. It's just an identity.

After a day's rest, Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan boarded Mao's flight to Singapore. Huang Lele's side should not wait too fast, right?

Yang Ming is ready to contact Huang Lele after arriving in Singapore, which is a small surprise for her.

"After arriving in Singapore, you can do your work. Don't worry about me." On the plane, Wang Xiaoyan suddenly said.

"Oh?" Yang Ming was stunned and looked at Wang Xiaoyan puzzledly.

"It's not easy for me to show up at Huang Lele's house." Wang Xiaoyan smiled and said, "It happens that I haven't been to Singapore yet. You don't have to worry about me. I'll turn around by myself.

Yang Ming looked at Wang Xiaoyan in surprise, but he didn't expect that she would take the initiative to bring up this matter.

"What? Why do you look at me with such eyes? Wang Xiaoyan stared at Yang Ming.

"Nothing" Yang Ming shook his head. Sometimes, Wang Xiaoyan's idea was really difficult to think about.

Singapore Changi Airport.

After getting off the plane. Yang Ming just found that it was almost the same as the land of China, and yellow people who spoke Chinese could be seen everywhere. No wonder Huang Lele and Huang Rongjin speak Chinese so fluently.

Chinese people in Singapore account for a large proportion of the local race, so although the official language here is Malay, Chinese is one of the most widely used languages.

After getting off the plane. Yang Ming dialed Huang Lele's phone. At this time, Huang Lele had been unclosed and was free to answer the phone, but Yang Ming went to Africa and the phone was changed to the Juxing phone. Huang Lele didn't know the number and couldn't be contacted.

"Hello?" Huang Lele hesitated to answer the phone, because it was a very strange number.

"Lele, it's me." Yang Ming said.

"Yang Ming! Where are you!" Huang Lele suddenly heard Yang Ming's voice, and his mood became happy. He said happily, "You finally called me. I can't even contact you!"

"Aren't I going to Africa to solve your family's affairs? Now that it's done, I'll come to Singapore immediately!" When Yang Ming said this, he obviously felt Wang Xiaoyan's contemptuous eyes, and suddenly blushed.

"It's settled" Ah, are you in Singapore?" Huang Lele asked in surprise.

"Um, I'm at Changi Airport in Singapore. Where do you live? I'll come to you!" Yang Ming said.

"No need. My second brother and I will pick you up at the airport! Just wait for me!" Huang Lele said quickly.

"All right. Then I'll wait for you at the airport." Yang Ming heard what Huang Lele said, so he readily agreed. Yang Ming is not familiar with this place. If he tells him the address, he may not be able to find it.

"Um, wait for me. I'll be there in a minute!" Huang Lele hung up the phone, quickly rushed out of his room and ran downstairs.

Today is the day when his father Huang Xiaofang was discharged from the hospital. The eldest brother and second brother were at home, discussing the company's affairs with his father in the living room downstairs. When Huang Xiaofang saw his daughter crackling down the stairs, he immediately frowned and said with a kind smile, "Lele, you are also a big girl. Why are you so careless about the image?"

"Dad, big brother. Second brother, Yang Ming is here. He is at the airport now!" Huang Lele said hurriedly.

"Oh? Is Yang Ming here?" Huang Rong listened and immediately stood up: "Then let's pick him up quickly!"

"Well, I just want to tell you this." Huang Lele nodded: "Dad, my second brother and I went to pick up Yang Ming?"

"Then go quickly. Don't let others wait too long!" Huang Xiaofang's impression of Yang Ming has also changed a lot. He was previously overwhelmed by the matter of the gold mine. Now the mentality is much calmer.