very pure and ambiguous

The 1186 Two Tasks

1186. Two tasks

The plan has been negotiated. Liu Cha and Qu Daming were relieved. Among these people, the fewest and least useful were Liu Cha and Qu Daming. If it hadn't been for the mysterious boss behind the scenes to let them cooperate with Tian Long, they could have sat on today's table.

However, obviously, neither Tian Long nor Sui Yuejin underestimated them. Although they are not very useful, they can play the role of informing at the critical moment. It's still very useful

In the early years of Sui Yuejin, he once knew a person in the killer industry, who was also well-known in the industry, so he also knew more about the killer platform.

After returning to the company. I used an agent to access the platform of the International Killer Organization. He has heard that the most famous killer group in the world is the butterfly killer group, and the first one is the killer

But the king of killer &qu;·! · He retired from the world many years ago, so Sui Yuejin still focused on the butterfly killer group, which ranked first in the world in terms of organization and second in points.

I took a look at the commission of the butterfly killer group. It's very high, but it doesn't matter. Anyway

Arita &qu;Dragon pays - he doesn't care. Sui Yuejin entrusted the task in accordance with the requirements on the stage

Of course, this is just a preliminary support. Whether the butterfly killer team can take over the task is another matter. It doesn't mean that if you release the task commission, they will definitely do it.

Killer &qu; group, many people choose tasks. In many cases, money is secondary, mainly depending on the difficulty of the task. However, Sui Yuejin is confident that this kind of task is small for such a large killer group, and the review is just a procedure.

After doing all this, Sui Yuejin breathed a sigh of relief. Admittedly, this is a good opportunity,

can not only take back the territory of Gitton City. And it can also avenge the original arrow.

The current &qu;Jidton&qu;City has developed much better than when Guo Jinbiao was there. At that time, the entertainment &qu; industry in Gitton City was very chaotic. It was completely a gray management mode. Watching the scene, fighting, collecting protection fees, there was no order at all, but it was violent. After the establishment, a special security company was set up to manage those entertainment venues. All of a sudden, the whole entertainment industry became orderly. While this made Sui Yuejin jealous, he also began to hold a grudge in his heart. After all, these should have belonged to him!

So, now this machine will come. How can he let it go? Besides, there are still people who pay for him.

Butterfly killer &qu; group is actually not strict in the review of this kind of small task. This kind of task is simply too ordinary, and even the preliminary reviewer can make the decision.

Sure enough, soon, Sui Yuejin received a letter of approval.

Si Yuejin was very happy. Just now, he had been sitting in front of the computer, constantly refreshing his mailbox, and finally saw the letter. Sui Yuejin quickly picked up the phone and dialed Tian Long's electricity

"Si Lao &qu; big, what's wrong? What's the matter?" Tian Long picked up the phone strangely. Several people had just broken up. Was there any news from Sui Yuejin so soon?

"Mr. Tian &qu;, the killer has been contacted, and the other side has also taken over the task. Now, as long as we pay for it. You can wait for the task to be carried out.

" Sui Yuejin &qu; stared at the computer screen and said to Tian Long on the other side of the phone.

"Oh? So fast?" Tian Long was very surprised by Sui Yuejin's efficiency: "Great, how much money does it cost? I'll transfer it to you!"

"It takes about 20 million..." Sui Yuejin said.

"Ty million... How much will it be?" Tian Long was a little surprised. Isn't the price a little too high? However, the money can be paid by the boss behind the scenes, so Tian Long didn't care, so he said, "Well, give me the account, and I'll transfer the money to you now."

Sui Yuejin didn't expect Tian Long to be so cheerful, but thinking that the money should be paid by the boss behind him, Sui Yuejin was relieved and directly reported his bank account: "My account is the bank. The root number is...

"Okay," Tian Long said, "I'll transfer the money now."

Very quick, Tian Long's money was transferred to Sui Yuejin's account. Sui Yuejin remitted the commission to the account of the Butterfly Killer Group through an international credit card, and took photos of Bao Sanli, Hou Shock and Guo Jianchao, the frequent location, office location, license plate number and three people. All the information about living habits was provided to the Butterfly Killer Group.

These things were provided by Liu Cha and Qu Daming.

For Liu Cha & qu; and Qu Daming. Sui Yuejin did not have any sense of rejection. Although the two did not contribute much, Sui Yuejin was originally aiming for Gidon, not Songjiang. He couldn't swallow the cake of Songjiang, and he didn't want to swallow it!

Sui Yuejin is a smart man. Knowing the scope of ability, Liu Cha and Xi-Daming are more powerful than his dragon in Songjiang. Instead of being unable to fight against them, it's better to &qu;sell him

human kindness. There may be opportunities for cooperation in the future.

After doing all this, Sui Yuejin fell into meditation. He didn't know who the mysterious boss behind the scenes was, and he didn't know why he wanted to cooperate with Tian Long for the reason.

At least from my point of view, I can get a lot of things without paying any benefits. This is a little unreasonable, and it feels like a pie falling from the sky.

If it hadn't been for Tian Long's position in the East China Sea, he would not have cooperated with Tian Long rashly. But so far, he has only seen that Tian Long has benefited from it, and has not paid any price.

There is no free lunch in the world. Sui Yuejin has been struggling in society for so many years. How can he not understand the truth? However. At present, the status of Sui Yuejin is not afraid of anything.

In his opinion, the boss behind the scenes is nothing more than some money, and he doesn't have much power. If so, do you still need Tian Long and Zi to help him with these things?

Wang Kejin is the killer of the new generation of the butterfly family. He has been an orphan since he was a child. He was adopted by the butterfly family and trained to be a killer. Although he is only 21 years old, he is already an experienced killer.

Although the tasks performed are relatively simple, Wang Kejin's skills are enough for higher-level tasks. However, Wang Kejin did not take the initiative to fight for anything, because there must be a process of experience in the growth of newcomers.

And Wang Kejin is already the most growing killer among the newcomers. He has been regarded as a key training object. In addition, if he has a better performance, he can devote himself to the master uncle's "tombstone" to learn more exquisite killer knowledge. This is the dream of all the disciples in the butterfly family.

Wang Kejin is lucky. He also understands that although these things have the results of his efforts, they also have the element of luck. If it hadn't been for the tasks he took, he would not have been able to create a record of 100% completion of the task.

It is precisely because of this record of 100% completion of the task that he has become the focus of training in the family. Those brothers who are on the same level with him have more or less failed in completing the task, which is not to blame on them. It can only be blamed for some tasks, which are more tricky.

So, Wang Kejin is lucky. He has become the envy of everyone. Wang Kejin also cherished this hard-won opportunity and was more conscientious, leaving no words for others.

"Wang Kejin, you haven't been to China to carry out the mission, have you?" The question was asked by Wang Kejin's training instructor. Nominally, he and the master's uncle's tombstone are the same, but he didn't get some martial arts essence of the butterfly family. I just learned some knowledge from the public.

"Yes, instructor." Wang Kejin replied respectfully.

"This time, there are two tasks. It's from Huaxia Songjiang. You can give it away and carry it out. The instructor handed over several materials to Wang Kejin.

Wang Kejin took over the information. After reading carefully, while reading, the instructor introduced: "The remuneration for these two tasks is not low. One of them was received a few days ago, and the target of the assassination was a college student. His name is Zhu Ming, 19 years old, studying in the Department of Computer Science of Songjiang University of Engineering.

According to the requirements of the client, we must kill a woman around Yang Ming together. The information is unknown. But it is certain. This woman is his girlfriend, so just kill the woman who is closer to Yang Ming.

Wang Kejin listened to the instructor. Nod his head. He has roughly read the information about Yang Ming. This is not a difficult task. It is just a college student, which should be relatively easy to complete.

After reading Yang Ming's information, Wang Kejin put it aside and focused on the second document.

"Of course, the previous Yang Ming is not technically difficult." The instructor did not take the task of assassinating Yang Ming seriously, and also focused on the later assassination task: "This second task is a little difficult. The three people on the material &qu; are all very powerful people in the local area. Both black and white have a lot of energy, and there are bodyguards around them, and they are likely to have guns. However. All three of them belong to the same company.

Wang Kejin nodded. Although it is not explicitly stated in the information, he can also judge from some words in the information that these three must be the characters of the local underworld. This task is not so simple to complete.

However, Wang Kejin was very excited. The family sent him to pick up a more difficult task! In contrast, he is more eager to perform these difficult tasks, because only in this way can he improve himself and sit down as soon as possible.