very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1209 A Play

Along the way, Goro was very honest. For this kind of person he can't afford to provoke, he won't take the initiative to provoke again. However, Goro couldn't figure out what these people were doing, and they didn't look like ordinary stowaways at all. Instead, he seems to be an identifiable person.

In the evening, Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan lived in the same room, and Victoria lived in the same room.

Victoria as a killer. It was keen to get a trace of murder from Wang Xiaoyan's body. But Yang Ming doesn't have such a feeling. Yang Ming gives people the feeling of peace. There is nothing special, but there is a unique temperament that makes people look up.

This is different from Bobby's feeling. Bobby is the kind of tyrannical high pressure, while Yang Ming is like a spring breeze, but full of awe. Maybe this is the charm of personality.

Victoria is a little strange about the fact that Wang Xiaoyan is Yang Ming's woman. She saw her own breath of the same kind from Wang Xiaoyan. This woman is definitely a dangerous person!

However, Yang Ming asked her to protect his woman, Wang Xiaoyan, do you need to be protected by others? Victoria is very puzzled. Wang Xiaoyan should have high skills and don't need Victoria's protection at all. The address of this site has been changed to: Foot Alliance Aopeng. Please log in to Yuandu

It's late at night. But Victoria didn't fall asleep. She sat quietly on the deck, holding her legs and thinking about what had happened in the past two days. For her, it was like being in a dream


From a slave to a bodyguard with a free identity, it was a world of difference, which made Victoria unable to accept this reality for a moment. She always thought that she had fallen asleep and woke up, all this would turn into nothing.

Goro and Jim sat on the other side of the deck. Although Victoria, a beautiful girl, was not far away, Goro did not have any crooked thoughts. He could see that this Victoria is more scary than Wang Xiaoyan. Wang Xiaoyan is just scaring him, but this Victoria can really kill him!

When uploading during the day, the murderous spirit in Victoria's eyes made Goro, who lived on the tip of the knife every day, shudder.

Suddenly, on the sea, not far away, there was a bright and dim light, and Goro's expression suddenly became flinked, and Jim was beside him. With a roar, he reached out to a box not far away and took out a shotgun from it. However, as soon as the shotgun was in his hand, Jim had a dagger on his neck.

"What are you doing with a gun?" It's Victoria's voice. I don't know when Victoria, who was still on the side, had appeared behind Jim like a ghost.

Both Ji Ma and Goro were shocked. Goro quickly waved his hand and explained, "Miss, there is a pirate ship opposite! Pirate ship! It's signaling us to stop the ship, or we'll fire!"

"Pirate ship?" Victoria frowned, repeated what Goro said, and looked at the direction of the signal in the distance. She didn't understand the rules of sailing at sea, so she didn't understand the signals. Just saw Jim holding a gun, Victoria didn't know what he was going to do, so she was alert and put the knife on his neck.

"It's a pirate ship!" Goro nodded: "Running people who are often on the sea, who has never met pirates? But most of them are looking for money. It's okay to give them valuable things! However, we must also take a gesture of resistance, or they will be bullied!"

"Give me the gun, and you can inform Mr. Yang." Victoria is not afraid of pirates. She has automatically ignored all her opponents. In her opinion, both pirates and robbers are human beings. As long as she wants to kill, she can still kill.

Jim took a look at Goro. Seeing Goro nodding, he obediently handed the shotgun in his hand to Victoria. In fact, Goro did not point to this gun to repel the pirates, but had a gun in his hand. It can make these pirates restrained, so as not to be too unscrupulous.

People like him who often run up will take such measures when they meet pirates. They have guns in their hands. When pirates come to rob, pirates generally leave a certain room, such as not taking all the money. It will not touch the fresh water and food on the ship.

Because dogs will jump over the wall when they are in a hurry. If these concubines are in a hurry, they will also do the same thing. So. When the ship owner holds a gun, it has become an unspoken rule.

When the pirates saw it. Naturally, there will be some room.

"Mr. Yang, we met a pirate!" Jim knocked on the door of Yang Ming's room and shouted loudly.

Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan have fallen asleep, but both of them belong to the person who is extremely sensitive to Zen, when Jim came over. He had been woken up by the squeak of the tiny boat board, so this Xuan was called by Jim. Yang Ming immediately turned over and got out of bed and opened the door: "How are you ready? Jim?"

"We met pirates." Jim said quickly.

"Pirate?" Yang Ming was stunned. Turning his head and looking at the window of the cabin, as expected, he saw a looming signal light coming from the distance. That's the signal for them to stop the ship! Yang Ming is in the set of CDs given to him by Fang Tian. I have learned similar ship signals.

Although the pirate ship is still some distance away from here, and it is still at night, Yang Ming can clearly see the situation on the ship.

That's not a big ship. On the mast of the ship, there is a skeleton flag hanging around the ship. There are four forts. According to Yang Ming's observation, the forts are real, not the one that scares people

On the overtime of the pirate ship, there are four big men standing, all of whom have tattoos. One of them is also a one-eyed dragon. Look back. But I saw one that made Yang Ming absolutely unexpected


Yang Ming's eyebrows moved slightly. It was twisted into a Sichuan shape and stretched quickly. Things are getting more and more interesting, aren't they? When did this person also participate?

Yang Ming had no time for further detailed observation and hurriedly withdrew his eyes, because Xuanjim was still standing aside, and Yang Ming could not keep looking out of the window.

"Yes, it's normal to meet pirates at sea." Jim nodded and said.

"Oh? Under normal circumstances, what will you do after meeting pirates? Yang Ming asked.

"Generally speaking, when we meet pirates, we also give them valuable things. In fact, there is nothing valuable on the ship. The pirates also recognize that we are smuggling, and there are only tens of thousands of dollars on hand. Give them, and they don't It will embarrass us. This kind of thing is already common. Jim said, "We all have guns in our hands, so they won't touch the fresh water and rations on the ship. It's really good for them to rush us to do the same thing!" Everyone knows that without fresh water and rations at sea, it is equivalent to waiting to die.

Yang Ming nodded after hearing this, and then said, "Let's go, let's go to the deck. Look at what tricks these pirates are playing.

"Okay, Mr. Yang, I'll go up first. You can get ready to go up too." As Ji Shi said, he left the room and ran quickly towards the deck.

"Yang Ming. They can't collude with pirates to rob us, can they? You know, we have hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash and some diamonds. Wang Xiaoyan frowned and whispered to Yang Ming.

"Hehe, do you think Goro has the courage to do this? Especially after seeing the skills of you and Victoria, will he take this risk? Yang Ming shook his head with a smile. If Yang Ming hadn't seen the person who had absolutely no reason to appear on the pirate ship, Yang Ming would not have been so sure that this matter had nothing to do with Goro.

"That's right." Wang Xiaoyan listened to Yang Ming's analysis and agreed with Yang Ming's words. There is no need for Goro to take such a big risk to rob them. These snake-headed people are not short of money. Robbing Yang Ming's group is basically equivalent to suicide. Therefore, as long as there is nothing wrong with Goro's head, he will not do such a thing.

Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan got on the deck. Seeing Victoria holding a shotgun, she looked coldly at Goro and the boat approaching in the distance. The pirate ship has gradually approached.

"Listen to the people on the opposite boat! The people on the opposite boat, listen!" When the pirate ship approached, a shout came from the pirate ship: "Please don't try to make any resistance, or we will fire at you!"

Similar words, repeated several times. And the pirate ship also stopped on the side of Goro's ship. Several ropes were thrown on the port of Goro's ship, completely controlling Goro's ship near the pirate ship.

And the four big men on the pirate ship, the one-eyed dragon stayed on the pirate ship, and the other three climbed along the rope to Goro's ship.

"Gan over all the valuable things. We don't want to do it. You should be self-conscious. One of the big men said.

Wang Xiaoyan and Victoria both looked at Yang Ming at the same time. As long as Yang Ming nod, these three. The life of the man and the big man on the pirate ship will be explained here at the same time.

However, Yang Ming shook his head slightly and whispered to Wang Xiaoyan, "Ger them diamonds and money."

Wang Xiaoyan was slightly stunned, but according to what Yang Ming said, she threw a small suitcase in her hand in front of the deck. Wang Xiaoyan was very surprised why Yang Ming didn't take action against these pirates. You know, Yang Ming is not a casual loser. These people actually wanted to rob Yang Ming. Wang Xiaoyan thought they would die miserably.

Yang Ming is still very sure to deal with these people, but now that the owner has not appeared, Yang Ming is too lazy to attack these people. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yang Ming checked it on the other party's pirate ship with his power.

There are not many rooms on the pirate ship. So Yang Ming completed the exploration almost in an instant.

On the ship, except for the owner. There is no one else to hide.

And there are only four big men on this pirate ship. However, to Yang Ming's surprise, the master actually,

"Help! Help me, I've been caught by these people!" The address of this site has been changed to: Foot couplet Aopeng. If you want to log in, please log in to Yuandu

Just as Yang Ming was thinking, the pirate ship heard a sad voice of a girl calling for help, and the man who stayed on the pirate ship was immediately alert, picked up the gun in his hand and frowned.

The unique voice makes it easy for Yang Ming to distinguish it. This sound is made by the owner of the ship. And even if Yang Ming couldn't hear it, he had just seen her


The three big men on the Goro ship also paused for a moment. Then, they grabbed the black box on the deck and was ready to return to the pirate ship before they could open it. However, at the moment they moved, Yang Ming also moved.

Yang Ming quickly grabbed the right leg of the big man closest to him and used his mouth to lead the state. Then before he could react, Younian Fanjing pinched his throat and the big man hummed on the ground.

And Yang Ming turned out to be the big man. At the same time, his legs were not idle. His left leg kicked out directly, kicked another big man who wanted to help out of the deck, and fell directly into the sea


Wang Xiaoyan and Victoria have been paying attention to Yang Ming's movements, so when Yang Ming took action, Wang Xiaoyan and Victoria also moved. Wang Xiaoyan's glass dagger slipped into her hand in an instant and stabbed the big man who bent down to pick up the black box closest to her.

Wang Xiaoyan's action was very fierce. The knife directly sank into the man's heart. After the man's body **, he silently reached the ground.

And Victoria, who instantly raised the gun and pulled the trigger, and the big man who stayed on the pirate ship was also shot to death. The whole process was done in one go without any stagnation.

After killing the one-eyed dragon left behind on the pirate ship, Victoria made up another shot in the sea and hit the big man who was kicked into the sea by Yang Ming.

Victoria looked at Yang Ming's neat technique and was very surprised. For the first time, she had this feeling that she could not see through a person. In the past, in the ring, she could have a keen insight into the strength of her opponent, which was also the secret of her invincible.

But this time, she looked away. There was no murderous spirit on Yang Ming's body at all. However, at the moment of Yang Ming's action, it was so fierce and full of blood, which made Victoria involuntarily afraid, if. If Yang Ming is her enemy, can she avoid Yang Ming's blow?

And Wang Xiaoyan's action did not go beyond Victoria's expectation. Victoria had long seen that Wang Xiaoyan and she were the same kind of person. So at this moment, he took action on Wang Xiaoyan. There is no special feeling.

It's just that Victoria is becoming more and more puzzled. What is the purpose of Yang Ming bringing slaves back to China? Yang Ming and the women around her are getting better and better, and they need Victoria to protect her


Looking at Wang Xiaoyan pulling out the dagger with a blank face, wiping the body of the big man a few times and putting it in the cuff, Victoria could determine that Wang Xiaoyan was also a veteran murderer, no less than her Victoria.

Goro and Jim were a little dumbfounded. Unexpectedly, Yang Ming, Wang Xiaoyan and Victoria solved several pirates in front of them in an instant, and their eyes widened!

I was surprised, but I was also very glad that I didn't provoke Yang Ming. Otherwise, I would die more miserable than these pirates. Who are Yang Ming? It's much more vicious than those pirates.

Yang Ming did not pay attention to the bodies on the ship again, but jumped on the pirate ship and walked in the direction of the sound. It was a locked room, but under Yang Ming's foot, the door of the whole room was kicked off.

The people in the "help" room are still calling for help.

"Don't shout. Miss Alice Yang Ming glanced at the girl in the room and said faintly, "The people above have been killed by me

"Ah, why is it you? Yang Ming? Alice's eyes widened in surprise and stared at Yang Ming. Incredibly opened his mouth to a "0" type.

"Naturally, Yang Ming nodded: "If I hadn't heard your voice, do you think I would mind this kind of thing?"

If Yang Ming hadn't seen the previous scene. Maybe Yang Ming is really deceived by Alice's innocent expression at this moment. However, it is a pity that Yang Ming has been alert to this woman. Coupled with the scene he just saw, Yang Ming didn't believe her nonsense at all.

It's just that Yang Ming doesn't want to expose her yet. Yang Ming wanted to see what tricks she was going to play, so she pretended to chat with Alice naturally.

"That's true," Alice sighed, "It seems that I really want to thank God for letting me meet you, otherwise, just as you said. If it were someone else, they may not be in charge of this kind of business, nor do they have the ability to manage this kind of business. Those people are all professional pirates. They are very skilled. Ordinary people really can't beat them.

"How do you know I can hit them?" Yang Ming looked at Alice with a smile.

"Eh?" Alice was stunned, and then smiled and said, "Of course, I heard what Uncle Buffon said. You are very good."

"Is it?" Yang Ming didn't say anything more, because there was no need to say anything more. Yang Ming is now very sure that there is something wrong with Alice. It's an absolute rate problem!

Because before that, Yang Ming saw in Goro's cabin that Alice was not locked in the cabin, but in a secret place on the deck of the pirate ship, telling the one-eyed dragon something!

At that time, Yang Ming was in a hurry and did not read their lips in detail, and they spoke in English, which was very fast. Yang Ming can't read as smoothly as his mother tongue, so he doesn't know what Alice said.

However, this does not affect Yang Ming's judgment. Alice locked herself in the room after ordering the one-eyed dragon. Judging from her attitude towards the one-eyed dragon, they are obviously a group!

This is simply a play!