very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1229 Intricate Relationships

After Jing Xiaolu left, Zhou Jiajia hurriedly asked, "Sister Mengyan, can you say it now?" Zhou Jiajia was smart, and naturally she knew that Chen Mengyan didn't want Jing Xiaolu to hear the conversation between them.

"Of course." Chen Mengyan smiled mysteriously: "Your department head is Xiao Qing, right?

"Yes. How do you know?" Zhou Jiajia continued to ask.

"Because she is Yang Ming's god sister!" Chen Mengyan covered her mouth and smiled, "It must be that she knew your relationship with Yang Ming, so she asked you to join, hee hee..."

Zhou Jiajia was familiar with Xiao Qing's name and guessed that it was Yang Ming's god sister. Hearing Chen Mengyan's words at this moment, as expected, her face suddenly turned red. It seems that Chen Mengyan is right. She was exceptionally admitted. Maybe it is because of her good grades, but if Xiao Qing knew that she was Yang Ming's girlfriend, she would not pay attention to herself in her busy schedule, let alone investigate her files.

"Sister Mengyan, don't talk nonsense... He will definitely not talk nonsense about the things between me and Yang Ming. In the eyes of outsiders, he only has you as a girlfriend." Zhou Jiajia said with her head down in embarrassment.

"Sister Xiao Qing is not an outsider..." Chen Mengyan smiled and said, "She also knows about Lan Ling's business..." Although she said with a smile, Chen Mengyan was still a little sad at this point. It's not that Chen Mengyan is still stingy, but a little annoyed that Yang Ming actually found another girl when the two were quarreling.

About Lan Ling, Chen Mengyan, Zhou Jiajia and Lin Zhiyun all said that they also knew that there was such a person. Hearing Chen Mengyan say that Xiao Qing knew a lot, "I couldn't help but be a little surprised.

A god sister, not a biological sister, knows so many things. It seems that the relationship between Yang Ming and her should be very good. But even so, a few people didn't think much. After all, Xiao Qing's identity is there. She is the dean of the computer department. In their opinion, it is impossible to have any abnormal relationship with Yang Ming.

"So... wouldn't it be very embarrassing after I met with Rea?" Zhou Jiajia is a little timid.

"No, you can do whatever you want. Why don't I go with you?" Chen Mengyan saw Zhou Jiajia's careful appearance, so she asked.

"That's naturally good, but... Is it really good?" Zhou Jiajia thought for a moment and felt that it didn't seem to be good to let Chen Mengyan accompany her ancient times. Let Xiao Qing see it. I don't know what she would think? In case the family is really not admitted because she is her brother's girlfriend, then wouldn't it be self-defeating?

"Hey hey, I think... you'd better go by yourself. I'm just kidding to give you up!" Chen Mengyan also felt that it was not good to accompany Zhou Jiajia, which seemed to be deliberately promoting something.


↓, I'll go by myself. Zhou Jiajia squeezed her lips and said, "I also don't think it's too big in front of the teaching building of the computer department. Zhou Jiajia broke up with Chen Mengyan and Lin Zhiyun and ran upstairs by herself. It's lunch break now, and all the graduate students who came here to sign up before have also been withdrawn for lunch and rest.

As soon as she entered the teaching building, Zhou Jiajia's mobile phone rang again, and Zhou Jiajia quickly withdrew from the teaching building.

The current teaching building is very empty, the ringtone of the mobile phone is very harsh, and it is particularly clear in the quiet building, so if Zhou Jiajia wants to answer the phone, she can only go back outside.

"Hello?" Zhou Jiajia answered the phone. Zhou Jiajia? I'm Li Boliang!" Li Boliang's voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Oh? It's senior Li. Hello. Zhou Jiajia said politely. As for Li Boliang's thoughts, Zhou Jiajia also understands that this kind of person can't give him too many hints and keep a distance at all times, so that he won't misunderstand.

"Jiajia... Can I teach you Jiajia? Haha, do you know that the department has approved your registration to participate in the research of the wireless protocol project!" Li Boliang said excitedly, "You know, I spent a lot of effort to lobby Deputy Director Sun. He also agreed to go to the teaching building of the department for a while to report. You don't even need an interview, and you will be admitted directly."

"You... You'd better call me Zhou Jiajia. Only my family calls me Jiajia. I'm not used to it when others call me that." Zhou Jiajia refused softly, "Can I participate in the research? Thank you, Senior Li, but Director Xiao had called me in person before and told me to report that I had arrived. I have arrived at the teaching building.

"Ah? Did Director Xiao call you?" At this time, Li Boliang didn't care about the names of Zhou Jiajia and Jiajia. Hearing that Xiao Qing called Zhou Jiajia directly, Li Boliang was shocked! Didn't your previous big lies be exposed all of a sudden? Thinking of this, Li Boliang suddenly blushed a little: "Well, hey hey, it seems that Director Xiao still values you! By the way, Deputy Director Sun also said that your grades last semester were good, which is an important reason for your admission. Of course, my lobbying and recommendation are only one aspect. The most important thing is to rely on your own achievements and ability!"

Zhou Jiajia smiled faintly and said to Li Boliang's lame lies. "Zhou Jiajia is not angry, because Li Boliang is completely an outsider. What he said, Zhou Jiajia just listens to it. As for whether he is lying, what does that have to do with Zhou Jiajia?

"Um, thank you very much, Senior Li, but I'm about to enter Director Xiao's office. I'll talk to you next time." Zhou Jiajia said.

"Well... Then I'll talk to you next time..." Li Boliang hung up the phone and was a little frustrated. He felt that he was still a step late to start. How could he ask Director Xiao to call Zhou Jiajia first? If you call before that, can't you be preconceived? Now it's all right. Director Xiao is preconceived, and he doesn't have any credit.

This scene of the hero saving the United States is not clear. Li Boliang is extremely depressed. It seems that he can only find the next opportunity.

"Brother Li, what's wrong with you?" Next to Li Boliang, a cool man dressed in fashion patted Li Boliang on the shoulder and asked, "Why are you listless? It seems that you have encountered some setbacks?"


;, Jiang Naigang!" Li Boliang looked up and saw the man beside him: "It's okay, ah, "Brother Li, isn't it obvious that you don't treat me as a brother? Your business is my business!" Jiang Naigang admires Li Boliang. The matter originated from the company run by my father. There was an encrypted and very important account, which was passwordd by the accountant, but the accountant had a car accident and was admitted to the hospital. The doctor said that it would take half a year to wake up at the earliest.

This makes Jiang Naigang's father Jiang Fugui very anxious. There are many customers' arrears in the accounts. If it can't be opened, the company will be ruined! Even if it can be opened in half a year, the capital will be broken in the past six months, which will bring immeasurable losses to the company.

Jiang Naigang knew that his brother Li Liang, who slept with him, was a computer master and the president of the school's computer association, so Jiang Naigang took the initiative to recommend Li Boliang to his father Jiang Fugui. Jiang Fugui is a computer white. In fact, this kind of password cracking is not particularly difficult to do. As long as you go to a professional computer data recovery center, you can also solve it. It's just that Jiang Fugui imagined the computer too mysteriously, so he didn't want to consult the people in the computer city.

I heard from my son that the brother in the dormitory is the president of the school computer association, which is quite famous. Jiang Fugui took Li Boliang to the company with the attitude of being a living doctor.

Li Boliang looked at the encrypted account file, which is a RAR format file. The password of this type of compressed file can only be cracked by brute force cracking, and there is no other back door to follow.

Fortunately, the total password is only an eight-digit birthday password, which is eight numbers. Li Boliang successfully cracked it with the cracking software in just a few hours.

Jiang Fugui didn't know the length of the encrypted password. He only knew that Li Bo had solved his problem, so he respected Li Boliang! He also told his son Jiang Naigang that he wanted to learn more from Li Boliang.

Although Jiang Naigang can also play with computers, he knows nothing about decryption, so he also admires Li Boliang in his heart. I also often invite Li Boliang to visit my home. So at this moment, Jiang Naigang naturally wanted to stand up when he saw that Li Boliang seemed to be in trouble.

Seeing Jiang Naigang's questioning, Li Boliang did not continue to hide it. He felt that it was okay to confide his heart to others, so he said, "Oh, you know that I, brother and I used to devote myself to computers and ignored lifelong events...

"Brother Li, you don't miss women, do you? It's simple. I'll find a few for you tomorrow, as much as you want!" As soon as Jiang Naigang heard Li Boliang's words, he thought he had a physiological need. He thought about finding a few clean ladies for him tomorrow. If it really doesn't work, it's okay to spend money to find a third-line star. Anyway, there is no short money in his family. Li Boliang has helped them a lot. I believe

"Nai Gang, you misunderstood!" As soon as Li Boliang heard Jiang Naigang's words, he suddenly cried and laughed: "Do you think I'm that kind of person? Even if there is a physiological need, I will solve it with the computer. How can I find a young lady?

"Oh, I see. Brother Li, you want to find a girlfriend, don't you?" Jiang Naigang understood what Li Boliang meant. He patted his chest and promised, "Don't worry, this matter is up to me!"

"Nai Gang, you still don't understand. I fell in love with a freshman girl in our school, but she doesn't seem to mean anything to me..." Li Boliang sighed.

"Brother Li, you are a talented person. How can you still look down on you?" Jiang Naigang said, "But don't worry, girls nowadays worship money. I'll pack it for you tomorrow and lend you my sports car to guarantee that you will catch up with the girl!"

"Really?" Li Boliang was suddenly overjoyed. Nowadays, girls worship money, but Li Boliang knows it clearly. If you want to come to Zhou Jiajia, you can't avoid vulgarity, right? In recent blind date programs, they are basically all girls who worship money, and Li Boliang has also seen it.

"Then how can I lie to you? Jiang Naigang said, "At that time, you take her out, and I will take you to a party of a few children of high society. At that time, she will see your strength. Don't she fall in love with you?"

Li Boliang was overjoyed and quickly thanked him, "Then this matter is up to you!"

Zhou Jiajia easily arrived at the dean's office on the third floor and knocked on the door. Xiao Qing's voice came from inside: "Please come in!"

Zhou Jiajia opened the door, entered Xiao Qing's office, and politely said, "Hello, Director Xiao, I'm Zhou Jiajia. I'm here to report.

Xiao Qing has just finished dinner and is taking a lunch break. Because of continuous fatigue, Xiao Qing took a nap in the office during her lunch break. I didn't expect Zhou Jiajia to come so soon. Not long after I called him, he came. It seems that Zhou Jiajia is really concerned about the topic of this wireless protocol and wants to participate in it.

Yang Ming also has such a girlfriend, which surprised Xiao Qing. Zhou Jiajia is very knowledgeable about computers, but Yang Ming has never mentioned it to her.

"Zhou Jiajia, you're here, please sit down." Xiao Qing pointed to the sofa beside her and said.

"Director Xiao, I didn't disturb your rest..." Seeing that Xiao Qing was resting and woken up by herself, Zhou Jiajia suddenly felt a little sorry.

"It's okay. I'm a little tired these days. I've been lying down for a while." Xiao Qing smiled and said, "Zhou Jiajia... Well, I'll call you Jiajia, okay?"

"All right." Zhou Jiajia nodded happily. Although she had just finished talking with Li Boliang and was not used to calling herself Jiajia by people other than her family, Zhou Jiajia subconsciously regarded Xiao Qing as a family. Yang Ming's god sister, that is Zhou Jiajia's god sister, is naturally a family.

"Well, Jiajia, I saw your results last semester. It's really good, especially the disk copy program, which can not only perform normal disk copying, but also copy encrypted tracks, which uses a lot of edge technology. Many professors in our university are not as good as you." Xiao Qing praised from the bottom of his heart. Although Xiao Qing also studied encryption and decryption for a while when she was in school, she did not continue to study in depth.

After all, Xiao Qing's research now is some formal. In terms of encryption and decryption technologies, it is not Zhou Jiajia's opponent. But academically, it is much better than Zhou Jiajia.

"Ha ha, it's all a partial thing." Zhou Jiajia smiled shyly: "However, what I am good at is the technology of these hackers. I have never participated in the customization of network protocols. I heard that our school actually took the lead in studying the domestic wireless protocol standards. I was very happy, so I came to sign up. I heard that only graduate students were admitted. I thought there was no hope, but I didn't expect Director Xiao to be admitted to me.

"Actually, I heard Yang Ming talk about you." Xiao Qing suddenly changed her previous public manner and winked at Zhou Jiajia: "But Yang Ming didn't say that you were interested in computer things, otherwise, if there had been research on these topics, I would have taken you with me long ago."

"Ah... Director Xiao, you know..." Zhou Jiajia's face turned red. Before Zhou Jiajia listened to Xiao Qing's words, she thought that she really admitted her because of her good grades and good skills. It turns out that there is really a relationship with Yang Ming.

"You can also call me Sister Ran Qing." Xiao Qing smiled and said, "You saved Yang Ming and almost sacrificed yourself. How can I not know this? Thank you very much...

"That's all I should do... Moreover, it's my own trouble... With Yang Ming's vicious hands, I should be able to avoid that shot. I did too much and brought such a big burden to Yang Ming..." Zhou Jiajia sighed and said with some emotion.

These words are indeed her true words. It's just that she hasn't told anyone, including Chen Mengyan and Lin Zhiyun. Now Xiao Qing is a loving big sister next door in front of her. Zhou Jiajia can't help but say what's on her mind.

Zhou Jiajia also learned about Yang Ming's skills later. Therefore, Zhou Jiajia thought about the situation at that time. Yang Ming really didn't need to block Gui L by himself. It's just that she couldn't ask Yang Ming, and Yang Ming wouldn't admit these words. And Chen Mengyan can't say it. Zhou Jiajia is afraid that after she finishes speaking, Chen Mengyan will feel that she is not right with Yang Ming, so Zhou Jiajia doesn't dare.

"You can't say that.

" Xiao Qing waved her hand: "Yang Ming's skills are good, this is a fact, but there are always accidents. Maybe if you don't shoot this shot for him at that time, this shot will be shot at him. And even if he can avoid it, your heart is valuable.

"Thank you, Sister Xiao Qing." Zhou Jiajia smiled happily: "After listening to your words, I feel much better."

"Okay, don't think so much." Xiao Qing said, "In the future, it will be very tired to participate in the research group. You may not be able to go home at night... You live with Yang Ming, right? "Ah..." Zhou Jiajia was asked by Xiao Qing, but she still nodded = "I live with Mengyan... Yang Ming sometimes comes back to live..."

"Hehe, I guessed it." Xiao Qing smiled and said, "Maybe you will live in school in the future. Is that all right?"

"This is okay. I'll just live in the dormitory." Zhou Jiajia nodded.

"It's not a dormitory, it's living in the laboratory." Xiao Qing said, "Research and development may be day and night, and it may be reversed. In short, take a break when you are tired, and go to work if you are not tired..."

"Ah! Isn't it going to live with a lot of boys? Zhou Jiajia was shocked and asked quickly.

"To be honest, this research group is all boys except for me, a woman..." Xiao Qing smiled = "But you can live with me and I have a separate rest room.

"That's good." Zhou Jiajia was relieved, nodded and lived with Xiao Qing. Naturally, she agreed. The other party was Yang Ming's god sister, and Zhou Jiajia also wanted to have a good relationship with her.