very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1235 The Means of framing

The man in black reached out and picked up the key board, opened the door of the Fairy Building, and quickly disappeared into the night. He is quick and quick, without any procrastination.

If Yang Ming was present, Yang Ming would be surprised. This person's movements are really skillful! I'm afraid few people can do so well.

Not long after the man in black disappeared, another figure sneaked into the Fairy Building.

Wang Kejin came to end Sui Yuejin's life this time. Yang Ming did not kill Sui Yuejin, which Wang Kejin could see clearly in the darkness beside him.

Yang Ming is really a security guard. It is impossible for Yang Ming to fight against Sui Yuejin. After he fights against Sui Yuejin, it is impossible not to kill the security guard of the Fairy Building together.

Let the security guard see Yang Ming's appearance, so it is certain that Yang Ming did not see it and was not afraid that he would remember it. It can be seen that Yang Ming absolutely did not kill Sui Yuejin, and maybe he just taught him a lesson.

However, Yang Ming did not kill Sui Yuejin, but Wang Kejin must kill him! The butterfly family lost its trust to others for the first time. Although there is a reason for it, it must not let this matter spread in the industry. In that way, the reputation of the butterfly family will be over! The current status of the butterfly family is above ten thousand people under one person, and the king of killers cannot be surpassed. In addition to the existence of the king of killers, the butterfly family has been beyond any organization in the industry.

Therefore, there are also many killer organizations that stare at the butterfly family and want to surpass the butterfly family. Although Sui Yuejin is unlikely to say it, he is not from the killer world, but he is not afraid of ten thousand just in case. Sui Yuejin leaked the news, saying that the butterfly family bit the client, and the reputation of the butterfly family Bottom.

Wang Kejin is determined not to leave a trace of future trouble in this matter, so Sui Yuejin must die for him! Otherwise, Wang Kejin would have become a sinner of the family.

Wang Kejin is not the same as Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan. He is a completely cold-blooded killer. He has been adopted by the butterfly family since he was a child and trained intensively. In his eyes, he can only kill people and obey the orders of Shangfeng. Therefore, Sui Yuejin's life is completely indifferent in Wang Kejin's eyes.

Wang Kejin thought that Yang Ming would work for himself. Seeing Yang Ming's light skills, Wang Kejin secretly smacked his tongue and asked himself that he could not do this.

Especially after receiving the news, Wang Kejin inspected the Fairy Building during the day.

I also have a general understanding of the switching of the camera on the Tan-face. After Yang Mingda entered the building, Baoan Xuan did not react, which meant that Yang Ming successfully avoided the surveillance camera and went to the chairman's office on the 36th floor! Wang Kejin was puzzled by how Yang Ming did it, but one thing was certain that his master uncle's tombstone appeared, and it was unknown whether he could do this.

Seeing that Yang Ming did not kill Sui Yuejin, Wang Kejin was slightly disappointed. He was about to act on his own, but he saw a man in black walking quickly to the Fairy Building. Wang Kejin didn't know what this guy was doing, so he could only hold back his footsteps and crawl to the previous darkness again.

The man in black and the security guard of the Fairy Building negotiated a few words, and the security guard of the building opened the door to let him in. Wang Kejin was so far away that he couldn't hear what the two said at all. He doesn't have the power of Yang Ming's vision. Even if he can read lips, he can't see clearly.

Wang Kejin wrinkled. He didn't know who the man in black was, and he didn't know what he did when he came to the Xianren Building at this time. Although Wang Kejin could break into the Xianren Building now and f off the man in black together, he was not sure whether the man in black had I can't get the real identity of the man in black, so Wang Kejin did not act rashly.

He can only wait for the man in black to leave the Fairy Building before making a final order.

However, the man in black obviously came and went in a hurry. Less than 20 minutes after entering the building, he hurried out of the door of the fairy building, quickly got on a roadside motorcycle and left.

What made Wang Kejin doubt was that when the man in black came out of the fairy building, he opened the door by himself, and there was no security guard who wanted to see him off, and when he left, no one went to pave for the door of the fairy building! It is impossible not to explain the problem. Wang Kejin's heart tightened slightly. After the man in black left, Wang Kejin turned off the camera that had been shooting at the door of the Xianren Building and put it in his handbag.

As a killer, Wang Kejin will take cameras, cameras and other monitoring equipment every time he goes on a mission, place in places where the target often haunts, and monitors the target's living habits.

So, this time when he came to the door of the Xianren Building, Wang Kejin also habitually put the Luoxiang machine in the direction of the door of the Xianren Building to take pictures.

Fortunately, he had this habit. Wang Kejin was a little lucky. After going back, he enlarged the video and asked Uncle Master's tombstone to see if he knew the man in black in the video.

At the beginning of the year, Wang Kejin has replaced his camera with 1 full HD device, that is to say, he can see some details more clearly, and I believe that there will not be too much distortion after magnification.

After putting away the camera, Wang Kejin quickly ran in the direction of the Fairy Building. He had to figure out as soon as possible what happened in the building after the man in black went to the Fairy Building.

When Wang Kejin stepped into the Fairy Building, a pungent smell of blood came to his face. The killer was abnormally ** for the smell of blood, so as soon as Wang Ke entered the door, he had already noticed that something was wrong.

Looking sideways at the transceiver room, Wang Kejin immediately frowned! Originally, there was an extra blood hole in the eyebrow of the security guard who was on duty, and the blood had flowed everywhere along his head...

The security guard who sent and received the announcement died. No wonder no security guard wanted to send it when the man in black came out before... It turned out that he was killed! So, which side is the man in black from? This made Wang Kejin suddenly confused.

Yang Ming did not kill Sui Yuejin, so it is even more impossible to send someone to kill Sui Yuejin after he left. There is no need to do so much. Therefore, Yang Ming's suspicion was directly ruled out by Wang Kejin. So, if it's not Yang Ming, who will it be? Could it be Sui Yuejin's own enemy?

Wang Kejin was confused. This is a big coincidence, isn't it? Since the security guard on duty at the door died, and there was no response in the security room... So, that is to say... Thinking of this, Wang Kejin hurriedly ran in the direction of the security guard suffocation.

The door of the security room was open. Before it reached the door of the security room, the smell of blood floated over again, which made Wang Kejin's guess become a fact, and the security guard in the security room was also killed.

Quickly stepped into the security room and looked inside. Sure enough, the three security guards fell into a pool of blood. According to Wang Kejin's visual inspection, several people showed no sign of life, and they were obviously dead.

Wang Kejin shook his head. The shooting of the man in black is really good. It is not only fast but also accurate. Looking at the injuries of these security guards, they are all shot dead. Although Wang Kejin can do this, Wang Kejin is the best of the third generation of disciples of the butterfly family! After checking the monitoring equipment, it is true that the hard disk used for recording has been removed, which was obviously made by the previous man in black, because there is no need for Yang Ming to remove the hard disk at all.

When Yang Ming left the Xianren Building, he was sent by the security guard at the door, that is to say, the security guard had seen Yang Ming's appearance, and it was useless for Yang Ming to remove the hard disk.

Wang Kejin shook his head and walked out of the security room... However, before he could get out of the security banquet, Wang Kejin's daylight suddenly stopped on a filing cabinet at the door.

Wang Kejin took out the lily key he carried with him from his backpack and opened the filing cabinet.

Seeing what was inside, Wang Kejin smiled. Wang Kejin remembers what the instructor once said, that is, as a killer, you must be careful! Boxers are different from theft groups. After the theft group is caught, they will not be sentenced to death, but the killer is different. After the killer is caught, it is probably an death penalty.

So in this way, the killer must be careful. To perform tasks in places with monitoring, you must remove the hard disk in the computer in the monitoring room after the event. And beware of whether there is still data backup equipment in the monitoring room! In a place of the scale like the Fairy Building, in case of emergency, there will usually be a data backup computer! Because the computer hard disk is monitored in a state of continuous reading and recording every moment, the head of the hard disk works at full capacity all the time, which reduces the service life of the hard disk.

That is to say, the hard disk may break down at any time. In order to prevent this kind of accident, the company responsible for installing the surveillance video will generally set up a data backup machine, that is to say, every once in a while, the monitor will transfer the data to the backup machine for backup.

In this way, even if the hard disk in the monitoring machine is broken, and there is still backup data in the backup machine, the monitoring data will not be found after the problem occurs.

Although the man in black before was fierce, he obviously didn't think of it. In fact, few companies in China will adopt this approach, and it is normal for people in black not to notice it.

However, when Wang Kejin is on a mission, he runs all over the world. He must take precautions in advance. It is natural to get used to it. Every time Wang Kejin removes the hard disk of the monitoring host in the monitoring room, he will check other locations in the monitoring room again to see if there is a host used for data backup.

Generally speaking, the host used for backup is not too far away from the monitor, and it may be put aside. And the backup machine of the Xianren Building is indeed placed aside, but in the cabinet beside it.

The previous man in black obviously ignored this point. He did not expect that there would be a backup machine in the file cabinet. There is a reason why Wang Kejin noticed this filing cabinet.

Before, Wang Kejin had seen something similar in a company abroad. This is not a filing cabinet! It's just a computer cabinet, but the appearance is similar to that of a file cabinet.

If Wang Kejin hadn't accidentally discovered this secret when he was on a mission before, I'm afraid he would have suffered a loss. Therefore, after Wang Kejin saw a similar file cabinet in the Fairy Building this time, he must open it to see what happened.

Sure enough, there is a backup machine! Wang Kejin carefully cut off the power supply of the machine, then opened the standby case, took out the hard disk inside, and put it into his satpack.

Wang Kejin left the security room of the Xianren Building. In fact, it is not important to go upstairs. Since the man in black killed all the security guards in the receiving room and the security room, the hope of Sui Yuejin's life is almost zero.

However, for the sake of safety, Wang Kejin decided to go upstairs to have a look in person. I got on the elevator and quickly came to the chairman's office on the 36th floor.

The unconcealable smell of blood also proves Wang Kejin's guess. Looking inside, Sui Yuejin is dead, and beside him is a young man. It seems that he is either Sui Yuejin's follow-up or a secretary driver...

After Wang Kejin used his camera to arrest the scene, he quickly left the Xianren Building. Although he didn't know who killed Sui Yuejin, since someone worked for him, Wang Kejin was relieved.

It doesn't matter who kills, the key is to kill.

Sui Yuejin died, and some things were not right.

I guess the police should also come. Wang Kejin quickly left the Fairy Building and returned to Songjiang to restore his life to the tombstone of the master uncle.

Shortly after Yang Ming entered the Jingsong Expressway, a Buick business car also drove into the Jingsong Expressway from the Jingshan Toll Station and headed in the direction of Songjiang.

The driver in the car is a young man in his thirties. His face is a little pale, which is obviously the consequence of not seeing sunlight for a long time.

"How about it? Is it going well?" The young man asked... Oh, he should be called a young strategist.

"It went very well." The tall and thin man, known as the boss, is the man in black who has just entered the fairy building: "But Sui Yuejin is just a pawn. It doesn't matter whether you kill him or not!"

"Have you got the surveillance video?" The young strategist did not answer the question of the man in black, but just asked.

"I got it." The man in black nodded a little, but his tone was a little unhappy. Although the two have a cooperative relationship, if the young military division wants to do something, he must rely on himself. Although he can make suggestions, he has never succeeded once from beginning to end.

"Ha ha, don't blame me. I didn't make it clear to you, because things were too sudden, and I just made a preliminary plan in my mind, and now I have some eyebrows." The young strategist said, "I asked you to kill Sui Yuejin. Naturally, there is a reason, not only because I'm afraid that Yang After Yang Ming went there, intimidating and threatening him can naturally achieve the purpose of anti-Sing Sui Leap Forward, but this has no impact on us! Because even if Sui Yuejin was plotted against him, he was nothing more than Tian Long. And Tian Long is no longer very useful to us.

Now it seems that although Qu Daming and Liu Shan emptied Yang Ming's company's funds, they did not hurt Yang Ming's muscles and bones, because the violent Sanli and Hou shocked found in time, which did not have much impact on the company's reputation.

∽ I have no hope for Tian Long's kidnapping of Yang Ming from the beginning to the point, because it is not very realistic. How can Yang Ming's skills be easily caught?

So Tian Long is just a pawn for us to confuse Yang Ming and be distracted by Yang Ming. The real trick hasn't come out yet! However, now there is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in front of us! After straightening out my thinking, I think this method is still feasible!"

"What's the opportunity?" Hearing the young strategist's explanation, the man in black was a little more comfortable, but he still didn't understand what the young strategist referred to: "What does this have to do with killing Sui Yuejin?"

"The Xianren Building is a landmark building in Jingshan, and Xianren Group is also the largest enterprise in Jingshan. What do you think the police in Jingshan will do if their chairman Sui Yuejin is dead?" The young strategist asked.

"Of course, the case should be solved as soon as possible... But don't worry, my method of committing the crime... Humph!" The man in black smiled conceitedly: "I didn't leave anything that should be done. Even if someone sees me, it's just this human skin mask!"

On the face of a man in black, he always wears a human skin mask, which is said to be a high-tech product that can fit according to the original face shape of a person and automatically generate a new face.

The young strategist was still a little in awe of the man in black, so he didn't dare to ask him more about the human skin mask.

"Of course, I'm not afraid that you will leave any flinches to the police!" The young strategist waved his hand and said, "I mean, before Sui Yuejin died, Yang Ming had been to the Fairy Building..."

"You mean this surveillance video..." The man in black is not stupid. After listening to the young strategist's words, he suddenly thought of what he was going to do...

"There is nothing wrong!" The young military strategist sneered twice: "With this evidence, I'm not afraid that I can't kill Yang Ming. Even if he is not the murderer, he will be arrested as a suspect. It's not difficult for us to use some means to let him die in the detention center... You know, the prison bully in it is my former "

"Good means!" After hearing this, the man in black praised, "Why didn't you tell me before?"

"Before, there were a lot of things I wanted to confirm in person, such as the location of the surveillance camera and some details!" The young military strategist said, "The surveillance video cannot be left in the surveillance machine of the Fairy Building. You must remove the part where you killed, that is to say, it must be edited by us. In this way, the authenticity of the video time will be suspected!"

"Isn't the time displayed on the screen of the surveillance video? How can it be suspected?" The man in black asked.

"It's not difficult to type the time and date on the video we edited, is it? Therefore, the evidence generated in this way will definitely be suspected by the police, which will not achieve the purpose of framing Yang Ming!" The young military division explained.