very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1314 Send you a car

However, Jing Xiaolu hesitated for a moment and hung up the phone. Jing Xiaolu has changed a lot now, and her personality is not like the previous little sister. She felt that it was not polite to answer the phone in class, so she hung up the phone and sent a text message.

Yang Ming usually rarely takes the initiative to call himself. He is looking for him by himself. This is the first time that "After Jing Xiaolu hung up the phone, he regrets it. He took his mobile phone and waited for Yang Ming to reply for a long time, but he didn't see Yang Ming's message come in. Jing Xiaolu was so anxious Yu Shan came late, and Jing Xiaolu quickly opened the information and began to read.

Seeing that Yang Ming said that he was waiting for him downstairs and asked himself if he could go down, Jing Xiaolu's heart suddenly trembled and blushed, like a girl who was about to welcome her first love. The deer in her arms jumped around. She didn't know how to do it. How could he find herself at this time? Jing Xiaolu looked at the mobile phone in her hand and carefully checked the phone numbers one by one. That's right, it's Yang Ming's mobile phone number!

However, I don't have any substantive relationship with Yang Ming now. They are just good friends, and Yang Ming has never taken the initiative to find himself. What's wrong this time?

Is it because... when I just came out of the dormitory building, I was a little depressed and was seen by Yang Ming, and Yang Ming was caring about her? Thinking of this, Jing Xiaolu's heart was sweet, as if she had eaten honey...

It's just that Jing Xiaolu soon regained her composure. Jing Xiaolu is not stupid. This idea is too whimsical. If he is Lin Zhiyun, Yang Ming will definitely care about her, but he is not. He is just a friend of Yang Ming, just an ordinary friend. Yang Ming can't care about himself so much.

Thinking of this, Jing Xiaolu was a little frustrated. Maybe she thought too much... But no matter what, it's good to see Yang Ming. Jing Xiaolu didn't say too much to Yang Ming at the door of the dormitory before. Her bad relationship is one aspect, but it's not the main thing. The main reason is that Jing Xiao Lu knew that Yang Ming was waiting for Lin Zhiyun, and Lin Zhiyun was about to go downstairs. She pestered Yang Ming to talk. If Lin Zhiyun saw something, it would be a little bad.

So Jing Xiaolu hurriedly said a few words to Yang Ming and left, but it doesn't mean that Jing Xiaolu doesn't want to get along with Yang Ming for a while. Now Yang Ming has taken the initiative to contact him. No matter what, it's a good start. Even if she calls herself out of the classroom and toss herself, There has been progress in the past.

Thinking of this, Jing Xiaolu couldn't help but feel happy again, but why does she feel a little self-abuse?

Jing Xiaolu raised her hand and asked the teacher for a leave. "Teacher, I'm not feeling well. I want to go back early..."

It is always much easier for female students to ask for leave than for male students to ask for leave. Before Jing Xiaolu finished speaking, the male teacher who taught the theory class waved his hand and signaled that Jing Xiaolu could leave.

For many reasons, the male teacher is also embarrassed to ask, because there was a male teacher who had just graduated before who was more serious. A female student wanted to ask for leave and said that he was not feeling well. The male teacher looked left and right, and couldn't see that the female student was uncomfortable, so the male teacher refused. He had to ask Zi That female student, since she is not feeling well, what is she feeling uncomfortable about?

As a result, the female student was also quite angry. She used to invite Huai in front of other teachers, and it was also quite smooth. Why was she blocked here today? Moreover, the female student was really anxious. "The male teacher didn't let her go. As soon as she was in a hurry, the female student roared, "Teacher, I'm bleeding underneath. I can't hold the sanitary napkin. It's going to leak. I'm in a hurry to pick one!" Would you like to have a look?

As a result, the old man blushed with shame, and from then on, he no longer dared to ask the girl the reason for asking for leave.

With the lesson of this male teacher, other teachers have also learned to be smart. For the female student's leave, Jing Xiaolu came out of the class smoothly.

When he went downstairs, he saw Yang Ming standing at the door of the Art College. The cold wind was a little bleak, which made Jing Xiaolu excited.

"Yang Ming? What's wrong with you? Jing Xiaolu blushed, like a ripe tomato. Looking at Yang Ming, his eyes blinked and blinked, with a shallow smile on the corners of his mouth.

Yang Ming was stunned by Jing Xiaolu's appearance. He looked depressed just now. Why did he become like winning a big prize in a blink of an eye?

"Xiao Lu, why do you look very happy?" Yang Ming couldn't help asking.

"Happy? Yes, I've always been happy? I'm even happier if you ask me out today. Jing Xiaolu said heartlessly.

"Uh..." Yang Ming was stunned. If he hadn't seen the post on the Internet with his own eyes, he would have thought that Jing Xiaolu would be fine at all!" Didn't you bow your head down before? Just when I met you before?"

"Oh, that's a matter of the company. It has nothing to do with you... Nothing..." Speaking of that matter, Jing Xiaolu frowned slightly and seemed to be a little unhappy.

"Xiao Lu, Zhi Yun told me what had happened." Lin Zhiyun looked at the careless Jing Xiaolu's bitterness in an instant, and knew that this matter still brought her a deep disturbance. The happy appearance just now may really be because he called her out. Thinking of this, Yang Ming was a little embarrassed. He simply called her out, which could make the girl so happy.

" all know..." Hearing that Yang Ming already knew, Jing Xiaolu no longer hid it and sighed: "I don't know if I offended you. Why is so unlucky that I was posted on the Internet?

"I'm looking for you, and it's also for this matter. I've already called Jiajia. In a moment, we'll leave for the company and ask Jiajia to find out which computer the post was sent from." Zhu Ming said.

Jing Xiaolu was a little surprised and a little happy. She didn't expect Yang Ming to come here for her affairs. It was so late. After Yang Ming learned from Lin Zhiyun that something had happened to her, he rushed here and planned to solve the matter for herself overnight, which made Jing Xiaolu a little flattered!

Indeed, he was flattered.

Jing Xiaolu has always appeared in front of Yang Ming in reverse pursuit, and Yang Ming, except for treating her as a friend, has never said anything else.

But this time, even out of concern for ordinary friends, Jing Xiaolu was satisfied.

"Are you going to help me?" Jing Xiaolu looked at Yang Ming excitedly, "I knew that you definitely can't leave me alone."

"What does it mean to stand up for you?" Yang Ming was a little funny: "This time, my main purpose is also to eliminate some villains in the company. Colleagues have actually used such despicable means. Such a person is not qualified to stay in the company."

"Although you say so, I also know that you care about me." Jing Xiaolu proudly warped the corners of her mouth: "If it's someone else, how can you do it overnight? Did you go home early to make out with Sister Lin?

Yang Ming couldn't laugh or cry after listening to Jing Xiaolu's words. What does it mean to go home to make out? However, she couldn't refute it, so she could only hum to express her dissatisfaction with her words.

It's just that Jing Xiaolu didn't care at all: "Forget it, if you don't say it, you won't say it, and if you don't say it, you know it.

"Well, you are my friend. Even if it's out of normal concern for my good friends, I can't stand up for you?" Yang Ming shrugged his shoulders: "I know what you think, but I'm good to you, not because of that relationship."

Jing Xiaolu stuck out her tongue: "I didn't say that. What are you swallowing?"

Yang Ming often loses in front of Jing Xiaolu and doesn't care. This little girl is very shrewd, brave and resourceful. Yang Ming can't beat her: "Get in the car and follow Zhou Jiajia."

"I'm driving?" In fact, Jing Xiaolu doesn't have to drive, but today she thinks of Wang Xiaoran's words, which makes her teeth a little itchy. It's better to borrow Yang Ming's car for a few days to let the people in the company see that she already has a BMW car, and she doesn't need to rely on the way mentioned in the online

"If you drive, you can drive." Yang Ming was so happy that he gave the key in his hand to Jing Xiaolu: "However, you will drive my cow for the last time."

"What do you mean..." Jing Xiaolu was happily taking the car key. After hearing Yang Ming's words, her expression suddenly stagnated. She was going to borrow a car from Yang Ming for a few days. Now listening to Yang Ming's meaning, it seems that she will never drive his car for herself again...

"What's the matter?" Yang Ming didn't know Jing Xiaolumei's careful thinking. Seeing her a little lost expression, he suddenly felt strange: "What's your expression? I was about to tell you a good thing. You don't seem to be very happy?"

"What's the good thing?" Jing Xiaolu subconsciously asked, but her expression was not very happy. She thought to herself, if you don't lend me your car, what else can you do?

"I asked Bao Sanli to book a car. Maybe it's only these two days, and you can get the key." Looking at Jing Xiaolu's expression, he still felt something was wrong in his heart. How did he provoke her? Why are you suddenly depressed? Are you so unhappy?

"Car keys?" Jing Xiaolu was stunned, and then immediately reacted and exclaimed excitedly:

"Did you buy me a car?"

Looking at the huge difference in Jing Xiaolu's expression before and after, Yang Ming shook his head helplessly: "Didn't I promise you before? I'll buy you a car, and I'll keep my word, right?"

"Yang Ming, you are so great. I love you so much!" Jing Xiaolu put her arms around Yang Ming's neck without warning and kissed Yang Ming's face. "Uh-huh, one by one"

According to Yang Ming's reaction speed, it is natural to push Jing Xiaolu away before she comes over, but Yang Ming didn't do that, because Jing Xiaolu is now completely instinctively excited and unintentional, and she doesn't have to do so ruthlessly. Moreover, Yang Ming is still right now. Jing Xiaolu has a good feeling and does not resist her continued development, but things should always let nature take its course.

So after Yang Ming let Jing Xiaolu kiss him, he said, "Don't make trouble."

"Hey hey..." Jing Xiaolu let go of Yang Ming and danced excitedly: "Ha... I finally have a car and my own car. Let's see what else those people in the company will gossip!"

"The car is not yours", Yang Ming splashed Jing Xiaolu's cold water in time. He didn't want Jing Xiaolu to feel that giving her the car represents her own meaning or a sign. This is just a promise: "The name of the company is written on the license of the car."

"That's better, so I don't have to explain it. If I write another name, others will think I exchanged it in another way!" Jing Xiaolu didn't care at all: "Moreover, I don't have to pay the ticket in the future. I'll send it to the company."

Yang Ming couldn't laugh or cry after listening to Jing Xiaolu's words: "Can't you say something serious? Return the ticket?"

"Are you kidding? I'm good at it now, and I don't violate the rules." Jing Xiaolu shook her head and said, "Well, let's talk about business. What kind of car did you buy for me? It's not too embarrassing, is it?"

"Isn't it? Isn't this the car you said last time? Yang Ming was stunned. He dared that the little girl didn't know what car she had sent, so she was already so excited.

"Ah, it's really a BMW, Yang Ming, I love you so much..." Jing Xiaolu screamed and wanted to pick up Yang Ming again, but this time she was pushed by Yang Ming.

"Okay, don't go too much. Let Zhou Jiajia see it later. Let's see if she can help you?" Yang Ming stared at Jing Xiaolu.

Jing Xiaolu curled her lips and obviously disdained Yang Ming's words. She staggered into the car and drove to the School of Computer Science with Yang Ming.

On the way, Yang Ming called Zhou Jiajia and told her that he had picked her up and asked her to go downstairs as soon as possible. Zhou Jiajia answered and asked for a leave with Xiao Qing and went downstairs.

Zhou Jiajia went downstairs, and it was not easy for Yang Ming to sit in the co-pilot's seat, opened the door, and sat in the back row with Zhou Jiajia, but Jing Xiaolu became a veritable driver.

Xiaolu, can you drive? Zhou Jiajia was a little surprised. She didn't expect that the driver was Jing Xiaolu.

"In the company, sometimes it is opened." Jing Xiaolu turned her head and smiled affectionately at Zhou Jiajia and said, "Jiajia, I'm sorry to trouble you this time. It's so late, and I still tossed you out for my business.

"It's okay. Since you use me, of course it's incumbent on me?" Zhou Jiajia said, "What's going on? Do you want to talk to me? Yang Ming didn't make it clear on the phone just now, but simply said a few words.

"Well, I'll talk to you on the way to the company.

"Jing Xiaolu started the car and told Zhou Jiajia the beginning and end of the matter while driving.

Things are not complicated, so Zhou Jiajia quickly understood that Jing Xiaolu's colleagues should have posted a post on the NP community, which harmed Jing Xiaolu.

"So that's it. If the poster doesn't understand computer technology, it should be easy to check. As long as you make sure that the post was sent from the company, then there is no problem." Zhou Jiajia said after hearing this.

"The machines in the company are regularly maintained. Employees should not know much about it, right?" Jing Xiaolu thought for a moment and said.

"Well, just make sure that the IP address of the post is the company's extranet IP," Zhou Jiajia said, "Let's talk about everything when it gets to the place?"

"Yes, Jiajia, can you use hacking technology to delete that post? It is always posted on the Internet, and the impact on Jing Xiaolu is not good. Now it is only known within the company that if Xiaolu's classmates see it, things will be out of control. Yang Ming asked with some worry.

This is also a problem that Jing Xiaolu is worried about, but it is not easy to tell Zhou Jiajia now. Originally, he planned to go to the company. After finding out who did it, he asked Zhou Jiajia to do this, but Yang Ming said it for her first.

Jing Xiaolu said in his heart that Yang Ming is a little different from himself now. No matter whether he admits it or not, he must have a good impression on himself, otherwise it is impossible to care about himself.

"Yes. Jiajia. I'm also worried that I will be seen by others..." Jing Xiaolu said, "The people in the company saw it and saw it. The teachers and classmates of the school looked at me. What should I do?"

Yang Ming is secretly funny. You used to dress up like a little sister, cheating men of money all day long. Why are you not afraid of talking about it? Are you worried now? However, Yang Ming didn't say. After all, Jing Xiaolu has changed now and is developing in a good direction. Let the past go.

"Ha ha, what hacking technology do you use?" Zhou Jiajia shook her head with a smile: "There is no need to be so popular. One of my netizens is the administrator of the NP community. If you tell him, you can delete the post without so much effort. Just ask him about the IP of the post"

"Wow? Jiajia, are you so awesome? How can you know so many powerful people? Jing Xiaolu said with surprise and envy.

"It's just some netizens who engage in computers. It's nothing..." "Zhou Jiajia blushed a little and said in her heart that the reality is really different from the Internet. She was praised by thousands of admirers in the Internet, but she didn't feel like this.

"Yes, do you have a company's door card?" Yang Ming suddenly thought of a question. It's so late. There should be no one in the company. How can these people get in?

"There is a door card, but don't you have the key downstairs?" Jing Xiaolu spread out her hands and said, "The company locks the door every night. I don't know if you are working overtime today?"

Yang Ming couldn't hit the big luck. He took out his mobile phone and called Bao Sanli and asked him to rush to the company to wait for him immediately. Bao Sanli is used to Yang Jie - he often comes to him in the middle of the night, so he immediately put on his clothes and rushed to the company.

Biao Sanli bought a house near the company. Now he does not live in the night. After being included in Mingyang Entertainment, he began to implement formal management and gave up the previous set of "watching the venue" to maintain the order of the nightclub by the security of Mingyang Security Company.

Therefore, Bao Sanli can get to the company in five minutes. When Yang Ming's car was parked at the door of the company, Bao Sanli was already waiting at the door.