very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1321 Company Personnel Appointment

Hearing the sound of the door, Bao Sanli and Hou shocked and raised their heads. They saw Yang Ming and Jing Xiaolu coming into the door and quickly stood up: "Brother Yang, you are not here yet."

"How's the preparation going?" Yang Ming asked.

Bao Sanli took a look at Hou Shock and signaled that it would be better for him. After all, Hou Shock is better than himself.

Hou Shock did not refuse. "This meeting mainly emphasized the company's discipline and announced the appointment of Jing Xiaolu's position."

"What do you want to do with Wang Xiaoran's matter?" Yang Ming has a little headache about this now. Yesterday, I heard Jing Xiaolu mention the relationship between Yu Chi and Wang Xiaoran. At that time, I didn't care about it, but when I saw it today, I found that the relationship between the two was already extraordinary.

This five cousin Yu Chi, Yang Ming doesn't like him, but not liking him doesn't mean that he can't recognize this kinship. Relatives have been a headache since ancient times.

This is a double-edged sword. With good relatives, if you unite, the family will become strong, but Yu Chi in front of you is a fight that can't be dealt with. It is impossible to be entrusted with heavy responsibilities at all. It's just a stuff waiting to die. But even so, if Yang Ming fires him, I don't know what will happen in his hometown? Will you say that your family is rich and unkind?

This is a very difficult problem to decide. Now it doesn't involve Yu Chi, but Wang Xiaoran. This Yu Chi's girlfriend, if he fires her without mercy, if Yu Chi goes back and says something, he is not afraid of anything. His mother is a good-faced person and has always been a peacemaker. Even if the relationship between uncle and his family was very bad at the beginning, his parents didn't say much.

Therefore, after he fired Wang Xiaoran, will Yu Chi complain? This is a question that Yang Ming is afraid of. It's not Yang Ming who is afraid of what will happen to Yu Chi, but that his parents will find it difficult to do.

"According to the company's regulations, fire her. What's the matter? Does Brother Yang have any new decision?"

Hou Shock has now learned to observe words and colors. Hearing Yang Ming's question, he knew that he should have other plans in his heart.

"Let's get a waiter in a subordinate hotel, and let's get fired." Yang Ming waved his hand: "Gang her some face and talk to her later."

Although I don't know why Yang Ming changed his decision, Hou Shock naturally won't ask so much. Yiyan nodded: "Okay, I'll talk to her later."

Jing Xiaolu was a little confused, but she didn't ask Yang Ming anything in front of Hou Shock. She knew her position. Since Yang Ming did this, he was willing to make sense.

Sure enough, Yang Ming explained to her, "I'll talk to you about this later. It's more complicated.

"Good." Jing Xiaolu was very happy. Yang Ming could take the initiative to explain this to her. In her opinion, Yang Ming is a very domineering person. He can't do anything and doesn't need to explain anything to her, especially the relationship between the two people has reached that point.

"It's almost time. Let's have a meeting. I'll just find a place to listen." Yang Ming looked at the time. It was almost nine o'clock, and it was the scheduled meeting time.

"Brother Yang, your seat's seat... I'm arranged on the rostrum, next to my seat..." Hou shocked said quickly.

"The rostrum?" Yang Ming was a little helpless after hearing this: "Well, let's go to the rostrum. It doesn't matter."

Jing Xiaolu is a little envious of Yang Ming. Ordinary people want to sit on the rostrum, but they can't. He doesn't want to sit. How good it would be if he were himself? I don't know when I can sit on the rostrum, even if I sit on the edge.

Follow Yang Ming, Bao Sanli and Hou shocked them directly from the small door of rest to enter the conference announcement. Jing Xiaolu was also a little vain. After all, she came out of here, and every time she was the leader of the company, and she also followed these people out, and her intangible value also increased a lot.

Yang Ming took a look at the name sign on the rostrum. Sure enough, his name was next to Hou Shock, which belonged to the center of the rostrum. On the other side of Hou Shock was the name of Bao Sanli. I think if he didn't come, Bao Sanli should also be sitting in the middle.

On the right side of the violent Sanli is a name that Yang Ming has heard of, but he is not familiar with. He is also one of the vice presidents of the company. And my left... huh?

Yang Ming was stunned. He didn't expect that Jing Xiaolu's position was on his left, but then he thought that Jing Xiaolu would soon be appointed as the executive deputy general manager of the company, which was not surprising.

Although Jing Xiaolu's ability may be outstanding, and her own factors also account for the vast majority, but the most important thing is that because of the defection of Qu Daming and Liu Shan, two seats have been vacating.

Otherwise, it is impossible for a formal company to set up an unlimited position as a vice president, a radish and a pit. If they hadn't fallen out of the position, Jing Xiaolu would not have been able to take office so quickly and easily.

Jing Xiaolu didn't go to see the sign on the rostrum. It was impossible for her to think that her sign would appear on it. Out of the lounge, Daylight began to look for a vacant seat on the conference table to see if there was anyone she knew well.

"Xiao Lu, this way." Seeing that Jing Xiaolu was about to go to the conference table, Yang Ming quickly called her out.

"Ah?" Jing Xiaolu was stunned and turned her head, but saw Yang Ming reaching out and pointing to the rostrum. Jing Xiaolu looked over in surprise, but found an incredible fact! His name appeared on the rostrum, next to Yang Ming's signature. However, at this moment, Jing Xiaolu didn't realize anything. She just thought that because of Yang Ming, Bao Sanli and Hou Shock had arranged her position here.

However, even if it is only once, Jing Xiaolu will show her face in the company. Those who talk about themselves behind their backs will also shut up at this moment. The previous rumor that his boyfriend knew the senior management of the company will also become a reality, and yesterday's unrealistic online rumor will also be broken.

Under the gaze of the whole company's employees, Jing Xiaolu walked up with Yang Ming with her head held high. Yang Ming smiled.

Jing Xiaolu was just questioned and misunderstood by her colleagues yesterday, and it is normal to raise her eyebrows today. At least, Jing Xiaolu sat on the rostrum, and no one contacted her with that funny online post.

At the beginning, Jing Xiaolu was still a little trembling. Sitting on the rostrum, she felt very uncomfortable.

Whether she feels so majestic or dazzling, she is a little tied up. Facing so many company employees under the rostrum, Jing Xiaolu feels a little constrained.

Yang Ming also saw this and smiled: "It's okay. Just think they are all flowers and plants. Let's sit here and watch the scenery."

Yang Ming naturally did not have stage fright. He had already gone through the moment of stage fright. At the beginning of the school, when he compared with Ren Jianren of the Taekwondo Society, he didn't know what stage fright was.

As soon as Yang Ming and others came on stage, the employees below began to whisper. I think that most of their topics should still revolve around Jing Xiaolu's kerosene method. They don't know Yang Ming. "Naturally, it's hard to guess Yang Ming's identity, but Jing Xiaolu is different. She was originally an employee of the On the stage, it is inevitable that there will be some speculation below.

However, when everyone sat on the rostrum, the people below would be quiet, because the meeting seemed to be about to begin. First of all, the speech is naturally shocking.

Hou Zhen's body has a faint style of superiors. It is no longer like the ignorant veteran at the beginning. Hou Zhen's words are concise, and he briefly introduces the company's discipline and the key explanations about the company's rumors in the past two days.

"Malicious posting and slandering colleagues. This kind of behavior is seriously prohibited by us. Everyone knows the beginning and end of this matter. We have also investigated who did it." Hou said shockingly, "If there is a contradiction, you can come to us to mediate, but using this means to frame it, which has constituted Crime, this is slander! We are a formal company and a positive group. I will never allow such morally corrupt people to mix in the company!"

Wang Xiaoran didn't expect that this meeting was aimed at this matter. Although he saw Jing Xiaolu's famous rostrum before, he guessed that the meeting must have something to do with Jing Xiaolu, but Wang Xiaoran didn't expect that Hou Zhen would support Jing Xiaolu so strongly. It seemed that Yu Chi's cousin was really not an

However, when Hou Shock said that he had investigated who did it, Wang Xiaoran's heart tightened, didn't he? My own post is very hidden. It is a post that my colleagues post after work. No one should see it.

Even if you can find out that it is a company's post, there is no reason to doubt yourself. Wang Xiaoran still knows a little simple computer knowledge. With the company's post, the post can only show the company's extranet IP. So many employees in the company share an extranet IP. Where can I check it?

Moreover, the ID of the post was just registered by her, which is simply the new vest ID, which is even more difficult to check. Therefore, thinking of this, Wang Xiaoran felt that Hou Shock was alarmist. He did not find out who did it at all. The only thing that can be certain is that he found the person who posted the post. It's someone in the company.

Thinking of this, Wang Xiaoran calmed down and listened to the meeting with an attitude that was none of his business.

However, when others heard that this post was posted by the company's insiders, they were surprised. However, because they didn't do it, they were just surprised and didn't make any special reaction.

Wang Xiaoran's frightened expression naturally fell into the eyes of Yang Ming, Hou Shock and others. They had been paying attention to this person. When Hou Shock saw that Wang Xiaoran had nothing to do with me, he continued to say lightly, "This is the first time. We won't pursue this. It's human responsibility, but if there is a second time, it will never be tolerated and fired on the spot!"

Hearing that it was not investigated, Wang Xiaoran was more at ease and relieved. But when he heard Hou's shocking next sentence, his heart was picked up again.

"However, I hope that this person can take the initiative to find me or the general manager after the meeting and admit his mistake, so we will not blame the past, and if we are still stubborn, then don't blame us for being rude." Hou Shock said, "There is only one chance. I don't want this person to miss it."

After saying that, Hou shocked paused for a moment, waiting for the reaction of the grassland employees.

Wang Xiaoran's heart was in a mess. When she heard Hou's shocking words, she didn't know what to do. Do you admit it or not? According to the meaning of looking for Hou's shock, as long as you admit it, then you will not be blamed in the past. If you don't admit it, you will be punished.

But he really knows who did this? Wang Xiaoran doesn't believe it! The secret she did was so secret that no one could see it. She felt that he must have deliberately said so to be alarmist.

Although I admit it myself, maybe Hou Shock can fulfill his promise and not fire her, but it is hard to guarantee that she will have a bad impression on her, and it is unlikely to be promoted with the help of Yu Chi's relationship in the future.

So, if you sink down and pretend to have nothing to do with yourself, it should be safer, but does Hou Shock know who did itâ– ?

Hou Shock and the people below came to their senses and continued, "Okay, now for the second content of the conference, please read out the company's latest rules and regulations."

The previous rules and regulations were adapted from the employee code at night. Many places were not in place, and there were many loopholes, which were not suitable for the big company itself at all. However, because of the tight time, it did not affect the overall situation, so it was not modified.

But recently, there have been a series of accident in the company. Two vice presidents have absconded with donations, and the employee discipline is loose. Violent Sanli and Hou shocked didn't sleep all night yesterday. They consulted several experts overnight and rushed out such a new set of company discipline.

This time, the company's discipline is targeted. The people below listened very carefully, and Yang Ming also nodded secretly, but Jing Xiaolu did not know what it was the point of being called to sit on the rostrum.

Jing Xiaolu is very smart, but sometimes she is a fan of the authorities. When everyone speculates that Jing Xiaolu is going to be promoted, she is kept in the dark.

Hou Shock waited for Bao Sanli to read the company's discipline, and continued to say, "Okay. The company's discipline will be printed out in a moment and sent to everyone's hands. It will be implemented from the first day of next month, giving everyone half a month of adaptation time.

The employees below were relieved and felt that Mr. Hou was still very humane, at least giving them time to digest the new company's discipline, so that they would not unconsciously violate the discipline before they could remember the company's probability.

After half a month, they were basically familiar with and adapted, and everyone nodded in recognition.

"Next, announce the latest personnel appointments of several companies." Hou's shocked voice was very flat, but the conference room suddenly calmed down. This is a major event for the company, and no one can be careless.

Although only a few people have been promoted, most people also have to hear clearly who has been promoted, whether they have a grudge against themselves, and how to deal with them in the future.

"Nominated by the company's management and submitted to the board of directors for approval, Jing Xiaolu, the former assistant manager, served as the executive deputy general manager of the company, mainly responsible for the finance department, the personnel department and the marketing department." Speaking of this, Hou shocked paused, turned his head and said to Jing Xiaolu, "Mr. Jing, congratulations."

Then, there was warm applause. In fact, from the moment Jing Xiaolu sat on the rostrum, the employees below also guessed that Jing Xiaolu would be promoted, and it must be a low position. "If you can sit on the rostrum, you must be at least at the level of deputy general manager.

It's just that everyone didn't expect that Jing Xiaolu would be promoted to executive vice president, which is much more powerful than that of an ordinary vice president. Moreover, what everyone didn't expect was that Jing Xiaolu was actually responsible for the three most important departments in the company, in charge of the company's financial power and personnel power! This was the responsibility of Qu Daming and Liu Shan in the past. They were also responsible for the procurement department at the beginning, but compared with Jing Xiaolu, who was responsible for three departments, there is no need to compare who has more power.

If Jing Xiaolu is directly responsible for the four departments, it will be a little eye-catching and unrealistic. Now it is the limit to be responsible for the three departments.

All of them have cast envious eyes. Jing Xiaolu will be a rising star in the company. No matter what her age she is now, she is even a student, but it is undeniable that she has become the third person in the company who has the right to speak, second only to Hou Shock and Violent Sanli.

However, in the applause, the most overwhelmed thing was Min Jing Xiaolu himself. Jing Xiaolu was dumbfounded after Hou shocked announced the appointment! Did you become the executive vice president?

So fast? She really didn't believe the facts in front of her. Is this a dream? Cui and Fu came so fast that she didn't have time to distinguish the true from the false, and she was overwhelmed by the applause...

Yang Ming looked at Jing Xiaolu's silly look and couldn't help laughing: "Xiaolu, congratulations!"

Hearing Yang Ming's words, Jing Xiaolu knew that all this was true. It was not a dream. She was really promoted to the executive vice president. Next, she didn't hear Hou Zhen's several personnel appointments clearly, and her head was messy and blank.

But the next appointments are irrelevant. They are the department managers of the following departments. They are not qualified to sit on the rostrum.

The applause sounded, obviously congratulating every promoted employee.

Of course, the most unpleasant thing is Wang Xiaoran. Jing Xiaolu became the executive vice president, which is simply beyond her expectation. Yesterday, she was an ordinary assistant manager. Even the manager was not, but today she has become the third-in-command of the company. The speed of this transformation is really difficult for her to accept.

She is a little annoyed. Yu Chi's cousin is really true. There are so many people in the company who have been promoted. Why is there no Qi Chi? At the end of the day, Wang Xiaoran was disappointed and retic.

Jing Xiaolu has become the executive vice president. She is just a woman. Yu Chi is a real relative?

[Ti: Dear book friend, the current chapter has reached the last page of the book]