very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1324 Find door-to-door cooperation

Later, I went back. The main purpose of coming here this time was to teach Jing Xiaowei. Unexpectedly, it was. There seems to be unexpected gains.

"If you want to say high-end, it's Songjiang International Hotel, which is the most high-class hotel here." Section Chief Yan said, "But the price will be more expensive

Liu Ji Fei Xin Dao. It's not that I paid the bill, but it's my treat. At that time, I will definitely think of a reason for the violent Sanli to take the initiative to buy the bill. So he said, "Then set it there

How did Section Chief Yan know Liu Jifei's flower intestines? I thought he really wanted to treat him, so he nodded and said, "Okay. Then I'll call to book a private room, and I'll inform Bao Sanli. How about we set it at 11:30 noon?

"Eh, it's just 11:30. Liu Jifei nodded and began to think about how to seize this famous security company for a while.

Yan Zongchang took the initiative to call and booked a room. Songjiang International Hotel is the only five-star hotel in Songjiang. It's a little late to book a room at this time. After all, it's very popular there.

However, Section Chief Yan is from the Bureau of Industry and Commerce. Although he is a section chief with no real power, after all, he is a section chief. He has no real power, but his colleagues have it. Who can guarantee that he does not have a good real power figure in the unit?

Therefore, when Section Chief Yan reported himself to his home. Songjiang International Hotel still gave him a reserved private room. Every hotel will have this kind of reserved room, even if it is full. I won't order it from my sister. It is to prevent such an emergency.

The relationship in this society is complicated, and there are many ways to find relationships. For example, Section Chief Yan has some small power, but is there any more powerful power in the ***? No one can say.

Therefore, if there is no violation of the principle, the face of this kind of person should be taken care of as much as possible.

"It's done! After booking a room, Section Chief Yan was a little proud. He said that his face was still very useful. "It's very difficult to book the private room of Songjiang International Hotel. It can be done two or three days in advance, and even foreign guests have to book in advance! However, it's for me to give me face! It was squeezed out of other people's hands!"

"Ha ha, I knew Uncle Yan must have a way." In the face of Chief Yan's self-praise, Liu Jifei praised without saying anything. The Liu family has run the hotel industry. How can they not understand the rules?

People like Section Chief Yan book a room. Of course, the pre-determined ones will be taken out. However, he did not expose his lies and admit that he was bragging, but he thought in his heart whether he could take advantage of Chief Yan's power to take the violent company into his own.

Bao Sanli hung up the phone inexplicably. The phone was brainless. Unexpectedly, the person from the Industry and Commerce Bureau introduced a person to cooperate. Bao Sanli did not dare to make his own decision. He called Yang Ming to ask him what to do about this matter.

Yang Mingwang went back to school, and the phone rang. He took a look at Bao Sanli, so he picked it up: "Brother Bao. Why did you call me as soon as we separated? What's the matter?" "Brother Yang, I just received a phone call from the Bureau of Industry and Commerce.

"Industry and Commerce Bureau? What is the Industry and Commerce Bureau looking for you for? Yang Ming is also a little surprised, but his companies pay management fees on time, and there is no illegal operation. What did the Industry and Commerce Bureau do at this time?

"He said that a foreign customer wanted to cooperate with our security company and arrange to meet at noon. I don't know if he really has sincerity in this regard or simply wants to fight the autumn wind. Bao Sanli hesitated and said his own ideas. The longer he spent dealing with people from all walks of life in society. The more I know how deep the pool of business is, although I used to dominate the bottom society as a gangster, I really have to take it to the table to talk about it. There are many people who can overwhelm him.

"Oh? If you only ask for money through relationships, and the amount is not large, then just let it go. Yang Ming can't worry about these little things every day. These things can be entrusted to Sanli to deal with them.

"Okay, I know that Bao Sanli got Yang Ming's instructions, and I have a bottom in my heart. After all, it is impossible for my identity to shout and kill now. If an enterprise wants to be big, it must be appropriate in all aspects, and it is also necessary to always guard against these villains who come to fight the autumn wind. If you really offend them, sometimes things will become difficult.

"What's the matter? Something about the company? Jing Xiaoru heard Yang Ming mention the violent Sanli on the phone. She guessed that it should be something from the company, so she asked, and she didn't dare to ask about Yang Ming's other things casually. And if it's about the company, there will be no problem. She is now the vice president of the company, and it's nothing to ask about these things.

"Oh, Bao Sanli called and said that the person from the Industry and Commerce Bureau introduced him to a businessman who wanted to cooperate with us. I don't know if he is here to fight Qiu Feng." Yang Ming did not hide it from Jing Xiaowei: "Let's make an appointment to have lunch together."

"Oh? Cooperation? Why don't I follow and check it for you? Jing Xiaoru asked.

"You? It's okay. Yang Ming originally wanted to say that you would follow him to join in the fun, but he thought that Jing Wei was very shrewd and would not be easily deceived. With her, he would also prevent the other party's people from opening their mouths and taking advantage unscrupulously.

"Then I'll go back to the company to find the boss in a minute." Jing Xiaolu nodded.'s

Liu Jifei let Chief Yan set the time. Then he called Bao Sanli and confirmed the time.

Of course, Section Chief Yan will not go to the banquet with him. This old fox is very clear about where he is. It is impossible to act rashly until everything is clear.

Liu Jifei said that he came to talk about cooperation, but his Liu family has a lot of business. Is this cooperation fair? It's hard to say whether the other party is willing or not. If he intervenes rashly, he may not get credit. On the contrary, he was regarded as collusion with officials and merchants, and his future career was gloomy. So Chief Yan is not so stupid. He set it up first. Bridge, let Liu Jifei talk about it by himself.

If it doesn't work out, it has nothing to do with him. When the matter is settled, he can completely pick peaches again. After all, he led this matter, so he won't lose anything.

"Well, I have made an appointment for you. You can go to the box of Songjiang International Hotel at noon. I didn't go to Section Yan and said, "There will be a meeting in the afternoon. It's too late

Liu Jifei was originally in charge of a conspiracy, so of course he didn't want to be followed by Section Chief Yan. At that time, some words would be difficult to say, but it would be in the way. What he wants to do with Section Chief Yan is to match the bridge and let him get in touch with the violent Sanli. He doesn't have to worry about other things. Hearing that Section Chief Yan can't go, Liu Jifei was suddenly overjoyed.

He was worried about this before. I was thinking about what kind of interface to ask Section Chief Yan not to follow me. As a result, before I could speak, Section Chief Yan himself took the initiative not to go. Is there anything better than this?

So. Liu Jifei pretended to be regretful and said, "Mr. Yan. It's a pity that you can't follow." Hey, but the meeting can't be delayed. It's still important. I'm very grateful that you can help me match the bridge. I'll treat you to dinner alone another day.


Yan Jichang waved his hand and said with a smile, "It's good to say, but I'm calculating. This cooperation has really been promoted by myself, so I'm also a meritorious minister. How can I get credit from the leader?

After Liu Jifei came out of the Industry and Commerce Bureau, he went straight to the Liu family's office in Songjiang. Xu Xiaobin is also a relative of the Liu family, but he is one level worse than Liu Jifei. He is not out of the hall, but a relative of a little blood.

Therefore, Xu Xiaobin was even more untuted within the group. He was assigned to Songjiang, where the Liu family had no business at all, and made him the director of the Songjiang office of the Liu Group!

It is called to let him expand the market, but the family has no connections here at all. With tens of thousands of yuan of office expenses per year. Where can Xu Xiaobin expand the market? Who will cooperate with him?

"It seems that Xiaobin, you are also unwilling to be silent! Do you also want to make a breakthrough?" Liu Jifei also wanted to pull Xu Xiaobin into the group. Hearing his words, you don't have to talk about it anymore.

"Of course, why don't you want to?" Xu Xiaobin's heart jumped and felt that there seemed to be a door! However, on the surface, he still looks extremely distressed: "What's the use of just thinking? We don't even have a chance. How can you make a difference? Even if you have this heart, you don't have that strength!"

"Hehe, Xiaobin, don't worry!" Liu Jifei smiled and said, "Brother, I came here with the project this time. If you have nothing to do. Just do it with me!"

"Are you serious about this?" Xu Xiao'e was stunned and didn't expect Liu Jifei to be so happy.

"Of course!" Liu Jifei nodded and said, "I happen to be short of a pioneer assistant!" You know, there are some things that I can't come forward with. I have to have a spokesperson!"

Although Xu Xiaobin didn't understand why Liu Jifei couldn't come forward, since Liu Jifei wanted to pull him to do a big career, how could he refuse? He quickly answered, "Being the favor of Brother Fei, I will do my best to help Brother Fei take down the project here. Brother Fei, I will be your pawn in the future!"

Liu Jifei is very satisfied with Xu Xiaobin's attitude. He patted him on the shoulder and said, "In a moment, I made an appointment with Bao Sanli, the general manager of Mingyang Security Company, to talk about cooperation."

"Ah? Do you want to cooperate with Bao Sanli? Xu Xiaoyu was stunned and looked at Liu Jifei in surprise.

"What's wrong? Do you know this violent Sanli? Is there something wrong?" Liu Jifei subconsciously took precautions. Fortunately, he didn't say too much.

"Know! Why don't you know? In Songjiang, everyone who eats a little bit knows the name of Bao Sanli!" Xu Xiaobin said, "I have been in Songjiang for more than a year. How can I not know his name?"

"Is it very famous?" Liu Jifei frowned.

"I used to be a gangster here in Songjiang, with another gangster named Yu Xiangde, and then entered the detention center, and then later. After coming out, he kicked Yu Xiangde out of the Songjiang boundary. Xu Xiaobin said briefly, "After that, I don't know why, I began to start a serious business, and suddenly it became popular. Because of his previous identity, many people in Songjiang gave him face."

"It's just a little gangster. What can you do?" Hearing Xu Xiaobin's words, Liu Jifei was almost the same as what Section Chief Yan said. He was also relieved and curled his lips indifferently: "It's no big deal!"

Xu Xiaobin couldn't help laughing and cry. This man really came from a big group and didn't pay attention to others: "If we want to cooperate with others, we must show our sincerity, right? This attitude is not conducive to cooperation. Although the violent three stands in the eyes of your Master Liu, he is also a well-known figure in Songjiang. Let's find others to cooperate. If we still have such a high-level attitude, it won't work."

Liu Jifei didn't want to tell Xu Xiaobin about his plan now. On the one hand, he was afraid that Xu Bin's mouth was not strict and unreliable and messed up the matter. Second, he was afraid that he would tell Xu Xiaobin about the matter. Xu Xiaobin would be timid and dare not continue to do it

Looking at Xu Xiaobin's fearful tone and appearance, Liu Jifei felt that he could not tell him his plan, at least for the time being.

"Hehe, I have this temper, so I don't ask you for help?" Liu Jifei smiled and said, "You know that the environment I lived in when I was a child. It is rarely inferior to people"

Liu Jifei began to talk nonsense. Anyway, Xu Xiaobin didn't know. It doesn't matter if he can talk nonsense.

"So that's it." Xu Xiaobin nodded: "However, we all need to pay attention to peace and wealth in our business! Inequality can offend people."

"Yes, but it doesn't matter. You are an snoian in this field, and these social activities are all handed over to you." Liu Jifei said, "I'll tell you what I'm going to talk about later. Just attend the banquet for me, and I won't show up."