very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1335 Intentional Tscheming

Even if Yang Ming is suspected of stepping on two boats, it can only be said that it is a little immoral, but he can't do anything to him.

Xu Qianxing sighed slightly. What's good about Yang Ming? Why do beautiful women like him all the time? Chen Mengyan, the department of the School of Economics and Management, is Yang Ming's gossip girlfriend. Yulin Zhiyunyi has an inexplicable relationship with him. I heard that Zhou Jiajia, the department of the computer department, also seems to be very close to Yang Ming... It seems that I have to think of something. If I want Lin Zhiyun and Yang Ming Buy it over there. Well, here, Xu Qianxing began to meditate.

Chen Mengyan looked at the stage a little distracted. Yang Ming, who was worshipped by tens of thousands of college students, and Lin Zhiyun, who was sought after. Their exquisite performance and the brilliance on the stage made Chen Mengyan feel a little disappointed.

Although Lin Zhiyun has long regarded her as a family, now when I see her and Yang Ming performing on the same stage, I still feel a little uncomfortable.

In fact, why doesn't Chen Mengyan want to perform on the same stage with Yang Ming? However, sometimes, "If you should make a choice, you must make a gesture. Now Chen Mengyan found that she, Yang Ming's real girlfriend, is actually not easy to be. She should not only have an tolerant heart, but also sacrifice her own interests to fulfill others in many cases.

What's there to do with the seemingly majestic elder sister? Chen Mengyan sighed, but there was nothing she could do. Either be the enemy of all the women who have an affair with Yang Ming, and make trouble all day, or you have to be at peace with them.

In the first case, Yang Ming doesn't want to see it, and Chen Mengyan herself doesn't want to see it. The days of intrigue are too tiring. What's more, Lin Zhiyun and Zhou Jiajia are the kind of people who have no quarrel with the world, and Chen Mengyan doesn't want to have a bad relationship with them.

And the second situation is the current situation. In order to show his generosity and tolerance, he had to make a lot of concessions. Fortunately, Lin Zhiyun and Zhou Jiajia were not the kind of people, which made Chen Mengyan very comforting.

As a cadre of the school's student union and the chairman of the department's student union, Chen Mengyan naturally has to participate in the art festival performance. At the beginning, she said with Lin Zhiyun and Yang Ming that she wanted to perform the program with the department's student union, just to give Lin Zhiyun the opportunity to perform on the same stage with Yang Ming.

Sister Lin's nature is a little weak, and she has never participated in a similar performance. "How can Chen Mengyan ask her to perform on the stage by herself? Since she had promised Xu Qianxing to perform on the stage, it was impossible to ignore what she said with her personality. Anyway, she would perform the show, so Chen Mengyan decided to let Yang Ming accompany her.

Chen Mengyan herself, in any case, is a cadre of the Student Union. She usually sees a lot of big scenes. Even without Yang Ming's company, she can deal with it very well.

At that time, I thought it was easy, but at this moment, Chen Mengyan was still a little lost. Seeing Yang Ming and Lin Zhiyun get off the stage and sit back beside her, Chen Mengyan quickly came back from her previous sad mood and tried to make her smile look more natural. "The performance is very successful. Congratulations!"

"If Sister Mengyan comes to the stage, the letter will definitely be better than mine." Lin Zhiyun said shyly, "Didn't I make a mistake when I was nervous before? If it hadn't been for Yang Ming's comfort, I wouldn't have known what to do. Sister Mengyan will definitely not do it.

Lin Zhiyun's words made Chen Mengyan feel a little depressed and much more comfortable. She knew that Lin Zhiyun's words were from the bottom of her heart, so she took her hand and said, "Ha ha, you're not bad." While talking, Tian Donghua and Zhang Bin also came back, and the two were still dragging the amplifier and loudspeaker. Boss, how's it going? We didn't humiliate you, did we? Zhang Bin said with a smile, "At the critical moment, it's up to us to turn the world around." If you want to turn the world around, it's all what I said, okay? You are responsible for dragging the power. Tian Donghua smiled and pushed Zhang Bin aside.

"You two live, but it really adds a lot of color to this performance. It's very interactive!" After hearing this, Yang Ming laughed and said, "Ren Jianren and Li Jiasheng were not unprepared before. I think there are people under the stage who stirred up trouble, but they didn't expect you two to be more fierce and directly dragged the loudspeaker to appear. This is really their tragedy." But boss, tell us, in the end, Li Jiasheng and Ren Jianren killed each other, is it your credit? Tian Donghua knew Yang Ming's skills. His father, a disciple of the Shaolin secular family, was defeated by Yang Ming. It can be seen that Yang Ming is powerful!

You know, Shaolin and Wudang are the two factions, but Wulin Supreme, how can the people who come out of them be weak? Such people are not Yang Ming's opponents. Ren Jianren and Li Jiasheng, who know a little about taekwondo, are even less his opponents. Ha ha, I didn't do anything. They are so far away from me. What can I do? Yang Ming smiled and shrugged his shoulders; "If you don't believe it, ask Zhiyun."

The two thought that it was hard to say that there were too many outsiders now, and they didn't care. Anyway, they had regarded Yang Ming as a super powerful existence in their hearts. They didn't think that Ren Jianren and Li Jiasheng had suffered such a big loss today, just by chance, because of their own mistakes.

Xu Qianxing walked anxiously in the background. He had been thinking about Lin Zhiyun's affairs. This was the only girl he was attracted to. He must take her for himself!

In fact, Xu Qianxing himself knows very well that even if he pursues Lin Zhiyun, he will not be able to marry him in the future. His family does not allow him to marry such a girl without background.

Whether he is in business or politics in the future, his family will introduce him to a young lady from the same family. This young lady may be extremely ugly, or much older or much smaller than herself, but these are not important, because for the sake of her own career, these are all investments!

However, Xu Qianxing is unwilling. He is unwilling to marry a woman he doesn't like and spend his life with her in the future. He wants to find a girl he likes to hide in the golden house!

Xu Qian walks as a person who likes perfection. There is also a reason why he began to attack Lin Zhiyun now, rather than waiting for him to become powerful before raising a lover.

He wants a perfect woman, and this woman must also love him. The maintenance relationship based on the golden ruthenium relationship is not reliable at all, but there is a danger of breaking himself in at any time.

Therefore, before all this happens, he wants to deal with Lin Zhiyun and let the girl fall deeply in love with himself. In this way, even if he wants to marry another woman in the future, as long as he knows her well and believes that with Lin Zhiyun's character, he will be his own underground lover silently. Thinking of Lin Zhiyun being pressed under him, Xu Qianxing was hot-blooded for a while.

He decided that Yang Ming and Lin Zhiyun must be separated as soon as possible, and this matter can only be started from Chen Mengyan. As long as Chen Mengyan is prepared for Yang Ming, everything will be said.

Of course, one more thing to do is to let Yang Ming and Chen Mengyan be together as much as possible. In this way, I believe that a girl as smart as Lin Zhiyun should keep a good distance from Yang Ming.

Thinking of this, Xu Qianxing smiled, quietly stepped off the stage, and quickly walked to an inconspicuous corner of the corridor. Looking around, Xu Qianxing took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone.

"Hey, is it the right government? I'm Xu Qianxing. Where are you? Xu Qianxing asked in a low voice. However, in this auditorium, even if you speak loudly, you will be overwhelmed by the sound of sketches on the stage and the laughter off the stage. Oh? It's Chairman Xu. I'm watching the performance under the stage. What can I do for you? As soon as the right politician heard that it was Xu Qianxing, the chairman of the Student Union, he quickly asked nervously.

He intends to go further. He is now the president of the student union of the School of Economics. If you can go further, when you become the vice chairman of the colonel's student union, you will have the hope of staying in school after graduation, so Xu Qianxing was very flatt with the right government.

"Oh, come here for a moment. I have something to do with you." Xu Qianxing glanced at his surroundings and said, "I'm next to the safe exit at the bottom right of the stage. You can see me when you come over." OK, Chairman Xu, I'll be there right now. The right politician said quickly.

Xu Qianxing naturally knows the thoughts of the right politicians, and it is precisely because he knows the thoughts of the right politicians that it is possible to use them.

It didn't take long to see the right politicians trotted past. Seeing Xu Qianxing, a humble smile immediately appeared on his face, "Chairman Xu, I've kept you waiting for a long time! I sit in the back seat, and it's more difficult to get out. I have to pass by a few classmates.

"Um, it doesn't matter." Xu Qianxing patted the right politicians on the shoulder with a smile, "Right politicians, do you have any further ideas? I, the president of the student union, will always be corrected, and I will vamit a position of executive vice chairman. However, this executive vice chairman is worried about his life, but he is much better than you now, and he is no more comfortable and idle now.

The right politician's heart moved, and he looked at Xu Qianxing in disbelief! He really wants to go further and be the vice chairman of the student union, but he doesn't want to be the executive vice president!

What he thinks is that it is very good to be a minister who has the title of vice chairman and an insignificant department. For example, it is also good to be a department such as the Ministry of Health that has no real power and often makes great efforts.

But what he never expected was that Xu Qianxing would let him be the executive vice chairman as soon as he opened his mouth, and the right politicians were immediately stunned. Some people did not believe that it was true.

You know, although Xu Qianxing is now the acting chairman, and his original position was the executive vice-chairman of the student union, after he took a step forward, there are still several ministers and vice-chairmen staring at the vacant position. It's not his turn to be the right politicians!

However, the matter is so strange that Xu Qianxing just mentioned it to him! The right politicians are not afraid of too many things to do. He can't wait for him to work more. He can show his face in front of the school leaders and the school league committee. If he stays in the school in the future, it will be relatively smooth.

There is no ability in the home of the right politicians, and it is not in this city. Under the huge employment pressure, staying in school has undoubtedly become a good way out! However, not everyone can stay in school.

Throughout the past college students who have stayed in school, except for those children of faculty and staff or students who have a way, there are only the cadres of the student union! Moreover, the higher the job level of the student union, the more likely it is to stay in school!

Generally, as long as I get to the position of vice chairman of the student union, if I want to stay in school, I can usually stay. After all, many students who have reached this position do not like Guangdong Terrier 70, but the right government has no way, and there is no backer, so they have to have the intention of staying in school

Xu Qianxing's idea is naturally clear. The delay in not expressing his position before was because Xu Qianxing felt that there was no need to mind his own business.

This right-wing politician is not his own cronies. Why do you care about those other things? Therefore, when the right politician implicitly expressed to him that he wanted to go further, Xu Qianxing only thought that he did not understand.

Now, Xu Qianxing can immediately use this right-wing politician. Naturally, he remembered that he wanted to sacrifice himself, so Xu Qianxing agreed directly.

The right politicians are not stupid. There must be a reason for Xu Qianxing's promise. Since the right politicians have long begun to want to drill into the aspect of staying in school, they naturally have a deep understanding of the world. He and Xu Qianxing mentioned several times that they wanted to be a vice chairman, but Xu Qianxing didn't say anything.

Think about it. My ability is not very outstanding, and there is nothing that can help Xu Qianxing. It is also a reasonable thing for people to ignore themselves. But today, Xu Qianxing took the initiative to mention this matter, and promised him to become the executive vice chairman of the Student Union, which revealed something unusual.

When things happen to impermanence, there must be demons. The right-wing politicians do not think that they are suddenly domineering, which makes Xu Qianxing value himself at once. He is still very clear about his own weight. Therefore, he thought about it. It is most likely that Xu Qianxing asked himself to do something Y

But what can you do by yourself? Xu Qianxing is the chairman of the Student Union, and his family is very capable in this city. The right politicians don't think he has anything to ask for.

Zuo Siyou couldn't think of it, so he had to respectfully express his determination: "Chairman Xu, don't worry, I will definitely live up to my high expectations and do a good job! Don't be afraid of fatigue, don't be afraid of hardship, and don't be afraid of too many things. As long as you are under the leadership of Chairman Xu, I believe I can definitely overfulfilled the task!" Well, it would be nice if you had this decision. Xu Qianxing smiled secretly. Do you think you are a primary school student writing essays? Still overfulfilled the task?

"Don't worry, Chairman Xu. In the future, I will resolutely obey your orders. I will do whatever you ask me to do!" The right government and people's livelihood were afraid that their determination was not loyal enough, so they quickly added another sentence.

Hearing the words of the right government, Xu Qianxing nodded with satisfaction. That's what he was waiting for. He glanced at the right politician and said, "As long as you have this awareness, work hard. This position is yours!" Thank you, Chairman Xu, for your cultivation!" The right politician said quickly. Xu Qianxing said, "Now, I have something to trouble you to do.

The right government and the people's heart, sure enough, they are lucky to do it by themselves. How can there be a good thing about pie falling from the sky? However, the right politicians are very confused. Xu Qianxing is looking for what he wants to do! However, he felt that as long as he could do it, he would definitely do everything.

"Chairman Xu, it's not normal for you to have something to tell us to do as subordinates? How can it be called trouble?" The right politician smiled quietly and said, "If you have anything to do, just say it!"

"En" Xu Qianxing only now feels that this You Zhengshi is very close to his appetite. He nodded and said, "Actually, things are also very simple. After a while, you and Chen Mengyan will perform poetry recitation together, right?

"Yes, what's wrong, Chairman Xu?" The right politician didn't know what Xu Qianxing was doing when he asked this, so he quickly asked. After a while, he did perform with Chen Mengyan, which is one of the programs released by the Student Union of the Department of Economics!

He went to recite a poem, and Chen Mengyan played the piano soundtrack. This is a very ordinary program, and he doesn't have any talent, but as the chairman of the student union of the Department of Economics, he can't perform anything, so he reluctantly plays the soundtrack poetry recitation, which is a program.

Although Chen Mengyan's piano is not as good as the previous piano Xiao Wang's bullet, after all, she has been learned since she was a child. Although she did not pass those highest-level professional exams, she has also passed the national CET-6 piano exam, which is also very good.

Chen Mengyan doesn't pay attention to what program she plays. Anyway, she has to be on the stage, so she just needs to go through the show. The poetry recitation they want to perform is Wang Meng's "Long Live Youth", and Chen Mengyan plays "Mysterious Garden" as the soundtrack.

This is a relatively good program, but it is a little too orthodox for college students in this era. However, Chen Mengyan doesn't want to recite poems about love with him. "So I can only choose such a youth that has something to do with college students. However, this long live youth is still very good, which makes people feel the vitality of young people. You will tell Chen Mengyan in a moment that you have a stomachache and can't act. Let her find someone to replace you. Xu Qianxing ordered. Ah?" The right politicians were stunned and didn't understand why Xu Qianxing came up with such an inexplicable idea. What? Is there a problem?" Xu Qianxing frowned. The boy promised to swear just now, but now he has changed his mind? Is it possible that this boy has a fancy to Chen Mengyan and wants to get close to her?

"!" The right politician was shocked. He was afraid that Xu Qianxing would misunderstand him, so he hurriedly said, "Of course, there is no problem, but it's not easy to explain at the school, right? In case Chen Mengyan can't find anyone, won't it affect the image of the student union of the Department of Economics?